HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix I - Traffic Impace Analysis Appendix I Traffic Impact Analysis Foothill & Tokay Avenue Traffic Impact Analysis City of Fontana, California Prepared for: Hunsaker & Associates, Inc. 3 Hughes Irvine, CA 92618 Prepared by: TJW ENGINEERING, INC. 9841 Irvine Center Dr, Suite 200 Irvine, CA 92618 June 27, 2022 9841 Irvine Center Dr, Suite 200 | Irvine, California 92618 | t: (949) 878-3509 www.tjwengineering.com June 27, 2022 Ms. Gia Kim Engineering Manager 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Subject: Traffic Impact Analysis: Foothill & Tokay Avenue City of Fontana CA Dear Ms. Kim: TJW ENGINEERING, INC. (TJW) is pleased to present you with this traffic impact analysis for the proposed Foothill & Tokay Avenue the project located northwest of Foothill Boulevard and Tokay Avenue in the City of Fontana. This traffic study has been prepared to meet the traffic study requirements for the City of Fontana and assesses the projected traffic operations associated with the proposed project and its impact on the local street network. This report is being submitted to you for review and forwarding to the City of Fontana. Please contact us at (949) 878-3509 if you have any questions regarding this analysis. Sincerely, Thomas Wheat, PE, TE David Chew, PTP President Transportation Planner Registered Civil Engineer #69467 Registered Traffic Engineer #2565 Daniel Flores, EIT Project Engineer Foothill & Tokay Avenue Traffic Impact Analysis HAI-21-004 i Foothill & Tokay Avenue Traffic Impact Analysis City of Fontana, California Prepared for: Hunsker & Associates, Inc. 3 Hughes Irvine, CA 92618 Prepared by: 9841 Irvine Center Dr. Suite 200 Irvine, CA 92618 Thomas Wheat, PE, TE David Chew, PTP Daniel Flores, EIT June 27, 2022 Foothill & Tokay Avenue Traffic Impact Analysis HAI-21-004 ii Table of Contents ................................................................................................................ ………….. Page 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .......................................................................................................................................... IV 1.2 ON-SITE ROADWAY AND SITE ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS ............................................................................................ V 1.3 SUMMARY OF VEHICLES MILES TRAVELED ANALYSIS (VMT)...................................................................................... V 2.0 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................................... 1 2.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION .............................................................................................................................................. 1 2.2 STUDY AREA ............................................................................................................................................................... 3 2.3 ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY ......................................................................................................................................... 3 2.3.1 Intersection Analysis Methodology ....................................................................................................................... 3 2.3.2 Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Analysis .................................................................................................................. 5 2.4 LEVEL OF SERVICE (LOS) CRITERIA ..................................................................................................................................... 6 2.5 CITY OF FONTANA ........................................................................................................................................................... 7 3.0 EXISTING PROJECT BASELINE (2021) CONDITIONS .................................................................................................. 8 3.1 EXISTING CIRCULATION NETWORK/STUDY AREA CONDITIONS ................................................................................. 8 3.2 CITY OF FONTANA GENERAL PLAN ............................................................................................................................. 8 3.3 EXISTING BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES ........................................................................................................ 8 3.4 EXISTING PUBLIC TRANSIT SERVICES .......................................................................................................................... 8 3.5 EXISTING PROJECT BASELINE (2022) TRAFFIC VOLUMES ........................................................................................... 9 3.6 EXISTING PROJECT BASELINE (2022) CONDITIONS INTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS ............................... 9 4.0 PROPOSED PROJECT ............................................................................................................................................. 13 4.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................................................ 13 4.2 PROJECT TRIP GENERATION ..................................................................................................................................... 13 4.3 PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBUTION ................................................................................................................................... 13 4.4 CUMULATIVE PROJECTS TRAFFIC ............................................................................................................................. 14 5.0 OPENING YEAR (2030) WITHOUT PROJECT CONDITIONS (OY) .............................................................................. 17 5.1 ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS .................................................................................................................................... 17 5.2 OY CONDITIONS TRAFFIC VOLUMES ........................................................................................................................ 17 5.3 OY INTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS ....................................................................................................... 17 6.0 OPENING YEAR (2030) WITH PROJECT CONDITIONS (OYP) ................................................................................... 19 6.1 ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS .................................................................................................................................... 19 6.2 OYP TRAFFIC VOLUMES ........................................................................................................................................... 19 6.3 OYP CONDITIONS INTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS ............................................................................... 19 7.0 VEHICLE MILES TRAVELED (VMT) ANALYSIS .......................................................................................................... 20 7.1 VEHICLE MILES TRAVELED (VMT) ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................. 20 Foothill & Tokay Avenue Traffic Impact Analysis HAI-21-004 iii List of Tables ..................................................................................................................... Page Table 1: HCM – LOS & Delay Ranges – Signalized Intersections ........................................................................ 5 Table 2: Roadway Characteristics Within Study Area ........................................................................................ 8 Table 3: Intersection Analysis – Existing Project Baseline (2022) Conditions .................................................... 9 Table 4: Proposed Project AM/PM Peak Hour Trip Generation ...................................................................... 13 Table 5: Cumulative Projects ............................................................................................................................ 14 Table 6: Intersection Analysis – OY Conditions ................................................................................................ 17 Table 7: Intersection Analysis – OYP Conditions .............................................................................................. 19 List of Exhibits .................................................................................................................. Page Exhibit 1: Proposed Project Site Plan ................................................................................................................. 2 Exhibit 2: Project Location and Proposed TIA Study Area.................................................................................. 4 Exhibit 3: Lane Geometry and Intersection Controls ....................................................................................... 10 Exhibit 4: Existing Transit Service ..................................................................................................................... 11 Exhibit 5: Existing AM/PM Peak Hour Intersection Volumes ........................................................................... 12 Exhibit 6: Proposed Trip Distribustion ............................................................................................................. 15 Exhibit 7: Cumulative Project Map ................................................................................................................... 16 Exhibit 8: OY AM/PM Peak Hour Intersection Volumes .................................................................................. 18 Exhibit 9: OYP AM/PM Peak Hour Intersection Volumes ................................................................................ 20 Appendices ....................................................................................................................... Page Appendix A: Scoping Agreement and Fontana Roadway Classifications and Cross Sections Appendix B: Existing Traffic Counts Appendix C: HCM Analysis Sheets Foothill & Tokay Avenue Traffic Impact Analysis HAI-21-004 iv 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This traffic impact analysis (TIA) analyzes the projected traffic operations associated with the proposed Foothill & Tokay Avenue project located northwest of Foothill Boulevard and Tokay Avenue. The purpose of this TIA is to evaluate potential circulation system deficiencies that may result from development of the proposed project, and to recommend improvements to achieve acceptable operations, if applicable. This analysis has been prepared in coordination with the City of Fontana via a scoping agreement (See Appendix A) and is pursuant to applicable City of Fontana and County of San Bernardino traffic impact analysis guidelines. The proposed project consists of 406 multifamily residential units. The site is currently zoned as R-5 and classified as R-MFH Land Use in the City of Fontana General Plan Land Use Map. The project site is currently vacant. The proposed project land use is permitted in the zone and does not require a zone change or General Plan amendment. The proposed project is anticipated to be built and generating trips in 2030. A growth rate of 2% was used to account future traffic volumes. The proposed project is projected to generate 162 total AM peak hour trips, 207 total PM peak hour trips and 2,736 total daily trips. The following intersections in the vicinity of the project site have been included in the intersection level of service (LOS) analysis: 1. Almeria Avenue/Foothill Boulevard 2. Tokay Avenue/Foothill Boulevard 3. Citrus Avenue/Foothill Boulevard 4. Tokay Avenue/Project Driveway This traffic analysis follows the City of Fontana Traffic Impact Analysis Preparation Guide (June 2020). The study intersections and roadway segments are analyzed for the following study scenarios: · Existing Project Baseline (2022) Traffic Conditions; · Opening Year (2030) Without Project Conditions (Existing + Ambient + Cumulative); · Opening Year (2030) With Project Conditions (Existing + Ambient + Cumulative + Project) Existing Project Baseline (2022) Traffic Conditions The study intersections are projected to operate at an acceptable LOS during the AM and PM peak hours for Existing baseline conditions. Foothill & Tokay Avenue Traffic Impact Analysis HAI-21-004 v Opening Year (2030) Without Project Conditions The study intersections are projected to operate at an acceptable LOS during the AM and PM peak hours for Opening Year Plus Cumulative conditions. Opening Year (2030) with Project (OYP) Conditions The study intersections are projected to operate at an acceptable LOS during the AM and PM peak hours for opening year (2030) with project conditions. 1.2 ON-SITE ROADWAY AND SITE ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS Wherever necessary, roadways adjacent to the proposed project site and site access points will be constructed in compliance with recommended roadway classifications and respective cross-sections in the City of Fontana General Plan or as directed by the City Engineer. Sight distance at each project access point should be reviewed with respect to standard Caltrans and City sight distance standards at the time of final grading, landscaping and street improvement plans. Signing/striping should be implemented in conjunction with detailed construction plans for the project site. 1.3 SUMMARY OF VEHICLES MILES TRAVELED ANALYSIS (VMT) Consistent with the new metric of VMT for analysis of transportation impacts, this analysis follows VMT guidelines set forth by the City of Fontana Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) Guidelines for Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) and Level of Service Assessment (October, 21st, 2020). As the project falls within a low VMT generating area, the project is presumed to have a less than significant transportation impact per City guidelines. TJW Engineering, Inc. HAI21004 Foothill & Tokay Avenue Traffic Impact Analysis 1 |page 2.0 INTRODUCTION This traffic impact analysis (TIA) analyzes the projected traffic operations associated with the proposed Foothill & Tokay Avenue project located northwest corner of Tokay Avenue and Foothill Boulevard. The purpose of this TIA is to evaluate potential circulation system deficiencies that may result from development of the proposed project, and to recommend improvements to achieve acceptable operations, if applicable. This analysis has been prepared in coordination with the City of Fontana via a scoping agreement (See Appendix A) and is pursuant to applicable City of Fontana and County of Riverside impact analysis guidelines. 2.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed project consists of 406 multifamily residential units. The site is currently zoned as R-5 and classified as R-MFH Land Use in the City of Fontana General Plan Land Use Map. The project site is currently vacant. The proposed project land use is permitted in the zone and does not require a zone change or General Plan amendment. Site access is planned via full access driveway on Tokay Avenue. The proposed project is anticipated to be built and generating trips in 2030. A growth rate of 2% was used to account future traffic volumes. Exhibit 1 shows the proposed project site plan. Not to ScaleϮdžŚŝďŝt ϭ͗ WƌoƉoƐeĚ Wƌoũect Sŝte WlaŶFoothill & Tokay Avenue Traffic Impact AnalysisHAI-21-004 Foothill & Tokay Avenue Traffic Impact Analysis HAI-21-004 3 2.2 STUDY AREA The following intersection in the vicinity of the project site have been included in the intersection level of service (LOS) analysis: 1. Almeria Avenue/ Foothill Boulevard 2. Tokay Avenue/ Foothill Boulevard 3. Citrus Avenue/Foothill Boulevard 4. Tokay Avenue/ Project Driveway This traffic analysis follows the City of Fontana Traffic Impact Analysis Preparation Guide (June 2020). The study intersections and roadway segments are all located within the City of Fontana. Exhibit 2 shows the location of the study intersections which are analyzed for the following study scenarios: · Existing Project Baseline Year (2022) Traffic Conditions; · Opening Year (2030) Without Project Conditions (Existing + Ambient + Cumulative); · Opening Year (2030) With Project Conditions (Existing + Ambient + Cumulative + Project) Traffic operations are evaluated for the following time periods: · Weekday AM Peak Hour occurring within 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM; and · Weekday PM Peak Hour occurring within 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM. 2.3 ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY 2.3.1 Intersection Analysis Methodology Level of Service (LOS) is commonly used to describe the quality of flow on roadways and at intersections using a range of LOS from LOS A (free flow with little congestion) to LOS F (severely congested conditions). The definitions for LOS for interruption of traffic flow differ depending on the type of traffic control (traffic signal, unsignalized intersection with side street stops, unsignalized intersection with all-way stops). The Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) 6 (Transportation Research Board, 2016) methodology expresses the LOS of an intersection in terms of delay time for the intersection approaches. The HCM methodology utilizes different procedures for different types of intersection control. The City of Fontana traffic study guidelines require signalized intersection operations be analyzed utilizing the HCM 6th Edition methodology. Intersection LOS for signalized intersections is based on the intersections average control delay for all movements at the intersection during the peak hour. Control delay includes initial deceleration delay, queue move-up time, stopped delay, and final acceleration delay. Not to ScaleϰdžŚŝďŝt Ϯ͗ WƌoƉƐeĚ Wƌoũect >ocatŝoŶ aŶĚ WƌoƉoƐeĚ d/ StƵĚLJ ƌeaFoothill & Tokay Avenue Traffic Impact AnalysisHAI-21-004Legend:Project SiteFoothill Bou levard1 23Almeria Avenue Study Intersection LocationCitrus Avenue Tokay Avenue #4Project Driveway Foothill & Tokay Avenue Traffic Impact Analysis HAI-21-004 5 Table 1 describes the general characteristics of traffic flow and accompanying delay ranges at signalized intersections. Table 1: HCM – LOS & Delay Ranges – Signalized Intersections Level Of Service Description Delay (in seconds) A Very favorable progression; most vehicles arrive during green signal and do not stop. Short cycle lengths. 0 – 10.00 B Good progression, short cycle lengths. More vehicles stop than for LOS A. 10.01 – 20.00 C Fair progression; longer cycle lengths. Individual cycle failures may begin to appear. The number of vehicles stopping is significant, though many vehicles still pass through without stopping. 20.01 – 35.00 D Progression less favorable, longer cycle length and high flow/capacity ratio. The proportion of vehicles that pass through without stopping diminishes. Individual cycle failures are obvious. 35.01 – 55.00 E Severe congestion with some long standing queues on critical approaches. Poor progression, long cycle lengths and high flow/capacity ratio. Individual cycle failures are frequent. 55.01 – 80.00 F Very poor progression, long cycle lengths and many individual cycle failures. Arrival flow rates exceed capacity of intersection. > 80.01 Source: Transportation Research Board, Highway Capacity Manual, HCM6 Edition (Washington D.C., 2016). Collected peak hour traffic volumes have been adjusted using a peak hour factor (PHF) to reflect peak 15- minute volumes. It is a common practice in LOS analysis to conservatively use a peak 15-minute flow rate applied to the entire hour to derive flow rates in vehicles per hour that are used in the LOS analysis. The PHF is the relationship between the peak 15-minute flow rate and the full hourly volume. PHF = [Hourly Volume]/ [4 * Peak 15-Minute Volume]. The use of a 15-minute PHF produces a more detailed and conservative analysis compared to analyzing vehicles per hour. Existing PHFs, obtained from the existing traffic counts have been used for all analysis scenarios in this study. The City of Fontana traffic study guidelines also require unsignalized intersection operations be analyzed utilizing the HCM 6th Edition methodology. Intersection operation for unsignalized intersections is based on the weighted average control delay expressed in seconds per vehicle. At a two-way or side-street stop-controlled intersection, LOS is calculated for each stop-controlled minor street movement, for the left-turn movement(s) from the major street, and for the intersection as a whole. For approaches consisting of a single lane, the delay is calculated as the average of all movements in that lane. For all-way stop-controlled intersection, LOS is computed for the intersection as a whole. This analysis utilizes PTV Vistro 2022 analysis software for the signalized intersection. Vistro is a macroscopic traffic software program that is based on the signalized intersection capacity analysis specified in Chapter 16 of the HCM. The level of service and capacity analysis performed within Vistro takes the optimization and coordination of signalized intersections within a network into consideration. 