HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix A - Air Quality Technical Memorandum Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration APPENDIX A AIR QUALITY TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM M E M O R A N D U M To: City of Fontana CC: CRP/WP Alta Fontana Venture, L.L.C. From: Zhe Chen, Michael Baker International Winnie Woo, Michael Baker International Date: April 29, 2022 Subject: Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project – Air Quality Technical Memorandum PURPOSE The purpose of this technical memorandum is to evaluate potential short- and long-term air quality impacts that would result from the construction and operation of the proposed Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project (project), located in the City of Fontana (City), California. PROJECT LOCATION The project site is located at 14817 Foothill Boulevard and is bound by Foothill Boulevard to the north, Live Oak Avenue to the east, single-family residences to the south, and a shopping plaza and multi-family residences to the west. Regional access to the site is available via Interstate 15 (I-15) at the Foothill Boulevard exit, approximately three miles west of the project site. Local access to the site is provided via Foothill Boulevard and Live Oak Avenue. The project site comprises two parcels (Assessor’s Parcel Numbers [APN] 0230-071-03 and 0230-071-04). EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS The project site is approximately 8.8 acres (9.5 gross acres with road improvements and sidewalks) and currently consist of undeveloped vacant land. Grasses and weeds cover much of the project site. No existing structures are present on-site; however, an area in the northeastern portion of the project site contains a slab foundation of a former structure. The project site topography is generally flat with a slight regional slope to the southwest. The project site is located in the northern portion of the Upper Santa Ana Valley, which is a broad downwarped (i.e., downward and depressed) area encompassing approximately 50 miles, at an elevation of approximately 1,240 to 1,245 feet, an approximate elevation difference of 5 feet. Overhead electrical lines are present at the north-central portion of the site. Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Air Quality Technical Memorandum 2 The project site is designated Multi-Family High Residential (R-MFH) by the City of Fontana General Plan Land Use Map.1 The project site is zoned Multi-Family High Density Residential (R5) by the City of Fontana Zoning District Map.2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project proposes development of a mixed-use residential apartment complex with 340 multi-family units, 1,500 square feet of commercial space, and four live-work units. The mixed-use residential apartment complex would consist of two four-story buildings. The 340 multi-family apartment units would be either 1, 2, or 3 bedrooms, ranging in size from 726 square feet to 1,388 square feet. The four live- work units would each be approximately 1,492 square feet. Additionally, the project would include the construction of 529 surface parking spaces, including 9 commercial parking spaces, located in the western, central, and southern portions of the project site. The project would also include approximately 5,600-square-foot indoor amenity space, comprised of a 1,800-square-foot lobby/leasing office, a 1,375-square-foot fitness center, a 1,700-square-foot clubroom, and a 720-square-foot business center in the northern building. The northern building would have two landscaped courtyards, with one containing a pool and spa, and the southern building would have three landscaped courtyards. The courtyards would contain a barbecue facility equipped with a grill and picnic benches and children’s tot lot with play equipment. Construction of the proposed project is anticipated to begin in December 2022 and would take approximately 26 months to complete, concluding in January 2025. Construction activities would occur from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, except for purposes of emergencies. The construction period would include demolition, excavation, grading, trenching, installation of utilities, building construction, architectural coating, paving activities, and installation of landscaping and hardscape elements. Criteria Air Pollutants Air quality is a general description of how levels of air pollution and other atmospheric conditions can affect public health and the environment. Under the Federal Clean Air Act, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has identified six air pollutants that are environmentally prevalent and produced by human activities to be of concern with respect to health, the environment and welfare of the public. These specific pollutants, known as criteria air pollutants, are pollutants for which the federal and state governments have established ambient air quality standards—or criteria—for outdoor concentrations to protect public health. These pollutants are common byproducts of human activities and have been documented through scientific research to cause various adverse health effect outcomes. The federal ambient concentration criteria are known as the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS), and the California ambient concentration criteria are referred to as the California Ambient Air Quality Standards (CAAQS). The criteria air pollutants regulated at the federal jurisdiction include carbon monoxide (CO), ground-level ozone (O3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), respirable particulate matter ten microns or less in diameter (PM10), fine particulate matter 2.5 microns or less in diameter (PM2.5), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and lead (Pb). 1 City of Fontana, General Plan Land Use Map, March 3, 2021. 2 City of Fontana, Zoning District Map, March 3, 2021. Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Air Quality Technical Memorandum 3 Carbon Monoxide (CO). CO is an odorless, colorless toxic gas that is emitted by mobile and stationary sources as a result of incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons or other carbon-based fuels. In cities, automobile exhaust can cause as much as 95 percent of all CO emissions. CO replaces oxygen in the body’s red blood cells. Individuals with a deficient blood supply to the heart, patients with diseases involving heart and blood vessels, fetuses (unborn babies), and patients with chronic hypoxemia (oxygen deficiency) as seen in high altitudes are most susceptible to the adverse effects of CO exposure. People with heart disease are also more susceptible to developing chest pains when exposed to low levels of CO. Ozone (O3). O3 occurs in two layers of the atmosphere. The layer surrounding the earth’s surface is the troposphere. The troposphere extends approximately 10 miles above ground level, where it meets the second layer, the stratosphere. The stratospheric (the “good” O3 layer) extends upward from about 10 to 30 miles and protects life on earth from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays. “Bad” O3 is a photochemical pollutant, and needs volatile organic compounds (VOCs), nitrogen oxides (NOX), and sunlight to form; therefore, VOCs and NOX are O3 precursors. To reduce O3 concentrations, it is necessary to control the emissions of these O3 precursors. Significant O3 formation generally requires an adequate amount of precursors in the atmosphere and a period of several hours in a stable atmosphere with strong sunlight. High O3 concentrations can form over large regions when emissions from motor vehicles and stationary sources are carried hundreds of miles from their origins. While O3 in the upper atmosphere (stratosphere) protects the earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation, high concentrations of ground-level O3 (in the troposphere) can adversely affect the human respiratory system and other tissues. O3 is a strong irritant that can constrict the airways, forcing the respiratory system to work hard to deliver oxygen. Individuals exercising outdoors, children, and people with pre- existing lung disease such as asthma and chronic pulmonary lung disease are considered to be the most susceptible to the health effects of O3. Short-term exposure (lasting for a few hours) to O3 at elevated levels can result in aggravated respiratory diseases such as emphysema, bronchitis and asthma, shortness of breath, increased susceptibility to infections, inflammation of the lung tissue, increased fatigue, as well as chest pain, dry throat, headache, and nausea. Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2). NOX are a family of highly reactive gases that are a primary precursor to the formation of ground-level O3 and react in the atmosphere to form acid rain. NO2 (often used interchangeably with NOX) is a reddish-brown gas that can cause breathing difficulties at elevated levels. Peak readings of NO2 occur in areas that have a high concentration of combustion sources (e.g., motor vehicle engines, power plants, refineries, and other industrial operations). NO2 can irritate and damage the lungs and lower resistance to respiratory infections such as influenza. The health effects of short-term exposure are still unclear. However, continued or frequent exposure to NO2 concentrations that are typically much higher than those normally found in the ambient air may increase acute respiratory illnesses in children and increase the incidence of chronic bronchitis and lung irritation. Chronic exposure to NO2 may aggravate eyes and mucus membranes and cause pulmonary dysfunction. Coarse Particulate Matter (PM10). PM10 refers to suspended particulate matter, which is smaller than 10 microns or ten one-millionths of a meter. PM10 arises from sources such as road dust, diesel soot, combustion products, construction operations, and dust storms. PM10 scatters light and significantly reduces visibility. In addition, these particulates penetrate lungs and can potentially damage the respiratory tract. On June 19, 2003, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) adopted amendments to the statewide 24-hour particulate matter standards based upon requirements set forth in the Children’s Environmental Health Protection Act (Senate Bill 25). Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Air Quality Technical Memorandum 4 Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5). Due to recent increased concerns over health impacts related to fine particulate matter (particulate matter 2.5 microns in diameter or less), both State and Federal PM2.5 standards have been created. Particulate matter impacts primarily affect infants, children, the elderly, and those with pre-existing cardiopulmonary disease. In 1997, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced new PM2.5 standards. Industry groups challenged the new standard in court and the implementation of the standard was blocked. However, upon appeal by the EPA, the United States Supreme Court reversed this decision and upheld the EPA’s new standards. On January 5, 2005, the EPA published a Final Rule in the Federal Register that designated the Basin as a nonattainment area for Federal PM2.5 standards. On June 20, 2002, CARB adopted amendments for statewide annual ambient particulate matter air quality standards. These standards were revised/established due to increasing concerns by CARB that previous standards were inadequate, as almost everyone in California is exposed to levels at or above the current State standards during some parts of the year, and the statewide potential for significant health impacts associated with particulate matter exposure was determined to be large and wide-ranging. On July 8, 2016, EPA made a finding that the Basin has attained the 1997 24-hour and annual PM2.5 standards based on 2011-2013 data. However, the Basin remains in nonattainment as the EPA has not determined that California has met the Federal Clean Air Act requirements for redesignating the Basin nonattainment area to attainment. Sulfur Dioxide (SO2). Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is a colorless, irritating gas with a rotten egg smell; it is formed primarily by the combustion of sulfur-containing fossil fuels. SO2 is often used interchangeably with sulfur oxides (SOX). Exposure of a few minutes to low levels of SO2 can result in airway constriction in some asthmatics. