HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix D3 - Trip Generation Assessment
13764-07 TG Letter REV
November 9, 2021
Charlie McPhee, Steve Hollis, & Brandon Dickens
IDI Logistics
840 Apollo Street, Suite 100
El Segundo, CA 90245
Dear Charlie McPhee, Steve Hollis, & Brandon Dickens:
Urban Crossroads, Inc. is pleased to provide the following Trip Generation Assessment for West Valley
Logistics Center development (Project) which is located south of Jurupa Avenue and on either side of
Locust Avenue/Armstrong Road in the City of Fontana. The purpose of this work effort is to determine
whether additional traffic analysis is necessary for the proposed Project based on the City of Fontana
Traffic Engineering Division’s Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) Guidelines for Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)
and Level of Service Assessment (October 21, 2020) (City’s Guidelines). This Trip Generation
Assessment, along with the West Valley Logistics Center Due Diligence Traffic Assessment (revised
September 14, 2021, prepared by Urban Crossroads, Inc., referred to hereafter as the 2021 Due
Diligence), have been prepared to satisfy Condition of Approval 11 found in City Council Resolution No.
2019-041. This Condition of Approval requires an analysis of impacts generated by the Project, assuming
that the Project is considered to be a Fulfillment Center.
A revised due diligence traffic assessment was prepared in September 2021 (2021 Due Diligence) to
determine if there are additional traffic deficiencies and improvement needs, based upon a conservative
assumption that all 3,473,690 square feet of the Project is developed with High-Cube Fulfillment Center
(Non-Sort) Warehouse use (2021 Project) based on the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) trip
generation rates for Land Use Code 155. The due diligence assessment compared the findings with the
West Valley Logistics Center Traffic Impact Analysis (July 20, 2018, prepared by Urban Crossroads, Inc.,
referred to hereafter as the 2018 Traffic Study). The 2018 Traffic Study evaluated impacts for a project
consisting of 290,590 square feet of Warehousing use and 3,183,100 square feet of High-Cube Transload
and Short-Term Storage Warehouse use (Original Project). Table 1 shows the trip generation evaluated
in the 2021 Due Diligence as the 2021 Project trip generation was higher than that of the Original Project
evaluated in the 2018 Traffic Study. Table 1 shows the 2021 Project evaluated in the 2021 Due Diligence
would generate 1,330 more two-way trips per day, with 219 more AM peak hour trips and 182 more PM
peak hour trips. It should be noted that the trip generation evaluated in the 2021 Due Diligence was
based on the ITE Trip Generation Manual (10th Edition, 2017).
Charlie McPhee, Steve Hollis, & Brandon Dickens
IDI Logistics
November 9, 2021
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13764-07 TG Letter REV
In Out Total In Out Total Daily
Trip Generation Comparison (Actual Vehicles):
2018 Traffic Study1
Passenger Cars: 166 50 215 82 211 293 3,426
Truck Trips:68 19 87 22 57 80 1,536
Total from 2018 Traffic Study 234 69 303 104 269 373 4,962
2021 Due Diligence2
Passenger Cars: 384 90 474 202 315 517 5,628
Truck Trips:38 9 47 15 24 39 664
Total from 2021 Due Diligence 422 99 521 217 339 556 6,292
Passenger Car Variance 3 218 41 259 120 104 224 2,202
Truck Variance3 -30 -10 -40 -7 -34 -41 -872
Total Variance (Actual Vehicles)3 188 30 219 113 70 182 1,330
Trip Generation Comparison (PCE):
2018 Traffic Study1
Passenger Cars: 166 50 215 82 211 293 3,426
Truck Trips:186 55 241 62 158 220 4,193
Total from 2018 Traffic Study 351 105 456 144 369 513 7,619
2021 Due Diligence2
Passenger Cars: 384 90 474 202 315 517 5,628
Truck Trips:104 24 128 41 65 106 1,804
Total from 2021 Due Diligence 488 114 602 243 380 623 7,432
Passenger Car Variance 3 218 41 259 120 104 224 2,202
Truck Variance3 -82 -31 -113 -20 -93 -113 -2,389
Total Variance (PCE)3 136 10 146 99 11 110 -187
1 Trip Generation Source: West Valley Logistics Center Traffic Impact Analysis (July 20, 2018, prepared by Urban Crossroads, Inc.).