2.3.2 Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Analysis Foothill & Tokay Avenue Traffic Impact Analysis HAI-21-004 6 Senate Bill (SB) 743 was adopted in 2013 requiring the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR) to identify new metrics for identifying and mitigating transportation impacts within the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). For land use projects, OPR has identified Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) as the new metric for transportation analysis under CEQA. The regulatory changes to the CEQA guidelines that implement SB 743 were approved on December 28th, 2018 with an implementation date of July 1st, 2020 as the new metric. Consistent with the new metric of VMT for analysis of transportation impacts under CEQA, this analysis follows the VMT guidelines set forth by the City of Fontana Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) Guidelines for Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) and Level of Service Assessment (October 21st, 2020). 2.4 Level of Service (LOS) Criteria The City’s General Plan recommends a LOS standard of LOS C. Intersections which are forecast to operate at unsatisfactory conditions (i.e. at LOS worse than LOS C for city intersections) shall be identified as cumulatively significant deficiencies. For the purposes of analyzing transportation deficiencies, the City of Fontana identifies deficiencies through a comparison of “without project” and “with project” traffic conditions. Determination of a deficiency at an intersection is based on a project’s contribution to the intersection’s delay (in seconds). Note, thresholds for LOS A, B, and C do not apply to projects consistent with the General Plan. According to guidelines, a project is considered to cause a significant deficiency to a transportation system if it: Thresholds of Significant Deficiency With Project LOS Significant Deficiency Threshold A/B 10.0 Seconds C 8.0 Seconds D 5.0 Seconds E 3.0 Seconds F 1.0 Seconds · Conflicts with an applicable plan, ordinance or policy establishing measures of effectiveness for the performance of the circulation system, taking into account all modes of transportation including mass transit and non-motorized travel. · Conflicts with an applicable congestion management program (CMP), including, but not limited to level of service standards, travel demand measures, or other standards established by the County Congestion Management Agency for roadways or highways. Conflicts with adopted policies or programs regarding public transit, bicycle or pedestrian facilities, or otherwise decreases the performance or safety of such facilities. Foothill & Tokay Avenue Traffic Impact Analysis HAI-21-004 7 2.5 City of Fontana The following types of traffic impacts are considered to be “Deficient”: · When existing traffic conditions exceed the General Plan target LOS. · When project traffic plus ambient growth plus existing traffic will deteriorate the LOS to below the target LOS, and impacts cannot be mitigated though project conditions of approval. · When cumulative traffic exceeds the target LOS, and impacts cannot be mitigated though the TUMF and/or DIF network (or other funding mechanism), project conditions of approval, or other implementation mechanism. The applicant will participate in the funding or construction of off-site improvements, including traffic signals that are needed to serve cumulative traffic conditions through the payment of the Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fees (TUMF), City of Fontana Development Impact Fees (DIF), or a fair share contribution as directed by the City. These fees are collected as part of a funding mechanism aimed at ensuring that regional highways and arterial expansions keep pace with projected population increases. With regard to guidelines, the above fees will address the project's fair share toward infrastructure improvements designed to alleviate the cumulative impact. Foothill & Tokay Avenue Traffic Impact Analysis HAI-21-004 8 3.0 EXISTING PROJECT BASELINE (2021) CONDITIONS 3.1 EXISTING CIRCULATION NETWORK/STUDY AREA CONDITIONS The characteristics of the roadway system in the vicinity of the proposed project site are described in Table 2. Table 2: Roadway Characteristics Within Study Area Roadway Classification1 Jurisdiction Direction Existing Travel Lanes Median Type2 Speed Limit (mph) On-Street Parking Almeria Avenue Collector Street Fontana North- South 2 NM 25 Yes Tokay Avenue Modified Secondary Highway/Collector Street Fontana North- South 2 NM 35 Yes Citrus Avenue Modified Secondary Highway Fontana North- South 4 NM 40 No Foothill Boulevard Modified Major Highway Fontana East-West 4-6 RM 45 No 1: Sources: City of Fontana General Plan (2006) 2: TWLTL = Two-Way Left-Turn Lane, RM = Raised Median, NM = No Median. Exhibit 3 show existing conditions study area intersection and roadway geometry. 3.2 CITY OF FONTANA GENERAL PLAN The proposed project site is located within the City of Fontana. Appendix A contains the current City of Fontana General Plan Roadway Functional Classifications. 3.3 EXISTING BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES Class II on-street bicycle lanes are proposed on Foothill Boulevard from Cherry Avenue to Cedar Avenue. Pedestrian facilities exist on Tokay Avenue along project frontage, and along Foothill Boulevard. There are marked crosswalks at the intersection. The City of Fontana Bicycle Facilities is contained in Appendix A. 3.4 EXISTING PUBLIC TRANSIT SERVICES The City of Fontana is served by Omnitrans which provides local and regional bus service throughout San Bernardino County. The nearest transit bus stop is located south of the proposed project east and west of Foothill Boulevard quarter mile from the project site (see Exhibit 4). Foothill & Tokay Avenue Traffic Impact Analysis HAI-21-004 9 3.5 EXISTING PROJECT BASELINE (2022) TRAFFIC VOLUMES To determine the existing operation of the study intersections, AM and PM peak period traffic volumes were collected on Monday, June 6, 2022. Detailed traffic count data is provided in the Appendix C. Exhibit 5 shows existing AM and PM peak hour volumes at the study intersections. 3.6 EXISTING PROJECT BASELINE (2022) CONDITIONS INTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS Existing Project Baseline (2022) conditions AM and PM peak hour intersection analysis is shown in Table 3. Calculations are based on the existing geometrics at the study area intersections as shown in Exhibit 3. HCM analysis sheets are provided in Appendix C. Table 3: Intersection Analysis – Existing Project Baseline (2022) Conditions Intersection Control Type Peak Hour Existing Conditions Delay1 LOS #1 – Almeria Avenue/Foothill Boulevard Signal AM 11.2 B PM 10.1 B #2 – Tokay Avenue/Foothill Boulevard Signal AM 9.2 A PM 11.3 B #3 – Citrus Avenue/Foothill Boulevard Signal AM 31.9 C PM 31.2 C Note: Delay shown in seconds per vehicle. 1 = Per the Highway Capacity Manual 6th Edition, overall average delay and LOS are shown for signalized and all-way stop-controlled intersections. For intersections with one-or-two-way stop-control, the delay and LOS for the worst individual movement is shown. As shown in Table 3, the study intersections are currently operating at an acceptable LOS during the AM and PM peak hours for existing conditions. Not to ScaleϭϬdžŚŝďŝt ϯ͗ >aŶe 'eoŵetƌLJ aŶĚ /ŶteƌƐectŝoŶ oŶtƌolƐFoothill & Tokay Avenue Traffic Impact AnalysisHAI-21-004Legend:Project SiteExisting Lane2-Lane Undivided Roadway2U2-Lane Divided Roadway2D4-Lane Undivided Roadway4U4-Lane Divided Roadway4D6-Lane Divided Roadway6DFoothill Boulevard123Almeria Avenue Citrus Avenue Tokay Avenue42U2U6D4U2U2U2U2U2U6D6D 6D4D4D4DProject Dr iveway DDefacto LaneD Not to ScaleϭϭdžŚŝďŝt ϰ͗ džŝƐtŝŶŐ dƌaŶƐŝt SeƌǀŝceFoothill & Tokay Avenue Traffic Impact AnalysisHAI-21-004Legend:Project SiteFooth i ll Boulevard Citrus Avenue Route 66Transit StopRoute 10 Not to ScaleϭϮdžŚŝďŝt ϱ͗ džŝƐtŝŶŐ DͬWD WeaŬ ,oƵƌ /ŶteƌƐectŝoŶ solƵŵeƐFoothill & Tokay Avenue Traffic Impact AnalysisHAI-21-004AM PEAK HOURPM PEAK HOUR Foothill & Tokay Avenue Traffic Impact Analysis HAI-21-004 13 4.0 PROPOSED PROJECT 4.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed project consists of 406 multifamily residential units. The site is currently zoned as R-5 and classified as R-MFH Land Use in the City of Fontana General Plan Land Use Map. The project site is currently vacant. The proposed project land use is permitted in the zone and does not require a zone change or General Plan amendment. Site access is planning to have a full access driveway on Tokay Avenue. The proposed project is anticipated to be built and generating trips in 2030. A growth rate of 2% was used to account future traffic volumes. Exhibit 1 previously showed the proposed project site plan. 4.2 PROJECT TRIP GENERATION Trip generation represents the amount of traffic, both inbound and outbound, produced by a development. Determining trip generation for a proposed project is based on projecting the amount of traffic that the specific land uses being proposed will produce. Industry standard Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual (11th Edition, 2021) trip generation rates were used to determine trip generation of for most of the proposed project land uses. Table 4 summarizes the projected AM peak hour, PM peak hour and daily trip generation of the proposed project. Table 4: Proposed Project AM/PM Peak Hour Trip Generation Proposed Land Use1 Qty Unit2 Daily Trips (ADTs) AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Rate Volume Rate In:Out Split Volume Rate In:Out Split Volume In Out Total In Out Total Multifamily Housing (Low-Rise) (220) 406 DU 6.74 2,736 0.40 24:76 39 123 162 0.51 63:37 130 77 207 1: Rates from ITE Trip Generation (11th Edition, 2021) 2: DU = Dwelling Units As shown in Table 4, the proposed project is projected to generate 162 total AM peak hour trips, 207 total PM peak hour trips and 2,736 total daily trips. 4.3 PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBUTION Projecting trip distribution involves the process of identifying probable destinations and traffic routes that will be utilized by the proposed project’s traffic. The potential interaction between the proposed land use and surrounding regional access routes are considered to identify the probable routes onto which project traffic would distribute. The projected trip distribution for the proposed project is based on anticipated travel Foothill & Tokay Avenue Traffic Impact Analysis HAI-21-004 14 patterns to and from the project site. Exhibit 6 shows the general projected AM and PM trip distribution of proposed project trips, respectively. 4.4 CUMULATIVE PROJECTS TRAFFIC Guidelines require that other reasonably foreseeable development projects which are either approved or are currently being processed in the study area also be included as part of a cumulative analysis scenario. A list of cumulative projects was developed for this analysis through consultation with City of Fontana staff, and obtainment of current development status reports. Exhibit 7 shows the location of nearby cumulative developments. A summary of the cumulative projects land uses is shown in Table 5. Table 5: Cumulative Projects Project1 Land Use2 Qty Units3 AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Daily In Out Total In Out Total 1 MCN 18-000066R1 General Light Industrial 80.00 TSF 52 7 59 7 45 52 390 2 MCN 19-000081 General Light Industrial 118.00 TSF 77 10 87 11 66 77 575 3 MCN 18000025R1 Senior Adult Housing - Multifamily 78 DU 5 11 16 11 9 20 253 4 MCN 19-000132 Single-Family Detached Housing 18 DU 3 10 13 11 6 17 170 5 MCN 18-000123R1 Single-Family Detached Housing 11 DU 2 6 8 6 4 10 104 6 MCN20-000030 Single-Family Detached Housing 96 DU 17 50 67 57 33 90 905 7 MCN 18-000105 Single-Family Detached Housing 8 DU 1 5 6 5 3 8 75 8 MCN 15-000036R1 Single-Family Detached Housing 19 DU 3 10 13 11 7 18 179 9 MCN 17-000023 Single-Family Detached Housing 15 DU 3 8 11 9 5 14 141 10 MCN 21-000043 Private High School 800 STU 312 216 528 59 93 152 1,736 11 MCN 21-000057 Multifamily Housing (Low-Rise) 18 DU 2 5 7 6 3 9 121 12 MCN 21-000016 Single-Family Detached Housing 2 DU 0 1 1 1 1 2 19 13 MCN 20-000047 Private High School 250 STU 97 68 165 19 29 48 543 14 MCN 18-000063R1 Multifamily Housing (Low-Rise) 28 DU 2 8 10 8 5 13 169 Strip Retail Plaza (<40k) 3.25 TSF 5 3 8 10 11 21 177 15 MCN 17-000004R1 Senior Adult Housing - Multifamily 72 DU 4 10 14 10 8 18 233 16 MCN 21-000030 Fast Food Restaurant with Drive- Through 4.78 TSF 109 104 213 82 76 158 2,235 17 MCN 17-000079 Carwash 1 Tunnel - - - 39 39 78 - Convenience Store 2.70 TSF 84 85 169 68 65 133 2,058 18 MCN 21-000042 Multifamily Housing (Low-Rise) 106 DU 10 32 42 34 20 54 714 19 MCN 17-000005 General Light Industrial 11.99 TSF 8 1 9 1 7 8 58 20 MCN 20-000052 Multifamily Housing (Low-Rise) 10 DU 1 3 4 3 2 5 67 Total 797 653 1,446 468 537 1,000 10,922 1: List of cumulative projects provided by the City of Fontana. 2: Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers, Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition, 2021. 3: DU = Dwelling Units; TSF = Thousand Square Feet. Not to ScaleϭϱdžŚŝďŝt ϲ͗ WƌoƉoƐeĚ dƌŝƉ ŝƐtƌŝďƵtŝoŶFoothill & Tokay Avenue Traffic Impact AnalysisHAI-21-004Legend:Project SitePercent Trip DistributionFoothill Bou levard Almeria Avenue30%35%5%15%50%20%10%15%5%Citrus Avenue Tokay Avenue4Project Driveway Not to ScaleϭϲdžŚŝďŝt ϳ͗ ƵŵƵlatŝǀe WƌoũectƐ DaƉFoothill & Tokay Avenue Traffic Impact AnalysisHAI-21-004Legend:Approximate Cumulative Project LocationsProject SiteXSite111236547810119121819201314171615 Foothill & Tokay Avenue Traffic Impact Analysis HAI-21-004 17 5.0 OPENING YEAR (2030) WITHOUT PROJECT CONDITIONS (OY) Opening year (2030) without project (OY) conditions analysis is intended to identify baseline conditions in the near-term without the proposed project. 5.1 ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS The lane configurations and traffic controls assumed to be in place for the existing plus ambient plus cumulative scenario are consistent with those previously shown in Exhibit 3. 5.2 OY CONDITIONS TRAFFIC VOLUMES OY volumes include background traffic plus the addition of the traffic projected to be generated by cumulative projects. Since the proposed project is expected to be built and generating trips in 2030, OY volumes include a growth rate of 2% per year for eight years, applied to existing volumes. OY Volumes = (Existing (2022) Counts * 1.02^8) + Cumulative Traffic Exhibit 8 shows OY AM and PM peak hour volumes at the study intersections. 5.3 OY INTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS OY conditions AM and PM peak hour intersection analysis is shown in Table 6. Calculations are based on the existing geometrics at the study area intersections as shown in Exhibit 3. HCM analysis sheets are provided in Appendix C. Table 6: Intersection Analysis – OY Conditions Intersection Control Type Peak Hour OY Conditions Delay1 LOS #1 – Almeria Avenue/Foothill Boulevard Signal AM 13.1 B PM 11.8 B #2 – Tokay Avenue/Foothill Boulevard Signal AM 9.5 A PM 12.2 B #3 – Citrus Avenue/Foothill Boulevard Signal AM 33.9 C PM 34.6 C Note: Delay shown in seconds per vehicle. 1 = Per the Highway Capacity Manual 6th Edition, overall average delay and LOS are shown for signalized and all-way stop-controlled intersections. For intersections with one-or-two-way stop-control, the delay and LOS for the worst individual movement is shown. As shown in Table 6, the study intersections are projected to continue to operate at an acceptable LOS during the AM and PM peak hours for OY conditions. 1,000Not to ScaleϭϴdžŚŝďŝt ϴ͗ Kz DͬWD WeaŬ ,oƵƌ /ŶteƌƐectŝoŶ solƵŵeƐFoothill & Tokay Avenue Traffic Impact AnalysisHAI-21-004AM PEAK HOURPM PEAK HOUR Foothill & Tokay Avenue Traffic Impact Analysis HAI-21-004 19 6.0 OPENING YEAR (2030) WITH PROJECT CONDITIONS (OYP) Opening year (2030) with project conditions (OYP) conditions analysis is intended to identify the project- related cumulative impacts on the planned circulation system. 6.1 ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS The lane configurations and traffic controls assumed to be in place for the OYP scenario are consistent with those previously shown in Exhibit 3 and do not assume recommended improvements identified in the OYP scenario. 6.2 OYP TRAFFIC VOLUMES OYP volumes include background traffic plus the addition of the traffic projected to be generated by the proposed project and traffic projected to be generated by cumulative developments in the vicinity of the proposed project. Cumulative developments are projects which are in various stages of planning, entitlement and construction. Since the proposed project is expected to be built and generating trips in 2030, OYP volumes include an ambient growth rate of 2% per year for eight years, applied to existing volumes. The cumulative projects were previously discussed in Section 4.6 Cumulative Projects Traffic. Exhibit 9 shows OYP AM and PM peak hour volumes at the study intersections. OYP Volumes = (Existing (2022) Counts * 1.02^8) + Cumulative Projects Traffic + Project Traffic. 6.3 OYP CONDITIONS INTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS OYP conditions AM and PM peak hour intersection analysis is shown in Table 7. HCM analysis sheets are provided in Appendix C. Table 7: Intersection Analysis – OYP Conditions Intersection Control Type Peak Hour OY Conditions OYP Conditions Delay1 LOS Delay1 LOS Change Impact? #1 – Almeria Avenue/Foothill Boulevard Signal AM 13.1 B 13.3 B 0.20 No PM 11.8 B 11.8 B 0.10 No #2 – Tokay Avenue/Foothill Boulevard Signal AM 9.5 A 12.3 B 2.80 No PM 12.2 B 13.6 B 1.40 No #3 – Citrus Avenue/Foothill Boulevard Signal AM 33.9 C 34.4 C 0.50 No PM 34.6 C 34.9 C 0.30 No #4 – Tokay Avenue/Project Driveway Two-Way Stop- Control AM - - 10.7 B - No PM - - 13.6 B - No Note: Delay shown in seconds per vehicle. 1 = Per the Highway Capacity Manual 6th Edition, overall average delay and LOS are shown for signalized and all-way stop-controlled intersections. For intersections with one-or- two-way stop-control, the delay and LOS for the worst individual movement is shown. As shown in Table 7, the study intersections are projected to continue to operate at an acceptable LOS during the AM and PM peak hours for OYP conditions. Exhibit 9: OYP AM/PM Peak Hour Intersection Volumes Not to ScaleϭϵdžŚŝďŝt ϵ͗ KzW DͬWD WeaŬ ,oƵƌ /ŶteƌƐectŝoŶ solƵŵeƐFoothill & Tokay Avenue Traffic Impact AnalysisHAI-21-004AM PEAK HOURPM PEAK HOUR20 Foothill & Tokay Avenue Traffic Impact Analysis HAI-21-004 20 7.0 VEHICLE MILES TRAVELED (VMT) ANALYSIS Senate Bill (SB) 743 was adopted in 2013 requiring the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR) to identify new metrics for identifying and mitigating transportation impacts within the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). For land use projects, OPR has identified Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) as the new metric for transportation analysis under CEQA. The regulatory changes to the CEQA guidelines that implement SB 743 were approved on December 28th, 2018 with an implementation date of July 1st, 2020 as the new metric. 