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC). VOCs are hydrocarbon compounds (any compound containing various combinations of hydrogen and carbon atoms) that exist in the ambient air. VOCs contribute to the formation of smog through atmospheric photochemical reactions and/or may be toxic. Compounds of carbon (also known as organic compounds) have different levels of reactivity; that is, they do not react at the same speed or do not form O3 to the same extent when exposed to photochemical processes. VOCs often have an odor, and some examples include gasoline, alcohol, and the solvents used in paints. Exceptions to the VOC designation include: carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, carbonic acid, metallic carbides or carbonates, and ammonium carbonate. The terms VOC and reactive organic gases (ROG) (see below) are often used interchangeably. Reactive Organic Gases (ROG). Similar to VOCs, ROGs are also precursors in forming O3 and consist of compounds containing methane, ethane, propane, butane, and longer chain hydrocarbons, which are typically the result of some type of combustion/decomposition process. Smog is formed when ROG and NOX react in the presence of sunlight. ROGs are a criteria pollutant since they are a precursor to O3, which is a criteria pollutant. The terms ROG and VOC are often used interchangeably. EXISITNG SETTING Regional Topography The State of California is divided geographically into 15 air basins. The project site is located within the South Coast Air Basin (Basin), a 6,600-square mile area bounded by the Pacific Ocean to the west and the San Gabriel, San Bernardino, and the San Jacinto Mountains to the north and east. The Basin includes all of Orange County and the non-desert portions of Los Angeles, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties, in Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Air Quality Technical Memorandum 5 addition to the San Gorgonio Pass area of Riverside County. The extent and severity of the air pollution problem in the Basin is a function of the area's natural physical characteristics (weather and topography), as well as man-made influences (development patterns and lifestyle). Factors such as wind, sunlight, temperature, humidity, rainfall, and topography all affect the accumulation and dispersion of air pollutants throughout the Basin. Climate The general region lies in the semi-permanent high-pressure zone of the eastern Pacific. As a result, the climate is mild, tempered by cool sea breezes. The climate consists of a semi-arid environment with mild winters, warm summers, moderate temperatures, and comfortable humidity. Precipitation is limited to a few winter storms. The usually mild climatological pattern is interrupted infrequently by periods of extremely hot weather, winter storms, or Santa Ana winds. The average annual temperature varies little throughout the Basin, averaging 75 degrees Fahrenheit (°F). However, with a less-pronounced oceanic influence, the eastern inland portions of the Basin show greater variability in annual minimum and maximum temperatures. All portions of the Basin have had recorded temperatures over 100°F in recent years. Although the Basin has a semi-arid climate, the air near the surface is moist due to the presence of a shallow marine layer. Except for infrequent periods when dry, continental air is brought into the Basin by offshore winds, the ocean effect is dominant. Periods with heavy fog are frequent, and low stratus clouds, occasionally referred to as "high fog," are a characteristic climate feature. The annual average relative humidity is 70 percent at the coast and 57 percent in the eastern part of the Basin. Precipitation in the Basin is typically nine to 14 inches annually and is rarely in the form of snow or hail due to typically warm weather. The frequency and amount of rainfall are greater in the coastal areas of the Basin. The height of the inversion is important in determining pollutant concentration. When the inversion is approximately 2,500 feet above sea level, the sea breezes carry the pollutants inland to escape over the mountain slopes or through the passes. At a height of 1,200 feet, the terrain prevents the pollutants from entering the upper atmosphere, resulting in a settlement in the foothill communities. Below 1,200 feet, the inversion puts a tight lid on pollutants, concentrating them in a shallow layer over the entire coastal Basin. Usually, inversions are lower before sunrise than during the day. Mixing heights for inversions are lower in the summer and more persistent, being partly responsible for the high levels of ozone (O3) observed during the summer months in the Basin. Smog in southern California is generally the result of these temperature inversions combining with coastal day winds and local mountains to contain the pollutants for long periods of time, allowing them to form secondary pollutants by reacting with sunlight. The Basin has a limited ability to disperse these pollutants due to typically low wind speeds. Local Ambient Air Quality CARB monitors ambient air quality at approximately 250 air monitoring stations across the State. Air quality monitoring stations usually measure pollutant concentrations ten feet above ground level; therefore, air quality is often referred to in terms of ground-level concentrations. The project site is located within Source Receptor Area (SRA) 34, West San Bernardino Valley. The closest air monitoring station to the project site is the Fontana-Arrow Highway Monitoring Station, located at 14360 Arrow Boulevard, Fontana, approximately 0.7 miles southwest of the project site. Local air quality data from Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Air Quality Technical Memorandum 6 2018 to 2020 is provided in Table 1, Summary of Air Quality Data. This table lists the monitored maximum concentrations and number of exceedances of Federal/State air quality standards for each year. Table 1 Summary of Air Quality Data Sensitive Receptors Sensitive receptors are defined as facilities or land uses that include members of the population that are particularly sensitive to the effects of air pollutants, such as children, the elderly, and people with illnesses. Examples of these sensitive receptors are residences, schools, hospitals, and daycare centers. The nearby sensitive receptors to the project site are residential communities located to the east, west, and south. Pollutant California Standard Federal Primary Standard Year Maximum Concentration1 Days (Samples) State/Federal Std. Exceeded Ozone (O3) (1-hour) 0.09 ppm for 1 hour NA6 2018 2019 2020 0.141 ppm 0.124 ppm 0.151 ppm 38 / 7 41 / 0 56 / 8 Ozone (O3) (8-hour) 0.070 ppm for 8 hours 0.070 ppm for 8 hours 2018 2019 2020 0.111 ppm 0.109 ppm 0.112 ppm 72 / 69 71 / 67 91 / 89 Carbon Monoxide (CO) (1-hour) 20 ppm for 1 hour 35 ppm for 1 hour 4 2018 2019 2020 1.916 ppm 2.749 ppm 1.665 ppm 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) 0.180 ppm for 1 hour 0.100 ppm for 1 hour 2018 2019 2020 0.063 ppm 0.076 ppm 0.066 ppm 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) 2 No Separate Standard 35 µg/m3 for 24 hours 2018 2019 2020 29.2 g/m3 81.3 g/m3 57.6 g/m3 * / 0 * / 3 * / 4 Particulate Matter (PM10) 2, 3 50 µg/m3 for 24 hours 150 µg/m3 for 24 hours 5 2018 2019 2020 64.1 g/m3 88.8 g/m3 76.8 g/m3 8 / 0 11 / 0 6 / 0 ppm = parts per million; PM10 = particulate matter 10 microns in diameter or less; g/m3 = micrograms per cubic meter; PM2.5 = particulate matter 2.5 microns in diameter or less; NA = not applicable; * = insufficient data available to determine the value Notes: 1. Maximum concentration is measured over the same period as the California standards. 2. PM10 and PM2.5 exceedances are derived from the number of samples exceeded, not days. 3. PM10 exceedances are based on State thresholds established prior to amendments adopted on June 20, 2002. 4. The Federal standard for 1-hour ozone was revoked in June 2005. 5. The Federal standard for average PM10 was revoked in December 2006. Sources: California Air Resources Board, ADAM Air Quality Data Statistics, http://www.arb.ca.gov/adam/, accessed January 4, 2022. California Air Resources Board, AQMIS2: Air Quality Data, https://www.arb.ca.gov/aqmis2/aqdselect.php, accessed January 13, 2022. Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Air Quality Technical Memorandum 7 REGULATORY SETTING Federal Federal Clean Air Act The FCAA of 1970 and the FCAA Amendments of 1971 required the EPA to establish National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS), which required the EPA to adopt more stringent air quality standards or to include standards for other specific pollutants. The FCAA was amended in 1990 to address a large number of air pollutants that are known to cause or may reasonably be anticipated to cause adverse effects to human health or adverse environmental effects. A total of 188 specific pollutants and chemical groups were initially identified as HAPs, and the list has been modified over time. The FCAA Amendments included new regulatory programs to control acid deposition and regulate the issuance of stationary source operating permits. These standards identify levels of air quality for “criteria” pollutants that are considered the maximum levels of ambient (background) air pollutants considered safe, with an adequate margin of safety, to protect the public health and welfare; refer to Table 2, National and California Ambient Air Quality Standards. State California Clean Air Act Clean Air Act permitting in California is the shared responsibility of the CARB, its 35 air pollution control agencies (districts), and EPA Region 9. Generally, CARB plays an oversight role for permitting and does not issue any pre-construction or operating permits. However, the state agency provides significant support to agencies that need permitting assistance. California Air Resource Board CARB administers the air quality policy in California. The California Ambient Air Quality Standards were established in 1969 pursuant to the Mulford-Carrell Act. These standards, shown with the NAAQS in Table 2, are generally more stringent and apply to more pollutants than the NAAQS. In addition to the criteria pollutants, CAAQS have been established for visibility reducing particulates, hydrogen sulfide, and sulfates. The California Clean Air Act (CCAA), which was approved in 1988, requires that each local air district prepare and maintain an Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) to achieve compliance with the CAAQS. These AQMP’s also serve as the basis for the preparation of the State Implementation Plan for the State of California. Like the EPA, CARB also designates areas within California as either attainment or non-attainment for each criteria pollutant based on whether the CAAQS have been achieved. Under the CCAA, areas are designated as non-attainment for a pollutant if air quality data show that a state standard for the pollutant was violated at least once during the previous three calendar years. Exceedances that are affected by highly irregular or infrequent events are not considered violations of a state standard and are not used as a basis for designating areas as non-attainment. Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Air Quality Technical Memorandum 8 Table 2 National and California Ambient Air Quality Standards Pollutant Averaging Time California1 Federal2 Standard3 Attainment Status Standards3,4 Attainment Status Ozone (O3) 1 Hour 0.09 ppm (180 g/m3) Nonattainment N/A N/A 8 Hours 0.070 ppm (137 g/m3) Nonattainment 0.070 ppm (137 g/m3) Nonattainment Particulate Matter (PM10) 24 Hours 50 g/m3 Nonattainment 150 g/m3 Attainment/Maintenance Annual Arithmetic Mean 20 g/m3 Nonattainment N/A N/A Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) 24 Hours No Separate State Standard 35 g/m3 Nonattainment Annual Arithmetic Mean 12 g/m3 Nonattainment 12.0 g/m3 Nonattainment Carbon Monoxide (CO) 8 Hours 9.0 ppm (10 mg/m3) Attainment 9 ppm (10 mg/m3) Attainment/Maintenance 1 Hour 20 ppm (23 mg/m3) Attainment 35 ppm (40 mg/m3) Attainment/Maintenance Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)5 Annual Arithmetic Mean 0.030 ppm (57 g/m3) N/A 53 ppb (100 g/m3) Attainment/Maintenance 1 Hour 0.18 ppm (339 g/m3) Attainment 100 ppb (188 g/m3) Attainment/Maintenance Lead (Pb)7,8 30 days Average 1.5 g/m3 Attainment N/A N/A Calendar Quarter N/A N/A 1.5 g/m3 Nonattainment Rolling 3-Month Average N/A N/A 0.15 g/m3 Nonattainment Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)6 24 Hours 0.04 ppm (105 g/m3) Attainment 0.14 ppm (for certain areas) Unclassified/Attainment 3 Hours N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 Hour 0.25 ppm (655 g/m3) Attainment 75 ppb (196 g/m3) N/A Annual Arithmetic Mean N/A N/A 0.30 ppm (for certain areas) Unclassified/Attainment Visibility- Reducing Particles9 8 Hours (10 a.m. to 6 p.m., PST) Extinction coefficient = 0.23 km@<70% RH Unclassified No Federal Standards Sulfates 24 Hour 25 g/m3 Attainment Hydrogen Sulfide 1 Hour 0.03 ppm (42 g/m3) Unclassified Vinyl Chloride7 24 Hour 0.01 ppm (26 g/m3) N/A g/m3 = micrograms per cubic meter; ppm = parts per million; ppb = parts per billion; km = kilometer(s); RH = relative humidity; PST = Pacific Standard Time; N/A = Not Applicable 1. California standards for ozone, carbon monoxide (except 8-hour Lake Tahoe), sulfur dioxide (1- and 24-hour), nitrogen dioxide, and particulate matter (PM10, PM2.5, and visibility reducing particles), are values that are not to be exceeded. All others are not to be equaled or exceeded. California ambient air quality standards are listed in the Table of Standards in Section 70200 of Title 17 of the California Code of Regulations. 