HomeMy WebLinkAboutSewer Master Plan Sept2000 CITY OF FONTANA SEWER MASTER PLAN JOB NUMBER: 86025.028 Prepared by: Engineering Resources of Southern California 20301 Acacia St. Ste. 150 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 263-8070 CITY OF FONTANA MASTER SEWER PLAN UPDATE SEPTEMBER, 2000 City of Fontana Sewer Master Plan Update 9/18/00 ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary ……………………………………………………………….…..v 1.0 Overview and Development Phasing …………………. ……………………...1 2.0 2000 Fontana Sewer System Model……………………………………………6 3.0 Local Areas of Special Concern ………………………. ……………………..15 4.0 Five-Year Capital Improvement Program……………. ………………….....18 5.0 Connection Fee Analysis…………………….…………. ………………….....19 City of Fontana Sewer Master Plan Update 9/18/00 iii LIST OF TABLES 1.1 Development Phasing Schedule Page 4 2.1 Sewage Flow Generation Factors Page 7 2.2 Sewer Design and Evaluation Criteria Page 9 2.3 Sewer Design Criteria Page 10 2.4 Sewer Construction Costs Page 12 2.5 Tabulated Output Parameters Page 14 4.1 Project Cost Estimate for New Master Plan Sewers and Force Mains 1st page after pg. 18 4.2 Project Costs for Priority 1 Sewer Replacement 2nd page after pg. 18 4.3 Project Costs for Priority 2 Sewer Replacements 3rd page after pg. 18 4.4 Project Costs for Priority 3 Sewer Replacements 4th page after pg. 18 5.1 Estimated Connections Fee Requirements 1st page after pg. 19 5.2 Survey of Sewer Connection Charges Page 20 LIST OF FIGURES 1.1 Typical Z-curve Page 2 1.2 Classic Logistic S-curve Page 3 2.1 Typical Graphic Output 1st page after pg. 13 2.2 Typical Tabular Presentation of Output 2nd page after pg. 13 3.1 Over View (to be submitted at a later date) 3.2 Cross Section of Terrain Page 15 3.3 North side of SR 30 1st page after pg. 16 3.4 Future Cherry Ave. Sewer 2nd page after pg. 16 3.5 Future Beech Ave. Sewer 3rd page after pg. 16 3.6 Suggested Oleander Ave. Trunk 4th page after pg. 16 3.7 Sphere of influence North of Interstate 10 5th page after pg. 16 City of Fontana Sewer Master Plan Update 9/18/00 iv LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit “A” Sewers flowing at overcapacity in ten years 1st envelope after Summary Exhibit “B” Same at Buildout 2nd envelope after Summary Exhibit “C” Land Use 1st envelope after page 1 City of Fontana Sewer Master Plan Update 9/18/00 v EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Summary This 2000 Master Sewer Plan Update brings Fontana's 1991-92 Master Sewer Plan update into the new millennium. In particular, the following changes have occurred since the previous update. 1. Fontana has revised the land use element of the City General Plan. 2. Growth has continued within the City sphere of influence. 3. New sewers have been constructed and IEUA has begun operating Regional Sewer Treatment Plant Number 4. 4. Construction costs have increased from 1991 costs. To develop the Master Sewer Plan Update, a spreadsheet-based computer model replaces the previous mainframe-based program. The new model runs in Microsoft Excel and incorporates graphic output. Chapter 2 describes the model. Model flow estimates contain a margin of safety. By definition a margin of safety exchanges computational accuracy for safety against overflows. Flows computed in the model should be higher than real world flows. Sewers shown as above capacity should be monitored and replaced when field measurements verify that the sewer is nearing capacity. Using the model, many sewers were found to be undersized as described below. Conclusions Exhibit A shows sewers which are expected to be flowing at overcapacity in ten years. Exhibit B shows the same at buildout. To address projected overflows, improvements have been grouped into three groups. These are: New Sewers and Force Mains $33,753,548 Priority 1 Sewer Replacements $3,674,831 Priority 2 Sewer Replacements $3,269,194 Priority 3 Sewer Replacements $7,440,386 Total All Improvements $48,137,159 Constructing diversion manholes is included in the new sewers and force mains. This provides the City with flexibility to comply with current agreements with IEUA regarding routing of flows to the various regional treatment plants. Exhibit A shows the general location of these sewers. Recommendations The following recommendations are made: 1. A five-year capital improvement plan should be prepared incorporating Priority 1 improvements and new sewers and force mains needed to serve developing areas. 2. Systematic flow monitoring of sewers nearing capacity should begin now to assist the City in further prioritizing "Priority 1 Improvements." 3. Connection fees are too low. A fee of $770 is suggested for the year 2000. 4. Connection fees should be indexed and updated every three to five years to ensure that shortfalls do not occur in later years due to construction cost inflation and interest charges. City of Fontana Sewer Master Plan Update 9/18/00 2 1.0 OVERVIEW AND DEVELOPMENT PHASING 1.1 Scope The City of Fontana's most recent Master Sewer Plan update was prepared in draft form in May, 1992. Since 1992, changes in the land use element of the City's General Plan have occurred along with increases in density and population. This master sewer plan update has been prepared to update Fontana's Master Sewer Plan for changes which have occurred since 1992, and to document assumptions used in preparing the City's sewer model. Specific tasks outlined in the scope of work for this report are as follows. 1. Develop phasing schedule for future development. 2. Update the 1991-92 sewer model. 3. Analyze local areas of special concern. 4. Develop a five-year capital improvement plan. 5. Complete an analysis of the adequacy of the City's sewer connection fee. 1.2 Computer Model In conjunction with this Master Sewer Plan update, the City's 1991 computer model, originally developed to run on a Digital PDP11 mainframe computer has been converted to a more user-friendly format. The updated model works within the framework of Microsoft Excel to allow the program to run on any computer that will support Excel. It is intended that the model be used by multiple users for future updates. Therefore, we have tried to design the model to make data entry and output interpretation as easy as possible without sacrificing a reasonable degree of accuracy. 1.3 Land Use Subareas Earlier studies made use of TAZ (traffic analysis zone) subareas for sewer planning. This study has departed from the uses of TAZ subareas for a variety of reasons, including the following: 1. Boundaries of TAZ areas, census tracts, zip codes or other digitized planning divisions change. Using political divisions which change over time builds an element of obsolescence into a sewer model. 2. The TAZ data does not reflect the current land use element of the City's general plan. To avoid building obsolescence into the City's sewer model, we have divided the City and its sphere of influence into 231 sewer planning subareas using quarter sections and specific plan areas. Where specific plans exist, we have drawn subarea boundaries to coincide with these specific plan areas so that the model can be updated to match specific plan updates. City of Fontana Sewer Master Plan Update 9/18/00 3 All other areas of the City have been divided into quarter sections. Since quarter section boundaries never change, future updates need only incorporate changes in actual land use. 1.4 Land Use Land use has been tabulated in Exhibit C based on the City's published land use plan as adopted in May, 1990 and most recently revised on December 19, 1995. In tabulating land use, the following assumptions have been followed: 1. All quarter sections have been assumed to contain exactly 160 acres. No corrections have been made for minor survey discrepancies between adjacent quarter sections. Areas, in acres, of specific plan areas have been computed by summing the number of quarter sections contained within their boundaries and multiplying the number of quarter sections by 160. 