7.1 VEHICLE MILES TRAVELED (VMT) ANALYSIS Consistent with the new metric of VMT for analysis of transportation impacts, this analysis follows VMT guidelines set forth by Section 15064.3 of the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act. As the project falls within a half-mile of a high quality transit corridor, the project is presumed to have a less than significant transportation impact per CEQA guidelines. Using the SBCTA VMT Screening Tool the project is located in a low VMT area, therefore the project is presumed to have a less than significant transportation impact per City guidelines see Figure 1 below. Figure 1: SBCTA VMT Screening Tool 21 Appendices APPENDIX A SCOPING AGREEMENT AND FONTANA ROADWAY CLASSIFICATIONS AND CROSS SECTIONS Traffic Impact Analysis -14-Al 2008 Preparation Guide This letter acknowledges the Riverside County Transportation Department requirements for traffic impact analysis of the following project. The analysis must follow the Riverside County Transportation Department Traffic Study Guidelines dated February 2005. Case No. (i.e. TR, PM, CUP, PP) Related Cases - SP No. EIR No. GPA No. CZ No. Project Name: Project Address: Project Description: Consultant Developer Name: Address: Telephone: Fax: A. Trip Generation Source: (ITE 7th Edition or other) Current GP Land Use Proposed Land Use Current Zoning Proposed Zoning Current Trip Generation Proposed Trip Generation In Out Total In Out Total AM Trips PM Trips Internal Trip Allowance Yes No (% Trip Discount) Pass-By Trip Allowance Yes No (% Trip Discount) A trip discount is allowed for appropriate land uses . The trips at adjacent study area intersections and project driveways shall be indicated on a report figure. B.Trip Geographic Distribution:N % S % E % W % (attach exhibit for detailed assignment) C. Background Traffic Phase Year(s) _________________ Annual Ambient Growth Rate: % Other area projects to be analyzed: Model/Forecast methodology tment requirements for traffic he Riverside County Transportation This letter acknowledges the City of Fontana Engineering Department requirements for traffic impact analysis of the following project. The analysis must follow the SBCTA Congestion Management Plan (CMP) Guidelines Updated 2016. MCN21-000079 Traffic Impact Analysis -5- Preparation Guide D. Study intersections: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. E. Study Roadway Segments: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. E. Other Jurisdictional Impacts Is this project within a City’s Sphere of Influence or one-mile radius of City boundaries? Yes No If so, name of City Jurisdiction: F. Site Plan (please attach reduced copy) G. Specific issues to be addressed in the Study (in addition to the standard analysis described in the Guideline)(To be filled out by Transportation Department) H. Existing Conditions Traffic count data must be new or recent. Provide traffic count dates if using other than new counts. Date of counts______________________________________________________________________ *NOTE* Traffic Study Submittal Form and appropriate fee must be submitted with, or prior to submittal of this form. Transportation Department staff will not process the Scoping Agreement prior to receipt of the fee. Recommended by: ______________________________ _________ Consultant’s Representative Date Scoping Agreement Submitted on _____________ Revised on ___________________ Approved Scoping Agreement: _________________________ ________Riverside Count 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Project Trip Generation Proposed Land Use1 Quantity Unit2 Daily Trips (ADTs) AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Rate Volume Rate In:Out Split Volume Rate In:Out Split Volume In Out Total In Out Total Multifamily Housing (Low-Rise) (220) 406 DU 6.74 2,736 0.40 24:76 39 123 162 0.51 63:37 130 77 207 1: Rates from ITE Trip Generation (11th Edition, 2017). 2: DU = Dwelling Units POOL Α∆ΦΝΜΗ≅ Θ∆≅Κ ∆ΡΣ≅Σ∆ Χ∆Υ∆ΚΝΟΛ∆ΜΣ+ ΗΜΒ 87/ ΘΝΝΡ∆Υ∆ΚΣ+ ΡΤΗΣ∆ 00/ ΗΘΥΗΜ∆+ Β≅ 8151/ ΟΓΝΜ∆9 ∋838( 1/8,48// Legend:Project SitePercent Trip Distribution1Not to ScaleHAI-21-004: Foothill & Tokay Avenue Traffic Impact AnalysisExhibit 1: Project Location and Trip Distribution2330%35%5%15%50%20%10%15%5%Study Intersection Location#4 APPENDIX B EXISTING TRAFFIC COUNTS File Name : 01_FON_Almeria_Foothill_AM Site Code : 23622536 Start Date : 6/6/2022 Page No : 1 City of Fontana N/S: Almeria Avenue E/W: Foothill Boulevard Weather: Clear Groups Printed- Total Volume Almeria Avenue Southbound Foothill Boulevard Westbound Almeria Avenue Northbound Foothill Boulevard Eastbound Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Int. Total 07:00 AM 11 4 23 38 6 137 2 145 1 2 1 4 4 73 7 84 271 07:15 AM 12 10 16 38 4 154 3 161 1 1 2 4 3 67 6 76 279 07:30 AM 15 5 24 44 7 210 10 227 7 6 3 16 4 105 4 113 400 07:45 AM 7 11 30 48 6 196 10 212 7 10 5 22 10 85 6 101 383 Total 45 30 93 168 23 697 25 745 16 19 11 46 21 330 23 374 1333 08:00 AM 6 4 20 30 10 132 12 154 6 2 6 14 6 88 4 98 296 08:15 AM 5 6 18 29 12 168 9 189 2 5 4 11 4 93 4 101 330 08:30 AM 9 5 20 34 6 116 4 126 2 4 6 12 2 89 6 97 269 08:45 AM 11 10 11 32 5 162 10 177 2 3 6 11 8 112 5 125 345 Total 31 25 69 125 33 578 35 646 12 14 22 48 20 382 19 421 1240 Grand Total 76 55 162 293 56 1275 60 1391 28 33 33 94 41 712 42 795 2573 Apprch %25.9 18.8 55.3 4 91.7 4.3 29.8 35.1 35.1 5.2 89.6 5.3 Total %3 2.1 6.3 11.4 2.2 49.6 2.3 54.1 1.1 1.3 1.3 3.7 1.6 27.7 1.6 30.9 Almeria Avenue Southbound Foothill Boulevard Westbound Almeria Avenue Northbound Foothill Boulevard Eastbound Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Int. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 07:30 AM 07:30 AM 15 5 24 44 7 210 10 227 7 6 3 16 4 105 4 113 400 07:45 AM 7 11 30 48 6 196 10 212 7 10 5 22 10 85 6 101 383 08:00 AM 6 4 20 30 10 132 12 154 6 2 6 14 6 88 4 98 296 08:15 AM 5 6 18 29 12 168 9 189 2 5 4 11 4 93 4 101 330 Total Volume 33 26 92 151 35 706 41 782 22 23 18 63 24 371 18 413 1409 % App. Total 21.9 17.2 60.9 4.5 90.3 5.2 34.9 36.5 28.6 5.8 89.8 4.4 PHF .550 .591 .767 .786 .729 .840 .854 .861 .786 .575 .750 .716 .600 .883 .750 .914 .881 Counts Unlimited, Inc. PO Box 1178 Corona, CA 92878 (951) 268-6268 counts@countsunlimited.com File Name : 01_FON_Almeria_Foothill_AM Site Code : 23622536 Start Date : 6/6/2022 Page No : 2 City of Fontana N/S: Almeria Avenue E/W: Foothill Boulevard Weather: Clear Almeria Avenue Foothill Boulevard Foothill Boulevard Almeria Avenue Right 92 Thru 26 Left 33 InOut Total 88 151 239 Right41 Thru706 Left35 OutTotalIn422 782 1204 Left 22 Thru 23 Right 18 Out TotalIn 79 63 142 Left24 Thru371 Right18 TotalOutIn820 413 1233 Peak Hour Begins at 07:30 AM Total Volume Peak Hour Data North Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 07:00 AM 07:30 AM 07:30 AM 08:00 AM +0 mins.11 4 23 38 7 210 10 227 7 6 3 16 6 88 4 98 +15 mins.12 10 16 38 6 196 10 212 7 10 5 22 4 93 4 101 +30 mins.15 5 24 44 10 132 12 154 6 2 6 14 2 89 6 97 +45 mins.7 11 30 48 12 168 9 189 2 5 4 11 8 112 5 125 Total Volume 45 30 93 168 35 706 41 782 22 23 18 63 20 382 19 421 % App. Total 26.8 17.9 55.4 4.5 90.3 5.2 34.9 36.5 28.6 4.8 90.7 4.5 PHF .750 .682 .775 .875 .729 .840 .854 .861 .786 .575 .750 .716 .625 .853 .792 .842 Counts Unlimited, Inc. PO Box 1178 Corona, CA 92878 (951) 268-6268 counts@countsunlimited.com File Name : 01_FON_Almeria_Foothill_PM Site Code : 23622536 Start Date : 6/6/2022 Page No : 1 City of Fontana N/S: Almeria Avenue E/W: Foothill Boulevard Weather: Clear Groups Printed- Total Volume Almeria Avenue Southbound Foothill Boulevard Westbound Almeria Avenue Northbound Foothill Boulevard Eastbound Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Int. Total 04:00 PM 8 7 15 30 2 149 11 162 3 9 8 20 22 266 6 294 506 04:15 PM 8 2 15 25 12 146 23 181 6 11 8 25 16 284 3 303 534 04:30 PM 11 6 12 29 10 130 19 159 10 7 7 24 10 247 6 263 475 04:45 PM 10 3 11 24 6 181 26 213 8 12 7 27 27 323 4 354 618 Total 37 18 53 108 30 606 79 715 27 39 30 96 75 1120 19 1214 2133 05:00 PM 17 0 14 31 6 116 24 146 4 17 6 27 18 325 5 348 552 05:15 PM 13 3 13 29 4 164 20 188 3 9 8 20 25 238 8 271 508 05:30 PM 5 3 12 20 7 154 21 182 3 16 9 28 16 264 4 284 514 05:45 PM 19 12 17 48 6 150 9 165 2 13 5 20 27 256 1 284 517 Total 54 18 56 128 23 584 74 681 12 55 28 95 86 1083 18 1187 2091 Grand Total 91 36 109 236 53 1190 153 1396 39 94 58 191 161 2203 37 2401 4224 Apprch %38.6 15.3 46.2 3.8 85.2 11 20.4 49.2 30.4 6.7 91.8 1.5 Total %2.2 0.9 2.6 5.6 1.3 28.2 3.6 33 0.9 2.2 1.4 4.5 3.8 52.2 0.9 56.8 Almeria Avenue Southbound Foothill Boulevard Westbound Almeria Avenue Northbound Foothill Boulevard Eastbound Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Int. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 04:45 PM 04:45 PM 10 3 11 24 6 181 26 213 8 12 7 27 27 323 4 354 618 05:00 PM 17 0 14 31 6 116 24 146 4 17 6 27 18 325 5 348 552 05:15 PM 13 3 13 29 4 164 20 188 3 9 8 20 25 238 8 271 508 05:30 PM 5 3 12 20 7 154 21 182 3 16 9 28 16 264 4 284 514 Total Volume 45 9 50 104 23 615 91 729 18 54 30 102 86 1150 21 1257 2192 % App. Total 43.3 8.7 48.1 3.2 84.4 12.5 17.6 52.9 29.4 6.8 91.5 1.7 PHF .662 .750 .893 .839 .821 .849 .875 .856 .563 .794 .833 .911 .796 .885 .656 .888 .887 Counts Unlimited, Inc. PO Box 1178 Corona, CA 92878 (951) 268-6268 counts@countsunlimited.com File Name : 01_FON_Almeria_Foothill_PM Site Code : 23622536 Start Date : 6/6/2022 Page No : 2 City of Fontana N/S: Almeria Avenue E/W: Foothill Boulevard Weather: Clear Almeria Avenue Foothill Boulevard Foothill Boulevard Almeria Avenue Right 50 Thru 9 Left 45 InOut Total 231 104 335 Right91 Thru615 Left23 OutTotalIn1225 729 1954 Left 18 Thru 54 Right 30 Out TotalIn 53 102 155 Left86 Thru1150 Right21 TotalOutIn683 1257 1940 Peak Hour Begins at 04:45 PM Total Volume Peak Hour Data North Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 05:00 PM 04:45 PM 04:15 PM 04:15 PM +0 mins.17 0 14 31 6 181 26 213 6 11 8 25 16 284 3 303 +15 mins.13 3 13 29 6 116 24 146 10 7 7 24 10 247 6 263 +30 mins.5 3 12 20 4 164 20 188 8 12 7 27 27 323 4 354 +45 mins.19 12 17 48 7 154 21 182 4 17 6 27 18 325 5 348 Total Volume 54 18 56 128 23 615 91 729 28 47 28 103 71 1179 18 1268 % App. Total 42.2 14.1 43.8 3.2 84.4 12.5 27.2 45.6 27.2 5.6 93 1.4 PHF .711 .375 .824 .667 .821 .849 .875 .856 .700 .691 .875 .954 .657 .907 .750 .895 Counts Unlimited, Inc. PO Box 1178 Corona, CA 92878 (951) 268-6268 counts@countsunlimited.com File Name : 02_FON_Tokay_Foothill_AM Site Code : 23622536 Start Date : 6/6/2022 Page No : 1 City of Fontana N/S: Tokay Avenue E/W: Foothill Boulevard Weather: Clear Groups Printed- Total Volume Tokay Avenue Southbound Foothill Boulevard Westbound Tokay Avenue Northbound Foothill Boulevard Eastbound Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Int. Total 07:00 AM 6 4 4 14 2 143 4 149 5 8 2 15 0 78 4 82 260 07:15 AM 6 7 11 24 3 151 6 160 4 9 10 23 4 77 4 85 292 07:30 AM 3 4 15 22 2 168 1 171 20 6 10 36 4 111 3 118 347 07:45 AM 4 5 8 17 2 194 7 203 7 6 6 19 1 94 5 100 339 Total 19 20 38 77 9 656 18 683 36 29 28 93 9 360 16 385 1238 08:00 AM 3 6 11 20 6 151 9 166 9 13 6 28 2 87 6 95 309 08:15 AM 5 3 5 13 10 143 8 161 11 1 7 19 3 80 6 89 282 08:30 AM 4 5 9 18 5 129 4 138 9 7 11 27 3 100 8 111 294 08:45 AM 7 4 4 15 7 149 8 164 10 11 13 34 3 114 15 132 345 Total 19 18 29 66 28 572 29 629 39 32 37 108 11 381 35 427 1230 Grand Total 38 38 67 143 37 1228 47 1312 75 61 65 201 20 741 51 812 2468 Apprch %26.6 26.6 46.9 2.8 93.6 3.6 37.3 30.3 32.3 2.5 91.3 6.3 Total %1.5 1.5 2.7 5.8 1.5 49.8 1.9 53.2 3 2.5 2.6 8.1 0.8 30 2.1 32.9 Tokay Avenue Southbound Foothill Boulevard Westbound Tokay Avenue Northbound Foothill Boulevard Eastbound Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Int. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 07:15 AM 07:15 AM 6 7 11 24 3 151 6 160 4 9 10 23 4 77 4 85 292 07:30 AM 3 4 15 22 2 168 1 171 20 6 10 36 4 111 3 118 347 07:45 AM 4 5 8 17 2 194 7 203 7 6 6 19 1 94 5 100 339 08:00 AM 3 6 11 20 6 151 9 166 9 13 6 28 2 87 6 95 309 Total Volume 16 22 45 83 13 664 23 700 40 34 32 106 11 369 18 398 1287 % App. Total 19.3 26.5 54.2 1.9 94.9 3.3 37.7 32.1 30.2 2.8 92.7 4.5 PHF .667 .786 .750 .865 .542 .856 .639 .862 .500 .654 .800 .736 .688 .831 .750 .843 .927 Counts Unlimited, Inc. PO Box 1178 Corona, CA 92878 (951) 268-6268 counts@countsunlimited.com File Name : 02_FON_Tokay_Foothill_AM Site Code : 23622536 Start Date : 6/6/2022 Page No : 2 City of Fontana N/S: Tokay Avenue E/W: Foothill Boulevard Weather: Clear Tokay Avenue Foothill Boulevard Foothill Boulevard Tokay Avenue Right 45 Thru 22 Left 16 InOut Total 68 83 151 Right23 Thru664 Left13 OutTotalIn417 700 1117 Left 40 Thru 34 Right 32 Out TotalIn 53 106 159 Left11 Thru369 Right18 TotalOutIn749 398 1147 Peak Hour Begins at 07:15 AM Total Volume Peak Hour Data North Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 07:15 AM 07:30 AM 08:00 AM 08:00 AM +0 mins.6 7 11 24 2 168 1 171 9 13 6 28 2 87 6 95 +15 mins.3 4 15 22 2 194 7 203 11 1 7 19 3 80 6 89 +30 mins.4 5 8 17 6 151 9 166 9 7 11 27 3 100 8 111 +45 mins.3 6 11 20 10 143 8 161 10 11 13 34 3 114 15 132 Total Volume 16 22 45 83 20 656 25 701 39 32 37 108 11 381 35 427 % App. Total 19.3 26.5 54.2 2.9 93.6 3.6 36.1 29.6 34.3 2.6 89.2 8.2 PHF .667 .786 .750 .865 .500 .845 .694 .863 .886 .615 .712 .794 .917 .836 .583 .809 Counts Unlimited, Inc. PO Box 1178 Corona, CA 92878 (951) 268-6268 counts@countsunlimited.com File Name : 02_FON_Tokay_Foothill_PM Site Code : 23622536 Start Date : 6/6/2022 Page No : 1 City of Fontana N/S: Tokay Avenue E/W: Foothill Boulevard Weather: Clear Groups Printed- Total Volume Tokay Avenue Southbound Foothill Boulevard Westbound Tokay Avenue Northbound Foothill Boulevard Eastbound Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Int. Total 04:00 PM 5 12 5 22 8 152 7 167 12 11 17 40 6 278 16 300 529 04:15 PM 3 8 8 19 16 145 11 172 23 18 20 61 12 283 10 305 557 04:30 PM 7 4 5 16 9 146 11 166 17 38 14 69 11 268 11 290 541 04:45 PM 4 3 5 12 13 182 8 203 11 18 14 43 15 287 14 316 574 Total 19 27 23 69 46 625 37 708 63 85 65 213 44 1116 51 1211 2201 05:00 PM 6 6 3 15 8 146 10 164 17 23 18 58 11 335 11 357 594 05:15 PM 1 3 4 8 12 160 11 183 11 14 17 42 11 254 9 274 507 05:30 PM 7 6 2 15 7 167 16 190 17 32 20 69 20 257 10 287 561 05:45 PM 6 6 9 21 8 130 13 151 12 25 13 50 12 245 12 269 491 Total 20 21 18 59 35 603 50 688 57 94 68 219 54 1091 42 1187 2153 Grand Total 39 48 41 128 81 1228 87 1396 120 179 133 432 98 2207 93 2398 4354 Apprch %30.5 37.5 32 5.8 88 6.2 27.8 41.4 30.8 4.1 92 3.9 Total %0.9 1.1 0.9 2.9 1.9 28.2 2 32.1 2.8 4.1 3.1 9.9 2.3 50.7 2.1 55.1 Tokay Avenue Southbound Foothill Boulevard Westbound Tokay Avenue Northbound Foothill Boulevard Eastbound Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Int. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 04:15 PM 04:15 PM 3 8 8 19 16 145 11 172 23 18 20 61 12 283 10 305 557 04:30 PM 7 4 5 16 9 146 11 166 17 38 14 69 11 268 11 290 541 04:45 PM 4 3 5 12 13 182 8 203 11 18 14 43 15 287 14 316 574 05:00 PM 6 6 3 15 8 146 10 164 17 23 18 58 11 335 11 357 594 Total Volume 20 21 21 62 46 619 40 705 68 97 66 231 49 1173 46 1268 2266 % App. Total 32.3 33.9 33.9 6.5 87.8 5.7 29.4 42 28.6 3.9 92.5 3.6 PHF .714 .656 .656 .816 .719 .850 .909 .868 .739 .638 .825 .837 .817 .875 .821 .888 .954 Counts Unlimited, Inc. PO Box 1178 Corona, CA 92878 (951) 268-6268 counts@countsunlimited.com File Name : 02_FON_Tokay_Foothill_PM Site Code : 23622536 Start Date : 6/6/2022 Page No : 2 City of Fontana N/S: Tokay Avenue E/W: Foothill Boulevard Weather: Clear Tokay Avenue Foothill Boulevard Foothill Boulevard Tokay Avenue Right 21 Thru 21 Left 20 InOut Total 186 62 248 Right40 Thru619 Left46 OutTotalIn1259 705 1964 Left 68 Thru 97 Right 66 Out TotalIn 113 231 344 Left49 Thru1173 Right46 TotalOutIn708 1268 1976 Peak Hour Begins at 04:15 PM Total Volume Peak Hour Data North Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 04:00 PM 04:45 PM 04:15 PM 04:15 PM +0 mins.5 12 5 22 13 182 8 203 23 18 20 61 12 283 10 305 +15 mins.3 8 8 19 8 146 10 164 17 38 14 69 11 268 11 290 +30 mins.7 4 5 16 12 160 11 183 11 18 14 43 15 287 14 316 +45 mins.4 3 5 12 7 167 16 190 17 23 18 58 11 335 11 357 Total Volume 19 27 23 69 40 655 45 740 68 97 66 231 49 1173 46 1268 % App. Total 27.5 39.1 33.3 5.4 88.5 6.1 29.4 42 28.6 3.9 92.5 3.6 PHF .679 .563 .719 .784 .769 .900 .703 .911 .739 .638 .825 .837 .817 .875 .821 .888 Counts Unlimited, Inc. PO Box 1178 Corona, CA 92878 (951) 268-6268 counts@countsunlimited.com File Name : 03_FON_Citrus_Foothill_AM Site Code : 23622536 Start Date : 6/6/2022 Page No : 1 City of Fontana N/S: Citrus Avenue E/W: Foothill Boulevard Weather: Clear Groups Printed- Total Volume Citrus Avenue Southbound Foothill Boulevard Westbound Citrus Avenue Northbound Foothill Boulevard Eastbound Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Int. Total 07:00 AM 19 82 15 116 39 101 12 152 15 47 14 76 21 44 16 81 425 07:15 AM 22 139 21 182 44 119 9 172 25 74 9 108 19 58 19 96 558 07:30 AM 28 128 26 182 47 149 15 211 18 91 19 128 25 78 22 125 646 07:45 AM 17 94 32 143 42 133 13 188 27 106 25 158 27 71 15 113 602 Total 86 443 94 623 172 502 49 723 85 318 67 470 92 251 72 415 2231 08:00 AM 26 118 22 166 35 118 16 169 26 101 17 144 23 57 17 97 576 08:15 AM 26 79 15 120 36 116 9 161 18 67 16 101 20 75 21 116 498 08:30 AM 16 80 16 112 46 106 12 164 11 74 14 99 23 69 20 112 487 08:45 AM 35 89 15 139 53 122 13 188 28 84 23 135 39 95 22 156 618 Total 103 366 68 537 170 462 50 682 83 326 70 479 105 296 80 481 2179 Grand Total 189 809 162 1160 342 964 99 1405 168 644 137 949 197 547 152 896 4410 Apprch %16.3 69.7 14 24.3 68.6 7 17.7 67.9 14.4 22 61 17 Total %4.3 18.3 3.7 26.3 7.8 21.9 2.2 31.9 3.8 14.6 3.1 21.5 4.5 12.4 3.4 20.3 Citrus Avenue Southbound Foothill Boulevard Westbound Citrus Avenue Northbound Foothill Boulevard Eastbound Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Int. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 07:15 AM 07:15 AM 22 139 21 182 44 119 9 172 25 74 9 108 19 58 19 96 558 07:30 AM 28 128 26 182 47 149 15 211 18 91 19 128 25 78 22 125 646 07:45 AM 17 94 32 143 42 133 13 188 27 106 25 158 27 71 15 113 602 08:00 AM 26 118 22 166 35 118 16 169 26 101 17 144 23 57 17 97 576 Total Volume 93 479 101 673 168 519 53 740 96 372 70 538 94 264 73 431 2382 % App. Total 13.8 71.2 15 22.7 70.1 7.2 17.8 69.1 13 21.8 61.3 16.9 PHF .830 .862 .789 .924 .894 .871 .828 .877 .889 .877 .700 .851 .870 .846 .830 .862 .922 Counts Unlimited, Inc. PO Box 1178 Corona, CA 92878 (951) 268-6268 counts@countsunlimited.com File Name : 03_FON_Citrus_Foothill_AM Site Code : 23622536 Start Date : 6/6/2022 Page No : 2 City of Fontana N/S: Citrus Avenue E/W: Foothill Boulevard Weather: Clear Citrus Avenue Foothill Boulevard Foothill Boulevard Citrus Avenue Right 101 Thru 479 Left 93 InOut Total 519 673 1192 Right53 Thru519 Left168 OutTotalIn427 740 1167 Left 96 Thru 372 Right 70 Out TotalIn 720 538 1258 Left94 Thru264 Right73 TotalOutIn716 431 1147 Peak Hour Begins at 07:15 AM Total Volume Peak Hour Data North Peak Hour Analysis From 07:00 AM to 08:45 AM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 07:15 AM 07:15 AM 07:15 AM 08:00 AM +0 mins.22 139 21 182 44 119 9 172 25 74 9 108 23 57 17 97 +15 mins.28 128 26 182 47 149 15 211 18 91 19 128 20 75 21 116 +30 mins.17 94 32 143 42 133 13 188 27 106 25 158 23 69 20 112 +45 mins.26 118 22 166 35 118 16 169 26 101 17 144 39 95 22 156 Total Volume 93 479 101 673 168 519 53 740 96 372 70 538 105 296 80 481 % App. Total 13.8 71.2 15 22.7 70.1 7.2 17.8 69.1 13 21.8 61.5 16.6 PHF .830 .862 .789 .924 .894 .871 .828 .877 .889 .877 .700 .851 .673 .779 .909 .771 Counts Unlimited, Inc. PO Box 1178 Corona, CA 92878 (951) 268-6268 counts@countsunlimited.com File Name : 03_FON_Citrus_Foothill_PM Site Code : 23622536 Start Date : 6/6/2022 Page No : 1 City of Fontana N/S: Citrus Avenue E/W: Foothill Boulevard Weather: Clear Groups Printed- Total Volume Citrus Avenue Southbound Foothill Boulevard Westbound Citrus Avenue Northbound Foothill Boulevard Eastbound Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Int. Total 04:00 PM 41 105 20 166 68 125 31 224 27 168 31 226 64 210 35 309 925 04:15 PM 27 86 14 127 45 110 16 171 27 118 14 159 50 217 37 304 761 04:30 PM 26 111 15 152 64 105 18 187 34 140 20 194 66 176 31 273 806 04:45 PM 21 120 13 154 65 129 28 222 43 143 24 210 60 186 43 289 875 Total 115 422 62 599 242 469 93 804 131 569 89 789 240 789 146 1175 3367 05:00 PM 31 98 11 140 51 120 26 197 25 138 34 197 61 228 43 332 866 05:15 PM 27 111 10 148 55 129 26 210 24 147 20 191 65 177 41 283 832 05:30 PM 28 122 11 161 51 131 22 204 34 154 21 209 49 191 21 261 835 05:45 PM 24 114 16 154 63 99 24 186 32 128 22 182 69 191 28 288 810 Total 110 445 48 603 220 479 98 797 115 567 97 779 244 787 133 1164 3343 Grand Total 225 867 110 1202 462 948 191 1601 246 1136 186 1568 484 1576 279 2339 6710 Apprch %18.7 72.1 9.2 28.9 59.2 11.9 15.7 72.4 11.9 20.7 67.4 11.9 Total %3.4 12.9 1.6 17.9 6.9 14.1 2.8 23.9 3.7 16.9 2.8 23.4 7.2 23.5 4.2 34.9 Citrus Avenue Southbound Foothill Boulevard Westbound Citrus Avenue Northbound Foothill Boulevard Eastbound Start Time Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Left Thru Right App. Total Int. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 04:45 PM 04:45 PM 21 120 13 154 65 129 28 222 43 143 24 210 60 186 43 289 875 05:00 PM 31 98 11 140 51 120 26 197 25 138 34 197 61 228 43 332 866 05:15 PM 27 111 10 148 55 129 26 210 24 147 20 191 65 177 41 283 832 05:30 PM 28 122 11 161 51 131 22 204 34 154 21 209 49 191 21 261 835 Total Volume 107 451 45 603 222 509 102 833 126 582 99 807 235 782 148 1165 3408 % App. Total 17.7 74.8 7.5 26.7 61.1 12.2 15.6 72.1 12.3 20.2 67.1 12.7 PHF .863 .924 .865 .936 .854 .971 .911 .938 .733 .945 .728 .961 .904 .857 .860 .877 .974 Counts Unlimited, Inc. PO Box 1178 Corona, CA 92878 (951) 268-6268 counts@countsunlimited.com File Name : 03_FON_Citrus_Foothill_PM Site Code : 23622536 Start Date : 6/6/2022 Page No : 2 City of Fontana N/S: Citrus Avenue E/W: Foothill Boulevard Weather: Clear Citrus Avenue Foothill Boulevard Foothill Boulevard Citrus Avenue Right 45 Thru 451 Left 107 InOut Total 919 603 1522 Right102 Thru509 Left222 OutTotalIn988 833 1821 Left 126 Thru 582 Right 99 Out TotalIn 821 807 1628 Left235 Thru782 Right148 TotalOutIn680 1165 1845 Peak Hour Begins at 04:45 PM Total Volume Peak Hour Data North Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Each Approach Begins at: 04:45 PM 04:45 PM 04:45 PM 04:15 PM +0 mins.21 120 13 154 65 129 28 222 43 143 24 210 50 217 37 304 +15 mins.31 98 11 140 51 120 26 197 25 138 34 197 66 176 31 273 +30 mins.27 111 10 148 55 129 26 210 24 147 20 191 60 186 43 289 +45 mins.28 122 11 161 51 131 22 204 34 154 21 209 61 228 43 332 Total Volume 107 451 45 603 222 509 102 833 126 582 99 807 237 807 154 1198 % App. Total 17.7 74.8 7.5 26.7 61.1 12.2 15.6 72.1 12.3 19.8 67.4 12.9 PHF .863 .924 .865 .936 .854 .971 .911 .938 .733 .945 .728 .961 .898 .885 .895 .902 Counts Unlimited, Inc. PO Box 1178 Corona, CA 92878 (951) 268-6268 counts@countsunlimited.com APPENDIX C HCM ANALYSIS WORKSHEETS EXISTING PROJECT BASELINE (2021) CONDITIONS Intersection Analysis Summary 6/24/2022Report File: C:\...