2 Trip Generation Source: West Valley Logistics Center Due Diligence Traffic Assessment (September 14, 2021, prepared by Urban Crossroads, Inc
3 Variance is the difference between the 2021 Due Diligence Assessment trip generation and the 2018 Traffic Study trip generation.
Trip Generation Comparison
AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour
Charlie McPhee, Steve Hollis, & Brandon Dickens
IDI Logistics
November 9, 2021
Page 3 of 5
13764-07 TG Letter REV
The proposed 2021 Project site plan reflects a total of 3,439,197 square feet between 6 buildings (2021
Project). The trip generation rates shown on Table 2 and used for this analysis are based upon
information collected by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) as provided in their latest 11th
Edition Trip Generation Manual (2021) for High-Cube Fulfillment Center (Non-Sort) Warehouse use (ITE
Land Use Code 155), which was published in September 2021. The following ITE land use code and
vehicle mix were utilized for the 2021 Project:
• ITE land use code 155 (High-Cube Fulfillment Center (Non-Sort) Warehouse) has been used to
derive site specific trip generation estimates for up to 3,439,197 square feet of the proposed
Project. The truck percentage was also obtained from the latest ITE Trip Generation Manual
(2021). Trip generation for heavy trucks was further broken down by truck type (or axle type).
The total truck percentage is comprised of 3 different truck types: 2-axle, 3-axle, and 4+-axle
trucks. For the purposes of this trip evaluation, the percentage of trucks, by axle type, were
obtained from the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Warehouse Truck Trip
Study Data Results and Usage (2014) recommended truck mix. The SCAQMD performed surveys
of operational facilities and compiled the data to provide guidance on the mix of heavy trucks for
these types of high-cube warehousing/distribution facilities. Based on this guidance, the
following truck fleet mix was utilized for the purposes of estimating the truck trip generation for
the site (without cold storage): 16.7% of the total trucks as 2-axle trucks, 20.7% of the total trucks
as 3-axle trucks, and 62.6% of the total trucks as 4+-axle trucks.
ITE LU AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour
Land Use1 Units2 Code In Out Total In Out Total
Actual Vehicle Trip Generation Rates:
High-Cube Fulfillment Center (Non-Sort)3 TSF 155 0.122 0.028 0.150 0.062 0.098 0.160 1.810
Passenger Cars 0.105 0.025 0.130 0.059 0.091 0.150 1.580
2-Axle Trucks 0.002 0.001 0.003 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.038
3-Axle Trucks 0.002 0.002 0.004 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.048
4+-Axle Trucks 0.006 0.007 0.013 0.003 0.003 0.006 0.144
Passenger Car Equivalent (PCE) Trip Generation Rates4
High-Cube Fulfillment Center (Non-Sort)3 TSF 155 0.122 0.028 0.150 0.062 0.098 0.160 1.810
Passenger Cars 0.105 0.025 0.130 0.059 0.091 0.150 1.580
2-Axle Trucks (PCE = 2.0)0.004 0.003 0.007 0.002 0.001 0.003 0.077
3-Axle Trucks (PCE = 2.5)0.005 0.005 0.010 0.003 0.003 0.005 0.119
4+-Axle Trucks (PCE = 3.0)0.018 0.020 0.038 0.009 0.010 0.019 0.432
1 Trip Generation & Vehicle Mix Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), Trip Generation Manual, Eleventh Edition (2021).
2 TSF = thousand square feet
3 Truck Mix: South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (SCAQMD) recommended truck mix, by axle type.
Normalized % - Without Cold Storage: 16.7% 2-Axle trucks, 20.7% 3-Axle trucks, 62.6% 4-Axle trucks.
4 PCE factors per the City of Fontana Traffic Impact Analysis Guidelines (June 2020): 2-axle = 2.0; 3-axle = 2.5; 4+-axle = 3.0.