2. Land use has been tabulated based on gross acres. A 15 percent reduction has been made for streets and public right of way to convert between gross and net acres. The 160 acres in each quarter section have been allocated to each of the land uses identified in the City's current land use plan based on Fontana's published land use planning maps. 1.5 Calculation of Development Phasing To model development phasing by subarea as simply as possible, the model makes use of "Z-curves." Figure 1.1 shows a typical Z-curve. 100% % built today Year development starts Year development finishes Figure 1.1 - Typical "Z-curve" The Z-curve format allows the sewer model to be updated by changing only the start and finish dates for development in any subarea based on development phasing. Start and finish dates shown in Exhibit C have been developed in consultation with City planners. City of Fontana Sewer Model Residential Residential Estates Residential Industrial Estates Low Density Residential Residential Planned Community Single Family Residential Medium-Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential Medium-High Density Residential Office Professional Community Commercial General Commercial Regional Commercial Community Mixed Ude Regional Mixed Use Planned Industrial General Industrial Industrial Specific Plan Public Utility Corridor Recreation School Public Facility Institutional Open Natural Area Resource Area Specific Plan Total Acres Start Date End Date Year Percent Development Now Flow Rate (GAL/DAY)Flow Rate (mgd)Flow Rate (mgd) LOCATION R-E R-E R-L R-PC R-SF R-ML R-M R-MH C-O C-C C-G C-R CMU RMU I-P I-G I-SP P-UC P-R P-S P-PF P-I OS-N OS-R 2030 2030 BUILDOUT 1 - Southridge Village 1397 60 20 20 50 320 70 60 560 100 2657 1998 2008 100%95%2,109,254 2.11 2.11 2 - Rancho Fontana 395 25 30 40 20 510 1998 2018 100%40%641,580 0.64 0.64 3 - Walnut Village 302 5 35 342 1998 2008 100%80%413,393 0.41 0.41 5 - Southwest Industrial Park 10 280 1490 23 60 1863 1998 2008 100%50%4,526,250 4.53 4.53 6 - Northgate 66.6 10 10 86.6 1998 2010 100%80%113,064 0.11 0.11 8 - West End 755 20 45 120 35 405 35 53 10 1478 1998 2008 100%65%2,234,688 2.23 2.23 9 - Fontana Gateway 576 40 160 776 1998 2008 100%65%1,468,800 1.47 1.47 11 - South Park 58 30 30 118 1998 2002 100%70%68,774 0.07 0.07 12 - Hunter's Ridge 365 25 5 46 20 15 91.6 567.6 1998 2008 100%60%526,533 0.53 0.53 13 - Empire Center 242.5 50 292.5 1998 2004 100%10%436,688 0.44 0.44 14 - Fontana Auto Mall 28.55 28.55 1998 2002 100%50%36,401 0.04 0.04 15 - California Landings 188 20 15.2 223.2 1998 2001 100%50%279,429 0.28 0.28 16 - Sierra Lakes 320 160 210 10 700 1998 2013 100%0%639,540 0.64 0.64 17 - Westgate 520 20 370 20 15 9 954 1998 2013 100%0%1,134,750 1.13 1.13 Coyote Canyon 223.3 35 20 20 298.3 1998 2013 100%0%268,178 0.27 0.27 T1NR5W-17NW 60 10 5 75 1998 2023 100%0%83,895 0.08 0.08 T1NR5W-17SW 55 5 20 80 1998 2023 100%0%71,591 0.07 0.07 T1NR5W-18NE 10 45 10 80 15 160 1998 2023 100%0%170,480 0.17 0.17T1NR5W-18NW 80 40 30 10 160 1998 2023 100%0%69,972 0.07 0.07 T1NR5W-18SE 140 20 160 1998 2023 100%0%191,505 0.19 0.19 T1NR5W-18SW 5 45 80 30 160 1998 2023 100%0%156,545 0.16 0.16 T1NR5W-19NE 140 20 160 1998 2023 100%0%191,505 0.19 0.19 T1NR5W-19NW 145 5 10 160 1998 2023 100%0%178,309 0.18 0.18T1NR5W-19SE 140 20 160 1998 2023 100%0%166,005 0.17 0.17 T1NR5W-19SW 130 10 20 160 1998 2023 100%0%166,898 0.17 0.17 T1NR5W-20NW 15 45 20 80 1998 2023 100%0%76,500 0.08 0.08 T1NR5W-20SW 70 10 80 1998 2023 100%0%89,250 0.09 0.09 T1NR5W-29NW 10 70 80 1998 2013 100%10%102,000 0.10 0.10T1NR5W-29SW 40 40 80 1998 2013 100%10%102,000 0.10 0.10 T1NR5W-30NE 160 160 1998 2008 100%0%- 0.00 0.00 T1NR5W-30NW 160 160 1998 2008 100%0%- 0.00 0.00 T1NR5W-30SE 160 160 1998 2008 100%0%- 0.00 0.00 T1NR5W-30SW 160 160 1998 2008 100%0%- 0.00 0.00T1NR5W-31NE 85 75 160 1998 2013 100%25%196,414 0.20 0.20 T1NR5W-31NW 50 55 55 160 1998 2013 100%25%241,613 0.24 0.24 T1NR5W-31SE 140 20 160 1998 2013 100%25%191,505 0.19 0.19 T1NR5W-31SW 150 10 160 1998 2013 100%25%190,613 0.19 0.19 T1NR5W-32NW 160 160 1998 2008 100%80%- 0.00 0.00T1NR5W-32SW 160 160 1998 2008 100%80%- 0.00 0.00 T1NR6W-13NE 30 60 65 5 160 1998 2023 100%0%7,115 0.01 0.01 T1NR6W-13NW 15 145 160 1998 2023 100%0%- 0.00 0.00 T1NR6W-13SE 120 30 5 5 160 1998 2023 100%0%28,458 0.03 0.03T1NR6W-13SW 75 75 10 160 1998 2023 100%0%113,411 0.11 0.11 T1NR6W-14NE 160 160 1998 2023 100%0%- 0.00 0.00T1NR6W-14NW 80 80 160 1998 2023 100%0%- 0.00 0.00 T1NR6W-14SE 20 60 80 160 1998 2023 100%0%- 0.00 0.00 T1NR6W-14SW 80 40 40 160 1998 2023 100%0%18,972 0.02 0.02T1NR6W-23NE 160 160 1998 2001 100%0%- 0.00 0.00 T1NR6W-23NW 160 160 1998 2001 100%75%- 0.00 0.00T1NR6W-23SE 160 160 1998 2001 100%40%- 0.00 0.00 T1NR6W-23SW 160 160 1998 2001 100%80%- 0.00 0.00 T1NR6W-24NE 70 60 30 160 1998 2023 100%0%159,503 0.16 0.16T1NR6W-24NW 40 20 20 80 160 1998 2023 100%0%72,930 0.07 0.07 T1NR6W-24SE 120 10 30 160 1998 2023 100%0%155,040 0.16 0.16T1NR6W-24SW 65 15 80 160 1998 2023 100%0%77,074 0.08 0.08 T1NR6W-25NE 160 160 1998 2008 100%20%189,720 0.19 0.19 T1NR6W-25NW 125 5 30 160 1998 2008 100%20%273,169 0.27 0.27T1NR6W-25SE 80 15 5 60 160 1998 2008 100%20%120,360 0.12 0.12 T1NR6W-25SW 60 80 20 160 1998 2008 100%20%191,505 0.19 0.19T1NR6W-26NE 120 20 20 160 1998 2008 100%0%167,790 0.17 0.17 T1NR6W-26NW 80 80 1998 2008 100%0%- 0.00 0.00 T1NR6W-26SE 90 10 60 160 1998 2008 100%0%119,468 0.12 0.12T1NR6W-26SW 160 160 1998 2008 100%0%- 0.00 0.00 T1NR6W-27SE 80 80 1998 2008 100%0%94,860 0.09 0.09T1NR6W-33SE 80 80 1998 2001 100%80%- 0.00 0.00 T1NR6W-34NE 100 100 1998 2013 100%0%- 0.00 0.00 T1NR6W-34NW 35 35 1998 2013 100%0%- 0.00 0.00T1NR6W-34SE 160 160 1998 2013 100%0%- 0.00 0.00 T1NR6W-34SW 160 160 1998 2013 100%0%- 0.00 0.00T1NR6W-35NE 60 20 80 160 1998 2003 100%10%96,645 0.10 0.10 T1NR6W-35NW 160 160 1998 2003 100%10%- 0.00 0.00 T1NR6W-35SE 120 40 160 1998 2003 100%10%189,720 0.19 0.19T1NR6W-35SW 125 15 20 160 1998 2003 100%10%167,344 0.17 0.17 T1NR6W-36NE 150 10 160 1998 2008 100%25%190,613 0.19 0.19T1NR6W-36NW 20 140 160 1998 2008 100%25%23,715 0.02 0.02 T1NR6W-36SE 50 20 20 70 160 1998 2008 100%25%110,288 0.11 0.11 T1NR6W-36SW 160 160 1998 2008 100%25%- 0.00 0.00 T1SR5W-4NE 60 20 80 1998 2018 100%80%71,145 0.07 0.07T1SR5W-4NW 50 10 17 77 1998 2018 100%80%72,038 0.07 0.07 T1SR5W-4SE 140 20 160 1998 2018 100%80%191,505 0.19 0.19 T1SR5W-4SW 145 10 5 160 1998 2018 100%80%194,909 0.19 0.19 T1SR5W-5NE 150 5 5 160 1998 2018 100%80%194,438 0.19 0.19 T1SR5W-5NW 135 10 15 160 1998 2018 100%80%191,951 0.19 0.19T1SR5W-5SE 130 5 10 5 5 5 160 1998 2018 100%80%192,623 0.19 0.19 T1SR5W-5SW 100 15 10 15 20 160 1998 2018 100%80%209,444 0.21 0.21 T1SR5W-6NE 120 10 20 10 160 1998 2018 100%80%193,290 0.19 0.19 T1SR5W-6NW 155 5 160 1998 2018 100%80%190,166 0.19 0.19 T1SR5W-6SE 90 10 35 5 10 10 160 1998 2018 100%80%218,845 0.22 0.22T1SR5W-6SW 60 5 10 5 80 160 1998 2018 100%80%107,164 0.11 0.11 T1SR5W-7NE 30 40 10 40 40 160 1998 2018 100%85%225,318 0.23 0.23 T1SR5W-7NW 80 20 10 40 10 160 1998 2018 100%85%214,047 0.21 0.21 T1SR5W-7SE 30 20 20 10 30 40 10 160 1998 2018 100%85%267,725 0.27 0.27 T1SR5W-7SW 60 50 20 10 10 10 160 1998 2018 100%85%238,213 0.24 0.24T1SR5W-8NE 100 10 10 40 160 1998 2018 100%85%207,519 0.21 0.21 T1SR5W-8NW 60 10 30 10 20 10 10 10 160 1998 2018 100%85%213,546 0.21 0.21 T1SR5W-8SE 120 10 10 10 10 160 1998 2018 100%85%198,484 0.20 0.20 T1SR5W-8SW 110 10 10 20 10 160 1998 2018 100%85%215,526 0.22 0.22 T1SR5W-9NE 50 10 10 10 80 1998 2018 100%85%101,388 0.10 0.10T1SR5W-9NW 100 10 20 30 160 1998 2018 100%85%198,926 0.20 0.20 T1SR5W-9SE 80 80 1998 2018 100%85%94,860 0.09 0.09 T1SR5W-9SW 150 10 160 1998 2018 100%85%190,613 0.19 