2. National standards (other than ozone, particulate matter, and those based on annual arithmetic mean) are not to be exceeded more than once a year. The ozone standard is attained when the fourth highest 8-hour concentration measured at each site in a year, averaged over three years, is equal to or less than the standard. For PM10, the 24-hour standard is attained when the expected number of days per calendar year with a 24-hour average concentration above 150 μg/m3 is equal to or less than one. For PM2.5, the 24-hour standard is attained when 98 percent of the daily concentrations, averaged over three years, are equal to or less than the standard. 3. Concentration expressed first in units in which it was promulgated. Equivalent units given in parentheses are based upon a reference temperature of 25°C and a reference pressure of 760 torr. Most measurements of air quality are to be corrected to a reference temperature of 25°C and a reference pressure of 760 torr; ppm in this table refers to ppm by volume, or micromoles of pollutant per mole of gas. 4. National Primary Standards: The levels of air quality necessary, with an adequate margin of safety, to protect the public health. 5. To attain the 1-hour national standard, the 3-year average of the annual 98th percentile of the 1-hour daily maximum concentrations at each site must not exceed 100 ppb. Note that the national 1-hour standard is in units of parts per billion (ppb). California standards are in units of parts per million (ppm). To directly compare the national 1-hour standard to the California standards the units can be converted from ppb to ppm. In this case, the national standard of 100 ppb is identical to 0.100 ppm. 6. On June 2, 2010, a new 1-hour SO2 standard was established and the existing 24-hour and annual primary standards were revoked. To attain the 1-hour national standard, the 3-year average of the annual 99th percentile of the 1-hour daily maximum concentrations at each site must not exceed 75 ppb. The 1971 SO2 national standards (24-hour and annual) remain in effect until one year after an area is designated for the 2010 standard, except that in areas designated non-attainment for the 1971 standards, the 1971 standards remain in effect until implementation plans to attain or maintain the 2010 standards are approved. Note that the 1-hour national standard is in units of ppb. California standards are in units of parts per million (ppm). To directly compare the 1-hour national standard to the California standard the units can be converted to ppm. In this case, the national standard of 75 ppb is identical to 0.075 ppm. 7. CARB has identified lead and vinyl chloride as ‘toxic air contaminants’ with no threshold level of exposure for adverse health effects determined. These actions allow for the implementation of control measures at levels below the ambient concentrations specified for these pollutants. 8. The national standard for lead was revised on October 15, 2008, to a rolling 3-month average. The 1978 lead standard (1.5 μg/m3 as a quarterly average) remains in effect until one year after an area is designated for the 2008 standard, except that in areas designated non-attainment for the 1978 standard, the 1978 standard remains in effect until implementation plans to attain or maintain the 2008 standard are approved. 9. In 1989, CARB converted both the general statewide 10-mile visibility standard and the Lake Tahoe 30-mile visibility standard to instrumental equivalents, which are “extinction of 0.23 per kilometer” and “extinction of 0.07 per kilometer” for the statewide and Lake Tahoe Air Basin standards, respectively. Source: California Air Resources Board and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Ambient Air Quality Standards chart, http://www.arb.ca.gov/research/aaqs/aaqs2.pdf, May 4, 2016. Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Air Quality Technical Memorandum 9 Regional South Coast Air Quality Management District Air Quality Thresholds The project site is within the jurisdiction of South Coast Air Quality Management District. Under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the SCAQMD is an expert commenting agency on air quality within its jurisdiction or impacting its jurisdiction. Under the Federal Clean Air Act, the SCAQMD has adopted Federal attainment plans for O3 and PM10. The SCAQMD provides guidance to lead agencies on how to evaluate project air quality impacts related to the following criteria: (1) cause or contribute to any new violation of any air quality standard; (2) increase the frequency or severity of any existing violation of any air quality standard; or (3) delay timely attainment of any air quality standard or any required interim emission reductions or other milestones of any Federal attainment plan. The SCAQMD’s CEQA Air Quality Handbook also provides significance thresholds for both construction and operation of projects within the SCAQMD jurisdictional boundaries. If the SCAQMD thresholds are exceeded, a potentially significant impact could result. However, ultimately the lead agency determines the thresholds of significance for impacts. If a project generates emissions in excess of the established mass daily emissions thresholds, as outlined in Table 3, South Coast Air Quality Management District Mass Daily Emissions Thresholds, a significant air quality impact may occur and additional analysis is warranted to fully assess the significance of impacts. In addition, SCAQMD establishes odor threshold, which identifies that project creating an odor nuisance pursuant to SCAQMD Rule 402 would cause a significant impact. Table 3 South Coast Air Quality Management District Mass Daily Emissions Thresholds Phase Pollutant (lbs/day) ROG NOX CO SOX PM10 PM2.5 Construction 75 100 550 150 150 55 Operational 55 55 550 150 150 55 ROG = reactive organic gases; NOX = nitrogen oxides; CO = carbon monoxide; SOX = sulfur oxides; PM10 = particulate matter up to 10 microns; PM2.5 = particulate matter up to 2.5 microns; lbs = pounds Source: South Coast Air Quality Management District, CEQA Air Quality Handbook, November 1993. Localized Significance Thresholds Localized Significance Thresholds (LSTs) were developed in response to SCAQMD Governing Boards’ Environmental Justice Enhancement Initiative (I-4). The SCAQMD provided the Final Localized Significance Threshold Methodology (dated July 2008) for guidance. The LST methodology assists lead agencies in analyzing localized impacts associated with project-specific level proposed projects. LSTs represent the maximum emissions from a project that are not expected to cause or contribute to an exceedance of the most stringent applicable Federal or State ambient air quality standard and are developed based on the ambient concentrations of that pollutant for each source receptor area and the distance to the nearest sensitive receptor. The SCAQMD provides the LST lookup tables for one-, two-, and five-acre projects Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Air Quality Technical Memorandum 10 emitting CO, NOX, PM10, or PM2.5. The LST methodology and associated mass rates are not designed to evaluate localized impacts from mobile sources traveling over the roadways. Cumulative Emissions Thresholds The SCAQMD’s 2016 Air Quality Management Plan (2016 AQMP) was prepared to accommodate growth, meet State and Federal air quality standards, and minimize the fiscal impact that pollution control measures have on the local economy. According to the SCAQMD CEQA Air Quality Handbook, project- related emissions that fall below the established construction and operational thresholds should be considered less than significant unless there is pertinent information to the contrary. If a project exceeds these emission thresholds, the SCAQMD CEQA Air Quality Handbook states that the significance of a project’s contribution to cumulative impacts should be determined based on whether the rate of growth in average daily trips exceeds the rate of growth in population. Local City of Fontana General Plan Update 2015-2035 A General Plan is a guiding document that provides residents, elected officials, business owners, and other stakeholders with direction on how to meet the needs of a growing city and provides a greater quality of life for its current and future residents. The City adopted the General Plan Update 2015-2035 (General Plan Update) on November 13, 2018. Chapter 6, Building a Healthier Fontana, of the General Plan Update identifies goals and policies to that will result in a healthier city. The following goal and policy focusing on improving air quality are applicable to the proposed project: Chapter 6, Building a Healthier Fontana Goal 6.1: The average lifespan in Fontana consistently ranks within the top ten of all Southern California cities. Policy 6.1.3 Support local and regional initiatives to improve air quality in order to reduce asthma while actively discouraging development that may exacerbate asthma rates. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT THRESHOLDS In accordance with the CEQA Guidelines, project impacts are evaluated to determine whether significant adverse environmental impacts would occur. This analysis will focus on the project’s potential impacts and provide mitigation measures, if required, to reduce or avoid any potentially significant impacts that are identified. According to Appendix G of the CEQA Guidelines, the proposed project would have a significant impact related to air quality, if it would: • Conflict with or obstruct implementation of the applicable air quality plan (refer to Impact Statement AQ-1); • Result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of any criteria pollutant for which the project region is in non-attainment under an applicable Federal or State ambient air quality standard (refer to Impact Statement AQ-2); Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Air Quality Technical Memorandum 11 • Expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations (refer to Impact Statement AQ- 3); and/or • Result in other emissions (such as those leading to odors) adversely affecting a substantial number of people (refer to Impact Statement AQ-4). IMPACT ANALYSIS AQ-1 WOULD THE PROJECT CONFLICT WITH OR OBSTRUCT IMPLEMENTATION OF THE APPLICABLE AIR QUALITY PLAN? As detailed above, the project site is located within the South Coast Air Basin where the SCAQMD has jurisdiction. SCAQMD has a history of recorded air quality violations with both State and Federal ambient air quality standards exceeded at times. Areas that meet ambient air quality standards are classified as attainment areas, while areas that do not meet these standards are classified as nonattainment areas. The SCAQMD is required, pursuant to the Federal Clean Air Act, to reduce emissions of the air pollutants for which the Basin is in nonattainment. In order to reduce emissions, the SCAQMD adopted the 2016 AQMP, which establishes a program of rules and regulations directed at reducing air pollutant emissions and achieving State and Federal air quality standards. The 2016 AQMP is a regional and multi-agency effort including the SCAQMD, CARB, the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG), and the EPA. The 2016 AQMP pollutant control strategies are based on the latest scientific and technical information and planning assumptions, including the 2016-2040 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (2016-2040 RTP/SCS), updated emission inventory methodologies for various source categories, and SCAG’s latest growth forecasts. SCAG’s latest growth forecasts were defined in consultation with local governments and with reference to local general plans. The SCAQMD considers projects that are consistent with the AQMP, which is intended to bring the Basin into attainment for all criteria pollutants, to also have less than significant cumulative impacts. While SCAG has recently adopted the 2020-2045 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (2020-2045 RTP/SCS), SCAQMD has not released an updated AQMP that utilizes information from the 2020-2045 RTP/SCS. The updated AQMP is planned to be released in 2022. As such, this consistency analysis is based off the 2016 AQMP and 2016-2040 RTP/SCS. Criteria for determining consistency with the 2016 AQMP are defined by the following indicators: • Whether the proposed project would result in an increase in the frequency or severity of existing air quality violations, cause or contribute to new violations, or delay timely attainment of air quality standards or the interim emissions reductions specified in the AQMP • Whether the proposed project would exceed the forecasted growth incorporated into the AQMP Criterion 1: With respect to the first criterion, SCAQMD methodologies require that an air quality analysis for a project include forecasts of project emissions in relation to contributing to air quality violations and delay of attainment. Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Air Quality Technical Memorandum 12 a) Would the project result in an increase in the frequency or severity of existing air quality violations? Since the consistency criteria identified under the first criterion pertain to pollutant concentrations, rather than to total regional emissions, an analysis of a project’s pollutant emissions relative to localized pollutant concentrations is used as the basis for evaluating project consistency. As discussed below under Impact Statements AQ-2 and AQ-3, the project’s short- term construction emissions, long-term operational emissions, and localized concentrations of CO, NOX, PM10, and PM2.5 would result in less than significant impacts during project construction and operation. Therefore, the project would not result in an increase in the frequency or severity of existing air quality violations. Because VOCs are not a criteria pollutant, there is no ambient standard or localized threshold for VOCs. Due to the role VOC plays in O3 formation, it is classified as a precursor pollutant and only a regional emissions threshold has been established. The emissions of VOCs as a result of the proposed project would not exceed the regional emissions threshold; refer to Impact Statement AQ-2, below. As such, the project would not cause or contribute to localized air quality violations or delay the attainment of air quality standard or interim emissions reductions specified in the 2016 AQMP. b) Would the project cause or contribute to new air quality violations? As discussed below under Impact Statements AQ-2 and AQ-3, the proposed project would result in emissions that would be below the SCAQMD’s thresholds for regional and localized emissions. Therefore, the proposed project would not have the potential to cause or contribute to a new violation of the ambient air quality standards. c) Would the project delay timely attainment of air quality standards or the interim emissions reductions specified in the AQMP? As discussed below under Impact Statements AQ-2 and AQ-3, the proposed project would result in less than significant impacts with regard to localized concentrations during project construction and operation. As such, the proposed project would not delay the timely attainment of air quality standards or 2016 AQMP interim emissions reductions. Criterion 2: With respect to the second criterion for determining consistency with SCAQMD and SCAG air quality policies, it is important to recognize that air quality planning within the Basin focuses on attainment of ambient air quality standards at the earliest feasible date. Projections for achieving air quality goals are based on assumptions regarding population, housing, and growth trends. Thus, the SCAQMD’s second criterion for determining project consistency focuses on whether or not the proposed project exceeds the assumptions utilized in preparing the forecasts presented in the 2016 AQMP. Determining whether or not a project exceeds the assumptions reflected in the 2016 AQMP involves the evaluation of the three criteria outlined below. The following discussion provides an analysis of each of these criteria. a) Would the project be consistent with the population, housing, and employment growth projections utilized in the preparation of the AQMP? A project is consistent with the 2016 AQMP in part if it is consistent with the population, housing, and employment assumptions that were used in the development of the 2016 AQMP. In the case Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Air Quality Technical Memorandum 13 of the 2016 AQMP, three sources of data form the basis for the projections of air pollutant emissions: the General Plan Update, SCAG’s regional growth forecast, and the 2016-2040 RTP/SCS. The 2016-2040 RTP/SCS also provides socioeconomic forecast projections of regional population growth. The project proposes development of a mixed-use residential apartment complex with 344 units (including four live-work units) on an 8.8-acre site, which equates to 39.1 dwelling units per acre. The project site is designated Multi-Family High Residential (R-MFH) with a minimum of 39.1 dwelling units per acre and maximum of 50 dwelling units per acre by the General Plan Update. Further, the project site is zoned Multi-Family High Density Residential (R5). The R5 zone is the most intense multiple-family residential zoning district, and it provides space for high density residential transit-oriented development commonly found in an urban environment, especially along existing and/or anticipated future bus routes. Permitted uses include multi-story apartments and mixed-use developments. Thus, the proposed project is considered consistent with the General Plan Update and the City of Fontana Zoning and Development Code (Zoning Code), and is consistent with the types, intensity, and patterns of land use envisioned for the project site vicinity. The City’s population estimate as of January 1, 2021, is 213,944 persons.3 Based on the City’s average household size of 4.02,4 the proposed mixed-use development with 344 residential units would potentially introduce approximately 1,383 additional residents within the City. As the project would directly generate population growth through its provision of a residential development, the project is considered growth-inducing. However, the project’s potential growth-inducing impacts would be considered less than significant since the 1,383 additional residents represent only a 0.65 percent increase from the City’s population of 213,944 persons. Additionally, SCAG growth forecasts estimate the City’s population to reach 280,900 persons by 2040, representing a total increase of 80,700 persons between 2012 and 2040.5 The project’s residential population (1,383 persons) represents approximately 1.7 percent of the City’s anticipated growth from 2012 to 2040, and approximately 0.49 percent of the City’s total projected 2040 population. Therefore, the project would be consistent with the buildout population forecast in the General Plan Update. Additionally, the proposed project would be consistent with the types, intensity, and patterns of land use envisioned for the site in the 2016- 2040 RTP/SCS. As the SCAQMD has incorporated these same projections into the 2016 AQMP, it can be concluded that the proposed project would be consistent with the projections included in the 2016 AQMP. b) Would the project implement all feasible air quality mitigation measures? The proposed project would result in less than significant air quality impacts, as demonstrated throughout this impact analysis, and therefore, mitigation is not required. Compliance with all feasible emission reduction rules and measures identified by the SCAQMD would be required as 3 California Department of Finance, Population and Housing Estimates for Cities, Counties, and the State, 2011-2019 with 2010 Census Benchmark, http://www.dof.ca.gov/Forecasting/Demographics/Estimates/E-5/, accessed January 25, 2022. 4 Ibid. 5 Southern California Association of Governments, 2016-2040 RTP/SCS Final Growth Forecast by Jurisdiction, https://scag.ca.gov/sites/main/files/file- attachments/2016_2040rtpscs_finalgrowthforecastbyjurisdiction.pdf?1605576071, accessed January 25, 2022. Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Air Quality Technical Memorandum 14 identified in Impact Statements AQ-2 and AQ-3. As such, the proposed project meets this 2016 AQMP consistency criterion. c) Would the project be consistent with the land use planning strategies set forth in the AQMP? As discussed above under criterion 2a above, land use planning strategies set forth in the 2016 AQMP are primarily based on the 2016-2040 RTP/SCS. The project is an infill, mixed-use development within an urban environment, which is consistent with the land use strategy set forth in the 2016 AQMP to “Plan for Growth around Livable Corridors.” Further, the project would comply with the 2019 California Building Energy Efficiency Standards (commonly referred to as “Title 24” standards) and reserve area on the roof for future solar panels as well as install enhanced insulated walls, high efficiency (LED) lighting, energy efficient appliances, low-flow water fixtures, water-efficient irrigation, and drought tolerant landscape, which is consistent with the land use strategy set forth in the 2016 AQMP to “Support Local Sustainability Planning.” The project would also include approximately 53 spaces for future installation of electric vehicle charging stations, and provide bicycle parking spaces on-site to promote alternative transportation options, which is consistent with the land use strategies set forth in the 2016 AQMP to “Provide More Options for Short Trips/Neighborhood Mobility Areas” and “support Zero Emission Vehicles & Expand Electric Vehicle Charging Stations.” Therefore, the project would be consistent with the actions and strategies of the 2016-2040 RTP/SCS. As discussed above under criterion 2a, the project would be consistent with the General Plan Update land use designation and buildout forecast. Furthermore, project consistency with the 2016-2040 RTP/SCS and the 2016 AQMP would promote the City’s goal to improve air quality. As such, the proposed project meets this AQMP consistency criterion. In conclusion, the determination of 2016 AQMP consistency is primarily concerned with the long-term influence of a project on air quality in the Basin. The proposed project would not result in a long-term impact on the region’s ability to meet State and Federal air quality standards. Also, the proposed project would be consistent with the goals and policies of the 2016 AQMP for control of fugitive dust; refer to Impact Statement AQ-2. As discussed above, the operation of the proposed project would also be consistent with the SCAQMD and SCAG’s goals and policies. Therefore, the proposed project is consistent with the 2016 AQMP and impacts would be less than significant. Mitigation Measures: No mitigation is required. Level of Significance: Less Than Significant Impact. AQ-2 WOULD THE PROJECT RESULT IN A CUMULATIVELY CONSIDERABLE NET INCREASE OF ANY CRITERIA POLLUTANT FOR WHICH THE PROJECT REGION IS NON-ATTAINMENT UNDER AN APPLICABLE FEDERAL OR STATE AMBIENT AIR QUALITY STANDARD? Short-Term Construction Construction activities for the proposed project would include demolition, excavation, grading, trenching, installation of utilities, building construction, architectural coating, paving activities, and installation of landscaping and hardscape elements. The project would be constructed over approximately 26 months. Exhaust emission factors for typical diesel-powered heavy equipment are based on the program defaults of the most recent version of the California Emissions Estimator Model (CalEEMod), version 2020.4.0, Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Air Quality Technical Memorandum 15 which has been used to prepare the analysis of daily construction emissions. Variables factored into estimating the total construction emissions include the level of activity, length of construction period, number of pieces and types of equipment in use, site characteristics, weather conditions, number of construction personnel, and the amount of materials to be transported on- or off-site. Refer to Appendix A, Air Quality Emissions Data, for the CalEEMod outputs and results. Table 4, Short-Term Construction Emissions, presents the anticipated daily short-term construction emissions. Table 4 Short-Term Construction Emissions Emissions Source Maximum Daily Emissions (pounds/day)1 ROG NOX CO SO2 PM10 PM2.5 Construction Related Emissions2 Year 1 5.66 49.74 49.26 0.14 10.42 4.61 Year 2 5.05 43.31 47.30 0.1375 10.10 4.32 Year 3 64.67 27.21 43.65 0.10 6.44 2.40 Maximum Daily Emissions 64.67 49.74 49.26 0.14 10.42 4.61 SCAQMD Thresholds 75 100 550 150 150 55 Threshold Exceeded? No No No No No No Notes: 1. Emissions were calculated using CalEEMod, version 2020.4.0. Winter emissions represent the worst-case scenario. 