Charlie McPhee, Steve Hollis, & Brandon Dickens
IDI Logistics
November 9, 2021
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13764-07 TG Letter REV
The resulting trip generation for the 2021 Project is shown on Table 3. As shown on Table 3, the 2021
Project is anticipated to generate 6,228 two-way trips per day, with 516 trips generated during the AM
peak hour and 550 trips generated during the PM peak hour.
The City’s Guidelines require that truck intensive uses translate heavy truck trips to passenger car
equivalents (PCE). As shown on Table 3, the 2021 Project is anticipated to generate 7,596 two-way PCE
trips per day, with 635 PCE AM peak hour trips and 610 PCE PM peak hour trips.
The trip generation comparison shown on Table 4 shows that the 2021 Project is anticipated to generate
a total of 78 fewer two-way PCE trips with 6 fewer PCE AM peak hour trips and 6 fewer PCE PM peak
hour trips as compared to the trip generation evaluated in the 2021 Due Diligence for the 2021 Project.
Land Use Quantity Units1 In Out Total In Out Total Daily
Actual Vehicles:
High-Cube Fulfillment Center (Non-Sort)3,439.197 TSF
Passenger Cars: 361 86 447 203 313 516 5,434
2-axle Trucks 7 5 11 3 2 6 134
3-axle Trucks 7 7 14 3 4 7 164
4+-axle Trucks 21 22 43 10 11 22 496
Total Trucks:34 34 69 17 17 34 794
Total Trips (Actual Vehicles)2 396 120 516 220 330 550 6,228
High-Cube Fulfillment Center (Non-Sort)3,439.197 TSF
Passenger Cars: 361 86 447 203 313 516 5,434
2-axle Trucks 14 9 23 7 5 11 266
3-axle Trucks 17 18 36 9 9 18 410
4+-axle Trucks 62 67 129 31 34 65 1,486
Total Trucks (PCE):93 95 188 46 47 94 2,162
Total Trips (PCE)2 454 181 635 249 360 610 7,596
1 TSF = thousand square feet
2 Total Trips = Passenger Cars + Truck Trips
AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour
Charlie McPhee, Steve Hollis, & Brandon Dickens
IDI Logistics
November 9, 2021
Page 5 of 5
13764-07 TG Letter REV
The 2021 Project is anticipated to generate fewer trips that those evaluated as part of the Project
analyzed in the 2021 Due Diligence. As such, additional level of service (LOS) based traffic analysis
beyond that included in the 2021 Due Diligence is not required as the net reduction in trips would result
in similar or reduced deficiencies. If you have any questions, please contact me directly at (949) 861-
Respectfully submitted,
Charlene So, PE
Associate Principal
In Out Total In Out Total Daily
Trip Generation Comparison (Actual Vehicles)
2021 Due Diligence1
Passenger Cars: 365 87 452 205 316 521 5,490
Truck Trips:35 35 69 17 17 35 802
Total from 2021 Due Diligence 399 122 521 222 333 556 6,292
Passenger Car Variance 2 -4 -1 -4 -2 -3 -5 -56
Truck Variance2 0 0 -1 0 0 0 -8
Total Variance2 -4 -1 -5 -2 -3 -6 -64
Trip Generation Comparison (PCE)
2021 Due Diligence1
Passenger Cars: 365 87 452 205 316 521 5,490
Truck Trips:94 96 190 47 48 95 2,184
Total from 2021 Due Diligence 459 183 641 252 364 616 7,674
Passenger Car Variance 2 -4 -1 -4 -2 -3 -5 -56
Truck Variance2 -1 -1 -2 0 0 -1 -22
Total Variance2 -5 -2 -6 -3 -4 -6 -78
1 Trip Generation Source: West Valley Logistics Center Due Diligence Traffic Assessment (September 14, 2021).
2 Variance is the difference between the proposed Project trip generation and the 2021 Due Diligence trip generation.
Trip Generation Comparison
AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour
13764-07 TG Letter REV