0.19 T1SR5W-16NE 80 80 1998 2018 100%85%94,860 0.09 0.09 T1SR5W-16NW 160 160 1998 2018 100%85%189,720 0.19 0.19T1SR5W-16SW 130 10 10 10 160 1998 2018 100%85%188,998 0.19 0.19 T1SR5W-17NE 160 160 1998 2018 100%85%189,720 0.19 0.19 T1SR5W-17NW 70 10 20 20 30 10 160 1998 2018 100%85%188,547 0.19 0.19 T1SR5W-17SE 140 10 10 160 1998 2018 100%85%199,155 0.20 0.20 T1SR5W-17SW 120 20 20 160 1998 2018 100%85%210,477 0.21 0.21T1SR5W-18NE 20 30 60 40 10 160 1998 2018 100%85%257,015 0.26 0.26 T1SR5W18NW 70 40 30 10 10 160 1998 2018 100%85%227,613 0.23 0.23 T1SR5W-18SE 70 20 30 20 20 160 1998 2018 100%85%192,840 0.19 0.19 T1SR5W-18SW 120 20 20 160 1998 2018 100%85%186,490 0.19 0.19 T1SR5W-19NE 50 30 30 20 20 10 160 1998 2018 100%85%239,768 0.24 0.24T1SR5W-19NW 130 10 20 160 1998 2018 100%85%217,898 0.22 0.22 T1SR5W-19SE 70 90 160 1998 2018 100%85%318,750 0.32 0.32 T1SR5W-19SW 10 150 160 1998 2018 100%85%395,250 0.40 0.40 T1SR5W-20NE 90 30 10 30 160 1998 2018 100%85%259,998 0.26 0.26 T1SR5W-20NW 60 10 10 30 50 160 1998 2018 100%85%338,589 0.34 0.34T1SR5W-20SE 10 60 10 80 160 1998 2018 100%85%178,500 0.18 0.18 T1SR5W-20SW 60 20 80 160 1998 2018 100%85%127,500 0.13 0.13 T1SR5W-29NE 60 10 10 80 1998 2003 100%50%122,145 0.12 0.12 T1SR5W-29NW 10 150 160 1998 2003 100%50%12,750 0.01 0.01 T1SR5W-29SE 80 80 1998 2003 100%50%94,860 0.09 0.09T1SR5W-29SW 80 20 60 160 1998 2003 100%50%120,360 0.12 0.12 T1SR5W-30NE 110 20 30 160 1998 2003 100%25%180,260 0.18 0.18 T1SR5W-30NW 110 10 30 10 160 1998 2003 100%25%187,910 0.19 0.19 T1SR5W-30SE 120 40 160 1998 2003 100%25%136,374 0.14 0.14 T1SR5W-30SW 160 160 1998 2003 100%25%113,832 0.11 0.11T1SR5W-31NE 160 160 1998 1999 100%100%- 0.00 0.00 T1SR5W-31NW 160 160 1998 1999 100%100%- 0.00 0.00 T1SR5W-31SE 160 160 1998 1999 100%100%- 0.00 0.00 T1SR5W-31SW 160 160 1998 1999 100%100%- 0.00 0.00 T1SR5W-32NE 20 20 120 160 1998 2001 100%15%14,229 0.01 0.01T1SR5W-32NW 20 140 160 1998 2001 100%15%- 0.00 0.00 T1SR5W-32SE 160 160 1998 2001 100%15%- 0.00 0.00 T1SR5W-32SW 160 160 1998 2001 100%15%- 0.00 0.00 T1SR5W-33NE 20 20 20 20 80 1998 2001 100%15%37,944 0.04 0.04 T1SR5W-33NW 130 20 10 160 1998 2001 100%15%92,489 0.09 0.09T1SR5W-33SE 80 80 1998 2001 100%15%- 0.00 0.00 T1SR5W-33SW 160 160 1998 2001 100%15%113,832 0.11 0.11 T1SR6W-1NE 150 5 5 160 1998 2018 100%40%192,538 0.19 0.19 T1SR6W-1NW 40 120 160 1998 2018 100%40%47,430 0.05 0.05 T1SR6W-1SE 105 10 25 10 10 160 1998 2018 100%40%195,079 0.20 0.20 T1SR6W-1SW 120 10 20 5 5 160 1998 2018 100%40%203,516 0.20 0.20T1SR6W-2NE 160 160 1998 2008 100%50%- 0.00 0.00 T1SR6W-2NW 160 160 1998 2008 100%50%- 0.00 0.00 T1SR6W-2SE 25 10 15 110 160 1998 2008 100%50%80,644 0.08 0.08 T1SR6W-2SW 160 160 1998 2008 100%50%- 0.00 0.00 T1SR6W-3NE 160 160 1998 2001 100%80%- 0.00 0.00T1SR6W-3NW 160 160 1998 2001 100%80%- 0.00 0.00 T1SR6W-3SE 160 160 1998 2001 100%80%- 0.00 0.00 T1SR6W-3SW 160 160 1998 2001 100%80%- 0.00 0.00 T1SR6W-4NE 160 160 1998 2001 100%80%- 0.00 0.00 T1SR6W-4SE 160 160 1998 2001 100%80%- 0.00 0.00T1SR6W-9NE 140 20 160 1998 2018 100%20%125,103 0.13 0.13 T1SR6W-9SE 80 80 160 1998 2018 100%20%260,916 0.26 0.26 T1SR6W-10NE 130 20 10 160 1998 2018 100%20%143,489 0.14 0.14 T1SR6W-10NW 135 25 160 1998 2018 100%20%127,921 0.13 0.13 T1SR6W-10SE 10 95 40 15 160 1998 2018 100%20%351,365 0.35 0.35T1SR6W-10SW 40 80 30 10 160 1998 2018 100%20%308,958 0.31 0.31 T1SR6W-11NE 120 10 20 10 160 1998 2018 100%20%136,374 0.14 0.14 T1SR6W-11NW 120 40 160 1998 2018 100%20%136,374 0.14 0.14 T1SR6W-11SE 30 20 110 160 1998 2018 100%20%325,559 0.33 0.33 T1SR6W-11SW 40 10 10 90 10 160 1998 2018 100%20%284,266 0.28 0.28T1SR6W-12NE 50 10 40 60 160 1998 2018 100%20%284,631 0.28 0.28 T1SR6W-12NW 30 130 160 1998 2018 100%20%369,750 0.37 0.37 T1SR6W-12SE 10 10 20 30 90 160 1998 2018 100%20%142,902 0.14 0.14 T1SR6W-12SW 20 110 30 160 1998 2018 100%20%304,215 0.30 0.30 T1SR6W-13NE 110 20 20 10 160 1998 2018 100%75%236,870 0.24 0.24T1SR6W-13NW 150 5 5 160 1998 2018 100%75%188,913 0.19 0.19 T1SR6W-13SE 155 5 160 1998 2018 100%75%190,166 0.19 0.19 T1SR6W-13SW 155 5 160 1998 2018 100%75%190,166 0.19 0.19 T1SR6W-14NE 160 160 1998 2018 100%75%189,720 0.19 0.19 T1SR6W-14NW 80 80 160 1998 2018 100%75%298,860 0.30 0.30T1SR6W-14SE 135 15 5 5 160 1998 2018 100%75%191,951 0.19 0.19 T1SR6W-14SW 65 75 10 5 5 160 1998 2018 100%75%299,349 0.30 0.30 T1SR6W-15NE 160 160 1998 2018 100%50%408,000 0.41 0.41 T1SR6W-15NW 160 160 1998 2018 100%50%408,000 0.41 0.41 T1SR6W-15SE 160 160 1998 2018 100%50%408,000 0.41 0.41T1SR6W-15SW 160 160 1998 2018 100%50%408,000 0.41 0.41 T1SR6W-16NE 150 10 160 1998 2018 100%50%382,500 0.38 0.38 T1SR6W-16NW 60 20 80 1998 2018 100%50%153,000 0.15 0.15 T1SR6W-16SE 150 10 160 1998 2018 100%50%382,500 0.38 0.38 T1SR6W-16SW 120 40 160 1998 2018 100%50%306,000 0.31 0.31T1SR6W-21NE 150 10 160 1998 2018 100%50%382,500 0.38 0.38 T1SR6W-21NW 120 40 160 1998 2018 100%50%306,000 0.31 0.31 T1SR6W-21SE 90 10 60 160 1998 2018 100%50%229,500 0.23 0.23 T1SR6W-21SW 80 20 60 160 1998 2018 100%50%204,000 0.20 0.20 T1SR6W-22NE 60 100 160 1998 2018 100%50%153,000 0.15 0.15T1SR6W-22NW 160 160 1998 2018 100%50%408,000 0.41 0.41 T1SR6W-22SE 40 40 80 160 1998 2018 100%50%204,000 0.20 0.20 T1SR6W-22SW 35 120 5 160 1998 2018 100%50%401,625 0.40 0.40 T1SR6W-23NE 115 20 25 160 1998 2001 100%50%225,611 0.23 0.23 T1SR6W-23NW 60 20 75 5 160 1998 2001 100%50%294,270 0.29 0.29T1SR6W-23SE 100 60 160 1998 2001 100%50%255,000 0.26 0.26 T1SR6W-23SW 10 150 160 1998 2001 100%50%395,250 0.40 0.40 T1SR6W-24NE 90 5 35 15 15 160 1998 2001 100%50%235,493 0.24 0.24 T1SR6W-24NW 120 40 160 1998 2001 100%50%244,290 0.24 0.24 T1SR6W-24SE 40 80 40 160 1998 2001 100%50%255,000 0.26 0.26T1SR6W-24SW 160 160 1998 2001 100%50%408,000 0.41 0.41 T1SR6W-25NE 60 10 20 70 160 1998 2008 100%50%80,937 0.08 0.08 T1SR6W-25NW 160 160 1998 2008 100%50%- 0.00 0.00 T1SR6W-25SE 100 20 40 160 1998 2008 100%50%122,145 0.12 0.12 T1SR6W-25SW 160 160 1998 2008 100%50%- 0.00 0.00T1SR6W-26NE 160 160 1998 2008 100%50%- 0.00 0.00 T1SR6W-26NW 10 150 160 1998 2008 100%50%25,500 0.03 0.03 T1SR6W-26SE 160 160 1998 2008 100%50%- 0.00 0.00 T1SR6W-26SW 30 80 50 160 1998 2008 100%50%280,500 0.28 0.28 T1SR6W-27NE 80 30 30 20 160 1998 2008 100%50%171,972 0.17 0.17T1SR6W-27NW 80 60 20 160 1998 2008 100%50%222,972 0.22 0.22 T1SR6W-27SE 80 45 35 160 1998 2008 100%50%222,972 0.22 0.22 T1SR6W-27SW 80 80 160 1998 2008 100%50%222,972 0.22 0.22 T1SR6W-28NE 160 160 1998 2001 100%75%- 0.00 0.00 T1SR6W-28NW 160 160 1998 2008 100%50%- 0.00 0.00T1SR6W-28SE 160 160 1998 2001 100%75%- 0.00 0.00 T1SR6W-28SW 160 160 1998 2008 100%50%- 0.00 0.00 T1SR6W-33NE 160 160 1998 2001 100%85%- 0.00 0.00 T1SR6W-33NW 160 160 1998 2003 100%85%- 0.00 0.00 T1SR6W-33SE 160 160 1998 2003 100%85%- 0.00 0.00T1SR6W-33SW 160 160 1998 2003 100%85%- 0.00 0.00 T1SR6W-34NE 160 160 1998 1999 100%100%- 0.00 0.00 T1SR6W-34NW 160 160 1998 1999 100%100%- 0.00 0.00 T1SR6W-34SE 160 160 1998 1999 100%100%- 0.00 0.00 T1SR6W-34SW 160 160 1998 1999 100%100%- 0.00 0.00T1SR6W-35NE 160 160 1998 2008 100%0%- 0.00 0.00 T1SR6W-35NW 160 160 1998 2008 100%0%- 0.00 0.00 T1SR6W-35SE 160 160 1998 2008 100%0%- 0.00 0.00 T1SR6W-35SW 160 160 1998 2008 100%0%- 0.00 0.00 T1SR6W-36NE 160 160 1998 1999 100%100%- 0.00 0.00T1SR6W-36NW 160 160 1998 1999 100%100%- 0.00 0.00 T1SR6W-36SE 160 160 1998 1999 100%100%- 0.00 0.00 T1SR6W-36SW 160 160 1998 1999 100%100%- 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 1796.6 575 10972 43901.8 44,538,496 44.54 44.54 Open SpacePublic FacilityIndustrialCommercial City of Fontana Sewer Master Plan Update 9/18/00 4 1.6 Development Phasing Schedule Summing the Z-curves for each subarea throughout the city produces a classic S-curve as shown in Figure 1.2. As of the end of 1999, we estimate the City was 55% built out. While some growth has occurred since the end of 1999, there are also some units that are not connected to the sewer. These two “errors” roughly cancel each other out, so the 55% figure is a reasonable estimate. Allowing for this is based on dividing the 69,800 equivalent dwelling units computed at the end of 1999 in Table 1.1 by the 122,600 equivalent dwelling units expected at buildout. The heavy line in Figure 1.2 shows the path the expected remaining growth is expected to take from 55.8% to 100% buildout. This follows the classic logistic S growth curve which is the most common method of modeling population growth. 