\E AM.pdf Scenario 1 E AMVistro File: C:\...\HAI21004 Base.vistro Foothill & Tokay Avenue V/C, Delay, LOS: For two-way stop, these values are taken from the movement with the worst (highest) delay value. For all other control types, they are taken for the whole intersection. C31.90.450WB LeftHCM 6th EditionSignalizedCitrus Ave/Foothill Blvd3 A9.20.184EB LeftHCM 6th EditionSignalizedTokay Ave/Foothill Blvd2 B11.20.347EB LeftHCM 6th EditionSignalizedAlmeria Ave/Foothill Blvd1 LOSDelay (s/veh)V/CWorst MvmtMethodControl TypeIntersection NameID 6/24/20221 Scenario 1: 1 E AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0.347Volume to Capacity (v/c): BLevel Of Service: 11.2Delay (sec / veh): 15 minutesAnalysis Period: HCM 6th EditionAnalysis Method: SignalizedControl Type: Intersection 1: Almeria Ave/Foothill Blvd Intersection Level Of Service Report YesYesYesYesCrosswalk NoNoNoNoCurb Present [%] 45.0045.0030.0030.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 000000000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 001001000000No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Foothill BoulevardFoothill BoulevardAlmeria AvenueAlmeria AvenueName Intersection Setup 6/24/20222 Scenario 1: 1 E AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0000Bicycle Volume [bicycles/h] 0000v_ab, Corner Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 0000v_ci, Inbound Pedestrian Volume crossing mi 0000v_co, Outbound Pedestrian Volume crossing 0000v_di, Inbound Pedestrian Volume crossing m 0000v_do, Outbound Pedestrian Volume crossing 000000000000Local Bus Stopping Rate [/h] 000000000000On-Street Parking Maneuver Rate [/h] NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoPresence of On-Street Parking 478014020421271043037202625Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 1220010510572679576Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 0.88100.88100.88100.88100.88100.88100.88100.88100.88100.88100.88100.8810Peak Hour Factor 41706351837124922633182322Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Right Turn on Red Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 41706351837124922633182322Base Volume Input [veh/h] Foothill BoulevardFoothill BoulevardAlmeria AvenueAlmeria AvenueName Volumes 6/24/20223 Scenario 1: 1 E AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0Pedestrian Clearance [s] 0Pedestrian Walk [s] 0Pedestrian Signal Group Exclusive Pedestrian Phase, Upstream Filtering Factor Length [ft] Location [ft] NoNoNoNoNoNoPedestrian Recall NoNoNoNoNoNoMaximum Recall NoNoNoNoNoNoMinimum Recall, Clearance Lost Time [s], Start-Up Lost Time [s] NoNoNoNoRest In Walk Vehicle Green [s] 0160016003400310Pedestrian Clearance [s] 050050050050Walk [s] Extension [s] 027100271004300430Split [s] red [s] [s] 030300303003000300Maximum Green [s] 0105010501000100Minimum Green [s] --Lead--Lead------Lead / Lag Auxiliary Signal Groups 061025040080Signal Group PermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissPermissPermissPermissPermissControl Type Phasing & Timing 2.00Lost time [s] SingleBandPermissive Mode Lead Green - Beginning of First GreenOffset Reference 0.0Offset [s] Fully actuatedActuation Type Time of Day Pattern IsolatedCoordination Type 80Cycle Length [s] -Signal Coordination Group NoLocated in CBD Intersection Settings 6/24/20224 Scenario 1: 1 E AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 7.9178.8539.5127.8725.4327.23150.0656.8595th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] 0.323.151.581. Queue Length [veh/ln] 4.3943.8121.9515.4914.1315.1383.3731.5950th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] 0.181.750.880.620.570.613.331.2650th-Percentile Queue Length [veh/ln] NoYesNoNoNoYesYesNoCritical Lane Group AADAADDCLane Group LOS 3.895.1045.774.464.3645.9436.5232.38d, Delay for Lane Group [s/veh] 0.040.320.590.120.120.520.640.27X, volume / capacity Lane Group Results, progression factor, platoon ratio, Initial Queue Delay [s] 0.070.337.860.190.107.632.580.53d2, Incremental Delay [s], Upstream Filtering Factor 0.500.500.110.500.500.110.110.11k, delay calibration 3.824.7737.914.274.2638.3133.9331.85d1, Uniform Delay [s] 11232516681275248552266267c, Capacity [veh/h] 16153618181018563618181016841642s, saturation flow rate [veh/h] / s)_i Volume / Saturation Flow Rate 0.700.700.040.690.690.030.120.12g / C, Green / Cycle 56563555521010g_i, Effective Green Time [s], Clearance Lost Time [s], Permitted Start-Up Lost Time [s], Total Lost Time per Cycle [s] 8080808080808080C, Cycle Length [s] RCLCCLCCLane Group Lane Group Calculations 6/24/20225 Scenario 1: 1 E AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results d_M, Delay for Movement [s/veh]32.38 32.38 32.38 36.52 36.52 36.52 45.94 4.39 4.46 45.77 5.10 3.89 Movement LOS C C C D D D D A A D A A d_A, Approach Delay [s/veh]32.38 36.52 6.79 6.87 Approach LOS C D A A d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh]11.15 Intersection LOS B Intersection V/C 0.347 Other Modes g_Walk,mi, Effective Walk Time [s]9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 M_corner, Corner Circulation Area [ft²/ped]0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 M_CW, Crosswalk Circulation Area [ft²/ped]0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 d_p, Pedestrian Delay [s]31.52 31.52 31.52 31.52 I_p,int, Pedestrian LOS Score for Intersection 2.166 2.193 2.917 2.928 Crosswalk LOS B B C C s_b, Saturation Flow Rate of the bicycle lane 2000 2000 2000 2000 c_b, Capacity of the bicycle lane [bicycles/h]975 975 575 575 d_b, Bicycle Delay [s]10.51 10.51 20.32 20.32 I_b,int, Bicycle LOS Score for Intersection 1.677 1.842 1.817 2.292 Bicycle LOS A A A B ----------------Ring 4 ----------------Ring 3 ------------8-65Ring 2 ------------4-21Ring 1 Sequence 6/24/20226 Scenario 1: 1 E AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0.184Volume to Capacity (v/c): ALevel Of Service: 9.2Delay (sec / veh): 15 minutesAnalysis Period: HCM 6th EditionAnalysis Method: SignalizedControl Type: Intersection 2: Tokay Ave/Foothill Blvd Intersection Level Of Service Report YesYesYesYesCrosswalk NoNoNoNoCurb Present [%] 30.0030.0025.0035.00Speed [mph] 0.000.00100.0049. Pocket Length [ft] 001100000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 001001100001No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Foothill BoulevardFoothill BoulevardTokay AvenueTokay AvenueName Intersection Setup 6/24/20227 Scenario 1: 1 E AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0000Bicycle Volume [bicycles/h] 0000v_ab, Corner Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 0000v_ci, Inbound Pedestrian Volume crossing mi 0000v_co, Outbound Pedestrian Volume crossing 0000v_di, Inbound Pedestrian Volume crossing m 0000v_do, Outbound Pedestrian Volume crossing 000000000000Local Bus Stopping Rate [/h] 000000000000On-Street Parking Maneuver Rate [/h] NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoPresence of On-Street Parking 24696141938712472317343642Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 61743597312648910Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 0.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.9540Peak Hour Factor 23664131836911452216323440Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Right Turn on Red Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 23664131836911452216323440Base Volume Input [veh/h] Foothill BoulevardFoothill BoulevardTokay AvenueTokay AvenueName Volumes 6/24/20228 Scenario 1: 1 E AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0Pedestrian Clearance [s] 0Pedestrian Walk [s] 0Pedestrian Signal Group Exclusive Pedestrian Phase, Upstream Filtering Factor Length [ft] Location [ft] NoNoNoNoNoNoPedestrian Recall NoNoNoNoNoNoMaximum Recall NoNoNoNoNoNoMinimum Recall, Clearance Lost Time [s], Start-Up Lost Time [s] NoNoNoNoRest In Walk Vehicle Green [s] 0160016003400330Pedestrian Clearance [s] 050050050050Walk [s] Extension [s] 02790281004300430Split [s] red [s] [s] 030300303003000300Maximum Green [s] 0105010501000100Minimum Green [s] --Lead--Lead------Lead / Lag Auxiliary Signal Groups 061025040080Signal Group PermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissPermissPermissPermissPermissControl Type Phasing & Timing 2.00Lost time [s] SingleBandPermissive Mode Lead Green - Beginning of First GreenOffset Reference 0.0Offset [s] Fully actuatedActuation Type Time of Day Pattern IsolatedCoordination Type 80Cycle Length [s] -Signal Coordination Group NoLocated in CBD Intersection Settings 6/24/20229 Scenario 1: 1 E AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 47.7543.6615.5225.5523.3613.6258.5814.7256.9136.4995th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] 1.911.750.621.020.930.542.340.592.281.4695th-Percentile Queue Length [veh/ln] 26.5324.268.6214.2012.987.5732.548.1831.6120.2750th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] 1.060.970.340.570.520.301.300.331.260.8150th-Percentile Queue Length [veh/ln] YesNoNoNoNoYesYesNoNoNoCritical Lane Group AADAADCDCDLane Group LOS 3.963.8147.363.643.5648.0433.7536.2433.6337.54d, Delay for Lane Group [s/veh], volume / capacity Lane Group Results, progression factor, platoon ratio, Initial Queue Delay [s] 0.300.158.460., Incremental Delay [s], Upstream Filtering Factor 0.500.500.110.500.500., delay calibration 3.663.6638.903.483.4839.0232.6635.9832.6236.75d1, Uniform Delay [s] 13422599331329259129197168202167c, Capacity [veh/h] 1868361818101855361818101699135217501352s, saturation flow rate [veh/h] / s)_i Volume / Saturation Flow Rate 0.720.720.020.720.720. / C, Green / Cycle 58581575719999g_i, Effective Green Time [s], Clearance Lost Time [s], Permitted Start-Up Lost Time [s], Total Lost Time per Cycle [s] 80808080808080808080C, Cycle Length [s] CCLCCLCLCLLane Group Lane Group Calculations 6/24/202210 Scenario 1: 1 E AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results d_M, Delay for Movement [s/veh]37.54 33.63 33.63 36.24 33.75 33.75 48.04 3.59 3.64 47.36 3.86 3.96 Movement LOS D C C D C C D A A D A A d_A, Approach Delay [s/veh]35.09 34.24 4.86 4.69 Approach LOS D C A A d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh]9.17 Intersection LOS A Intersection V/C 0.184 Other Modes g_Walk,mi, Effective Walk Time [s]9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 M_corner, Corner Circulation Area [ft²/ped]0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 M_CW, Crosswalk Circulation Area [ft²/ped]0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 d_p, Pedestrian Delay [s]31.53 31.53 31.53 31.53 I_p,int, Pedestrian LOS Score for Intersection 2.000 1.979 2.927 2.888 Crosswalk LOS A A C C s_b, Saturation Flow Rate of the bicycle lane 2000 2000 2000 2000 c_b, Capacity of the bicycle lane [bicycles/h]974 974 600 575 d_b, Bicycle Delay [s]10.52 10.52 19.62 20.33 I_b,int, Bicycle LOS Score for Intersection 1.744 1.703 1.790 1.963 Bicycle LOS A A A A ----------------Ring 4 ----------------Ring 3 ------------8-65Ring 2 ------------4-21Ring 1 Sequence 6/24/202211 Scenario 1: 1 E AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0.450Volume to Capacity (v/c): CLevel Of Service: 31.9Delay (sec / veh): 15 minutesAnalysis Period: HCM 6th EditionAnalysis Method: SignalizedControl Type: Intersection 3: Citrus Ave/Foothill Blvd Intersection Level Of Service Report YesYesYesYesCrosswalk NoNoNoNoCurb Present [%] 45.0045.0040.0040.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 000000000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 101001001001No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Foothill BoulevardFoothill BoulevardCitrus AvenueCitrus AvenueName Intersection Setup 6/24/202212 Scenario 1: 1 E AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0000Bicycle Volume [bicycles/h] 0000v_ab, Corner Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 0000v_ci, Inbound Pedestrian Volume crossing mi 0000v_co, Outbound Pedestrian Volume crossing 0000v_di, Inbound Pedestrian Volume crossing m 0000v_do, Outbound Pedestrian Volume crossing 000000000000Local Bus Stopping Rate [/h] 000000000000On-Street Parking Maneuver Rate [/h] NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoPresence of On-Street Parking 575631827928610211052010176403104Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 141414620722527130251910126Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 0.92200.92200.92200.92200.92200.92200.92200.92200.92200.92200.92200.9220Peak Hour Factor 535191687326494101479937037296Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Right Turn on Red Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 535191687326494101479937037296Base Volume Input [veh/h] Foothill BoulevardFoothill BoulevardCitrus AvenueCitrus AvenueName Volumes 6/24/202213 Scenario 1: 1 E AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0Pedestrian Clearance [s] 0Pedestrian Walk [s] 0Pedestrian Signal Group Exclusive Pedestrian Phase, Upstream Filtering Factor Length [ft] Location [ft] NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoPedestrian Recall NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoMaximum Recall NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoMinimum Recall, Clearance Lost Time [s], Start-Up Lost Time [s] NoNoNoNoRest In Walk Vehicle Green [s] 0230021003100310Pedestrian Clearance [s] 050050050050Walk [s] Extension [s] 03214030120401104011Split [s] red [s] [s] 03030030300303003030Maximum Green [s] 0105010501050105Minimum Green [s] --Lead--Lead--Lead--LeadLead / Lag Auxiliary Signal Groups 047083025061Signal Group PermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtecteControl Type Phasing & Timing 2.00Lost time [s] SingleBandPermissive Mode Lead Green - Beginning of First GreenOffset Reference 0.0Offset [s] Fully actuatedActuation Type Time of Day Pattern IsolatedCoordination Type 95Cycle Length [s] -Signal Coordination Group NoLocated in CBD Intersection Settings 6/24/202214 Scenario 1: 1 E AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 48.91259.15221.3072.76134.33117.27174.85184.37117.44126.13131.57120.6795th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] 1.9610.378.852.915.374.696.997.374.705.055.264.8395th-Percentile Queue Length [veh/ln] 27.17156.55128.3940.4274.6365.1597.14102.4365.2570.0773.0967.0450th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] Queue Length [veh/ln] NoYesNoNoNoYesYesNoNoNoNoYesCritical Lane Group CDEDDDBBDBBDLane Group LOS 33.0540.3562.5236.7337.9252.7315.3815.3052.9114.2514.1952.73d, Delay for Lane Group [s/veh] 0.190.840.950.320.520.780.340.340.780.260.260.78X, volume / capacity Lane Group Results, progression factor, platoon ratio, Initial Queue Delay [s] 0.312.9420.230.750.769.371.040.989.500.700.659.42d2, Incremental Delay [s], Upstream Filtering Factor, delay calibration 32.7437.4142.2935.9837.1643.3614.3414.3243.4113.5613.5443.31d1, Uniform Delay [s] 299670192245550131894951130902954133c, Capacity [veh/h] 161536181810161536181810178719001810179719001810s, saturation flow rate [veh/h] / s)_i Volume / Saturation Flow Rate / C, Green / Cycle 181810141474848748487g_i, Effective Green Time [s], Clearance Lost Time [s], Permitted Start-Up Lost Time [s], Total Lost Time per Cycle [s] 959595959595959595959595C, Cycle Length [s] RCLRCLCCLCCLLane Group Lane Group Calculations 6/24/202215 Scenario 1: 1 E AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results d_M, Delay for Movement [s/veh]52.73 14.22 14.25 52.91 15.33 15.38 52.73 37.92 36.73 62.52 40.35 33.05 Movement LOS D B B D B B D D D E D C d_A, Approach Delay [s/veh]21.09 20.53 40.96 44.86 Approach LOS C C D D d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh]31.90 Intersection LOS C Intersection V/C 0.450 Other Modes g_Walk,mi, Effective Walk Time [s]9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 M_corner, Corner Circulation Area [ft²/ped]0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 M_CW, Crosswalk Circulation Area [ft²/ped]0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 d_p, Pedestrian Delay [s]38.97 38.97 38.97 38.97 I_p,int, Pedestrian LOS Score for Intersection 2.659 2.640 2.858 2.765 Crosswalk LOS B B C C s_b, Saturation Flow Rate of the bicycle lane 2000 2000 2000 2000 c_b, Capacity of the bicycle lane [bicycles/h]757 757 547 589 d_b, Bicycle Delay [s]18.36 18.36 25.09 23.66 I_b,int, Bicycle LOS Score for Intersection 2.041 2.163 1.945 2.221 Bicycle LOS B B A B ----------------Ring 4 ----------------Ring 3 ------------8765Ring 2 ------------4321Ring 1 Sequence 6/24/202216 Scenario 1: 1 E AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with Intersection Analysis Summary 6/24/2022Report File: C:\...\E PM.pdf Scenario 2 E PMVistro File: C:\...\HAI21004 Base.vistro Foothill & Tokay Avenue V/C, Delay, LOS: For two-way stop, these values are taken from the movement with the worst (highest) delay value. For all other control types, they are taken for the whole intersection. C31.20.427WB LeftHCM 6th EditionSignalizedCitrus Ave/Foothill Blvd3 B11.30.365EB LeftHCM 6th EditionSignalizedTokay Ave/Foothill Blvd2 B10.10.334EB LeftHCM 6th EditionSignalizedAlmeria Ave/Foothill Blvd1 LOSDelay (s/veh)V/CWorst MvmtMethodControl TypeIntersection NameID 6/24/20221 Scenario 2: 2 E PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0.334Volume to Capacity (v/c): BLevel Of Service: 10.1Delay (sec / veh): 15 minutesAnalysis Period: HCM 6th EditionAnalysis Method: SignalizedControl Type: Intersection 1: Almeria Ave/Foothill Blvd Intersection Level Of Service Report YesYesYesYesCrosswalk NoNoNoNoCurb Present [%] 45.0045.0030.0030.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 000000000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 001001000000No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Foothill BoulevardFoothill BoulevardAlmeria AvenueAlmeria AvenueName Intersection Setup 6/24/20222 Scenario 2: 2 E PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0000Bicycle Volume [bicycles/h] 0000v_ab, Corner Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 0000v_ci, Inbound Pedestrian Volume crossing mi 0000v_co, Outbound Pedestrian Volume crossing 0000v_di, Inbound Pedestrian Volume crossing m 0000v_do, Outbound Pedestrian Volume crossing 000000000000Local Bus Stopping Rate [/h] 000000000000On-Street Parking Maneuver Rate [/h] NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoPresence of On-Street Parking 1036932624129797561051346120Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 261736632424143138155Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 0.88700.88700.88700.88700.88700.88700.88700.88700.88700.88700.88700.8870Peak Hour Factor 91615232111508650945305418Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Right Turn on Red Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 91615232111508650945305418Base Volume Input [veh/h] Foothill BoulevardFoothill BoulevardAlmeria AvenueAlmeria AvenueName Volumes 6/24/20223 Scenario 2: 2 E PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0Pedestrian Clearance [s] 0Pedestrian Walk [s] 0Pedestrian Signal Group Exclusive Pedestrian Phase, Upstream Filtering Factor Length [ft] Location [ft] NoNoNoNoNoNoPedestrian Recall NoNoNoNoNoNoMaximum Recall NoNoNoNoNoNoMinimum Recall, Clearance Lost Time [s], Start-Up Lost Time [s] NoNoNoNoRest In Walk Vehicle Green [s] 0160016003400310Pedestrian Clearance [s] 050050050050Walk [s] Extension [s] 02590281204300430Split [s] red [s] [s] 030300303003000300Maximum Green [s] 0105010501000100Minimum Green [s] --Lead--Lead------Lead / Lag Auxiliary Signal Groups 061025040080Signal Group PermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissPermissPermissPermissPermissControl Type Phasing & Timing 2.00Lost time [s] SingleBandPermissive Mode Lead Green - Beginning of First GreenOffset Reference 0.0Offset [s] Fully actuatedActuation Type Time of Day Pattern IsolatedCoordination Type 80Cycle Length [s] -Signal Coordination Group NoLocated in CBD Intersection Settings 6/24/20224 Scenario 2: 2 E PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 21.7179.8026.0891.4082.4893.4398.7996.3995th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] 0.873.191.043.663.303.743.953.8695th-Percentile Queue Length [veh/ln] 12.0644.3414.4950.7845.8251.9054.8853.5550th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] 0.481.770.582.031.832.082.202.1450th-Percentile Queue Length [veh/ln] NoNoYesYesNoNoYesNoCritical Lane Group AADAADCCLane Group LOS 5.035.9245.445.304.9745.6834.7834.50d, Delay for Lane Group [s/veh], volume / capacity Lane Group Results, progression factor, platoon ratio, Initial Queue Delay [s] 0.180.307.120.700.369.111.271.14d2, Incremental Delay [s], Upstream Filtering Factor 0.500.500.110.500.500.110.110.11k, delay calibration 4.855.6238.314.604.6036.5833.5133.36d1, Uniform Delay [s] 107123995213262549127256263c, Capacity [veh/h] 16153618181018823618181016411800s, saturation flow rate [veh/h] / s)_i Volume / Saturation Flow Rate 0.660.660.030.710.710.070.120.12g / C, Green / Cycle 535325656699g_i, Effective Green Time [s], Clearance Lost Time [s], Permitted Start-Up Lost Time [s], Total Lost Time per Cycle [s] 8080808080808080C, Cycle Length [s] RCLCCLCCLane Group Lane Group Calculations 6/24/20225 Scenario 2: 2 E PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results d_M, Delay for Movement [s/veh]34.50 34.50 34.50 34.78 34.78 34.78 45.68 5.08 5.30 45.44 5.92 5.03 Movement LOS C C C C C C D A A D A A d_A, Approach Delay [s/veh]34.50 34.78 7.86 7.06 Approach LOS C C A A d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh]10.11 Intersection LOS B Intersection V/C 0.334 Other Modes g_Walk,mi, Effective Walk Time [s]9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 M_corner, Corner Circulation Area [ft²/ped]0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 M_CW, Crosswalk Circulation Area [ft²/ped]0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 d_p, Pedestrian Delay [s]31.53 31.53 31.53 31.53 I_p,int, Pedestrian LOS Score for Intersection 1.796 1.895 3.010 3.123 Crosswalk LOS A A C C s_b, Saturation Flow Rate of the bicycle lane 2000 2000 2000 2000 c_b, Capacity of the bicycle lane [bicycles/h]974 974 600 525 d_b, Bicycle Delay [s]10.52 10.52 19.62 21.78 I_b,int, Bicycle LOS Score for Intersection 1.749 1.753 2.340 2.238 Bicycle LOS A A B B ----------------Ring 4 ----------------Ring 3 ------------8-65Ring 2 ------------4-21Ring 1 Sequence 6/24/20226 Scenario 2: 2 E PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0.365Volume to Capacity (v/c): BLevel Of Service: 11.3Delay (sec / veh): 15 minutesAnalysis Period: HCM 6th EditionAnalysis Method: SignalizedControl Type: Intersection 2: Tokay Ave/Foothill Blvd Intersection Level Of Service Report YesYesYesYesCrosswalk NoNoNoNoCurb Present [%] 30.0030.0025.0035.00Speed [mph] 0.000.00100. Pocket Length [ft] 001000000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 001001001001No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Foothill BoulevardFoothill BoulevardTokay AvenueTokay AvenueName Intersection Setup 6/24/20227 Scenario 2: 2 E PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0000Bicycle Volume [bicycles/h] 0000v_ab, Corner Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 0000v_ci, Inbound Pedestrian Volume crossing mi 0000v_co, Outbound Pedestrian Volume crossing 0000v_di, Inbound Pedestrian Volume crossing m 0000v_do, Outbound Pedestrian Volume crossing 000000000000Local Bus Stopping Rate [/h] 000000000000On-Street Parking Maneuver Rate [/h] NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoPresence of On-Street Parking 4264948481230512222216910271Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 10162121230713665172518Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 0.