2. Modeling assumptions include compliance with SCAQMD Rule 403 which requires the following: properly maintain mobile and other construction equipment; replace ground cover in disturbed areas quickly; water exposed surfaces three times daily; cover stockpiles with tarps; water all haul roads twice daily; and limit speeds on unpaved roads to 15 miles per hour. Source: Refer to Appendix A for detailed model input/output data. Fugitive Dust Emissions Construction activities are a source of fugitive dust emissions that may have a substantial, temporary impact on local air quality. In addition, fugitive dust may be a nuisance to those living and working in the project area. Fugitive dust emissions are associated with land clearing, ground excavation, cut-and-fill, and truck travel on unpaved roadways. Fugitive dust emissions vary substantially from day to day, depending on the level of activity, specific operations, and weather conditions. Fugitive dust from demolition, grading, and construction would be short-term and would cease upon project completion. It should be noted that most fugitive dust material is inert silicates, and not complex organic particulates released from combustion sources which are considered more harmful to health. Dust (larger than 10 microns) generated by construction activities usually become more of a local nuisance than a serious health problem. Of particular health concern is the amount of PM10 generated as a part of fugitive dust emissions. PM10 poses a serious health hazard alone or in combination with other pollutants. PM2.5 is mostly produced by mechanical processes which include automobile tire wear, industrial processes such as cutting and grinding, and re-suspension of particles from the ground or road surfaces by wind and human activities such as construction or agriculture. PM2.5 is mostly derived from combustion sources, such as automobiles, trucks, and other vehicle exhaust, as well as from stationary sources. These particles are either directly emitted or are formed in the atmosphere from the combustion of gases such as NOX and SOX combining with ammonia. PM2.5 components from material in the earth’s crust, such as dust, are also present, with the amount varying in different locations. Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Air Quality Technical Memorandum 16 Construction activities would comply with SCAQMD Rule 403, which requires that excessive fugitive dust emissions be controlled by regular watering or other dust prevention measures. Adherence to SCAQMD Rule 403 greatly reduces PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations. It should be noted that these reductions were applied in CalEEMod. As depicted in Table 4, total PM10 and PM2.5 emissions would not exceed the SCAQMD thresholds during construction. Therefore, construction-related air quality impacts from fugitive dust emissions would be less than significant. Construction Equipment and Worker Vehicle Exhaust Exhaust emissions (e.g., NOx and CO) from construction activities include emissions associated with the transport of machinery and supplies to and from the project site, emissions produced on-site as the equipment is used, and emissions from trucks transporting materials to/from the site. As presented in Table 4, short-term construction emissions, including from construction equipment and worker vehicle exhaust, would be below the established SCAQMD thresholds. Therefore, air quality impacts from equipment and vehicle exhaust emissions would be less than significant. ROG Emissions In addition to gaseous and particulate emissions, the application of asphalt and surface coatings creates ROG emissions, which are O3 precursors. As required, all architectural coatings for the proposed project structure would comply with SCAQMD Regulation XI, Rule 1113 – Architectural Coating. Rule 1113 provides specifications on painting practices as well as regulates the ROG content of paint. ROG emissions associated with the proposed project would be less than significant; refer to Table 4. Total Daily Construction Emissions In accordance with the SCAQMD Guidelines, CalEEMod was utilized to model construction emissions for ROG, NOX, CO, SOX, PM10, and PM2.5. As indicated in Table 4, criteria pollutant emissions during construction of the proposed project would not exceed the SCAQMD significance thresholds. Therefore, construction of the project would not result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of any criteria pollutant and impacts would be less than significant. Naturally Occurring Asbestos Asbestos is a term used for several types of naturally occurring fibrous minerals that are a human health hazard when airborne. The most common type of asbestos is chrysotile, but other types such as tremolite and actinolite are also found in California. Asbestos is classified as a known human carcinogen by State, Federal, and international agencies and was identified as a toxic air contaminant by the CARB in 1986. Asbestos can be released from serpentinite and ultramafic rocks when the rock is broken or crushed. At the point of release, the asbestos fibers may become airborne, causing air quality and human health hazards. These rocks have been commonly used for unpaved gravel roads, landscaping, fill projects, and other improvement projects in some localities. Asbestos may be released to the atmosphere due to vehicular traffic on unpaved roads, during grading for development projects, and at quarry operations. All of these activities may have the effect of releasing potentially harmful asbestos into the air. Natural weathering and erosion processes can act on asbestos bearing rock and make it easier for asbestos fibers to become airborne if such rock is disturbed. According to the Department of Conservation Division of Mines and Geology, A General Location Guide for Ultramafic Rocks in California – Areas More Likely to Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Air Quality Technical Memorandum 17 Contain Naturally Occurring Asbestos Report,6 serpentinite and ultramafic rocks are not known to occur within the project area. Therefore, there would be no impacts related to asbestos. Long-Term (Operational) Emissions Long-term air quality impacts would consist of mobile source emissions generated from project-related traffic, and emissions from stationary area and energy sources. Emissions from each source and the total emissions are shown in Table 5, Long-Term Operational Air Emissions and discussed in more detail below. Table 5 Long-Term Operational Air Emissions Emissions Source Maximum Daily Emissions (lbs/day)1, 2 ROG NOX CO SOX PM10 PM2.5 Project Winter Emissions Area Source 11.28 5.46 30.59 0.03 0.57 0.57 Energy Source 0.15 1.25 0.53 <0.01 0.10 0.10 Mobile 4.47 6.85 44.42 0.10 11.68 3.17 Total Emissions 15.90 13.57 75.54 0.15 12.36 3.85 SCAQMD Regional Threshold 55 55 550 150 150 55 Threshold Exceeded? No No No No No No Project Summer Emissions Area Source 11.28 5.46 30.59 0.03 0.57 0.57 Energy Source 0.15 1.25 0.53 <0.01 0.10 0.10 Mobile 5.14 6.45 49.60 0.11 11.68 3.17 Total Emissions 16.57 13.16 80.72 0.15 12.36 3.85 SCAQMD Regional Threshold 55 55 550 150 150 55 Threshold Exceeded? No No No No No No Notes: 1. Emissions were calculated using CalEEMod, version 2020.4.0. 2. The numbers may be slightly off due to rounding. Source: Refer to Appendix A, for detailed model input/output data. Area Source Emissions Area source emissions would be generated from consumer products, architectural coating, and landscaping. As shown in Table 5, area source emissions from the proposed project would not exceed SCAQMD thresholds for ROG, NOX, CO, SOX, PM10, or PM2.5. Impacts from area source air emissions would be less than significant. Energy Source Emissions Energy source emissions would be generated as a result of electricity and natural gas (non-hearth) usage associated with the proposed project. The primary use of electricity and natural gas by the project would 6 Department of Conservation Division of Mines and Geology, A General Location Guide for Ultramafic Rocks in California – Areas More Likely to Contain Naturally Occurring Asbestos Report, August 2000, https://ww3.arb.ca.gov/toxics/asbestos/ofr_2000-019.pdf, accessed January 25, 2022. Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Air Quality Technical Memorandum 18 be for space heating and cooling, water heating, ventilation, lighting, appliances, and electronics. The project would be in compliance with the 2019 Title 24 standards. As shown in Table 5, energy source emissions from the proposed project would not exceed SCAQMD thresholds for ROG, NOX, CO, SOX, PM10, or PM2.5. Impacts from energy source air emissions would be less than significant. Mobile Source Emissions Mobile sources are emissions from motor vehicles, including tailpipe and evaporative emissions. Depending upon the pollutant being discussed, the potential air quality impact may be of either regional or local concern. For example, ROG, NOX, SOX, PM10, and PM2.5 are all pollutants of regional concern (NOX and ROG react with sunlight to form O3 [photochemical smog], and wind currents readily transport SOX, PM10, and PM2.5); however, CO tends to be a localized pollutant, dispersing rapidly at the source. Project-generated vehicle emissions were estimated using CalEEMod. According to the Alta Fontana Apartments Traffic Study Scoping Assessment (Traffic Scoping Assessment) developed by Fehr & Peers (dated January 13, 2022),7 the proposed project would generate 1,644 daily trips, including 131 trips during the a.m. peak hour and 140 trips during the p.m. peak hour. As shown in Table 5, anticipated mobile source emissions generated by vehicle traffic associated with the project would not exceed established SCAQMD thresholds. Impacts from mobile source air emissions would be less than significant. Criteria Air Pollutants Air Quality Health Impacts Adverse health effects induced by criteria pollutant emissions are highly dependent on a multitude of interconnected variables (e.g., cumulative concentrations, local meteorology and atmospheric conditions, and the number and character of exposed individual [e.g., age, gender]). In particular, ozone precursors ROGs and NOx affect air quality on a regional scale. Health effects related to ozone are therefore the product of emissions generated by numerous sources throughout a region. Existing models have limited sensitivity to small changes in criteria pollutant concentrations, and, as such, translating project- generated criteria pollutants to specific health effects or additional days of nonattainment would produce meaningless results. In other words, the project’s less than significant increases in regional air pollution from criteria air pollutants would have nominal or negligible impacts on human health. As noted in the Brief of Amicus Curiae by the SCAQMD,8 the SCAQMD acknowledged that it would be extremely difficult, if not impossible to quantify health impacts of criteria pollutants for various reasons including modeling limitations as well as where in the atmosphere air pollutants interact and form. Further, as noted in the Brief of Amicus Curiae by the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD),9 SJVAPCD has acknowledged that currently available modeling tools are not equipped to provide a meaningful analysis of the correlation between an individual development project’s air emissions and specific human health impacts. 