100% 88.7% 55.5% % built today 1999 2010 2020 2025 Figure 1.2 – Classic Logistic "S-curve" Table 1.1 tabulates results of the summation of Z-curves for all subareas within the City of Fontana. The total flow at buildout of 39.35 million gallons per day (mgd) is about 5 mgd greater than the flow computed using the 1991 model. The extrapolated 2030 population of 186,700 is about 15% below the current (1998) planning ceiling population of 220,000. A contingency has not been added for the event that the population exceeds the 186,700. The most probable scenario has been used. A contingency may be added at the city’s discretion. City of Fontana Sewer Master Plan Update 9/18/00 5 Table 1.1 - Development Phasing Schedule Projected Year Computed Sewage Flow Equivalent Dwelling Units % of Buildout Extrapolated Population 1999 21.94 mgd 78,600 55.6% 104,200 – 120,900 2000 23.75 mgd 85,100 60.2% 112,800 – 129,800 2005 30.56 mgd 109,600 77.4% 144,700 – 163,200 2010 35.09 mgd 125,800 88.9% 165,800 – 185,400 2015 37.76 mgd 135,300 95.7% 178,300 – 199,000 2020 39.20 mgd 140,500 99.3% 185,200 – 206,300 2030 39.46 mgd 141,400 100% 186,700 – 208,300 Industrial flows were averaged at a constant 2200 gpad (net acres) for this tabulation. Since growth may occur slower or more quickly than is now expected, intermediate extrapolated population ranges are provided for benchmarking purposes 1.7 Future Connection Fee Basis Table 1.1 shows the number of equivalent dwelling units is expected to increase from 78,600 to 141,400 between 1999 and buildout. The expected cost of new master plans sewers built after 2000 should be allocated equally among this expected net increase of 62,800 equivalent dwelling units. 1.8 Definitions For purposes of this report, and for fee calculations, the following definitions apply: Interceptor Sewers Large regional sewers owned by Inland Empire Utility Agency (IEUA). Trunk Sewers Backbone sewers owned by the City of Fontana, typically 21 inches diameter and larger. Collector Sewers Sewers of intermediate size owned by the City of Fontana (typically 10-inch through 18-inch diameter) and any 8-inch sewers on section lines or their equivalent alignments. Local Sewers 8-inch sewers within local streets which feed collector sewers. This includes all sewers that serve fewer than 500 equivalent dwelling units and some sewers where an 8-inch line can serve more than 500 EDU. Local sewers are typically 100% developer and or property owner funded. “Master Plan” sewers consist of trunks and collector sewers only as defined above. Recommended connection fees would be used to construct master plan trunk and collector City of Fontana Sewer Master Plan Update 9/18/00 6 sewers only. Financing and construction of interceptors is the responsibility of IEUA. IEUA collects a fee of $3530 per unit as of February 1, 2000 to fund interceptors and treatment plants. Local sewers are to be financed and constructed by the developers or property owners for whose benefit the sewers are constructed. City of Fontana Sewer Master Plan Update 9/18/00 7 2.0 2000 FONTANA SEWER SYSTEM MODEL 2.1 Overview This chapter provides an overview of the 2000 City of Fontana sewer system model. The 1991 model has been updated as follows: • The model has been converted to operate within Microsoft Excel to move away from the proprietary software which hosted the previous model. • Trunk sewers for which plans have been prepared since 1991 have been added to the model. • The land use has been updated to reflect the City's current general plan. • The output presentation has been completely reworked to make results easier to understand. 2.2 Model Results Exhibit A shows the expected flow conditions in Fontana sewers in year 2005. Exhibit B shows the expected flow conditions in Fontana sewers at buildout. A complete tabulation of the model results is contained in the Appendix. 2.3 Flow Generation Factors and Margin of Safety Table 2.1 shows the flow generation factors used in preparing the sewer model. These factors have been taken directly from the factors used in the 1991 model for existing development. Flow generation factors typically contain a margin of safety. The factors used represent a high yield in gallons per acre per day per category, rather than the average. If the average were used, half of the sewers in the City would be under-designed. For example, some areas zoned General Industrial consist largely of warehouses yielding flows far below the factor of 1500 gallons per acre per day. But other areas zoned General Industrial may include, for example, carpet factories and car washes which generate higher flows. In residential areas, some homes may still be on septic tanks while new areas would be 100% sewered. Because the City has promised property owners the option to convert from septic tanks to sewer connections or the option to building car washes instead of warehouses, sewage flow generation factors must contain a margin of safety. But by definition, a margin of safety buys safety at the expense of accuracy. City of Fontana Sewer Master Plan Update 9/18/00 8 Table 2.1 Sewage Flow Generation Factors Land Use Description Equivalent DU per acre Flow per Dwelling Unit Flow per Net Acre R-E Residential Estate 1 279 279 gpad R-L Low Density Residential 3 279 837 gpad R-IE Industrial Estate 3 279 837 gpad R-PC Residential Planned Community 5 279 1395 gpad R-SF Single Family Residential 5 279 1395 gpad R-ML Medium-Low Density Residential 5 279 1395 gpad R-M Medium Density Residential 7 279 1953 gpad R-MH Medium High Density Residential 9 279 2511 gpad C-O Office Professional 5.38 - 1500 gpad C-C Community Commercial 5.38 - 1500 gpad C-G General Commercial 5.38 - 1500 gpad C-R Regional Commercial 5.38 - 1500 gpad C Commercial (2005 and after) 10.76 3000 gpad CMU Community Mixed Use 5.38 - 1500 gpad RMU Regional Mixed Use 5.38 - 1500 gpad I Industrial 5.38 - 1500 gpad before 2006 I-P Planned Industrial 10.76 - 3000 gpad I-G General Industrial 10.76 - 3000 gpad I-SP Industrial Specific Plan 10.76 - 3000 gpad P-UC Utility Corridor 0 - 0 gpad P-R Recreational 072 - 200 gpad P-S School 8.60 - 2400 gpad P-PF Public Facility 5.38 - 1500 gpad P-I Institutional 16.13 - 4500 gpad OS-N Natural Area 0 - 0 gpad OS-R Resource Area 0 - 0 gpad City of Fontana Sewer Master Plan Update 9/18/00 9 The loss in accuracy from using margins of safety means that the model tends to overestimate sewage flows in industrial areas. Therefore where sewers are shown as flowing above capacity, we recommend flow monitoring occur prior to the design of replacement sewers to ensure that improvements are not put in place prematurely. In computing equivalent dwelling units (EDU's) the number of EDU's per acre is obtained by dividing the flow per acre by the 279 gallons per day per dwelling unit used in Table 2.1. Based on flow measurements taken in 1991 in Fontana's sewer system, the 1991 Sewer Master Sewer Plan Update calculated that the average flow per dwelling unit in Fontana at 279 gallons per day. In the case of industrial flows, allowance has been made for increases in intensity of use in the event warehouse and storage areas are converted to more intense land uses. Runs for conditions after 2006 use 3000 gallons per acre per day. Earlier runs use 1500 gallons per acre per day. 2.4 Peak Flows All sewers within the City should be designed to handle peak flows. For purposes of the model the 1991 Master Sewer Plan peaking formula has been used. PEAKING FORMULA Qpeak=2.5Qmgd0.91 Where Qmgd is equal to the average daily flow expressed in million gallons per day, and Qpeak is equal to the peak flow expressed in million gallons per day. One million gallons per day equals 1.5472 cubic feet per second. 