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.9540Peak Hour Factor 406194646117349212120669768Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Right Turn on Red Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 406194646117349212120669768Base Volume Input [veh/h] Foothill BoulevardFoothill BoulevardTokay AvenueTokay AvenueName Volumes 6/24/20228 Scenario 2: 2 E PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0Pedestrian Clearance [s] 0Pedestrian Walk [s] 0Pedestrian Signal Group Exclusive Pedestrian Phase, Upstream Filtering Factor Length [ft] Location [ft] NoNoNoNoNoNoPedestrian Recall NoNoNoNoNoNoMaximum Recall NoNoNoNoNoNoMinimum Recall, Clearance Lost Time [s], Start-Up Lost Time [s] NoNoNoNoRest In Walk Vehicle Green [s] 0160016003400330Pedestrian Clearance [s] 050050050050Walk [s] Extension [s] 02690281104300430Split [s] red [s] [s] 030300303003000300Maximum Green [s] 0105010501000100Minimum Green [s] --Lead--Lead------Lead / Lag Auxiliary Signal Groups 061025040080Signal Group PermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissPermissPermissPermissPermissControl Type Phasing & Timing 2.00Lost time [s] SingleBandPermissive Mode Lead Green - Beginning of First GreenOffset Reference 0.0Offset [s] Fully actuatedActuation Type Time of Day Pattern IsolatedCoordination Type 80Cycle Length [s] -Signal Coordination Group NoLocated in CBD Intersection Settings 6/24/20229 Scenario 2: 2 E PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 55.7851.8448.62117.73108.7751.7735.3319.72154.4560.9295th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] Queue Length [veh/ln] 30.9928.8027.0165.4160.4328.7619.6310.9685.8133.8550th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] Queue Length [veh/ln] NoNoYesYesNoNoNoNoYesNoCritical Lane Group AADAADCDDDLane Group LOS 5.004.8345.796.015.6546.0931.8640.6639.3936.62d, Delay for Lane Group [s/veh], volume / capacity Lane Group Results, progression factor, platoon ratio, Initial Queue Delay [s] 0.330.178.070.730.388.420.450.945.501.03d2, Incremental Delay [s], Upstream Filtering Factor 0.500.500.110.500.500., delay calibration 4.674.6737.725.275.2737.6731.4139.7333.8935.59d1, Uniform Delay [s] 12542463771271246879219104223203c, Capacity [veh/h] 1842361818101864361818101746123317741384s, saturation flow rate [veh/h] / s)_i Volume / Saturation Flow Rate 0.680.680.040.680.680. / C, Green / Cycle 555535555310101010g_i, Effective Green Time [s], Clearance Lost Time [s], Permitted Start-Up Lost Time [s], Total Lost Time per Cycle [s] 80808080808080808080C, Cycle Length [s] CCLCCLCLCLLane Group Lane Group Calculations 6/24/202210 Scenario 2: 2 E PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results d_M, Delay for Movement [s/veh]36.62 39.39 39.39 40.66 31.86 31.86 46.09 5.76 6.01 45.79 4.88 5.00 Movement LOS D D D D C C D A A D A A d_A, Approach Delay [s/veh]38.57 34.70 7.32 7.55 Approach LOS D C A A d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh]11.32 Intersection LOS B Intersection V/C 0.365 Other Modes g_Walk,mi, Effective Walk Time [s]9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 M_corner, Corner Circulation Area [ft²/ped]0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 M_CW, Crosswalk Circulation Area [ft²/ped]0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 d_p, Pedestrian Delay [s]31.53 31.53 31.53 31.53 I_p,int, Pedestrian LOS Score for Intersection 2.072 2.006 2.979 3.002 Crosswalk LOS B B C C s_b, Saturation Flow Rate of the bicycle lane 2000 2000 2000 2000 c_b, Capacity of the bicycle lane [bicycles/h]974 974 600 550 d_b, Bicycle Delay [s]10.52 10.52 19.62 21.04 I_b,int, Bicycle LOS Score for Intersection 1.959 1.667 2.291 1.966 Bicycle LOS A A B A ----------------Ring 4 ----------------Ring 3 ------------8-65Ring 2 ------------4-21Ring 1 Sequence 6/24/202211 Scenario 2: 2 E PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0.427Volume to Capacity (v/c): CLevel Of Service: 31.2Delay (sec / veh): 15 minutesAnalysis Period: HCM 6th EditionAnalysis Method: SignalizedControl Type: Intersection 3: Citrus Ave/Foothill Blvd Intersection Level Of Service Report YesYesYesYesCrosswalk NoNoNoNoCurb Present [%] 45.0045.0040.0040.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 000000000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 101001001001No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Foothill BoulevardFoothill BoulevardCitrus AvenueCitrus AvenueName Intersection Setup 6/24/202212 Scenario 2: 2 E PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0000Bicycle Volume [bicycles/h] 0000v_ab, Corner Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 0000v_ci, Inbound Pedestrian Volume crossing mi 0000v_co, Outbound Pedestrian Volume crossing 0000v_di, Inbound Pedestrian Volume crossing m 0000v_do, Outbound Pedestrian Volume crossing 000000000000Local Bus Stopping Rate [/h] 000000000000On-Street Parking Maneuver Rate [/h] NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoPresence of On-Street Parking 545331727527197104492957238299Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 14133431968242612324189525Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 0.97400.97400.97400.97400.97400.97400.97400.97400.97400.97400.97400.9740Peak Hour Factor 535191687326494101479937037296Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Right Turn on Red Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 535191687326494101479937037296Base Volume Input [veh/h] Foothill BoulevardFoothill BoulevardCitrus AvenueCitrus AvenueName Volumes 6/24/202213 Scenario 2: 2 E PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0Pedestrian Clearance [s] 0Pedestrian Walk [s] 0Pedestrian Signal Group Exclusive Pedestrian Phase, Upstream Filtering Factor Length [ft] Location [ft] NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoPedestrian Recall NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoMaximum Recall NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoMinimum Recall, Clearance Lost Time [s], Start-Up Lost Time [s] NoNoNoNoRest In Walk Vehicle Green [s] 0230021003100310Pedestrian Clearance [s] 050050050050Walk [s] Extension [s] 03214030120401104011Split [s] red [s] [s] 03030030300303003030Maximum Green [s] 0105010501050105Minimum Green [s] --Lead--Lead--Lead--LeadLead / Lag Auxiliary Signal Groups 047083025061Signal Group PermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtecteControl Type Phasing & Timing 2.00Lost time [s] SingleBandPermissive Mode Lead Green - Beginning of First GreenOffset Reference 0.0Offset [s] Fully actuatedActuation Type Time of Day Pattern IsolatedCoordination Type 95Cycle Length [s] -Signal Coordination Group NoLocated in CBD Intersection Settings 6/24/202214 Scenario 2: 2 E PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 46.86248.62200.9270.21129.05112.01157.00165.29111.05113.68118.40115.3195th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] 1.879.948.042.815.164.486.286.614.444.554.744.6195th-Percentile Queue Length [veh/ln] 26.03148.65113.5439.0071.7062.2387.2291.8361.7063.1665.7864.0650th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] 1.045.954.541.562.872.493.493.672.472.532.632.5650th-Percentile Queue Length [veh/ln] NoYesNoNoNoYesYesNoNoNoNoYesCritical Lane Group CDEDDDBBDBBDLane Group LOS 33.6840.7655.7337.7338.8953.1014.2514.1853.3513.2313.1853.05d, Delay for Lane Group [s/veh] 0.190.830.900.330.530.770.310.310.770.240.240.77X, volume / capacity Lane Group Results, progression factor, platoon ratio, Initial Queue Delay [s] 0.322.9413.700.850.889.560.900.849.740.600.569.57d2, Incremental Delay [s], Upstream Filtering Factor, delay calibration 33.3737.8242.0336.8838.0243.5313.3513.3443.6112.6312.6143.48d1, Uniform Delay [s] 285639192227507126920979123930984128c, Capacity [veh/h] 161536181810161536181810178719001810179719001810s, saturation flow rate [veh/h] / s)_i Volume / Saturation Flow Rate / C, Green / Cycle 171710131374949649497g_i, Effective Green Time [s], Clearance Lost Time [s], Permitted Start-Up Lost Time [s], Total Lost Time per Cycle [s] 959595959595959595959595C, Cycle Length [s] RCLRCLCCLCCLLane Group Lane Group Calculations 6/24/202215 Scenario 2: 2 E PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results d_M, Delay for Movement [s/veh]53.05 13.20 13.23 53.35 14.20 14.25 53.10 38.89 37.73 55.73 40.76 33.68 Movement LOS D B B D B B D D D E D C d_A, Approach Delay [s/veh]20.34 19.59 41.81 43.65 Approach LOS C B D D d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh]31.25 Intersection LOS C Intersection V/C 0.427 Other Modes g_Walk,mi, Effective Walk Time [s]9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 M_corner, Corner Circulation Area [ft²/ped]0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 M_CW, Crosswalk Circulation Area [ft²/ped]0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 d_p, Pedestrian Delay [s]38.97 38.97 38.97 38.97 I_p,int, Pedestrian LOS Score for Intersection 2.640 2.622 2.844 2.749 Crosswalk LOS B B C B s_b, Saturation Flow Rate of the bicycle lane 2000 2000 2000 2000 c_b, Capacity of the bicycle lane [bicycles/h]757 757 547 589 d_b, Bicycle Delay [s]18.36 18.36 25.09 23.66 I_b,int, Bicycle LOS Score for Intersection 2.016 2.130 1.925 2.186 Bicycle LOS B B A B ----------------Ring 4 ----------------Ring 3 ------------8765Ring 2 ------------4321Ring 1 Sequence 6/24/202216 Scenario 2: 2 E PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with OY CONDITIONS Intersection Analysis Summary 6/24/2022Report File: C:\...\OY AM.pdf Scenario 3 OY AMVistro File: C:\...\HAI21004 Base.vistro Foothill & Tokay Avenue V/C, Delay, LOS: For two-way stop, these values are taken from the movement with the worst (highest) delay value. For all other control types, they are taken for the whole intersection. C33.90.530WB LeftHCM 6th EditionSignalizedCitrus Ave/Foothill Blvd3 A9.50.227EB LeftHCM 6th EditionSignalizedTokay Ave/Foothill Blvd2 B13.10.321WB LeftHCM 6th EditionSignalizedAlmeria Ave/Foothill Blvd1 LOSDelay (s/veh)V/CWorst MvmtMethodControl TypeIntersection NameID 6/24/20221 Scenario 3: 3 OY AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0.321Volume to Capacity (v/c): BLevel Of Service: 13.1Delay (sec / veh): 15 minutesAnalysis Period: HCM 6th EditionAnalysis Method: SignalizedControl Type: Intersection 1: Almeria Ave/Foothill Blvd Intersection Level Of Service Report YesYesYesYesCrosswalk NoNoNoNoCurb Present [%] 45.0045.0030.0030.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 000000000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 001001000000No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Foothill BoulevardFoothill BoulevardAlmeria AvenueAlmeria AvenueName Intersection Setup 6/24/20222 Scenario 3: 3 OY AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0000Bicycle Volume [bicycles/h] 0000v_ab, Corner Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 0000v_ci, Inbound Pedestrian Volume crossing mi 0000v_co, Outbound Pedestrian Volume crossing 0000v_di, Inbound Pedestrian Volume crossing m 0000v_do, Outbound Pedestrian Volume crossing 000000000000Local Bus Stopping Rate [/h] 000000000000On-Street Parking Maneuver Rate [/h] NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoPresence of On-Street Parking 649444724504391453474243130Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 162361261261036918687Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 0.88100.88100.88100.88100.88100.88100.88100.88100.88100.88100.88100.8810Peak Hour Factor 568324121444341283065212726Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Right Turn on Red Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 85009620026000Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.1717Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 41706351837124922633182322Base Volume Input [veh/h] Foothill BoulevardFoothill BoulevardAlmeria AvenueAlmeria AvenueName Volumes 6/24/20223 Scenario 3: 3 OY AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0Pedestrian Clearance [s] 0Pedestrian Walk [s] 0Pedestrian Signal Group Exclusive Pedestrian Phase, Upstream Filtering Factor Length [ft] Location [ft] NoNoNoNoNoNoPedestrian Recall NoNoNoNoNoNoMaximum Recall NoNoNoNoNoNoMinimum Recall, Clearance Lost Time [s], Start-Up Lost Time [s] NoNoNoNoRest In Walk Vehicle Green [s] 0160016003400310Pedestrian Clearance [s] 050050050050Walk [s] Extension [s] 02515025904600400Split [s] red [s] [s] 030300303003000300Maximum Green [s] 0105010501000100Minimum Green [s] --Lead--Lead------Lead / Lag Auxiliary Signal Groups 067023040080Signal Group PermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissPermissPermissPermissPermissControl Type Phasing & Timing 2.00Lost time [s] SingleBandPermissive Mode Lead Green - Beginning of First GreenOffset Reference 0.0Offset [s] Fully actuatedActuation Type Time of Day Pattern IsolatedCoordination Type 80Cycle Length [s] -Signal Coordination Group NoLocated in CBD Intersection Settings 6/24/20224 Scenario 3: 3 OY AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 11.51103.9946.1134.0231.1038.27233.2269.2095th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] 0.464.161.841.361.241.539.332.7795th-Percentile Queue Length [veh/ln] 6.3957.7725.6118.9017.2821.26137.1838.4550th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] 0.262.311.020.760.690.855.491.5450th-Percentile Queue Length [veh/ln] NoYesNoNoNoNoNoYesCritical Lane Group AADAADDCLane Group LOS 4.195.7645.704.594.4745.2442.9833.15d, Delay for Lane Group [s/veh] 0.060.380.620.140.140.570.850.33X, volume / capacity Lane Group Results, progression factor, platoon ratio, Initial Queue Delay [s] 0.100.447.970.230.127.346.870.72d2, Incremental Delay [s], Upstream Filtering Factor 0.500.500.110.500.500.110.110.11k, delay calibration 4.095.3237.734.354.3537.9036.1132.43d1, Uniform Delay [s] 11092484761275248468297260c, Capacity [veh/h] 16153618181018563618181016141641s, saturation flow rate [veh/h] / s)_i Volume / Saturation Flow Rate 0.690.690.040.690.690.040.150.12g / C, Green / Cycle 55553555531210g_i, Effective Green Time [s], Clearance Lost Time [s], Permitted Start-Up Lost Time [s], Total Lost Time per Cycle [s] 8080808080808080C, Cycle Length [s] RCLCCLCCLane Group Lane Group Calculations 6/24/20225 Scenario 3: 3 OY AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results d_M, Delay for Movement [s/veh]33.15 33.15 33.15 42.98 42.98 42.98 45.24 4.50 4.59 45.70 5.76 4.19 Movement LOS C C C D D D D A A D A A d_A, Approach Delay [s/veh]33.15 42.98 7.31 7.45 Approach LOS C D A A d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh]13.11 Intersection LOS B Intersection V/C 0.321 Other Modes g_Walk,mi, Effective Walk Time [s]9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 M_corner, Corner Circulation Area [ft²/ped]0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 M_CW, Crosswalk Circulation Area [ft²/ped]0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 d_p, Pedestrian Delay [s]31.53 31.53 31.53 31.53 I_p,int, Pedestrian LOS Score for Intersection 2.173 2.221 2.985 2.988 Crosswalk LOS B B C C s_b, Saturation Flow Rate of the bicycle lane 2000 2000 2000 2000 c_b, Capacity of the bicycle lane [bicycles/h]900 1049 525 525 d_b, Bicycle Delay [s]12.12 9.04 21.78 21.78 I_b,int, Bicycle LOS Score for Intersection 1.700 1.977 1.871 2.430 Bicycle LOS A A A B ----------------Ring 4 ----------------Ring 3 ------------876-Ring 2 ------------432-Ring 1 Sequence 6/24/20226 Scenario 3: 3 OY AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0.227Volume to Capacity (v/c): ALevel Of Service: 9.5Delay (sec / veh): 15 minutesAnalysis Period: HCM 6th EditionAnalysis Method: SignalizedControl Type: Intersection 2: Tokay Ave/Foothill Blvd Intersection Level Of Service Report YesYesYesYesCrosswalk NoNoNoNoCurb Present [%] 30.0030.0025.0035.00Speed [mph] 0.000.00100. Pocket Length [ft] 001000000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 001001100001No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Foothill BoulevardFoothill BoulevardTokay AvenueTokay AvenueName Intersection Setup 6/24/20227 Scenario 3: 3 OY AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0000Bicycle Volume [bicycles/h] 0000v_ab, Corner Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 0000v_ci, Inbound Pedestrian Volume crossing mi 0000v_co, Outbound Pedestrian Volume crossing 0000v_di, Inbound Pedestrian Volume crossing m 0000v_do, Outbound Pedestrian Volume crossing 000000000000Local Bus Stopping Rate [/h] 000000000000On-Street Parking Maneuver Rate [/h] NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoPresence of On-Street Parking 40850162849814582823404353Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 102134712541576101113Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 0.92700.92700.92700.92700.92700.92700.92700.92700.92700.92700.92700.9270Peak Hour Factor 37788152646213542621374049Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Right Turn on Red Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 01005300102002Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.04041.