7 Fehr & Peers, Alta Fontana Apartments Traffic Study Scoping Assessment, January 13, 2022. 8 South Coast Air Quality Management District, Application of the South Coast Air Quality Management District for Leave to File Brief of Amicus Curiae in Support of Neither Party and Brief of Amicus Curiae. In the Supreme Court of California. Sierra Club, Revive the San Joaquin, and League of Women Voters of Fresno v. County of Fresno, 2014. 9 San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District, Application for Leave to File Brief of Amicus Curiae Brief of San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District in Support of Defendant and Respondent, County of Fresno and Real Party In Interest and Respondent, Friant Ranch, L.P. In the Supreme Court of California. Sierra Club, Revive the San Joaquin, and League of Women Voters of Fresno v. County of Fresno, 2014. Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Air Quality Technical Memorandum 19 The SCAQMD acknowledges that health effects quantification from ozone, as an example, is correlated with the increases in ambient level of ozone in the air (concentration) that an individual person breathes. SCAQMD’s Brief of Amicus Curiae states that it would take a large amount of additional emissions to cause a modeled increase in ambient ozone levels over the entire region. The SCAQMD states that based on their own modeling in the SCAQMD’s 2012 Air Quality Management Plan, a reduction of 432 tons (864,000 pounds) per day of NOX and a reduction of 187 tons (374,000 pounds) per day of VOCs would reduce ozone levels at the highest monitored site by only nine parts per billion. As such, the SCAQMD concludes that it is not currently possible to accurately quantify ozone-related health impacts caused by NOX or VOC emissions from relatively small projects (defined as projects with regional scope) due to photochemistry and regional model limitations. As such, for the purpose of this analysis, since the project would not exceed SCAQMD thresholds for construction and operational air emissions, the project would have a less than significant impact for air quality health impacts as well. Cumulative Conclusion With respect to the proposed project’s air quality emissions and cumulative Basin-wide conditions, the SCAQMD has developed strategies to reduce criteria pollutant emissions, which are outlined in the 2016 AQMP pursuant to Federal Clean Air Act mandates. The proposed project would comply with SCAQMD Rule 403 requirements and the adopted 2016 AQMP emissions control measures. Rule 403 requires that fugitive dust be controlled with the best available control measures in order to reduce dust so that it does not remain visible in the atmosphere beyond the property line of the proposed project. Per SCAQMD rules and mandates, as well as the CEQA requirement that significant impacts be mitigated to the extent feasible, these same requirements (i.e., Rule 403 compliance, the implementation of all feasible mitigation measures, and compliance with adopted 2016 AQMP emissions control measures) would also be imposed on development projects throughout the Basin, which would include related projects. According to the SCAQMD CEQA Air Quality Handbook, project-related emissions that fall below the established construction and operational thresholds should be considered less than cumulatively significant unless there is pertinent information to the contrary. As discussed previously, the proposed project would not result in short- or long-term air quality impacts, as emissions would not exceed the SCAQMD adopted construction or operational thresholds. Additionally, adherence to SCAQMD rules and regulations would alleviate potential impacts related to cumulative conditions on a project-by-project basis. As a result, the proposed project would not contribute to a cumulatively considerable net increase of any nonattainment criteria pollutant. Therefore, the project’s incremental construction and operational impacts would not be considered cumulatively considerable and impacts would be less than significant. Mitigation Measures: No mitigation is required. Level of Significance: Less Than Significant Impact. AQ-3 WOULD THE PROJECT EXPOSE SENSITIVE RECEPTORS TO SUBSTANTIAL POLLUTANT CONCENTRATIONS? Sensitive receptors are defined as facilities or land uses that include members of the population that are particularly sensitive to the effects of air pollutants, such as children, the elderly, and people with illnesses. Examples of these sensitive receptors are residences, schools, hospitals, and daycare centers. CARB has identified the following groups of individuals as the most likely to be affected by air pollution: the elderly Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Air Quality Technical Memorandum 20 over 65, children under 14, athletes, and persons with cardiovascular and chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma, emphysema, and bronchitis. The nearest sensitive receptors for the LST analysis are single-family residences adjacent to the south of the project site. In order to identify impacts to sensitive receptors, the SCAQMD recommends addressing LSTs for construction and operations impacts (area sources only). The CO hotspot analysis, following the LST analysis, addresses localized mobile source impacts. Localized Significance Thresholds LSTs were developed in response to SCAQMD Governing Boards’ Environmental Justice Enhancement Initiative (I-4). The SCAQMD provided the Final Localized Significance Threshold Methodology (dated June 2003 [revised 2008])10 for guidance. The LST methodology assists lead agencies in analyzing localized air quality impacts. The SCAQMD provides the LST screening lookup tables for one-, two-, and five-acre projects emitting CO, NOX, PM2.5, or PM10. The LST methodology and associated mass rates are not designed to evaluate localized impacts from mobile sources traveling over the roadways. The project site is located in SRA 34 (Central San Bernardino Valley). Construction The SCAQMD’s guidance on applying CalEEMod to LSTs specifies the number of acres a particular piece of equipment would likely disturb per day. Based on default information provided by CalEEMod, the project is anticipated to disturb up to 33 acres (an average of approximately one acre per day) during the grading phase, which would take approximately 33 days to complete. Therefore, the LST thresholds for one acre was utilized for the construction LST analysis per SCAQMD guidance. The nearest sensitive uses are single- family residences adjacent to the south of the project site. LST thresholds are provided for distances to sensitive receptors of 25, 50, 100, 200, and 500 meters. According to SCAQMD LST methodology, projects with boundaries located closer than 25 meters to the nearest receptor should use the LSTs for receptors located at 25 meters. As the nearest sensitive receptors are adjacent to the project site, the LST values for 25 meters were used. Table 6, Localized Significance of Construction Emissions, shows the localized construction-related emissions. It is noted that the localized emissions presented in Table 6 are less than those in Table 4 because localized emissions include only on-site emissions (i.e., from construction equipment and fugitive dust). As seen in Table 6, emissions would not exceed the LST mass rate screening thresholds for SRA 34. Therefore, impacts related to construction LST would be less than significant. 10 South Coast Air Quality Management District, Final Localized Significance Threshold Methodology, July 2008. Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Air Quality Technical Memorandum 21 Table 6 Localized Significance of Construction Emissions Maximum Emissions Maximum Daily Emissions (pounds/day) NOX CO PM10 PM2.5 Year 1 1,4 20.86 16.36 3.60 2.14 Year 2 2,4 17.94 16.24 3.43 1.99 Year 3 3,4 13.44 16.17 0.61 0.58 Maximum Daily Emissions 20.86 16.36 3.6 2.14 Localized Significance Threshold Mass Rate Screening Criteria 3 118 667 4 3 Thresholds Exceeded? No No No No Note: 1. Maximum on-site daily emissions occur during grading phase for NOx, PM10, and PM2.5, and during building construction phase for CO in Year 1. 2. Maximum on-site daily emissions occur during grading phase for NOx, PM10, and PM2.5, and during building construction phase for CO in Year 2. 3. Maximum on-site daily emissions occur during building construction phase for NOx, CO, PM10, and PM2.5 in Year 3. 4. Modeling assumptions include compliance with SCAQMD Rule 403 which requires the following: properly maintain mobile and other construction equipment; replace ground cover in disturbed areas quickly; water exposed surfaces three times daily; cover stockpiles with tarps; water all haul roads twice daily; and limit speeds on unpaved roads to 15 miles per hour. 5. The Localized Significance Threshold Mass Rate Screening Criteria was determined using Appendix C of the SCAQMD Final Localized Significant Threshold Methodology guidance document for pollutants NOX, CO, PM10, and PM2.5. The Localized Significance Threshold Mass Rate Screening Threshold was based on the anticipated daily acreage disturbance for construction (one acre), the distance to sensitive receptors (25 meters), and the source receptor area (SRA 34). Operation According to SCAQMD LST methodology, LSTs would apply to the operational phase of a proposed project if the project includes stationary sources or attracts mobile sources that may spend extended periods queuing and idling at the site (e.g., warehouse or transfer facilities). The proposed project does not include such uses. Thus, due to the lack of such emissions, no long-term localized significance threshold analysis is necessary. Therefore, impacts related to operational LST would be less than significant. Carbon Monoxide Hotspots CO emissions are a function of vehicle idling time, meteorological conditions, and traffic flow. Under certain extreme meteorological conditions, CO concentrations near a congested roadway or intersection may reach unhealthful levels (i.e., adversely affecting residents, school children, hospital patients, the elderly, etc.). The SCAQMD recommends a quantified assessment of CO hotspots when a project increases the volume- to-capacity ratio (also called the intersection capacity utilization) by 0.02 (two percent) for any intersection with an existing level of service (LOS) D or worse. Because traffic congestion is highest at intersections where vehicles queue and are subject to reduced speeds, these hot spots are typically produced at intersections. The Basin is designated as an attainment/maintenance area for the Federal CO standards and an attainment area for State standards. There has been a decline in CO emissions even though vehicle miles traveled on U.S. urban and rural roads have increased. Nationwide estimated anthropogenic CO emissions Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Air Quality Technical Memorandum 22 have decreased 68 percent between 1990 and 2014. In 2014, mobile sources accounted for 82 percent of the nation’s total anthropogenic CO emissions.11 CO emissions have continued to decline since this time. The Basin was re-designated as attainment in 2007 and CO is no longer addressed in the SCAQMD’s AQMP. Three major control programs have contributed to the reduced per-vehicle CO emissions: exhaust standards, cleaner burning fuels, and motor vehicle inspection/maintenance programs. A detailed CO analysis was conducted in the Federal Attainment Plan for Carbon Monoxide (CO Plan) for the SCAQMD’s 2003 Air Quality Management Plan, which is the most recent AQMP that addresses CO concentrations. The locations selected for microscale modeling in the CO Plan are worst-case intersections in the Basin and would likely experience the highest CO concentrations. Thus, CO analysis within the CO Plan is utilized in a comparison to the proposed project, since it represents a worst-case scenario with heavy traffic volumes within the Basin. Of these locations, the Wilshire Boulevard/Veteran Avenue intersection in Los Angeles County experienced the highest CO concentration (4.6 parts per million [ppm]), which is well below the 35-ppm one-hour CO Federal standard. The Wilshire Boulevard/Veteran Avenue intersection is one of the most congested intersections in Southern California with an average daily traffic volume of approximately 100,000 vehicles per day. As