2.5 Pipe Design Table 2.2 summarizes design criteria used to prepare the sewer model. A minimum depth of 8 feet is required on new sewers to allow passage under water mains and other surface utilities and to allow drainage of low lying areas on lots. Specific future utility conflicts may require case by case analysis. Minimum slopes are based on a scouring velocity of 2.5 feet per second when sewers are flowing half full. This is the preferred minimum, although slopes providing scouring velocities of 2.0 feet per second are often used. For pipes 24 inches in diameter and larger, the minimum slope is based on construction tolerances. Depth to diameter ratios (D/d) are listed separately for new pipe and for existing pipe. For new pipe, it is customary to limit D/d to a fraction of 1.00 to allow for changes which may occur in land use upstream. For smaller pipes, 8-inches through 12 inches in diameter, a D/d of 0.50 is customary since conceivably, changes in land use could cause flows from a City of Fontana Sewer Master Plan Update 9/18/00 10 small tributary area to double. For sewers 15-inches in diameter and larger, having larger tributary areas, a less conservative D/d of 0.75 is used. Table 2.2 Sewer Design and Evaluation Criteria Sewer Diameter Minimum Depth on new sewers Minimum Slope on new sewers (2.5 fps) Allowable D/d on new sewers Allowable D/d on existing sewers 8-inch 8 feet .0040 0.50 0-0.75 acceptable 0.75 to 1.00 marginal over 1.00 deficient 10-inch 8 feet .0030 0.50 0-0.75 acceptable 0.75 to 1.00 marginal over 1.00 deficient 12-inch 8 feet .0024 0.50 0-0.75 acceptable 0.75 to 1.00 marginal over 1.00 deficient 15-inch 8 feet .0017 0.75 0-0.75 acceptable 0.75 to 1.00 marginal over 1.00 deficient 18-inch 8 feet .0014 0.75 0-0.75 acceptable 0.75 to 1.00 marginal over 1.00 deficient 21-inch 8 feet .0011 0.75 0-0.75 acceptable 0.75 to 1.00 marginal over 1.00 deficient 24-inch and larger 8 feet .0010 0.75 0-0.75 acceptable 0.75 to 1.00 marginal over 1.00 deficient For existing sewers, different criteria are appropriate since one would hardly tear out an existing sewer if it were found to have a D/d greater than design values but less than full. Where sewers are found to actually flow at D/d's of 1.00, the sewer should be paralleled or relieved to prevent overflows onto private property. Surcharging, or operating at D/d greater than 1.00 and allowing pressure to build up in manholes, although theoretically possible, risks an overflow either over manhole lids or onto private property. Where sewers are computed to flow at D/d's of 0.75 or greater, we recommend monitoring the sewer on an annual basis. Because calculations are based on theory and assumptions, City of Fontana Sewer Master Plan Update 9/18/00 11 field conditions may be less severe. In such case, capital improvements can be deferred until field measurements justify capital improvement expenditure. Marginal sewers have been identified in order to give the City an early warning where sewers are nearing capacity. 2.6 Sewer Design Criteria Costs are based on the following design criteria. Table 2.3 – Sewer Design Criteria Sewer Diameter Minimum Slope Manhole Diameter (Sewers 0-15’ Deep) Manhole Diameter (Sewers 16-22’ Deep) Manhole Diameter (Sewers 22-25’ Deep) 8-inch 0.0040 4 feet 5 feet 6 feet 10-inch 0.0030 4 feet 5 feet 6 feet 12-inch 0.0024 4 feet 5 feet 6 feet 15-inch 0.0017 4 feet 5 feet 6 feet 18-inch 0.0014 5 feet 5 feet 6 feet 21-inch 0.0011 5 feet 5 feet 6 feet 24-inch 0.0010 5 feet 5 feet 6 feet 27-inch 0.0010 6 feet 6 feet 6 feet 30-inch 0.0010 6 feet 6 feet 6 feet 36-inch 0.0010 6 feet 6 feet 6 feet For design purposes, a Manning’s n of 0.013 has been used for all pipe materials. The difference in friction between VCP and PVC pipe is negligible once a layer of slime attaches itself to the pipe wall. Minimum cover is 6 feet. City of Fontana Sewer Master Plan Update 9/18/00 12 2.7 Hydraulics Flow calculations are based on a Manning's n of 0.13 for pipes flowing full. Some pipe manufacturers claim that a less conservative Manning's n is appropriate for plastic and other smooth pipes. However, studies at Stanford University suggest that after several years, all sewer pipes approach a Manning's n of 0.013 because friction occurs between sewage and a slime barrier on the pipe interior. The friction of between the flowing sewage and the slime is the same, irrespective of the pipe material beneath the slime. For the sake of accuracy, we have allowed Manning's n to vary with D/d per experimental results documented in Water Environment Foundation Manual of Practice 9, Sewer Design and Construction. Although calculations are slightly more rigorous than with the constant n assumption, the constant n assumption is misleading, causing calculations to show sewer capacity which does not exist in practice. It is customary when dealing with sewers and sewage treatment plants to express flows in million gallons per day (mgd). For conversion purposes, 1 mgd is equal to 1.5472 cubic feet per second (cfs). 2.8 Local Sewer Capacity Local sewers are generally sized adequately to serve at least 500 equivalent dwelling units. In the case of Fontana, 500 dwelling units at 279 gallons per day results in an average day flow of 0.167 mgd. Using the equation Qpeakmgd=2.5Qavgmgd.91 results in a peak flow of 0.416 mgd. This is below the computed 0.451mgd capacity of an 8 inch sewer flowing full at a minimum slope of 0.0033, the minimum capacity permissible for velocities of 2 feet per second. The full depth to diameter is used rather than the design value of 0.50 for 8-inch sewers because one would not replace an existing sewer that was flowing more than half full but not overflowing. Since all sewers should have this minimum capacity, detailed analysis of existing sewers serving fewer than 500 equivalent dwelling units is not necessary. 2.9 Sewer Construction Costs Bid costs were presented in the 1991-92 Master Sewer Plan update for an ENR index of 6287 for the Los Angeles region. Construction cost increases have pushed the LA index upwards during the past eight years. The index is now approaching 7200. Therefore costs have been increased. City of Fontana Sewer Master Plan Update 9/18/00 13 Table 2.4 presents sewer costs used in this study. Table 2.4 - Sewer Construction Costs Diameter (inches) 2000 Construction Cost (ENR 7200) 35% Allowance for Engineering, Administration & Contingencies 2000 Total Cost (ENR 7200) 8 $52.59 $18.41 $71.00 10 $63.70 $22.30 $86.00 12 $74.81 $26.19 $101.00 15 $91.11 $31.89 $123.00 18 $106.67 $37.33 $144.00 21 $122.22 $42.78 $165.00 24 $137.04 $47.96 $185.00 27 $151.85 $53.15 $205.00 30 $166.67 $58.33 $225.00 33 $181.48 $63.52 $245.00 36 $195.56 $68.44 $264.00 39 $209.63 $73.37 $283.00 42 $223.70 $78.30 $302.00 45 $237.78 $83.22 $321.00 48 $251.85 $88.15 $340.00 51 $265.19 $92.81 $358.00 54 $279.26 $97.74 $377.00 Costs include allowances for manholes at maximum 400-foot spacing In addition to the construction costs, shown above, a 15% construction cost contingency and a 20% estimate for engineering, surveying, inspection and administration have been added to the construction cost for planning and budgeting purposes. City of Fontana Sewer Master Plan Update 9/18/00 14 2.10 Graphical Presentation of Output The 1991 model has been revised to provide graphic output. Figure 2.1 shows a typical graphic output. The jagged line shows the capacity of the sewer. The bars protruding from the x-axis above each sequential manhole number represent peak flows computed by the model for the year in question. Where the bars protrude above the Q.allowable line, the sewer is undersized. 