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.1717Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 36664131836911452216323440Base Volume Input [veh/h] Foothill BoulevardFoothill BoulevardTokay AvenueTokay AvenueName Volumes 6/24/20228 Scenario 3: 3 OY AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0Pedestrian Clearance [s] 0Pedestrian Walk [s] 0Pedestrian Signal Group Exclusive Pedestrian Phase, Upstream Filtering Factor Length [ft] Location [ft] NoNoNoNoNoNoPedestrian Recall NoNoNoNoNoNoMaximum Recall NoNoNoNoNoNoMinimum Recall, Clearance Lost Time [s], Start-Up Lost Time [s] NoNoNoNoRest In Walk Vehicle Green [s] 0160016003400330Pedestrian Clearance [s] 050050050050Walk [s] Extension [s] 02790281004300430Split [s] red [s] [s] 030300303003000300Maximum Green [s] 0105010501000100Minimum Green [s] --Lead--Lead------Lead / Lag Auxiliary Signal Groups 061025040080Signal Group PermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissPermissPermissPermissPermissControl Type Phasing & Timing 2.00Lost time [s] SingleBandPermissive Mode Lead Green - Beginning of First GreenOffset Reference 0.0Offset [s] Fully actuatedActuation Type Time of Day Pattern IsolatedCoordination Type 80Cycle Length [s] -Signal Coordination Group NoLocated in CBD Intersection Settings 6/24/20229 Scenario 3: 3 OY AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 68.3463.1017.8637.7934.8215.9870.6919.8766.0346.3995th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] 2.732.520.711.511.390.642.830.792.641.8695th-Percentile Queue Length [veh/ln] 37.9635.059.9221.0019.358.8839.2711.0436.6925.7750th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] 1.521.400.400.840.770.361.570.441.471.0350th-Percentile Queue Length [veh/ln] YesNoNoNoNoYesYesNoNoNoCritical Lane Group AADAADCDCDLane Group LOS 4.704.4948.474.244.1349.2732.7936.1532.5537.94d, Delay for Lane Group [s/veh], volume / capacity Lane Group Results, progression factor, platoon ratio, Initial Queue Delay [s] 0.420.219.620.220.1110.301.070.340.931.05d2, Incremental Delay [s], Upstream Filtering Factor 0.500.500.110.500.500., delay calibration 4.284.2838.854.024.0138.9731.7235.8031.6136.89d1, Uniform Delay [s] 13012535341292252831225173232169c, Capacity [veh/h] 1857361818101849361818101698133617511332s, saturation flow rate [veh/h] / s)_i Volume / Saturation Flow Rate 0.700.700.020.700.700. / C, Green / Cycle 565625656111111111g_i, Effective Green Time [s], Clearance Lost Time [s], Permitted Start-Up Lost Time [s], Total Lost Time per Cycle [s] 80808080808080808080C, Cycle Length [s] CCLCCLCLCLLane Group Lane Group Calculations 6/24/202210 Scenario 3: 3 OY AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results d_M, Delay for Movement [s/veh]37.94 32.55 32.55 36.15 32.79 32.79 49.27 4.16 4.24 48.47 4.55 4.70 Movement LOS D C C D C C D A A D A A d_A, Approach Delay [s/veh]34.65 33.50 5.34 5.34 Approach LOS C C A A d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh]9.51 Intersection LOS A Intersection V/C 0.227 Other Modes g_Walk,mi, Effective Walk Time [s]9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 M_corner, Corner Circulation Area [ft²/ped]0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 M_CW, Crosswalk Circulation Area [ft²/ped]0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 d_p, Pedestrian Delay [s]31.51 31.51 31.51 31.51 I_p,int, Pedestrian LOS Score for Intersection 2.015 1.992 2.874 2.933 Crosswalk LOS B A C C s_b, Saturation Flow Rate of the bicycle lane 2000 2000 2000 2000 c_b, Capacity of the bicycle lane [bicycles/h]975 975 600 575 d_b, Bicycle Delay [s]10.51 10.51 19.60 20.31 I_b,int, Bicycle LOS Score for Intersection 1.784 1.739 1.857 2.058 Bicycle LOS A A A B ----------------Ring 4 ----------------Ring 3 ------------8-65Ring 2 ------------4-21Ring 1 Sequence 6/24/202211 Scenario 3: 3 OY AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0.530Volume to Capacity (v/c): CLevel Of Service: 33.9Delay (sec / veh): 15 minutesAnalysis Period: HCM 6th EditionAnalysis Method: SignalizedControl Type: Intersection 3: Citrus Ave/Foothill Blvd Intersection Level Of Service Report YesYesYesYesCrosswalk NoNoNoNoCurb Present [%] 45.0045.0040.0040.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 000000000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 101001001001No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Foothill BoulevardFoothill BoulevardCitrus AvenueCitrus AvenueName Intersection Setup 6/24/202212 Scenario 3: 3 OY AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0000Bicycle Volume [bicycles/h] 0000v_ab, Corner Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 0000v_ci, Inbound Pedestrian Volume crossing mi 0000v_co, Outbound Pedestrian Volume crossing 0000v_di, Inbound Pedestrian Volume crossing m 0000v_do, Outbound Pedestrian Volume crossing 000000000000Local Bus Stopping Rate [/h] 000000000000On-Street Parking Maneuver Rate [/h] NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoPresence of On-Street Parking 6766621410835511912861011889478126Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 171665327893032152302212031Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 0.92200.92200.92200.92200.92200.92200.92200.92200.92200.92200.92200.9220Peak Hour Factor 6261419710032711011856210982441116Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Right Turn on Red Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 06014180010054Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.1717Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 535191687326494101479937037296Base Volume Input [veh/h] Foothill BoulevardFoothill BoulevardCitrus AvenueCitrus AvenueName Volumes 6/24/202213 Scenario 3: 3 OY AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0Pedestrian Clearance [s] 0Pedestrian Walk [s] 0Pedestrian Signal Group Exclusive Pedestrian Phase, Upstream Filtering Factor Length [ft] Location [ft] NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoPedestrian Recall NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoMaximum Recall NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoMinimum Recall, Clearance Lost Time [s], Start-Up Lost Time [s] NoNoNoNoRest In Walk Vehicle Green [s] 0230021003100310Pedestrian Clearance [s] 050050050050Walk [s] Extension [s] 03417030130401304013Split [s] red [s] [s] 03030030300303003030Maximum Green [s] 0105010501050105Minimum Green [s] --Lead--Lead--Lead--LeadLead / Lag Auxiliary Signal Groups 047083025061Signal Group PermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtecteControl Type Phasing & Timing 2.00Lost time [s] SingleBandPermissive Mode Lead Green - Beginning of First GreenOffset Reference 0.0Offset [s] Fully actuatedActuation Type Time of Day Pattern IsolatedCoordination Type 100Cycle Length [s] -Signal Coordination Group NoLocated in CBD Intersection Settings 6/24/202214 Scenario 3: 3 OY AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 58.79309.61244.13105.65177.60143.00237.83248.70143.15181.19189.68152.3495th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] 2.3512.389.774.237.105.729.519.955.737.257.596.0995th-Percentile Queue Length [veh/ln] 32.66195.08145.2958.7098.6779.44140.60148.7079.53100.66105.4784.6350th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] 1.317.805.812.353.953.185.625.953. Queue Length [veh/ln] NoYesNoNoNoYesYesNoNoNoNoYesCritical Lane Group CDEDDDCCDBBDLane Group LOS 32.6241.0655.2738.3839.6354.2920.1120.0054.3418.1718.0954.00d, Delay for Lane Group [s/veh] 0.190.860.910.400.590.800.440.440.790.330.330.80X, volume / capacity Lane Group Results, progression factor, platoon ratio, Initial Queue Delay [s] 0.273.0612.330.990.959.191.701.609., Incremental Delay [s], Upstream Filtering Factor, delay calibration 32.3538.0142.9337.3938.6945.1018.4118.4145.1317.1017.0844.88d1, Uniform Delay [s] 344771236267598150818870149831879157c, Capacity [veh/h] 161536181810161536181810178719001810179819001810s, saturation flow rate [veh/h] / s)_i Volume / Saturation Flow Rate / C, Green / Cycle 212113161684646846469g_i, Effective Green Time [s], Clearance Lost Time [s], Permitted Start-Up Lost Time [s], Total Lost Time per Cycle [s] 100100100100100100100100100100100100C, Cycle Length [s] RCLRCLCCLCCLLane Group Lane Group Calculations 6/24/202215 Scenario 3: 3 OY AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results d_M, Delay for Movement [s/veh]54.00 18.12 18.17 54.34 20.04 20.11 54.29 39.63 38.38 55.27 41.06 32.62 Movement LOS D B B D C C D D D E D C d_A, Approach Delay [s/veh]24.65 24.78 42.40 43.68 Approach LOS C C D D d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh]33.90 Intersection LOS C Intersection V/C 0.530 Other Modes g_Walk,mi, Effective Walk Time [s]9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 M_corner, Corner Circulation Area [ft²/ped]0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 M_CW, Crosswalk Circulation Area [ft²/ped]0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 d_p, Pedestrian Delay [s]41.44 41.44 41.44 41.44 I_p,int, Pedestrian LOS Score for Intersection 2.729 2.702 2.914 2.827 Crosswalk LOS B B C C s_b, Saturation Flow Rate of the bicycle lane 2000 2000 2000 2000 c_b, Capacity of the bicycle lane [bicycles/h]719 719 520 600 d_b, Bicycle Delay [s]20.51 20.51 27.41 24.53 I_b,int, Bicycle LOS Score for Intersection 2.131 2.266 2.040 2.341 Bicycle LOS B B B B ----------------Ring 4 ----------------Ring 3 ------------8765Ring 2 ------------4321Ring 1 Sequence 6/24/202216 Scenario 3: 3 OY AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with Intersection Analysis Summary 6/24/2022Report File: C:\...\OY PM.pdf Scenario 4 OY PMVistro File: C:\...\HAI21004 Base.vistro Foothill & Tokay Avenue V/C, Delay, LOS: For two-way stop, these values are taken from the movement with the worst (highest) delay value. For all other control types, they are taken for the whole intersection. C34.60.546SB LeftHCM 6th EditionSignalizedCitrus Ave/Foothill Blvd3 B12.20.432EB LeftHCM 6th EditionSignalizedTokay Ave/Foothill Blvd2 B11.80.428WB LeftHCM 6th EditionSignalizedAlmeria Ave/Foothill Blvd1 LOSDelay (s/veh)V/CWorst MvmtMethodControl TypeIntersection NameID 6/24/20221 Scenario 4: 4 OY PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0.428Volume to Capacity (v/c): BLevel Of Service: 11.8Delay (sec / veh): 15 minutesAnalysis Period: HCM 6th EditionAnalysis Method: SignalizedControl Type: Intersection 1: Almeria Ave/Foothill Blvd Intersection Level Of Service Report YesYesYesYesCrosswalk NoNoNoNoCurb Present [%] 45.0045.0030.0030.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 000000000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 001001000000No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Foothill BoulevardFoothill BoulevardAlmeria AvenueAlmeria AvenueName Intersection Setup 6/24/20222 Scenario 4: 4 OY PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0000Bicycle Volume [bicycles/h] 0000v_ab, Corner Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 0000v_ci, Inbound Pedestrian Volume crossing mi 0000v_co, Outbound Pedestrian Volume crossing 0000v_di, Inbound Pedestrian Volume crossing m 0000v_do, Outbound Pedestrian Volume crossing 000000000000Local Bus Stopping Rate [/h] 000000000000On-Street Parking Maneuver Rate [/h] NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoPresence of On-Street Parking 15482130281524139811278397124Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 3920587381352031910186Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 0.88700.88700.88700.88700.88700.88700.88700.88700.88700.88700.88700.8870Peak Hour Factor 13772827251352123721169356321Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Right Turn on Red Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 3070052213016000Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.1717Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 91615232111508650945305418Base Volume Input [veh/h] Foothill BoulevardFoothill BoulevardAlmeria AvenueAlmeria AvenueName Volumes 6/24/20223 Scenario 4: 4 OY PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0Pedestrian Clearance [s] 0Pedestrian Walk [s] 0Pedestrian Signal Group Exclusive Pedestrian Phase, Upstream Filtering Factor Length [ft] Location [ft] NoNoNoNoNoNoPedestrian Recall NoNoNoNoNoNoMaximum Recall NoNoNoNoNoNoMinimum Recall, Clearance Lost Time [s], Start-Up Lost Time [s] NoNoNoNoRest In Walk Vehicle Green [s] 0160016003400310Pedestrian Clearance [s] 050050050050Walk [s] Extension [s] 02590281204300430Split [s] red [s] [s] 030300303003000300Maximum Green [s] 0105010501000100Minimum Green [s] --Lead--Lead------Lead / Lag Auxiliary Signal Groups 061025040080Signal Group PermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissPermissPermissPermissPermissControl Type Phasing & Timing 2.00Lost time [s] SingleBandPermissive Mode Lead Green - Beginning of First GreenOffset Reference 0.0Offset [s] Fully actuatedActuation Type Time of Day Pattern IsolatedCoordination Type 80Cycle Length [s] -Signal Coordination Group NoLocated in CBD Intersection Settings 6/24/20224 Scenario 4: 4 OY PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 41.84124.2330.02131.60119.17129.67149.97110.4195th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] 1.674.971.205.264.775.196.004.4295th-Percentile Queue Length [veh/ln] 23.2469.0216.6873.1166.2072.0483.3261.3450th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] 0.932.760.672.922.652.883.332.4550th-Percentile Queue Length [veh/ln] NoYesNoNoNoYesYesNoCritical Lane Group AADAADDCLane Group LOS 6.757.9945.776.556.0843.5336.1933.47d, Delay for Lane Group [s/veh] 0.150.370.530.410.410.800.640.46X, volume / capacity Lane Group Results, progression factor, platoon ratio, Initial Queue Delay [s] 0.330.467.570.980.518.122.511.12d2, Incremental Delay [s], Upstream Filtering Factor 0.500.500.110.500.500.110.110.11k, delay calibration 6.437.5238.205.575.5735.4133.6832.35d1, Uniform Delay [s] 99922395612872474174268292c, Capacity [veh/h] 16153618181018823618181015011772s, saturation flow rate [veh/h] / s)_i Volume / Saturation Flow Rate 0.620.620.030.680.680.100.140.14g / C, Green / Cycle 49492555581111g_i, Effective Green Time [s], Clearance Lost Time [s], Permitted Start-Up Lost Time [s], Total Lost Time per Cycle [s] 8080808080808080C, Cycle Length [s] RCLCCLCCLane Group Lane Group Calculations 6/24/20225 Scenario 4: 4 OY PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results d_M, Delay for Movement [s/veh]33.47 33.47 33.47 36.19 36.19 36.19 43.53 6.23 6.55 45.77 7.99 6.75 Movement LOS C C C D D D D A A D A A d_A, Approach Delay [s/veh]33.47 36.19 9.31 8.92 Approach LOS C D A A d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh]11.79 Intersection LOS B Intersection V/C 0.428 Other Modes g_Walk,mi, Effective Walk Time [s]9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 M_corner, Corner Circulation Area [ft²/ped]0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 M_CW, Crosswalk Circulation Area [ft²/ped]0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 d_p, Pedestrian Delay [s]31.52 31.52 31.52 31.52 I_p,int, Pedestrian LOS Score for Intersection 1.810 1.971 3.121 3.253 Crosswalk LOS A A C C s_b, Saturation Flow Rate of the bicycle lane 2000 2000 2000 2000 c_b, Capacity of the bicycle lane [bicycles/h]975 975 600 525 d_b, Bicycle Delay [s]10.51 10.51 19.61 21.77 I_b,int, Bicycle LOS Score for Intersection 1.781 1.842 2.490 2.389 Bicycle LOS A A B B ----------------Ring 4 ----------------Ring 3 ------------8-65Ring 2 ------------4-21Ring 1 Sequence 6/24/20226 Scenario 4: 4 OY PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0.432Volume to Capacity (v/c): BLevel Of Service: 12.2Delay (sec / veh): 15 minutesAnalysis Period: HCM 6th EditionAnalysis Method: SignalizedControl Type: Intersection 2: Tokay Ave/Foothill Blvd Intersection Level Of Service Report YesYesYesYesCrosswalk NoNoNoNoCurb Present [%] 30.0030.0025.0035.00Speed [mph] 0.000.00100. Pocket Length [ft] 001000000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 001001001001No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Foothill BoulevardFoothill BoulevardTokay AvenueTokay AvenueName Intersection Setup 6/24/20227 Scenario 4: 4 OY PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0000Bicycle Volume [bicycles/h] 0000v_ab, Corner Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 0000v_ci, Inbound Pedestrian Volume crossing mi 0000v_co, Outbound Pedestrian Volume crossing 0000v_di, Inbound Pedestrian Volume crossing m 0000v_do, Outbound Pedestrian Volume crossing 000000000000Local Bus Stopping Rate [/h] 000000000000On-Street Parking Maneuver Rate [/h] NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoPresence of On-Street Parking 5179257601458612626248111990Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 13198141536515776203023Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 0.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.9540Peak Hour Factor 4975654571391582525237711486Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Right Turn on Red Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 23103171000006Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.1717Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 406194646117349212120669768Base Volume Input [veh/h] Foothill BoulevardFoothill BoulevardTokay AvenueTokay AvenueName Volumes 6/24/20228 Scenario 4: 4 OY PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0Pedestrian Clearance [s] 0Pedestrian Walk [s] 0Pedestrian Signal Group Exclusive Pedestrian Phase, Upstream Filtering Factor Length [ft] Location [ft] NoNoNoNoNoNoPedestrian Recall NoNoNoNoNoNoMaximum Recall NoNoNoNoNoNoMinimum Recall, Clearance Lost Time [s], Start-Up Lost Time [s] NoNoNoNoRest In Walk Vehicle Green [s] 0160016003400330Pedestrian Clearance [s] 050050050050Walk [s] Extension [s] 02790281004300430Split [s] red [s] [s] 030300303003000300Maximum Green [s] 0105010501000100Minimum Green [s] --Lead--Lead------Lead / Lag Auxiliary Signal Groups 061025040080Signal Group PermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissPermissPermissPermissPermissControl Type Phasing & Timing 2.00Lost time [s] SingleBandPermissive Mode Lead Green - Beginning of First GreenOffset Reference 0.0Offset [s] Fully actuatedActuation Type Time of Day Pattern IsolatedCoordination Type 80Cycle Length [s] -Signal Coordination Group NoLocated in CBD Intersection Settings 6/24/20229 Scenario 4: 4 OY PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 78.1373.0258.29165.70153.3462.8240.7922.57178.8076.9895th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] 3.132.922.336.636.132.511.630.907.153.0895th-Percentile Queue Length [veh/ln] 43.4140.5632.3892.0685.1934.9022.6612.5499.3342.7750th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] 1.741.621.303.683.411.400.910.503.971.7150th-Percentile Queue Length [veh/ln] NoNoYesYesNoNoNoNoYesNoCritical Lane Group AADAADCDDDLane Group LOS 5.955.7246.897.426.9147.5930.7340.7838.5836.29d, Delay for Lane Group [s/veh], volume / capacity Lane Group Results, progression factor, platoon ratio, Initial Queue Delay [s] 0.450., Incremental Delay [s], Upstream Filtering Factor 0.500.500.110.500.500., delay calibration 5.495.4937.616.376.3737.5730.3239.7033.1535.08d1, Uniform Delay [s] 12152386841231239186250106253221c, Capacity [veh/h] 1842361818101862361818101746120117731374s, saturation flow rate [veh/h] / s)_i Volume / Saturation Flow Rate 0.660.660.050.660.660. / C, Green / Cycle 535345353411111111g_i, Effective Green Time [s], Clearance Lost Time [s], Permitted Start-Up Lost Time [s], Total Lost Time per Cycle [s] 80808080808080808080C, Cycle Length [s] CCLCCLCLCLLane Group Lane Group Calculations 6/24/202210 Scenario 4: 4 OY PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results d_M, Delay for Movement [s/veh]36.29 38.58 38.58 40.78 30.73 30.73 47.59 7.07 7.42 46.89 5.79 5.95 Movement LOS D D D D C C D A A D A A d_A, Approach Delay [s/veh]37.87 33.90 8.65 8.40 Approach LOS D C A A d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh]12.22 Intersection LOS B Intersection V/C 0.432 Other Modes g_Walk,mi, Effective Walk Time [s]9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 M_corner, Corner Circulation Area [ft²/ped]0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 M_CW, Crosswalk Circulation Area [ft²/ped]0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 d_p, Pedestrian Delay [s]31.53 31.53 31.53 31.53 I_p,int, Pedestrian LOS Score for Intersection 2.100 2.019 3.064 3.055 Crosswalk LOS B B C C s_b, Saturation Flow Rate of the bicycle lane 2000 2000 2000 2000 c_b, Capacity of the bicycle lane [bicycles/h]974 974 600 575 d_b, Bicycle Delay [s]10.52 10.52 19.62 20.33 I_b,int, Bicycle LOS Score for Intersection 2.038 1.685 2.428 2.055 Bicycle LOS B A B B ----------------Ring 4 ----------------Ring 3 ------------8-65Ring 2 ------------4-21Ring 1 Sequence 6/24/202211 Scenario 4: 4 OY PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0.546Volume to Capacity (v/c): CLevel Of Service: 34.6Delay (sec / veh): 15 minutesAnalysis Period: HCM 6th EditionAnalysis Method: SignalizedControl Type: Intersection 3: Citrus Ave/Foothill Blvd Intersection Level Of Service Report YesYesYesYesCrosswalk NoNoNoNoCurb Present [%] 45.0045.0040.0040.