the CO hotspots were not experienced at the Wilshire Boulevard/Veteran Avenue intersection, it can be reasonably inferred that CO hotspots would not be experienced at any intersections within the City of Fontana near the project site due to the comparatively low volume of traffic (an increase of 1,644 daily trips, including 131 trips during the a.m. peak hour and 140 trips during the p.m. peak hour) that would occur as a result of project implementation. Therefore, impacts would be less than significant. Mitigation Measures: No mitigation is required. Level of Significance: Less Than Significant Impact. AQ-4 WOULD THE PROJECT RESULT IN OTHER EMISSIONS (SUCH AS THOSE LEADING TO ODORS) ADVERSELY AFFECTING A SUBSTANTIAL NUMBER OF PEOPLE? According to the SCAQMD CEQA Air Quality Handbook, land uses associated with odor complaints typically include agricultural uses, wastewater treatment plants, food processing plants, chemical plants, composting, refineries, landfills, dairies, and fiberglass molding. The proposed mixed-use project does not include any uses identified by the SCAQMD as being associated with odors. Construction activities associated with the project may generate detectable odors from heavy-duty equipment exhaust and architectural coatings. However, construction-related odors would be short-term in nature and cease upon project construction completion. In addition, the project would be required to comply with the California Code of Regulations, Title 13, Sections 2449(d)(3) and 2485, which minimizes the idling time of construction equipment either by shutting it off when not in use or by reducing the time of idling to no more than five minutes. This would further reduce the detectable odors from heavy-duty equipment exhaust. The project would also comply with the SCAQMD Regulation XI, Rule 1113 – Architectural Coating, which would minimize odor impacts from ROG emissions during architectural coating. Any impacts to existing adjacent land uses would be short-term and would be less than significant. 11 United States Environmental Protection Agency¸ Carbon Monoxide Emissions, https://cfpub.epa.gov/roe/indicator_pdf.cfm?i=10, accessed January 26, 2022. Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Air Quality Technical Memorandum 23 Mitigation Measures: No mitigation is required. Level of Significance: Less Than Significant Impact. Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Air Quality Technical Memorandum 24 REFERENCES Documents 1. California Air Resources Board, ADAM Air Quality Data Statistics, http://www.arb.ca.gov/adam/, accessed January 4, 2022. 2. California Air Resources Board, AQMIS2: Air Quality Data, https://www.arb.ca.gov/aqmis2/aqdselect.php, accessed January 13, 2022. 3. California Department of Finance, Population and Housing Estimates for Cities, Counties, and the State, 2011-2019 with 2010 Census Benchmark, http://www.dof.ca.gov/Forecasting/Demographics/Estimates/E-5/, accessed January 25, 2022. 4. City of Fontana, General Plan Land Use Map, March 3, 2021. 5. City of Fontana, Zoning District Map, March 3, 2021. 6. Department of Conservation Division of Mines and Geology, A General Location Guide for Ultramafic Rocks in California – Areas More Likely to Contain Naturally Occurring Asbestos Report, August 2000, https://ww3.arb.ca.gov/toxics/asbestos/ofr_2000-019.pdf, accessed January 25, 2022. 7. Fehr & Peers, Alta Fontana Apartments Traffic Study Scoping Assessment, January 13, 2022. 8. San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District, Application for Leave to File Brief of Amicus Curiae Brief of San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District in Support of Defendant and Respondent, County of Fresno and Real Party In Interest and Respondent, Friant Ranch, L.P. In the Supreme Court of California. Sierra Club, Revive the San Joaquin, and League of Women Voters of Fresno v. County of Fresno, 2014. 9. Southern California Association of Governments, The 2016-2040 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy, adopted April 2016. 10. Southern California Association of Governments, 2016-2040 RTP/SCS Final Growth Forecast by Jurisdiction, https://scag.ca.gov/sites/main/files/file- attachments/2016_2040rtpscs_finalgrowthforecastbyjurisdiction.pdf?1605576071, accessed January 25, 2022. 11. South Coast Air Quality Management District, Application of the South Coast Air Quality Management District for Leave to File Brief of Amicus Curiae in Support of Neither Party and Brief of Amicus Curiae. In the Supreme Court of California. Sierra Club, Revive the San Joaquin, and League of Women Voters of Fresno v. County of Fresno, 2014. 12. South Coast Air Quality Management District, Final 2016 Air Quality Management Plan, March 2017. 13. South Coast Air Quality Management District, CEQA Air Quality Handbook, November 1993. Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Air Quality Technical Memorandum 25 14. South Coast Air Quality Management District, SCAQMD Air Quality Significance Thresholds, March 2015. 15. South Coast Air Quality Management District, Final Localized Significance Threshold Methodology, July 2008. 16. United States Environmental Protection Agency¸ Carbon Monoxide Emissions, https://cfpub.epa.gov/roe/indicator_pdf.cfm?i=10, accessed January 26, 2022. Websites / Programs 1. Google Earth, 2022. 2. South Coast Air Quality Management District, California Emissions Estimator Model (CalEEMod), version 2020.4.0. Appendix A Air Quality Emissions Data Alta Fontana Mixed Use San Bernardino-South Coast County, Winter Project Characteristics - Land Use - Total Lot Acreage is 8.8 Acre. Construction Phase - Per Construction Questionnaire Trips and VMT - Per Construction Questionnaire Grading - Architectural Coating - Per SCAQMD Rule 1113 Vehicle Trips - Per Traffic Study Road Dust - Area Coating - Per SCAQMD Rule 1113 1.1 Land Usage Land Uses Size Metric Lot Acreage Floor Surface Area Population Parking Lot 530.00 Space 3.00 212,000.00 0 City Park 2.52 Acre 1.77 109,771.20 0 Apartments Mid Rise 344.00 Dwelling Unit 4.00 344,000.00 984 Strip Mall 1.50 1000sqft 0.03 1,500.00 0 1.2 Other Project Characteristics Urbanization Climate Zone Urban 10 Wind Speed (m/s)Precipitation Freq (Days)2.2 32 1.3 User Entered Comments & Non-Default Data 1.0 Project Characteristics Utility Company Southern California Edison 2025Operational Year CO2 Intensity (lb/MWhr) 390.98 0.033CH4 Intensity (lb/MWhr) 0.004N2O Intensity (lb/MWhr) CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:12 PMPage 1 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Winter EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied Land Use Change - Construction Off-road Equipment Mitigation - Per SCAQMD Rule 403 Area Mitigation - SCAQMD Rule 445 prohibits the installation of any open or enclosed permanent wood-burning furnaces in new constructions. Thus, only natural gas hearth would occur. Energy Mitigation - Water Mitigation - Waste Mitigation - Per AB 341 Operational Off-Road Equipment - Stationary Sources - Emergency Generators and Fire Pumps - Table Name Column Name Default Value New Value tblArchitecturalCoating EF_Nonresidential_Exterior 100.00 50.00 tblArchitecturalCoating EF_Nonresidential_Interior 100.00 50.00 tblArchitecturalCoating EF_Parking 100.00 50.00 tblAreaCoating Area_EF_Nonresidential_Exterior 100 50 tblAreaCoating Area_EF_Nonresidential_Interior 100 50 tblAreaCoating Area_EF_Parking 100 50 tblAreaMitigation UseLowVOCPaintParkingCheck False True tblConstDustMitigation WaterUnpavedRoadVehicleSpeed 0 15 tblConstructionPhase NumDays 20.00 44.00 tblConstructionPhase NumDays 230.00 528.00 tblConstructionPhase NumDays 20.00 33.00 tblConstructionPhase NumDays 20.00 22.00 tblGrading MaterialExported 0.00 2,600.00 tblGrading MaterialImported 0.00 22,870.00 tblLandUse LotAcreage 4.77 3.00 tblLandUse LotAcreage 2.52 1.77 tblLandUse LotAcreage 9.05 4.00 tblTripsAndVMT HaulingTripLength 20.00 10.00 CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:12 PMPage 2 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Winter EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 2.0 Emissions Summary tblTripsAndVMT HaulingTripLength 20.00 10.00 tblTripsAndVMT HaulingTripLength 20.00 10.00 tblTripsAndVMT HaulingTripLength 20.00 10.00 tblVehicleTrips ST_TR 4.91 4.54 tblVehicleTrips ST_TR 1.96 0.00 tblVehicleTrips ST_TR 42.04 54.67 tblVehicleTrips SU_TR 4.09 4.54 tblVehicleTrips SU_TR 2.19 0.00 tblVehicleTrips SU_TR 20.43 54.67 tblVehicleTrips WD_TR 5.44 4.54 tblVehicleTrips WD_TR 0.78 0.00 tblVehicleTrips WD_TR 44.32 54.67 CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:12 PMPage 3 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Winter EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 2.1 Overall Construction (Maximum Daily Emission) ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Year lb/day lb/day 2022 5.6584 49.7404 49.2578 0.1406 13.0411 1.8902 14.9313 5.0159 1.7602 6.7760 0.0000 14,277.55 44 14,277.55 44 1.8332 0.8915 14,589.06 82 2023 5.0456 43.3129 47.3016 0.1375 13.0410 1.5770 14.6180 5.0158 1.4685 6.4843 0.0000 13,969.03 44 13,969.03 44 1.8082 0.8499 14,267.50 15 2024 64.6677 27.2082 43.6523 0.1006 5.7183 1.1264 6.4404 1.5296 1.0498 2.3957 0.0000 10,076.54 10 10,076.54 10 1.4499 0.3580 10,215.22 65 Maximum 64.6677 49.7404 49.2578 0.1406 13.0411 1.8902 14.9313 5.0159 1.7602 6.7760 0.0000 14,277.55 44 14,277.55 44 1.8332 0.8915 14,589.06 82 Unmitigated Construction ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Year lb/day lb/day 2022 5.6584 49.7404 49.2578 0.1406 8.5276 1.8902 10.4179 2.8517 1.7602 4.6118 0.0000 14,277.55 44 14,277.55 44 1.8332 0.8915 14,589.06 82 2023 5.0456 43.3129 47.3016 0.1375 8.5276 1.5770 10.1046 2.8517 1.4685 4.3201 0.0000 13,969.03 44 13,969.03 44 1.8082 0.8499 14,267.50 15 2024 64.6677 27.2082 43.6523 0.1006 5.7183 1.1264 6.4404 1.5296 1.0498 2.3957 0.0000 10,076.54 10 10,076.54 10 1.4499 0.3580 10,215.22 65 Maximum 64.6677 49.7404 49.2578 0.1406 8.5276 1.8902 10.4179 2.8517 1.7602 4.6118 0.0000 14,277.55 44 14,277.55 44 1.8332 0.8915 14,589.06 82 Mitigated Construction CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:12 PMPage 4 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Winter EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e Percent Reduction 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 28.39 0.00 25.08 37.44 0.00 27.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:12 PMPage 5 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Winter EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 2.2 Overall Operational ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Area 100.8242 7.4645 203.3498 0.4478 26.4351 26.4351 26.4351 26.4351 3,222.219 9 6,243.218 9 9,465.438 8 9.6585 0.2187 9,772.074 9 Energy 0.1463 1.2501 0.5323 7.9800e- 003 0.1011 0.1011 0.1011 0.1011 1,595.734 6 1,595.734 6 0.0306 0.0293 1,605.217 2 Mobile 4.4734 6.8532 44.4158 0.1037 11.5977 0.0842 11.6819 3.0931 0.0788 3.1719 10,836.99 76 10,836.99 76 0.6015 0.5333 11,010.94 72 Total 105.4439 15.5677 248.2979 0.5595 11.5977 26.6204 38.2180 3.0931 26.6150 29.7080 3,222.219 9 18,675.95 10 21,898.17 09 10.2906 0.7812 22,388.23 93 Unmitigated Operational ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Area 11.2848 5.4628 30.5933 0.0343 0.5728 0.5728 0.5728 0.5728 0.0000 6,607.454 2 6,607.454 2 0.1749 0.1202 6,647.645 6 Energy 0.1463 1.2501 0.5323 7.9800e- 003 0.1011 0.1011 0.1011 0.1011 1,595.734 6 1,595.734 6 0.0306 0.0293 1,605.217 2 Mobile 4.4734 6.8532 44.4158 0.1037 11.5977 0.0842 11.6819 3.0931 0.0788 3.1719 10,836.99 76 10,836.99 76 0.6015 0.5333 11,010.94 72 Total 15.9045 13.5660 75.5414 0.1460 11.5977 0.7580 12.3557 3.0931 0.7526 3.8457 0.0000 19,040.18 63 19,040.18 63 0.8070 0.6827 19,263.81 00 Mitigated Operational CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:12 PMPage 6 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Winter EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 3.0 Construction Detail Construction Phase Phase Number Phase Name Phase Type Start Date End Date Num Days Week Num Days Phase Description 1 Grading Grading 12/1/2022 1/16/2023 5 33 2 Building Construction Building Construction 12/1/2022 12/9/2024 5 528 3 Architectural Coating Architectural Coating 7/1/2024 8/29/2024 5 44 4 Paving Paving 9/1/2024 10/1/2024 5 22 OffRoad Equipment Phase Name Offroad Equipment Type Amount Usage Hours Horse Power Load Factor Grading Excavators 1 8.00 158 0.38 Grading Graders 1 8.00 187 0.41 Grading Rubber Tired Dozers 1 8.00 