2.11 Tabular Presentation of Output Figure 2.2 shows typical tabular presentation of output for the same sewer. Each reach is listed sequentially in tabular form beginning at the upstream end and working downstream. Laterals and the flow contribution of each lateral or subarea are shown in the bar above each immediately to the right of the sewer description is a description of any sewage that has been introduced. Average flows have been computed based on the land use upstream of the reach. The various acres have been multiplied by the sewage generation factors shown in Table 2.1. The following example information is presented for each sewer modeled. City of Fontana Sewer Master Plan Update 9/18/00 15 Table 2.5 Tabulated Output Parameters - Fontana Sewer Model Key Description Up MH The upstream manhole number taken from City sewer maps for the reach in question. Where sewers are proposed but not yet built, a three digit alphanumeric code is used in lieu of the City manhole number. Dn MH The downstream manhole number taken from City sewer maps for the reach in question. Where sewers are proposed but not yet built, a three digit alphanumeric code is used in lieu of the City manhole number. Upst Invert The invert elevation of the outlet from the upstream manhole Dnst Invert The invert elevation of the inlet to the downstream manhole Upst Rim The manhlole rim elevation for the upstream manhole Upst Cover The computed distance between the upstream manhole rim and the soffit of the exiting pipe. Length The horizontal distance from the upstream manhole outlet to the downstream manhole inlet. Manning n The Manning friction coefficient (0.013) for pipes flowing full. Diameter The internal diameter of the pipe segment Slope The minimum of computed slope or as-built plan slope. Benefit Area The area of benefit into which the sewer falls. Budget Cost Zero for existing sewers. For proposed sewers, the estimated cost of new sewer construction in 2000 dollars. Q.avg mgd The average daily flow in the sewer expressed in million gallons per day. This was computed by multiplying the number of acres upstream by the flow generation factors in Table 2.1. Q.pk mgd The peak flow in the sewer expressed in million gallons per day. This was obtained using the average flow and applying the peaking formula shown in Section 2.4. Q.all mgd The computed allowable capacity of the proposed pipe in million gallons per day, based on the Allowable D/d shown in the upper right hand corner of the tabulated results. Q.pk mgd The computed capacity of the pipe in million gallons per day, flowing full. V.pk The flow velocity of the sewer at peak flow expressed in feet per second. V.full The computed flow velocity of the sewer flowing full in feet per second. D/d.pk The computed depth to diameter ratio of the sewer at peak flow. s.min The minimum slope to maintain the minimum velocity (v.min) shown at the top of the page. City of Fontana Sewer Master Plan Update 9/18/00 16 3.0 LOCAL AREAS OF SPECIAL CONCERN 3.1 Overview Four areas of special concern require careful attention to confirm that the Master Plan sewers can actually serve each parcel. These areas are: • Between Valley Blvd and Interstate 10 • North side of SR 30 • North side of West Fontana Channel • Fringe areas along the eastern sphere of influence boundary north of Interstate 10. Figure 3.1 (to be submitted at a later date) shows the location of each of these areas. 3.2 Between Valley Blvd. and Interstate 10 South of Valley Boulevard and north of Interstate 10 and the Union Pacific tracks, the terrain slopes downhill to the south as shown on Figure 3.2. As a result, certain areas, for example Fontana Villa Trailer Park and Washington Street cannot drain by gravity to the north. The existing sewer in Valley Boulevard is too shallow. Because of the expense of boring both Interstate 10 and the railroad tracks, drainage to the south is also blocked barring a major boring and jacking expense, VALLEY BLVD SAN BERNARDINO FWY UNION PACIFIC TRACKS EXISTING SEWER POSSIBLE FUTURE SEWER SEWERED UNSEWERED RIBBON NORTH Figure 3.2 Cross Section of Terrain South of Valley Boulevard. A resulting ribbon of land north of Interstate 10 cannot be sewered without pumping. Although the existing sewer is too shallow, future sewers may be constructed in Valley Boulevard at depths which will eliminate or reduce the width of the ribbon. However, downstream constraints may limit the practical depths of sewers. Therefore, even after future sewers are placed in service at deeper elevations, a thin ribbon may remain which cannot be sewered by gravity. Two alternative strategies exist for addressing the remaining ribbon. City of Fontana Sewer Master Plan Update 9/18/00 17 Option 1 (Lift Stations) would be to install temporary or permanent lift stations. This is a lower capital cost alternative ($350,000) than providing miles of new deep sewers, but requires the City to operate and maintain additional lift stations. Any lift stations should be designed with the option to eventually connect the lift station inlet to a gravity sewer. This means locating lift stations as far north as practical to avoid elevation losses from sewering to the low point on the property and then doubling back Option 2 (Washington Drive Sewer) would involve acquiring right of way along the north side of the Caltrans Right-of Way for a future local gravity sewer. This is perhaps possible where City right-of-way is available, as is the case for Washington Drive. However, obtaining right of way across numerous private properties for a continuation along the Washington Drive alignment, is may not be practical. 3.3 North side of SR 30 Figure 3.3 shows the future profile of the SR30 Freeway. Within Fontana there are both elevated and depressed sections of roadway. Maximum elevations for sewer crossings with 7 feet of cover beneath pavement are shown on Figure 3.3 (1st map after page 16). 3.4 North side of West Fontana Channel Three crossings of the West Fontana Channel are proposed. These are at: Future Cherry Avenue Sewer - Figure 3.4 (2nd map after page 16) Future Beech Avenue Sewer - Figure 3.5 (3rd map after page 16) Suggested Oleander Avenue Trunk - Figure 3.6 (4th map after page 16) Figures 3.4 through 3.6 show the approximate channel elevations and Master Plan sewer crossing depths. 3.5 Fringe areas along the eastern sphere of influence boundary north of Interstate 10 Fringe areas along the eastern sphere of influence boundary north of Interstate 10 contain local depressions which are currently unsewered. Figure 3.7 (5th map after page 16) shows the location of these areas. A temporary or permanent lift station near the intersection of Locust and San Bernardino Avenue is suggested to sewer low lying areas in the east edge of the City. 3.6 Suggestions for new trunk sewers. In the next five years, Fontana can expect two issues to surface regarding sewer requirements. The first is the occurrence of development in areas that do not drain into existing sewers as discussed above. The second is the gradual overfilling of existing sewers as development occurs up north. Overfilled sewers can be dealt with in several ways. These include: City of Fontana Sewer Master Plan Update 9/18/00 18 Paralleling overfilled sewers. Sewers can be constructed parallel to an existing sewer so that new capacity is available. However, since the law requires 10 feet separation between sewers and water or reclaimed water pipelines, and because many of Fontana's streets are already full of utilities, paralleling may be