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 000000000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 101001001001No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Foothill BoulevardFoothill BoulevardCitrus AvenueCitrus AvenueName Intersection Setup 6/24/202212 Scenario 4: 4 OY PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0000Bicycle Volume [bicycles/h] 0000v_ab, Corner Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 0000v_ci, Inbound Pedestrian Volume crossing mi 0000v_co, Outbound Pedestrian Volume crossing 0000v_di, Inbound Pedestrian Volume crossing m 0000v_do, Outbound Pedestrian Volume crossing 000000000000Local Bus Stopping Rate [/h] 000000000000On-Street Parking Maneuver Rate [/h] NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoPresence of On-Street Parking 646452029532811312158111284449128Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 161615124822830145282111232Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 0.97400.97400.97400.97400.97400.97400.97400.97400.97400.97400.97400.9740Peak Hour Factor 626281979331911011856610982437125Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Right Turn on Red Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 020071000500113Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.1717Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 535191687326494101479937037296Base Volume Input [veh/h] Foothill BoulevardFoothill BoulevardCitrus AvenueCitrus AvenueName Volumes 6/24/202213 Scenario 4: 4 OY PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0Pedestrian Clearance [s] 0Pedestrian Walk [s] 0Pedestrian Signal Group Exclusive Pedestrian Phase, Upstream Filtering Factor Length [ft] Location [ft] NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoPedestrian Recall NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoMaximum Recall NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoMinimum Recall, Clearance Lost Time [s], Start-Up Lost Time [s] NoNoNoNoRest In Walk Vehicle Green [s] 0230021003100310Pedestrian Clearance [s] 050050050050Walk [s] Extension [s] 03217030150401304013Split [s] red [s] [s] 03030030300303003030Maximum Green [s] 0105010501050105Minimum Green [s] --Lead--Lead--Lead--LeadLead / Lag Auxiliary Signal Groups 061025047083Signal Group PermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtecteControl Type Phasing & Timing 8.00Lost time [s] SingleBandPermissive Mode Lead Green - Beginning of First GreenOffset Reference 0.0Offset [s] Fully actuatedActuation Type Time of Day Pattern IsolatedCoordination Type 100Cycle Length [s] -Signal Coordination Group NoLocated in CBD Intersection Settings 6/24/202214 Scenario 4: 4 OY PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 36.96206.99225.9862.95108.88135.92327.67342.44136.30239.64248.79154.6595th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] 1.488.289.042.524.365.4413.1113.705.459.599.956.1995th-Percentile Queue Length [veh/ln] 20.54117.94131.8334.9760.4975.51209.10220.6475.72141.94148.7785.9250th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] 0.824.725.271.402.423.028.368.833.035.685.953.4450th-Percentile Queue Length [veh/ln] NoYesNoNoNoYesYesNoNoNoNoYesCritical Lane Group BBDBCDDDDDDDLane Group LOS 15.8418.9551.5919.4720.0254.3943.5043.0854.6436.3436.2053.92d, Delay for Lane Group [s/veh] 0.090.390.860.150.230.790.870.860.790.630.630.80X, volume / capacity Lane Group Results, progression factor, platoon ratio, Initial Queue Delay [s] 0.240.718.910.470.369.135.865.469.321.591.489.10d2, Incremental Delay [s], Upstream Filtering Factor 0.500.500.110.500.500., delay calibration 15.6018.2442.6818.9919.6645.2637.6437.6245.3334.7534.7244.82d1, Uniform Delay [s] 73216392356501456144393418142412436159c, Capacity [veh/h] 161536181810161536181810178819001810179719001810s, saturation flow rate [veh/h] / s)_i Volume / Saturation Flow Rate 0.450.450.130.400.400. / C, Green / Cycle 454513404082222823239g_i, Effective Green Time [s], Clearance Lost Time [s], Permitted Start-Up Lost Time [s], Total Lost Time per Cycle [s] 100100100100100100100100100100100100C, Cycle Length [s] RCLRCLCCLCCLLane Group Lane Group Calculations 6/24/202215 Scenario 4: 4 OY PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results d_M, Delay for Movement [s/veh]53.92 36.26 36.34 54.64 43.24 43.50 54.39 20.02 19.47 51.59 18.95 15.84 Movement LOS D D D D D D D C B D B B d_A, Approach Delay [s/veh]39.69 44.85 27.17 25.97 Approach LOS D D C C d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh]34.55 Intersection LOS C Intersection V/C 0.546 Other Modes g_Walk,mi, Effective Walk Time [s]9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 M_corner, Corner Circulation Area [ft²/ped]0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 M_CW, Crosswalk Circulation Area [ft²/ped]0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 d_p, Pedestrian Delay [s]41.44 41.44 41.44 41.44 I_p,int, Pedestrian LOS Score for Intersection 2.707 2.681 2.899 2.809 Crosswalk LOS B B C C s_b, Saturation Flow Rate of the bicycle lane 2000 2000 2000 2000 c_b, Capacity of the bicycle lane [bicycles/h]719 719 520 560 d_b, Bicycle Delay [s]20.51 20.51 27.41 25.95 I_b,int, Bicycle LOS Score for Intersection 2.105 2.231 2.002 2.311 Bicycle LOS B B B B ----------------Ring 4 ----------------Ring 3 ------------8765Ring 2 ------------4321Ring 1 Sequence 6/24/202216 Scenario 4: 4 OY PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with OYP CONDITIONS Intersection Analysis Summary 6/24/2022Report File: C:\...\OYP AM.pdf Scenario 5 OYP AMVistro File: C:\...\HAI21004 Base.vistro Foothill & Tokay Avenue V/C, Delay, LOS: For two-way stop, these values are taken from the movement with the worst (highest) delay value. For all other control types, they are taken for the whole intersection. B10.70.018EB LeftHCM 6th EditionTwo-way stopTokay Ave/Project Dwy4 C34.40.549WB LeftHCM 6th EditionSignalizedCitrus Ave/Foothill Blvd3 B12.30.272WB LeftHCM 6th EditionSignalizedTokay Ave/Foothill Blvd2 B13.30.461WB LeftHCM 6th EditionSignalizedAlmeria Ave/Foothill Blvd1 LOSDelay (s/veh)V/CWorst MvmtMethodControl TypeIntersection NameID 6/24/20221 Scenario 5: 5 OYP AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0.461Volume to Capacity (v/c): BLevel Of Service: 13.3Delay (sec / veh): 15 minutesAnalysis Period: HCM 6th EditionAnalysis Method: SignalizedControl Type: Intersection 1: Almeria Ave/Foothill Blvd Intersection Level Of Service Report YesYesYesYesCrosswalk NoNoNoNoCurb Present [%] 45.0045.0030.0030.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 000000000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 001001000000No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Foothill BoulevardFoothill BoulevardAlmeria AvenueAlmeria AvenueName Intersection Setup 6/24/20222 Scenario 5: 5 OYP AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0000Bicycle Volume [bicycles/h] 0000v_ab, Corner Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 0000v_ci, Inbound Pedestrian Volume crossing mi 0000v_co, Outbound Pedestrian Volume crossing 0000v_di, Inbound Pedestrian Volume crossing m 0000v_do, Outbound Pedestrian Volume crossing 000000000000Local Bus Stopping Rate [/h] 000000000000On-Street Parking Maneuver Rate [/h] NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoPresence of On-Street Parking 709884724518391453476243130Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 182471261291036919687Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 0.88100.88100.88100.88100.88100.88100.88100.88100.88100.88100.88100.8810Peak Hour Factor 628704121456341283067212726Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Right Turn on Red Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 14430021620028000Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.1717Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 41706351837124922633182322Base Volume Input [veh/h] Foothill BoulevardFoothill BoulevardAlmeria AvenueAlmeria AvenueName Volumes 6/24/20223 Scenario 5: 5 OYP AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0Pedestrian Clearance [s] 0Pedestrian Walk [s] 0Pedestrian Signal Group Exclusive Pedestrian Phase, Upstream Filtering Factor Length [ft] Location [ft] NoNoNoNoNoNoPedestrian Recall NoNoNoNoNoNoMaximum Recall NoNoNoNoNoNoMinimum Recall, Clearance Lost Time [s], Start-Up Lost Time [s] NoNoNoNoRest In Walk Vehicle Green [s] 0160016003400310Pedestrian Clearance [s] 050050050050Walk [s] Extension [s] 02811026904300430Split [s] red [s] [s] 030300303003000300Maximum Green [s] 0105010501000100Minimum Green [s] --Lead--Lead------Lead / Lag Auxiliary Signal Groups 061025040080Signal Group PermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissPermissPermissPermissPermissControl Type Phasing & Timing 2.00Lost time [s] SingleBandPermissive Mode Lead Green - Beginning of First GreenOffset Reference 0.0Offset [s] Fully actuatedActuation Type Time of Day Pattern IsolatedCoordination Type 80Cycle Length [s] -Signal Coordination Group NoLocated in CBD Intersection Settings 6/24/20224 Scenario 5: 5 OYP AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 16.77148.9646.4347.5343.8838.54212.3463.2495th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] 0.675.961.861.901.761.548.492.5395th-Percentile Queue Length [veh/ln] 9.3282.7525.7926.4124.3821.41121.8335.1350th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] 0.373.311.031.060.980.864.871.4150th-Percentile Queue Length [veh/ln] NoYesNoNoNoYesYesNoCritical Lane Group AADAADCCLane Group LOS 5.798.0546.216.456.3045.7434.2128.58d, Delay for Lane Group [s/veh] 0.070.430.630.160.160.580.720.26X, volume / capacity Lane Group Results, progression factor, platoon ratio, Initial Queue Delay [s] 0.130.608.440.290.157.802.690.41d2, Incremental Delay [s], Upstream Filtering Factor 0.500.500.110.500.500.110.110.11k, delay calibration 5.667.4537.776.166.1537.9331.5228.17d1, Uniform Delay [s] 10212287751166227167356328c, Capacity [veh/h] 16153618181018573618181016461478s, saturation flow rate [veh/h] / s)_i Volume / Saturation Flow Rate 0.630.630.040.630.630.040.180.18g / C, Green / Cycle 51513505031414g_i, Effective Green Time [s], Clearance Lost Time [s], Permitted Start-Up Lost Time [s], Total Lost Time per Cycle [s] 8080808080808080C, Cycle Length [s] RCLCCLCCLane Group Lane Group Calculations 6/24/20225 Scenario 5: 5 OYP AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results d_M, Delay for Movement [s/veh]28.58 28.58 28.58 34.21 34.21 34.21 45.74 6.34 6.45 46.21 8.05 5.79 Movement LOS C C C C C C D A A D A A d_A, Approach Delay [s/veh]28.58 34.21 8.99 9.53 Approach LOS C C A A d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh]13.28 Intersection LOS B Intersection V/C 0.461 Other Modes g_Walk,mi, Effective Walk Time [s]9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 M_corner, Corner Circulation Area [ft²/ped]0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 M_CW, Crosswalk Circulation Area [ft²/ped]0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 d_p, Pedestrian Delay [s]31.52 31.52 31.52 31.52 I_p,int, Pedestrian LOS Score for Intersection 2.173 2.223 2.997 3.058 Crosswalk LOS B B C C s_b, Saturation Flow Rate of the bicycle lane 2000 2000 2000 2000 c_b, Capacity of the bicycle lane [bicycles/h]975 975 550 600 d_b, Bicycle Delay [s]10.51 10.51 21.03 19.61 I_b,int, Bicycle LOS Score for Intersection 1.700 1.980 1.879 2.471 Bicycle LOS A A A B ----------------Ring 4 ----------------Ring 3 ------------8-65Ring 2 ------------4-21Ring 1 Sequence 6/24/20226 Scenario 5: 5 OYP AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0.272Volume to Capacity (v/c): BLevel Of Service: 12.3Delay (sec / veh): 15 minutesAnalysis Period: HCM 6th EditionAnalysis Method: SignalizedControl Type: Intersection 2: Tokay Ave/Foothill Blvd Intersection Level Of Service Report YesYesYesYesCrosswalk NoNoNoNoCurb Present [%] 30.0030.0025.0035.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 000000000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 001001001001No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Foothill BoulevardFoothill BoulevardTokay AvenueTokay AvenueName Intersection Setup 6/24/20227 Scenario 5: 5 OYP AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0000Bicycle Volume [bicycles/h] 0000v_ab, Corner Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 0000v_ci, Inbound Pedestrian Volume crossing mi 0000v_co, Outbound Pedestrian Volume crossing 0000v_di, Inbound Pedestrian Volume crossing m 0000v_do, Outbound Pedestrian Volume crossing 000000000000Local Bus Stopping Rate [/h] 000000000000On-Street Parking Maneuver Rate [/h] NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoPresence of On-Street Parking 518501628498291063588404553Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 1321347125726922101113Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 0.92700.92700.92700.92700.92700.92700.92700.92700.92700.92700.92700.9270Peak Hour Factor 47788152646227983282374249Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Right Turn on Red Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 201005301445663022Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.1717Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 23664131836911452216323440Base Volume Input [veh/h] Foothill BoulevardFoothill BoulevardTokay AvenueTokay AvenueName Volumes 6/24/20228 Scenario 5: 5 OYP AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0Pedestrian Clearance [s] 0Pedestrian Walk [s] 0Pedestrian Signal Group Exclusive Pedestrian Phase, Upstream Filtering Factor Length [ft] Location [ft] NoNoNoNoNoNoPedestrian Recall NoNoNoNoNoNoMaximum Recall NoNoNoNoNoNoMinimum Recall, Clearance Lost Time [s], Start-Up Lost Time [s] NoNoNoNoRest In Walk Vehicle Green [s] 0160016003400330Pedestrian Clearance [s] 050050050050Walk [s] Extension [s] 02810027904300430Split [s] red [s] [s] 030300303003000300Maximum Green [s] 0105010501000100Minimum Green [s] --Lead--Lead------Lead / Lag Auxiliary Signal Groups 061025040080Signal Group PermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissPermissPermissPermissPermissControl Type Phasing & Timing 2.00Lost time [s] SingleBandPermissive Mode Lead Green - Beginning of First GreenOffset Reference 0.0Offset [s] Fully actuatedActuation Type Time of Day Pattern IsolatedCoordination Type 80Cycle Length [s] -Signal Coordination Group NoLocated in CBD Intersection Settings 6/24/20229 Scenario 5: 5 OYP AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 87.1281.3417.7944.7941.5030.12114.6777.2163.8746.4195th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] 3.483.250.711.791.661.204.593.092.551.8695th-Percentile Queue Length [veh/ln] 48.4045.199.8824.8823.0516.7363.7042.8935.4825.7850th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] 1.941.810.401.000.920.672.551.721.421.0350th-Percentile Queue Length [veh/ln] YesNoNoNoNoYesYesNoNoNoCritical Lane Group AADAADCDCDLane Group LOS 6.296.0348.215.265.1346.1231.6836.2329.7037.84d, Delay for Lane Group [s/veh], volume / capacity Lane Group Results, progression factor, platoon ratio, Initial Queue Delay [s] 0.510.269.360.250.137.861.391.210.541.06d2, Incremental Delay [s], Upstream Filtering Factor 0.500.500.110.500.500., delay calibration 5.785.7838.845.015.0138.2530.2935.0229.1636.78d1, Uniform Delay [s] 12052361351227240154281218293168c, Capacity [veh/h] 1846361818101849361818101677133317541267s, saturation flow rate [veh/h] / s)_i Volume / Saturation Flow Rate 0.650.650.020.660.660. / C, Green / Cycle 525225353213131313g_i, Effective Green Time [s], Clearance Lost Time [s], Permitted Start-Up Lost Time [s], Total Lost Time per Cycle [s] 80808080808080808080C, Cycle Length [s] CCLCCLCLCLLane Group Lane Group Calculations 6/24/202210 Scenario 5: 5 OYP AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results d_M, Delay for Movement [s/veh]37.84 29.70 29.70 36.23 31.68 31.68 46.12 5.17 5.26 48.21 6.11 6.29 Movement LOS D C C D C C D A A D A A d_A, Approach Delay [s/veh]32.83 33.43 7.32 6.85 Approach LOS C C A A d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh]12.25 Intersection LOS B Intersection V/C 0.272 Other Modes g_Walk,mi, Effective Walk Time [s]9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 M_corner, Corner Circulation Area [ft²/ped]0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 M_CW, Crosswalk Circulation Area [ft²/ped]0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 d_p, Pedestrian Delay [s]31.51 31.51 31.51 31.51 I_p,int, Pedestrian LOS Score for Intersection 2.018 2.032 2.883 2.930 Crosswalk LOS B B C C s_b, Saturation Flow Rate of the bicycle lane 2000 2000 2000 2000 c_b, Capacity of the bicycle lane [bicycles/h]975 975 575 600 d_b, Bicycle Delay [s]10.51 10.51 20.31 19.60 I_b,int, Bicycle LOS Score for Intersection 1.787 1.937 1.865 2.064 Bicycle LOS A A A B ----------------Ring 4 ----------------Ring 3 ------------8-65Ring 2 ------------4-21Ring 1 Sequence 6/24/202211 Scenario 5: 5 OYP AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0.549Volume to Capacity (v/c): CLevel Of Service: 34.4Delay (sec / veh): 15 minutesAnalysis Period: HCM 6th EditionAnalysis Method: SignalizedControl Type: Intersection 3: Citrus Ave/Foothill Blvd Intersection Level Of Service Report YesYesYesYesCrosswalk NoNoNoNoCurb Present [%] 45.0045.0040.0040.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 000000000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 101001001001No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Foothill BoulevardFoothill BoulevardCitrus AvenueCitrus AvenueName Intersection Setup 6/24/202212 Scenario 5: 5 OYP AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0000Bicycle Volume [bicycles/h] 0000v_ab, Corner Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 0000v_ci, Inbound Pedestrian Volume crossing mi 0000v_co, Outbound Pedestrian Volume crossing 0000v_di, Inbound Pedestrian Volume crossing m 0000v_do, Outbound Pedestrian Volume crossing 000000000000Local Bus Stopping Rate [/h] 000000000000On-Street Parking Maneuver Rate [/h] NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoPresence of On-Street Parking 6767521412838213913461011889478132Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 171695332953534152302212033Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 0.92200.92200.92200.92200.92200.92200.92200.92200.92200.92200.92200.9220Peak Hour Factor 6262219711835212812456210982441122Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Right Turn on Red Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 01403243186100510Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.1717Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 535191687326494101479937037296Base Volume Input [veh/h] Foothill BoulevardFoothill BoulevardCitrus AvenueCitrus AvenueName Volumes 6/24/202213 Scenario 5: 5 OYP AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0Pedestrian Clearance [s] 0Pedestrian Walk [s] 0Pedestrian Signal Group Exclusive Pedestrian Phase, Upstream Filtering Factor Length [ft] Location [ft] NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoPedestrian Recall NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoMaximum Recall NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoMinimum Recall, Clearance Lost Time [s], Start-Up Lost Time [s] NoNoNoNoRest In Walk Vehicle Green [s] 0230021003100310Pedestrian Clearance [s] 050050050050Walk [s] Extension [s] 03217030150401304013Split [s] red [s] [s] 03030030300303003030Maximum Green [s] 0105010501050105Minimum Green [s] --Lead--Lead--Lead--LeadLead / Lag Auxiliary Signal Groups 047083025061Signal Group PermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtecteControl Type Phasing & Timing 2.00Lost time [s] SingleBandPermissive Mode Lead Green - Beginning of First GreenOffset Reference 0.0Offset [s] Fully actuatedActuation Type Time of Day Pattern IsolatedCoordination Type 100Cycle Length [s] -Signal Coordination Group NoLocated in CBD Intersection Settings 6/24/202214 Scenario 5: 5 OYP AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 58.61313.25244.13124.35188.59165.30247.98259.80143.15187.42194.77159.2995th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] 2.3412.539.774.977.546.619.9210.395.737.507.796.3795th-Percentile Queue Length [veh/ln] 32.56197.90145.2969.08104.7791.83148.16157.0479.53104.12109.1188.4950th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] 1.307.925.812.764.193.675.936. Queue Length [veh/ln] NoYesNoNoNoYesYesNoNoNoNoYesCritical Lane Group CDEDDDCCDBBDLane Group LOS 32.4641.0755.2737.7038.5753.2521.5921.4654.3419.1519.0753.80d, Delay for Lane Group [s/veh] 0.190.870.910.440.590.810.460.460.790.340.340.81X, volume / capacity Lane Group Results, progression factor, platoon ratio, Initial Queue Delay [s] 0.273.1312.331.060.868.811.931.819., Incremental Delay [s], Upstream Filtering Factor, delay calibration 32.2037.9442.9336.6437.7244.4519.6619.6545.1318.0017.9844.70d1, Uniform Delay [s] 347777236289648171785837149806852163c, Capacity [veh/h] 161536181810161536181810178319001810179819001810s, saturation flow rate [veh/h] / s)_i Volume / Saturation Flow Rate / C, Green / Cycle 212113181894444845459g_i, Effective Green Time [s], Clearance Lost Time [s], Permitted Start-Up Lost Time [s], Total Lost Time per Cycle [s] 100100100100100100100100100100100100C, Cycle Length [s] RCLRCLCCLCCLLane Group Lane Group Calculations 6/24/202215 Scenario 5: 5 OYP AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results d_M, Delay for Movement [s/veh]53.80 19.10 19.15 54.34 21.51 21.59 53.25 38.57 37.70 55.27 41.07 32.46 Movement LOS D B B D C C D D D E D C d_A, Approach Delay [s/veh]25.66 26.01 41.54 43.64 Approach LOS C C D D d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh]34.44 Intersection LOS C Intersection V/C 0.549 Other Modes g_Walk,mi, Effective Walk Time [s]9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 M_corner, Corner Circulation Area [ft²/ped]0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 M_CW, Crosswalk Circulation Area [ft²/ped]0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 d_p, Pedestrian Delay [s]41.44 41.44 41.44 41.44 I_p,int, Pedestrian LOS Score for Intersection 2.736 2.708 2.933 2.923 Crosswalk LOS B B C C s_b, Saturation Flow Rate of the bicycle lane 2000 2000 2000 2000 c_b, Capacity of the bicycle lane [bicycles/h]719 719 520 560 d_b, Bicycle Delay [s]20.51 20.51 27.41 25.95 I_b,int, Bicycle LOS Score for Intersection 2.136 2.271 2.095 2.348 Bicycle LOS B B B B ----------------Ring 4 ----------------Ring 3 ------------8765Ring 2 ------------4321Ring 1 Sequence 6/24/202216 Scenario 5: 5 OYP AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0.018Volume to Capacity (v/c): BLevel Of Service: 10.7Delay (sec / veh): 15 minutesAnalysis Period: HCM 6th EditionAnalysis Method: Two-way stopControl Type: Intersection 4: Tokay Ave/Project Dwy Intersection Level Of Service Report NoNoNoCrosswalk [%] 30.0030.0025.