either impossible, or very expensive if sewers must be built in undesirable corridors such as beneath curb and gutter. Replacing overfilled sewers. Where no parallel alignment is available, an undersized sewer can be removed and replaced with a larger sewer. This can be done either by trenching and replacement, or by trenchless technologies where the existing pipe is expanded in place by up to two pipe sizes to allow a new pipe to be slipped into the enlarged hole. The pipe expansion is typically done using either hydrobursting in which hydraulic pressure shatters and expands the pipe, or pneumatic hammers which accomplish the same function. However, trenchless technologies for sewers generally require potholing for reconnection of laterals. Relief sewers. Relief sewers pick up all or part of existing sewers' flow and convey the collected sewage either to a treatment plant or to an interceptor downstream which has surplus capacity. For budgeting purposes, this Master Sewer Plan has developed project costs assuming that replacement sewers will be built following existing sewer alignments. This has been done because, • Parallel alignments require one manhole diameter separation between parallel sewers for practical reasons. In addition, there are 10-foot separation requirements between sewers and water lines. There is no guarantee such alignment corridors are available in existing streets. Further, even if such alignments are available, costs are higher in existing areas because of the cost of maintaining sewer service during construction, traffic control, pavement replacement and lateral reconnection. • Relief sewers suggested in this study would require a feasibility study to verify that they are practical. Both hydraulics and alignment feasibility would need to be verified. Each sewer replacement or paralleling should be evaluated on a case by case basis. City of Fontana Sewer Master Plan Update 9/18/00 19 4.0 FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 4.1 New Master Plan Sewers Table 4.1 lists new Master Plan sewers required to serve unsewered areas or areas without trunk sewers. Master Plan sewers are defined in Section 1.8 4.2 Priorities for Master Plan Sewer Replacements Where existing sewers are undersized to serve future development, new sewers will be required to provide the needed capacity. Exhibit A shows existing sewers where overflows are expected within the next seven years. Replacing all of the sewers shown in this exhibit over a five year period is not practical. Therefore priorities are as follows. Priority 1 sewer replacements parallel sewers flowing at capacity now for where no reserve capacity exists for development in progress. These sewers are listed in Table 4.2. Priority 2 sewer replacements replace additional sewers expected to be flowing above capacity by the year 2005. These sewers are listed in Table 4.3. Priority 3 sewer replacements replace additional sewers where overflows are expected to occur before buildout. Table 4.4 shows these sewer replacements. Projects for a five year capital improvement plan would be expected to be taken from Priority 1 sewer replacements shown in Table 4.2 and new sewers for unsewered areas shown in Table 4.1. 4.3 Cost Estimates Construction cost estimates are given for ENR Index 7200 as described in Section 2.9. Project Length Required Diameter Const. Cost per Foot Const. Cost Extension Total Project Cost Extension Total Project Cost Alder Avenue Sewer 5833 ft 10 in 63.70$ 371,584$ 501,638$ 501,638$ Arrow Highway Relief Sewer 5280 ft 21 in 122.22$ 645,333$ 871,200$ 10560 ft 27 in 151.85$ 1,603,556$ 2,164,800$ 3,036,000$ Baseline-Sierra Avenue Sewer 1621 ft 8 in 52.59$ 85,253$ 115,091$ 8322 ft 12 in 74.81$ 622,609$ 840,522$ 15905 ft 15 in 91.11$ 1,449,122$ 1,956,315$ 2,911,928$ Beech Avenue (Lytle Creek) Sewer 3496 ft 8 in 52.59$ 183,864$ 248,216$ 5790 ft 10 in 63.70$ 368,844$ 497,940$ 7600 ft 15 in 91.11$ 692,444$ 934,800$ 1,680,956$ Beech Avenue S of Foothill Sewer 9200 ft 15 in 91.11$ 838,222$ 1,131,600$ 2640 ft 36 in 195.56$ 516,267$ 696,960$ 1,828,560$ Cherry Avenue Sewer 5600 ft 15 in 91.11$ 510,222$ 688,800$ 6240 ft 21 in 122.22$ 762,667$ 1,029,600$ 1,718,400$ Citrus Avenue Sewer 2640 ft 12 in 74.81$ 197,511$ 266,640$ 266,640$ Citrus Avenue Northeast Sewer 13651 ft 15 in 91.11$ 1,243,733$ 1,679,040$ 1,679,040$ San Bernardino Avenue Sewer 2491 ft 18 in 106.67$ 265,707$ 358,704$ 12104 ft 30 in 166.67$ 2,017,386$ 2,723,471$ 7195 ft 36 in 195.56$ 1,407,022$ 1,899,480$ 1893 ft 42 in 223.70$ 423,471$ 571,686$ 5,553,341$ Slover Avenue Sewer 8602 ft 8 in 52.59$ 452,425$ 610,774$ 4483 ft 12 in 74.81$ 335,374$ 452,755$ 4840 ft 18 in 106.67$ 516,267$ 696,960$ 3080 ft 21 in 122.22$ 376,444$ 508,200$ 2,268,689$ Other South Fontana Sewers 23760 ft 15 in 91.11$ 2,164,800$ 2,922,480$ 2,922,480$ Valley Blvd. East Sewer 1516 ft 12 in 74.81$ 113,390$ 153,076$ 153,076$ Sewage Lift Stations, Force Mains, Freeway Crossing 2,148,148$ 2,900,000$ 2,900,000$ Splitter Manholes 740,741$ 1,000,000$ 1,000,000$ Miscellaneous Sewers on Section Lines (10 miles 52800 ft 12 in 74.81$ 3,950,222$ 5,332,800$ 5,332,800$ Total 128061 ft 195.24$ 25,002,628$ 33,753,548$ 33,753,548$ *includes 15% construction cost contingency, and 20% for enginering, surveying, inspection and administration Table 4.1 - Project Cost Estimates for New Master Plan Sewers and Force Mains Project Length Required Diameter Const. Cost per Foot Const. Cost Extension Total Project Cost Extension Total Project Cost Alder Avenue Sewer 4035 ft 8 in 52.59$ 212,235$ 286,517$ 383 ft 10 in 63.70$ 24,399$ 32,938$ 2499 ft 12 in 74.81$ 186,962$ 252,399$ 990 ft 15 in 91.11$ 90,200$ 121,770$ 693,624$ Citrus Avenue Sewer 328 ft 12 in 74.81$ 24,539$ 33,128$ 33,128$ Cypress Avenue Sewer 663 ft 8 in 52.59$ 34,869$ 47,073$ 450 ft 10 in 63.70$ 28,667$ 38,700$ 85,773$ Cypress Juniper Sewer 1903 ft 18 in 106.67$ 203,039$ 274,103$ 274,103$ Locust Avenue Sewer 2063 ft 8 in 52.59$ 108,499$ 146,473$ 1616 ft 10 in 63.70$ 102,945$ 138,976$ 285,449$ Mango Street Sewer 332 ft 8 in 52.59$ 17,461$ 23,572$ 475 ft 12 in 74.81$ 35,537$ 47,975$ 983 ft 18 in 106.67$ 104,853$ 141,552$ 213,099$ Mulberry - Valley Sewer 1296 ft 10 in 63.70$ 82,560$ 111,456$ 424 ft 15 in 91.11$ 38,631$ 52,152$ 163,608$ Oleander Drive Sewer 448 ft 8 in 52.59$ 23,561$ 31,808$ 1136 ft 12 in 74.81$ 84,990$ 114,736$ 146,544$ Palmetto Avenue Sewer 2179 ft 8 in 52.59$ 114,599$ 154,709$ 40 ft 12 in 74.81$ 2,993$ 4,040$ 158,749$ Poplar Avenue South Sewer 104 ft 8 in 52.59$ 5,470$ 7,384$ 7,384$ San Bernardino Avenue Sewer 287 ft 15 in 91.11$ 26,149$ 35,301$ 5160 ft 21 in 122.22$ 630,667$ 851,400$ 886,701$ Tamarind Avenue Sewer 3110 ft 15 in 91.11$ 283,328$ 382,493$ 382,493$ Valley Blvd East Sewer 929 ft 8 in 52.59$ 48,864$ 65,967$ 2755 ft 12 in 74.81$ 206,081$ 278,209$ 344,176$ Subtotal Priority 1 Replacement Sewers 3,674,831$ 3,674,831$ *includes 15% construction cost contingency, and 20% for enginering, surveying, inspection and administration Table 4.2 - Project Costs For Priority 1 Sewer Replacements Project Length Required Diameter Const. Cost per Foot Const. Cost Extension Total Project Cost Extension Total Project Cost Alder Avenue Sewer 50 ft 8 in 52.59$ 2,630$ 3,550$ 1295 ft 10 in 63.70$ 82,496$ 111,370$ 358 ft 12 in 74.81$ 26,784$ 36,158$ 151,078$ Baseline Sierra Avenue Sewer 600 ft 18 in 106.67$ 64,000$ 86,400$ 86,400$ Cherry Avenue Sewer 50 ft 8 in 52.59$ 2,630$ 3,550$ 3,550$ Citrus Avenue Sewer 662 ft 10 in 63.70$ 42,172$ 56,932$ 655 ft 15 in 91.11$ 59,678$ 80,565$ 137,497$ Cypress Avenue Sewer 146 ft 10 in 63.70$ 9,301$ 12,556$ 857 ft 12 in 74.81$ 64,116$ 86,557$ 99,113$ Foothill Avenue Sewer 426 ft 30 in 166.67$ 71,000$ 95,850$ 95,850$ Juniper Avenue Sewer 500 ft 33 in 181.48$ 90,741$ 122,500$ 122,500$ Juniper Avenue Sewer 388 ft 27 in 151.85$ 58,919$ 79,540$ 79,540$ Locust Avenue Sewer 314 ft 10 in 63.70$ 20,003$ 27,004$ 27,004$ Mango Street Sewer 4014 ft 8 in 52.59$ 211,107$ 284,994$ 671 ft 12 in 74.81$ 50,201$ 67,771$ 567 ft 18 in 106.67$ 60,480$ 81,648$ 434,413$ Mulberry - Valley Sewer 1426 ft 10 in 63.70$ 90,841$ 122,636$ 2128 ft 15 in 91.11$ 193,884$ 261,744$ 6431 ft 18 in 106.67$ 685,973$ 926,064$ 1,310,444$ Oleander Avenue Sewer 1677 ft 8 in 52.59$ 88,198$ 119,067$ 386 ft 12 in 74.81$ 28,879$ 38,986$ 1065 in 15 in 91.11$ 97,033$ 130,995$ 289,048$ Palmetto Avenue Sewer 2526 in 8 in 52.59$ 132,849$ 179,346$ 179,346$ Poplar Avenue South Sewer 177 in 8 in 52.59$ 9,309$ 12,567$ 12,567$ San Bernardino Avenue Sewer 198 in 15 in 91.11$ 18,040$ 24,354$ 492 in 21 in 122.22$ 60,133$ 81,180$ 105,534$ Tamarind Avenue Sewer 812 in 8 in 52.59$ 42,705$ 57,652$ 57,652$ Valley Blvd East Sewer 903 in 10 in 63.70$ 57,524$ 77,658$ 77,658$ Subtotal Priority 2 Replacement Sewers 3,269,194$ 3,269,194$ *includes 15% construction cost contingency, and 20% for enginering, surveying, inspection and administration Table 4.3 - Project Costs For Priority 2 Sewer Replacements Project Construction Cost Total Project Cost Alder Avenue Sewer -$ -$ Baseline - Sierra Avenue Sewer 550,431$ 743,082$ Beech - Lytle Creek Road Sewer 1,082,852$ 1,461,850$ Cherry Avenue Sewer -$ -$ Citrus Avenue North Sewer 399,812$ 539,746$ Citrus Avenue Northeast Sewer -$ -$ County Line Road East Sewer -$ -$ Cypress Avenue Sewer 19,179$ 25,891$ Cypress - Juniper Avenue Sewer 331,966$ 448,154$ East Avenue Sewer -$ -$ Foothill Avenue Sewer -$ -$ Jurupa Avenue 21" Sewer 971,660$ 1,311,741$ Jurupa Avenue 42" Sewer 574,730$ 775,885$ Lime Avenue Sewer -$ -$ Locust Avenue Sewer 6,561$ 8,858$ Mango Street Sewer 169,204$ 228,425$ Mulberry - Valley Sewer 513,795$ 693,623$ Oleander Drive Sewer 457,384$ 617,468$ Palmetto Avenue Sewer 157,153$ 212,156$ Poplar Avenue North Sewer -$ Poplar Avenue South Sewer -$ San Bernardino Avenue Sewer -$ Tamarind Avenue South Sewer 57,723$ 77,926$ Valley Blvd East Sewer 16,684$ 22,524$ Walnut Avenue Sewer 73,542$ 99,282$ Rialto Service Area North 98,796$ 133,375$ Rialto Service Area South 29,926$ 40,400$ Subtotal Priority 3 Replacement Sewers 7,440,386$ *includes 15% construction cost contingency, and 20% for enginering, surveying, inspection and administration Table 4.4 - Project Costs For Priority 3 Sewer Replacements City of Fontana Sewer Master Plan Update 9/18/00 20 5.0 CONNECTION FEE ANALYSIS 5.1 Costs of New Sewers Costs for capital improvements itemized in Tables 4.1 through 4.4 are summarized in Table 5.1. These costs include all expected costs for trunk and collector sewers as defined in Section 1.8 required for buildout. The total cost in 2000 dollars is $48,137,959. 5.2 Connection Fee Basis As shown in Section 1.1 (See Table 1.1.) it is expected that 56,000 equivalent dwelling units will be built between the end of 1999 and buildout. 5.3 Proposed Connection Fee Dividing the total cost of all projects by 62,800 results in a connection fee of $770.00, as shown in Table 5.1. 5.4 Survey of Connection Fees As part of this study, 18 agencies in Western San Bernardino County and Riverside County were contacted regarding sewer connection charges. Twelve of these agencies identified separate charges for connection to their collection systems. Table 5.2 summarizes this survey. Of the 12 agencies with separate connection fees, the fees as of June 1998 were as follows: Range $0 - $1,845 per single family residence Average $610 per SFR Median $428 per SFR 5.5 Indexing of Connection Fee The above calculation of connection fees assumes that: • No construction cost increases will ever occur, and • The City can borrow money at a zero interest rate. Both of these assumptions are obviously false. Construction cost increases have continued to increase despite recent slowdowns in inflation. The reason for construction cost increases is that economies of scale available through mass production and distribution, which have been keeping inflation low, do not apply to the large skilled labor component of construction costs. Further, even with zero wage and material increases, sewer construction costs will naturally increase as utility corridors become more crowded. Item Construction Cost Total Project Cost New Sewers and Force Mains 25,002,628$ 33,753,548$ Priority 1 Replacement Sewers 1,808,689$ 3,674,831$ Priority 2 Replacement Sewers 2,243,086$ 3,269,194$ Priority 3 Replacement Sewers 5,511,397$ 7,440,386$ Total Priorities 1 through 3 10,655,119$ 14,384,411$ New Master Plan Sewers and Force Mains 25,002,628$ 33,753,548$ Grand Total 35,657,747$ 48,137,959$ Remaining Connections 62,800 Pro Rata Share Per Connection 766.53$ Round to 770.00$ Table 5.1 - Estimated Connection Fee Requirements City of Fontana Sewer Master Plan Update 9/18/00 21 Table 5.2 - Survey of Sewer Connection Charges Agency Contact Phone # (909) Flow (mgd) Service Cost Basis Monthly SFR User Fee Connection Fee ($/SFR) Year San Bernardino County Treatm ent Collec tion Tota l Inland Empire Utility Agency (IEUA) 49.2 Treatment $7.49 $3530 2000 Chino Hills, City of Linda LaPorte 590-1511 ext 2743 3.7 Collection (total) $7.20 ($14.69) IEUA fee $239 3589 1999 Chino, City of Ruby 627-7577 ext 827 5.6 Collection (total) $8.40 ($15.89) IEUA fee $210 3510 1999 Cucamonga CWD Carlos Fimbres 987-2591 10.5 Collection (total) $4.17 ($11.66) IEUA fee $275 3625 1999 Fontana, City of Bob Weddle 350-7613 8.5 Collection (total) $7.73 ($15.22) IEUA fee $600 3950 1999 Montclair, City of Don Gdula 625-9442 2.1 Collection (total) $9.54 ($17.03) IEUA fee $0 $3350 1999 Ontario, City of Cong Nguyen 986-1151 ext 4412 13.0 Collection (total) $5.42 ($12.91) IEUA fee $1845 $5195 1999 Upland, City of Steve Capuzon 931-4270 6.9 Collection (total) $4.99 ($12.48) IEUA fee $466 $3816 1999 Colton, City of Rex Meyer 370-6110 5.0 Treat & Collect $18.50 $2200 $600 $2800 1999 East Valley WD Ig Siefert 888-8986 6.4 Treat & Collect $18.10 $3310 $873 $4183 1999 Redlands, City of Herm Sherman 798-7585 6.0 Treat & Collect $10.40 Combined as one fee $3600 1999 Rialto, City of Rick Wellington 820-2610 6.1 Treat & Collect $13.95 $1071 $654 $1725 1999 San Bernardino, City of Neil Thompson 384-5093 16.0 Treat & Collect $14.60 Combined as one fee $3310 1999 Riverside County Corona, City of Linda 736-2400 11.0 Treat & Collect $16.00 $2093 $391 $2484 1999 Jurupa CSD Carol McGreevy 685-7434 3.3 Treat & Collect $16.00 Combined as one fee $3000 1999 Riverside, City of Kimberly 782-5391 32.0 Treat & Collect $13.05 Combined as one fee $2684 1999 Eastern MWD Mike Gow 928-3777 29.0 Treat & Collect $15.16 $3015 $920 $4025 1999 Hemet, City of Roland Trietsch 765-2360 2.5 Treat & Collect $14.90 $3015 $250 $3265 1999 Finally, even if, to avoid inflation, all of the City's sewer improvements were to be built now, the connection fees would contain no allowance for the interest the City would need to pay on the bonds before fee revenues are collected. City of Fontana Sewer Master Plan Update 9/18/00 22 To prevent a future revenue shortfall, connection fees should be indexed and increased every three to five years. The most common index for sewer construction costs, the ENR 20 Cities Construction Cost Index is updated monthly on the Internet. Other more familiar indices such as the Consumer Price Index (CPI) are also available. A third alternative would be to annually increase fees by the City's current borrowing rate. One agency even created a commodity market for connection fees. While each of the above indexing strategies has advantages and disadvantages, any of these options is preferred over keeping the rate constant. By keeping the rate constant, the City is voluntarily creating a future shortfall in sewer revenues. Sewer rates should be indexed and routinely increased every three to five years.