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 000000No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightLeftRightThruThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration EastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Project DrivewayTokay AvenueTokay AvenueName Intersection Setup 000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 1231341108840Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 3131282210Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 0.90600.90600.90600.90600.90600.9060Peak Hour Factor 1111241008036Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 1111243036Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.1717Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 00083680Base Volume Input [veh/h] Project DrivewayTokay AvenueTokay AvenueName Volumes 6/24/202217 Scenario 5: 5 OYP AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with BIntersection LOS 4.25d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh] AAAApproach LOS 9.600.002.34d_A, Approach Delay [s/veh] 12.9712.970. Queue Length [ft/ln] 0.520.520. Queue Length [veh/ln] ABAAAAMovement LOS 9.4810.720., Delay for Movement [s/veh], Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results 100Number of Storage Spaces in Median YesTwo-Stage Gap Acceptance 000Storage Area [veh] NoFlared Lane StopFreeFreePriority Scheme Intersection Settings 6/24/202218 Scenario 5: 5 OYP AM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with Intersection Analysis Summary 6/24/2022Report File: C:\...\OYP PM.pdf Scenario 6 OYP PMVistro File: C:\...\HAI21004 Base.vistro Foothill & Tokay Avenue V/C, Delay, LOS: For two-way stop, these values are taken from the movement with the worst (highest) delay value. For all other control types, they are taken for the whole intersection. B13.60.018EB LeftHCM 6th EditionTwo-way stopTokay Ave/Project Dwy4 C34.90.531NB LeftHCM 6th EditionSignalizedCitrus Ave/Foothill Blvd3 B13.60.532EB LeftHCM 6th EditionSignalizedTokay Ave/Foothill Blvd2 B11.90.424WB LeftHCM 6th EditionSignalizedAlmeria Ave/Foothill Blvd1 LOSDelay (s/veh)V/CWorst MvmtMethodControl TypeIntersection NameID 6/24/20221 Scenario 6: 6 OYP PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0.424Volume to Capacity (v/c): BLevel Of Service: 11.9Delay (sec / veh): 15 minutesAnalysis Period: HCM 6th EditionAnalysis Method: SignalizedControl Type: Intersection 1: Almeria Ave/Foothill Blvd Intersection Level Of Service Report NoNoNoNoCrosswalk NoNoNoNoCurb Present [%] 45.0045.0030.0030.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 000000000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 000000000000No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Foothill BoulevardFoothill BoulevardAlmeria AvenueAlmeria AvenueName Intersection Setup 6/24/20222 Scenario 6: 6 OYP PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0000Bicycle Volume [bicycles/h] 0000v_ab, Corner Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 0000v_ci, Inbound Pedestrian Volume crossing mi 0000v_co, Outbound Pedestrian Volume crossing 0000v_di, Inbound Pedestrian Volume crossing m 0000v_do, Outbound Pedestrian Volume crossing 000000000000Local Bus Stopping Rate [/h] 000000000000On-Street Parking Maneuver Rate [/h] NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoPresence of On-Street Parking 12583930281564114671268397124Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 3121087391281731710186Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 0.88700.88700.88700.88700.88700.88700.88700.88700.88700.88700.88700.8870Peak Hour Factor 11174427251387101591160356321Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Right Turn on Red Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 42300400007000Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.1717Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 91615232111508650945305418Base Volume Input [veh/h] Foothill BoulevardFoothill BoulevardAlmeria AvenueAlmeria AvenueName Volumes 6/24/20223 Scenario 6: 6 OYP PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0Pedestrian Clearance [s] 0Pedestrian Walk [s] 0Pedestrian Signal Group Exclusive Pedestrian Phase, Upstream Filtering Factor Length [ft] Location [ft] NoNoNoNoNoNoPedestrian Recall NoNoNoNoNoNoMaximum Recall NoNoNoNoNoNoMinimum Recall, Clearance Lost Time [s], Start-Up Lost Time [s] NoNoNoNoRest In Walk Vehicle Green [s] 0100010001000100Pedestrian Clearance [s] 050050050050Walk [s] Extension [s] 057330532901400140Split [s] red [s] [s] 030300303003000300Maximum Green [s] 0105010501000100Minimum Green [s] --Lead--Lead------Lead / Lag Auxiliary Signal Groups 061025040080Signal Group PermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissPermissPermissPermissPermissControl Type Phasing & Timing 2.00Lost time [s] SingleBandPermissive Mode Lead Green - Beginning of First GreenOffset Reference 0.0Offset [s] Fully actuatedActuation Type Time of Day Pattern IsolatedCoordination Type 100Cycle Length [s] -Signal Coordination Group NoLocated in CBD Intersection Settings 6/24/20224 Scenario 6: 6 OYP PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 32.01123.3238.18129.99118.34136.25180.65151.6295th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] 1.284.931.535.204.735.457.236.0695th-Percentile Queue Length [veh/ln] 17.7868.5121.2172.2265.7575.69100.3684.2350th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] 0.712.740.852.892.633.034.013.3750th-Percentile Queue Length [veh/ln] NoNoYesYesNoNoYesNoCritical Lane Group AAEAADDDLane Group LOS 5.126.2757.005.204.8253.8252.2846.41d, Delay for Lane Group [s/veh] 0.110.330.570.390.390.780.780.61X, volume / capacity Lane Group Results, progression factor, platoon ratio, Initial Queue Delay [s] 0.200.359.100.800.428.726.972.70d2, Incremental Delay [s], Upstream Filtering Factor 0.500.500.110.500.500.110.110.11k, delay calibration 4.935.9247.914.404.4045.1045.3143.71d1, Uniform Delay [s] 112825275314122713146188220c, Capacity [veh/h] 16153618181018833618181013411764s, saturation flow rate [veh/h] / s)_i Volume / Saturation Flow Rate 0.700.700.030.750.750.080.100.10g / C, Green / Cycle 70703757581010g_i, Effective Green Time [s], Clearance Lost Time [s], Permitted Start-Up Lost Time [s], Total Lost Time per Cycle [s] 100100100100100100100100C, Cycle Length [s] RCLCCLCCLane Group Lane Group Calculations 6/24/20225 Scenario 6: 6 OYP PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results d_M, Delay for Movement [s/veh]46.41 46.41 46.41 52.28 52.28 52.28 53.82 4.94 5.20 57.00 6.27 5.12 Movement LOS D D D D D D D A A E A A d_A, Approach Delay [s/veh]46.41 52.28 8.21 7.66 Approach LOS D D A A d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh]11.92 Intersection LOS B Intersection V/C 0.424 Other Modes g_Walk,mi, Effective Walk Time [s]0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 M_corner, Corner Circulation Area [ft²/ped]0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 M_CW, Crosswalk Circulation Area [ft²/ped]0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 d_p, Pedestrian Delay [s]0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I_p,int, Pedestrian LOS Score for Intersection 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Crosswalk LOS F F F F s_b, Saturation Flow Rate of the bicycle lane 2000 2000 2000 2000 c_b, Capacity of the bicycle lane [bicycles/h]200 200 980 1060 d_b, Bicycle Delay [s]40.50 40.50 13.01 11.05 I_b,int, Bicycle LOS Score for Intersection 1.781 1.802 2.498 2.380 Bicycle LOS A A B B ----------------Ring 4 ----------------Ring 3 ------------8-65Ring 2 ------------4-21Ring 1 Sequence 6/24/20226 Scenario 6: 6 OYP PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0.532Volume to Capacity (v/c): BLevel Of Service: 13.6Delay (sec / veh): 15 minutesAnalysis Period: HCM 6th EditionAnalysis Method: SignalizedControl Type: Intersection 2: Tokay Ave/Foothill Blvd Intersection Level Of Service Report NoNoNoNoCrosswalk NoNoNoNoCurb Present [%] 30.0030.0025.0035.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 000000000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 001000000000No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Foothill BoulevardFoothill BoulevardTokay AvenueTokay AvenueName Intersection Setup 6/24/20227 Scenario 6: 6 OYP PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0000Bicycle Volume [bicycles/h] 0000v_ab, Corner Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 0000v_ci, Inbound Pedestrian Volume crossing mi 0000v_co, Outbound Pedestrian Volume crossing 0000v_di, Inbound Pedestrian Volume crossing m 0000v_do, Outbound Pedestrian Volume crossing 000000000000Local Bus Stopping Rate [/h] 000000000000On-Street Parking Maneuver Rate [/h] NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoPresence of On-Street Parking 118761575714411085330658112784Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 3019014143602713816203221Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 0.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.9540Peak Hour Factor 113726545413751035129627712180Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Right Turn on Red Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 6610014626439070Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.1717Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 406194646117349212120669768Base Volume Input [veh/h] Foothill BoulevardFoothill BoulevardTokay AvenueTokay AvenueName Volumes 6/24/20228 Scenario 6: 6 OYP PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0Pedestrian Clearance [s] 0Pedestrian Walk [s] 0Pedestrian Signal Group Exclusive Pedestrian Phase, Upstream Filtering Factor Length [ft] Location [ft] NoNoNoNoNoNoPedestrian Recall NoNoNoNoNoNoMaximum Recall NoNoNoNoNoNoMinimum Recall, Clearance Lost Time [s], Start-Up Lost Time [s] NoNoNoNoRest In Walk Vehicle Green [s] 0100010001000100Pedestrian Clearance [s] 050050050050Walk [s] Extension [s] 01490423701400140Split [s] red [s] [s] 030300303003000300Maximum Green [s] 0105010501000100Minimum Green [s] --Lead--Lead------Lead / Lag Auxiliary Signal Groups 061025040080Signal Group PermissPermissProtPerPermissPermissProtectePermissPermissPermissPermissPermissPermissControl Type Phasing & Timing 2.00Lost time [s] SingleBandPermissive Mode Lead Green - Beginning of First GreenOffset Reference 0.0Offset [s] Fully actuatedActuation Type Time of Day Pattern IsolatedCoordination Type 65Cycle Length [s] -Signal Coordination Group NoLocated in CBD Intersection Settings 6/24/20229 Scenario 6: 6 OYP PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 82.2578.485.8813.79253.4283.7851.8050.02143.6057.1995th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] Queue Length [veh/ln] 45.6943.603.277.66152.2446.5528.7827.7979.7831.7750th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] 1.831.740.130.316.091.861. Queue Length [veh/ln] NoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoYesNoCritical Lane Group AAAABDCDCCLane Group LOS 7.567.204.886.0011.2436.2025.1435.5130.5830.21d, Delay for Lane Group [s/veh], volume / capacity Lane Group Results, progression factor, platoon ratio, Initial Queue Delay [s] 0.690.330.020.121.826.950.673.074.221.05d2, Incremental Delay [s], Upstream Filtering Factor 0.500.500.110.500.500., delay calibration 6.886.864.865.889.4229.2524.4632.4426.3629.15d1, Uniform Delay [s] 1028209811659412108147264128275223c, Capacity [veh/h] 1773361815371615361818101708119217781336s, saturation flow rate [veh/h] / s)_i Volume / Saturation Flow Rate 0.580.580.720.580.580. / C, Green / Cycle 3838473838510101010g_i, Effective Green Time [s], Clearance Lost Time [s], Permitted Start-Up Lost Time [s], Total Lost Time per Cycle [s] 65656565656565656565C, Cycle Length [s] CCLRCLCLCLLane Group Lane Group Calculations 6/24/202210 Scenario 6: 6 OYP PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results d_M, Delay for Movement [s/veh]30.21 30.58 30.58 35.51 25.14 25.14 36.20 11.24 6.00 4.88 7.28 7.56 Movement LOS C C C D C C D B A A A A d_A, Approach Delay [s/veh]30.47 29.69 12.73 7.17 Approach LOS C C B A d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh]13.57 Intersection LOS B Intersection V/C 0.532 Other Modes g_Walk,mi, Effective Walk Time [s]0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 M_corner, Corner Circulation Area [ft²/ped]0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 M_CW, Crosswalk Circulation Area [ft²/ped]0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 d_p, Pedestrian Delay [s]0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I_p,int, Pedestrian LOS Score for Intersection 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Crosswalk LOS F F F F s_b, Saturation Flow Rate of the bicycle lane 2000 2000 2000 2000 c_b, Capacity of the bicycle lane [bicycles/h]307 307 1168 307 d_b, Bicycle Delay [s]23.30 23.30 5.63 23.30 I_b,int, Bicycle LOS Score for Intersection 2.041 1.804 2.885 2.074 Bicycle LOS B A C B ----------------Ring 4 ----------------Ring 3 ------------8-65Ring 2 ------------4-21Ring 1 Sequence 6/24/202211 Scenario 6: 6 OYP PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0.531Volume to Capacity (v/c): CLevel Of Service: 34.9Delay (sec / veh): 15 minutesAnalysis Period: HCM 6th EditionAnalysis Method: SignalizedControl Type: Intersection 3: Citrus Ave/Foothill Blvd Intersection Level Of Service Report YesYesYesYesCrosswalk NoNoNoNoCurb Present [%] 45.0045.0040.0040.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 000000000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 101001001001No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Foothill BoulevardFoothill BoulevardCitrus AvenueCitrus AvenueName Intersection Setup 6/24/202212 Scenario 6: 6 OYP PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0000Bicycle Volume [bicycles/h] 0000v_ab, Corner Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 0000v_ci, Inbound Pedestrian Volume crossing mi 0000v_co, Outbound Pedestrian Volume crossing 0000v_di, Inbound Pedestrian Volume crossing m 0000v_do, Outbound Pedestrian Volume crossing 000000000000Local Bus Stopping Rate [/h] 000000000000On-Street Parking Maneuver Rate [/h] NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoPresence of On-Street Parking 6465220210133412514257611284448136Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 161635125833135144282111234Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 0.97400.97400.97400.97400.97400.97400.97400.97400.97400.97400.97400.9740Peak Hour Factor 626351979832512213856110982436132Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Right Turn on Red Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 027012161220000020Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.1717Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 535191687326494101479937037296Base Volume Input [veh/h] Foothill BoulevardFoothill BoulevardCitrus AvenueCitrus AvenueName Volumes 6/24/202213 Scenario 6: 6 OYP PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0Pedestrian Clearance [s] 0Pedestrian Walk [s] 0Pedestrian Signal Group Exclusive Pedestrian Phase, Upstream Filtering Factor Length [ft] Location [ft] NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoPedestrian Recall NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoMaximum Recall NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoMinimum Recall, Clearance Lost Time [s], Start-Up Lost Time [s] NoNoNoNoRest In Walk Vehicle Green [s] 0230021003100310Pedestrian Clearance [s] 050050050050Walk [s] Extension [s] 03217030150401304013Split [s] red [s] [s] 03030030300303003030Maximum Green [s] 0105010501050105Minimum Green [s] --Lead--Lead--Lead--LeadLead / Lag Auxiliary Signal Groups 061025047083Signal Group PermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtecteControl Type Phasing & Timing 2.00Lost time [s] SingleBandPermissive Mode Lead Green - Beginning of First GreenOffset Reference 0.0Offset [s] Fully actuatedActuation Type Time of Day Pattern IsolatedCoordination Type 100Cycle Length [s] -Signal Coordination Group NoLocated in CBD Intersection Settings 6/24/202214 Scenario 6: 6 OYP PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 38.33215.32225.9868.42113.05149.43334.52351.95136.30236.34245.47166.0395th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] 1.538.619.042.744.525.9813.3814.085.459.459.826.6495th-Percentile Queue Length [veh/ln] 21.29124.01131.8338.0162.8083.02214.44228.1175.72139.49146.2992.2450th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] 0.854.965.271.522.513.328.589.123.035.585.853.6950th-Percentile Queue Length [veh/ln] NoYesNoNoNoYesYesNoNoNoNoYesCritical Lane Group BCDCCDDDDDDDLane Group LOS 16.7420.1051.5920.1120.6153.8043.9343.4354.6435.4235.3054.90d, Delay for Lane Group [s/veh] 0.090.410.860.160.230.800.870.870.790.610.600.83X, volume / capacity Lane Group Results, progression factor, platoon ratio, Initial Queue Delay [s] 0.250.798.910.530.388.926.566.089.321.401.3110.13d2, Incremental Delay [s], Upstream Filtering Factor 0.500.500.110.500.500., delay calibration 16.4819.3142.6819.5820.2244.8837.3737.3645.3334.0233.9944.76d1, Uniform Delay [s] 70715842356371427157399428142427451164c, Capacity [veh/h] 161536181810161536181810177219001810179719001810s, saturation flow rate [veh/h] / s)_i Volume / Saturation Flow Rate 0.440.440.130.400.400. / C, Green / Cycle 444413404092323824249g_i, Effective Green Time [s], Clearance Lost Time [s], Permitted Start-Up Lost Time [s], Total Lost Time per Cycle [s] 100100100100100100100100100100100100C, Cycle Length [s] RCLRCLCCLCCLLane Group Lane Group Calculations 6/24/202215 Scenario 6: 6 OYP PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results d_M, Delay for Movement [s/veh]54.90 35.35 35.42 54.64 43.61 43.93 53.80 20.61 20.11 51.59 20.10 16.74 Movement LOS D D D D D D D C C D C B d_A, Approach Delay [s/veh]39.34 45.15 27.93 26.80 Approach LOS D D C C d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh]34.94 Intersection LOS C Intersection V/C 0.531 Other Modes g_Walk,mi, Effective Walk Time [s]9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 M_corner, Corner Circulation Area [ft²/ped]0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 M_CW, Crosswalk Circulation Area [ft²/ped]0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 d_p, Pedestrian Delay [s]41.44 41.44 41.44 41.44 I_p,int, Pedestrian LOS Score for Intersection 2.709 2.688 2.912 2.903 Crosswalk LOS B B C C s_b, Saturation Flow Rate of the bicycle lane 2000 2000 2000 2000 c_b, Capacity of the bicycle lane [bicycles/h]719 719 520 560 d_b, Bicycle Delay [s]20.51 20.51 27.41 25.95 I_b,int, Bicycle LOS Score for Intersection 2.111 2.244 2.022 2.317 Bicycle LOS B B B B ----------------Ring 4 ----------------Ring 3 ------------8765Ring 2 ------------4321Ring 1 Sequence 6/24/202216 Scenario 6: 6 OYP PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with 0.018Volume to Capacity (v/c): BLevel Of Service: 13.6Delay (sec / veh): 15 minutesAnalysis Period: HCM 6th EditionAnalysis Method: Two-way stopControl Type: Intersection 4: Tokay Ave/Project Dwy Intersection Level Of Service Report NoNoNoCrosswalk [%] 30.0030.0025.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 000000No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightLeftRightThruThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration EastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Project DrivewayTokay AvenueTokay AvenueName Intersection Setup 000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 7381477230126Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 1823195831Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 0.94700.94700.94700.94700.94700.9470Peak Hour Factor 6981373218119Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 6981300119Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.17171.17171.17171.17171.17171.1717Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 000621860Base Volume Input [veh/h] Project DrivewayTokay AvenueTokay AvenueName Volumes 6/24/202217 Scenario 6: 6 OYP PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with BIntersection LOS 3.27d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh] AAAApproach LOS 9.530.002.69d_A, Approach Delay [s/veh] 7.627.620.000.006.786.7895th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] 0.300.300. Queue Length [veh/ln] ABAAAAMovement LOS 9.0913.560., Delay for Movement [s/veh], Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results 000Number of Storage Spaces in Median NoTwo-Stage Gap Acceptance 000Storage Area [veh] NoFlared Lane StopFreeFreePriority Scheme Intersection Settings 6/24/202218 Scenario 6: 6 OYP PM Foothill & Tokay Avenue Version 2022 (SP 0-0) Generated with