247 0.40 Grading Tractors/Loaders/Backhoes 3 8.00 97 0.37 Building Construction Cranes 1 7.00 231 0.29 Building Construction Forklifts 3 8.00 89 0.20 Building Construction Generator Sets 1 8.00 84 0.74 ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e Percent Reduction 84.92 12.86 69.58 73.91 0.00 97.15 67.67 0.00 97.17 87.06 100.00 -1.95 13.05 92.16 12.61 13.96 Residential Indoor: 696,600; Residential Outdoor: 232,200; Non-Residential Indoor: 166,830; Non-Residential Outdoor: 55,610; Striped Parking Area: 12,720 (Architectural Coating – sqft) Acres of Grading (Site Preparation Phase): 0 Acres of Grading (Grading Phase): 33 Acres of Paving: 3 CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:12 PMPage 7 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Winter EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 3.1 Mitigation Measures Construction Replace Ground Cover Water Exposed Area Reduce Vehicle Speed on Unpaved Roads Building Construction Tractors/Loaders/Backhoes 3 7.00 97 0.37 Building Construction Welders 1 8.00 46 0.45 Architectural Coating Air Compressors 1 6.00 78 0.48 Paving Pavers 2 8.00 130 0.42 Paving Paving Equipment 2 8.00 132 0.36 Paving Rollers 2 8.00 80 0.38 Trips and VMT Phase Name Offroad Equipment Count Worker Trip Number Vendor Trip Number Hauling Trip Number Worker Trip Length Vendor Trip Length Hauling Trip Length Worker Vehicle Class Vendor Vehicle Class Hauling Vehicle Class Grading 6 15.00 0.00 3,184.00 14.70 6.90 10.00 LD_Mix HDT_Mix HHDT Building Construction 9 383.00 90.00 0.00 14.70 6.90 10.00 LD_Mix HDT_Mix HHDT Architectural Coating 1 77.00 0.00 0.00 14.70 6.90 10.00 LD_Mix HDT_Mix HHDT Paving 6 15.00 0.00 0.00 14.70 6.90 10.00 LD_Mix HDT_Mix HHDT CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:12 PMPage 8 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Winter EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 3.2 Grading - 2022 ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Fugitive Dust 7.1699 0.0000 7.1699 3.4380 0.0000 3.4380 0.0000 0.0000 Off-Road 1.9486 20.8551 15.2727 0.0297 0.9409 0.9409 0.8656 0.8656 2,872.046 4 2,872.046 4 0.9289 2,895.268 4 Total 1.9486 20.8551 15.2727 0.0297 7.1699 0.9409 8.1107 3.4380 0.8656 4.3035 2,872.046 4 2,872.046 4 0.9289 2,895.268 4 Unmitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Hauling 0.2335 8.0093 2.6561 0.0300 0.8459 0.0700 0.9159 0.2320 0.0670 0.2990 3,265.224 5 3,265.224 5 0.1357 0.5173 3,422.773 2 Vendor 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Worker 0.0610 0.0423 0.5076 1.4000e- 003 0.1677 8.8000e- 004 0.1685 0.0445 8.1000e- 004 0.0453 142.5884 142.5884 4.0800e- 003 4.0400e- 003 143.8959 Total 0.2945 8.0517 3.1637 0.0314 1.0135 0.0709 1.0844 0.2765 0.0678 0.3443 3,407.812 9 3,407.812 9 0.1398 0.5213 3,566.669 0 Unmitigated Construction Off-Site CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:12 PMPage 9 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Winter EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 3.2 Grading - 2022 ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Fugitive Dust 2.6564 0.0000 2.6564 1.2738 0.0000 1.2738 0.0000 0.0000 Off-Road 1.9486 20.8551 15.2727 0.0297 0.9409 0.9409 0.8656 0.8656 0.0000 2,872.046 4 2,872.046 4 0.9289 2,895.268 4 Total 1.9486 20.8551 15.2727 0.0297 2.6564 0.9409 3.5973 1.2738 0.8656 2.1393 0.0000 2,872.046 4 2,872.046 4 0.9289 2,895.268 4 Mitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Hauling 0.2335 8.0093 2.6561 0.0300 0.8459 0.0700 0.9159 0.2320 0.0670 0.2990 3,265.224 5 3,265.224 5 0.1357 0.5173 3,422.773 2 Vendor 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Worker 0.0610 0.0423 0.5076 1.4000e- 003 0.1677 8.8000e- 004 0.1685 0.0445 8.1000e- 004 0.0453 142.5884 142.5884 4.0800e- 003 4.0400e- 003 143.8959 Total 0.2945 8.0517 3.1637 0.0314 1.0135 0.0709 1.0844 0.2765 0.0678 0.3443 3,407.812 9 3,407.812 9 0.1398 0.5213 3,566.669 0 Mitigated Construction Off-Site CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:12 PMPage 10 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Winter EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 3.2 Grading - 2023 ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Fugitive Dust 7.1699 0.0000 7.1699 3.4380 0.0000 3.4380 0.0000 0.0000 Off-Road 1.7109 17.9359 14.7507 0.0297 0.7749 0.7749 0.7129 0.7129 2,872.691 0 2,872.691 0 0.9291 2,895.918 2 Total 1.7109 17.9359 14.7507 0.0297 7.1699 0.7749 7.9448 3.4380 0.7129 4.1509 2,872.691 0 2,872.691 0 0.9291 2,895.918 2 Unmitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Hauling 0.1649 6.6704 2.5882 0.0287 0.8459 0.0566 0.9024 0.2320 0.0541 0.2861 3,125.770 2 3,125.770 2 0.1293 0.4953 3,276.606 5 Vendor 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Worker 0.0565 0.0372 0.4656 1.3600e- 003 0.1677 8.3000e- 004 0.1685 0.0445 7.6000e- 004 0.0452 138.8409 138.8409 3.6600e- 003 3.7200e- 003 140.0409 Total 0.2214 6.7076 3.0538 0.0301 1.0135 0.0574 1.0709 0.2765 0.0549 0.3314 3,264.611 1 3,264.611 1 0.1329 0.4990 3,416.647 4 Unmitigated Construction Off-Site CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:12 PMPage 11 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Winter EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 3.2 Grading - 2023 ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Fugitive Dust 2.6564 0.0000 2.6564 1.2738 0.0000 1.2738 0.0000 0.0000 Off-Road 1.7109 17.9359 14.7507 0.0297 0.7749 0.7749 0.7129 0.7129 0.0000 2,872.691 0 2,872.691 0 0.9291 2,895.918 2 Total 1.7109 17.9359 14.7507 0.0297 2.6564 0.7749 3.4314 1.2738 0.7129 1.9867 0.0000 2,872.691 0 2,872.691 0 0.9291 2,895.918 2 Mitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Hauling 0.1649 6.6704 2.5882 0.0287 0.8459 0.0566 0.9024 0.2320 0.0541 0.2861 3,125.770 2 3,125.770 2 0.1293 0.4953 3,276.606 5 Vendor 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Worker 0.0565 0.0372 0.4656 1.3600e- 003 0.1677 8.3000e- 004 0.1685 0.0445 7.6000e- 004 0.0452 138.8409 138.8409 3.6600e- 003 3.7200e- 003 140.0409 Total 0.2214 6.7076 3.0538 0.0301 1.0135 0.0574 1.0709 0.2765 0.0549 0.3314 3,264.611 1 3,264.611 1 0.1329 0.4990 3,416.647 4 Mitigated Construction Off-Site CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:12 PMPage 12 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Winter EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 3.3 Building Construction - 2022 ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Off-Road 1.7062 15.6156 16.3634 0.0269 0.8090 0.8090 0.7612 0.7612 2,554.333 6 2,554.333 6 0.6120 2,569.632 2 Total 1.7062 15.6156 16.3634 0.0269 0.8090 0.8090 0.7612 0.7612 2,554.333 6 2,554.333 6 0.6120 2,569.632 2 Unmitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 0.1507 4.1373 1.4973 0.0168 0.5766 0.0470 0.6237 0.1660 0.0450 0.2110 1,802.605 6 1,802.605 6 0.0484 0.2669 1,883.358 0 Worker 1.5583 1.0806 12.9607 0.0358 4.2810 0.0225 4.3035 1.1354 0.0207 1.1560 3,640.755 9 3,640.755 9 0.1043 0.1033 3,674.140 6 Total 1.7090 5.2179 14.4579 0.0526 4.8577 0.0695 4.9272 1.3014 0.0657 1.3671 5,443.361 6 5,443.361 6 0.1526 0.3702 5,557.498 7 Unmitigated Construction Off-Site CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:12 PMPage 13 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Winter EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 3.3 Building Construction - 2022 ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Off-Road 1.7062 15.6156 16.3634 0.0269 0.8090 0.8090 0.7612 0.7612 0.0000 2,554.333 6 2,554.333 6 0.6120 2,569.632 2 Total 1.7062 15.6156 16.3634 0.0269 0.8090 0.8090 0.7612 0.7612 0.0000 2,554.333 6 2,554.333 6 0.6120 2,569.632 2 Mitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 0.1507 4.1373 1.4973 0.0168 0.5766 0.0470 0.6237 0.1660 0.0450 0.2110 1,802.605 6 1,802.605 6 0.0484 0.2669 1,883.358 0 Worker 1.5583 1.0806 12.9607 0.0358 4.2810 0.0225 4.3035 1.1354 0.0207 1.1560 3,640.755 9 3,640.755 9 0.1043 0.1033 3,674.140 6 Total 1.7090 5.2179 14.4579 0.0526 4.8577 0.0695 4.9272 1.3014 0.0657 1.3671 5,443.361 6 5,443.361 6 0.1526 0.3702 5,557.498 7 Mitigated Construction Off-Site CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:12 PMPage 14 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Winter EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 3.3 Building Construction - 2023 ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Off-Road 1.5728 14.3849 16.2440 0.0269 0.6997 0.6997 0.6584 0.6584 2,555.209 9 2,555.209 9 0.6079 2,570.406 1 Total 1.5728 14.3849 16.2440 0.0269 0.6997 0.6997 0.6584 0.6584 2,555.209 9 2,555.209 9 0.6079 2,570.406 1 Unmitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 0.0980 3.3344 1.3655 0.0161 0.5766 0.0238 0.6004 0.1660 0.0228 0.1888 1,731.452 4 1,731.452 4 0.0448 0.2559 1,808.818 8 Worker 1.4426 0.9502 11.8876 0.0346 4.2810 0.0212 4.3022 1.1354 0.0195 1.1548 3,545.070 0 3,545.070 0 0.0936 0.0950 3,575.711 0 Total 1.5406 4.2845 13.2531 0.0508 4.8577 0.0450 4.9026 1.3014 0.0423 1.3436 5,276.522 4 5,276.522 4 0.1384 0.3508 5,384.529 9 Unmitigated Construction Off-Site CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:12 PMPage 15 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Winter EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 3.3 Building Construction - 2023 ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Off-Road 1.5728 14.3849 16.2440 0.0269 0.6997 0.6997 0.6584 0.6584 0.0000 2,555.209 9 2,555.209 9 0.6079 2,570.406 1 Total 1.5728 14.3849 16.2440 0.0269 0.6997 0.6997 0.6584 0.6584 0.0000 2,555.209 9 2,555.209 9 0.6079 2,570.406 1 Mitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 0.0980 3.3344 1.3655 0.0161 0.5766 0.0238 0.6004 0.1660 0.0228 0.1888 1,731.452 4 1,731.452 4 0.0448 0.2559 1,808.818 8 Worker 1.4426 0.9502 11.8876 0.0346 4.2810 0.0212 4.3022 1.1354 0.0195 1.1548 3,545.070 0 3,545.070 0 0.0936 0.0950 3,575.711 0 Total 1.5406 4.2845 13.2531 0.0508 4.8577 0.0450 4.9026 1.3014 0.0423 1.3436 5,276.522 4 5,276.522 4 0.1384 0.3508 5,384.529 9 Mitigated Construction Off-Site CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:12 PMPage 16 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Winter EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 3.3 Building Construction - 2024 ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Off-Road 1.4716 13.4438 16.1668 0.0270 0.6133 0.6133 0.5769 0.5769 2,555.698 9 2,555.698 9 0.6044 2,570.807 7 Total 1.4716 13.4438 16.1668 0.0270 0.6133 0.6133 0.5769 0.5769 2,555.698 9 2,555.698 9 0.6044 2,570.807 7 Unmitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 0.0956 3.3637 1.3431 0.0159 0.5766 0.0235 0.6001 0.1660 0.0224 0.1885 1,707.632 7 1,707.632 7 0.0434 0.2523 1,783.902 7 Worker 1.3435 0.8432 11.0826 0.0336 4.2810 0.0203 4.3014 1.1354 0.0187 1.1541 3,469.770 4 3,469.770 4 0.0848 0.0880 3,498.117 8 Total 1.4390 4.2068 12.4257 0.0496 4.8576 0.0438 4.9014 1.3014 0.0411 1.3425 5,177.403 1 5,177.403 1 0.1282 0.3403 5,282.020 5 Unmitigated Construction Off-Site CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:12 PMPage 17 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Winter EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 3.3 Building Construction - 2024 ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Off-Road 1.4716 13.4438 16.1668 0.0270 0.6133 0.6133 0.5769 0.5769 0.0000 2,555.698 9 2,555.698 9 0.6044 2,570.807 7 Total 1.4716 13.4438 16.1668 0.0270 0.6133 0.6133 0.5769 0.5769 0.0000 2,555.698 9 2,555.698 9 0.6044 2,570.807 7 Mitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 0.0956 3.3637 1.3431 0.0159 0.5766 0.0235 0.6001 0.1660 0.0224 0.1885 1,707.632 7 1,707.632 7 0.0434 0.2523 1,783.902 7 Worker 1.3435 0.8432 11.0826 0.0336 4.2810 0.0203 4.3014 1.1354 0.0187 1.1541 3,469.770 4 3,469.770 4 0.0848 0.0880 3,498.117 8 Total 1.4390 4.2068 12.4257 0.0496 4.8576 0.0438 4.9014 1.3014 0.0411 1.3425 5,177.403 1 5,177.403 1 0.1282 0.3403 5,282.020 5 Mitigated Construction Off-Site CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:12 PMPage 18 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Winter EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 3.4 Architectural Coating - 2024 ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Archit. Coating 61.3063 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Off-Road 0.1808 1.2188 1.8101 2.9700e- 003 0.0609 0.0609 0.0609 0.0609 281.4481 281.4481 0.0159 281.8443 Total 61.4871 1.2188 1.8101 2.9700e- 003 0.0609 0.0609 0.0609 0.0609 281.4481 281.4481 0.0159 281.8443 Unmitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Worker 0.2701 0.1695 2.2281 6.7600e- 003 0.8607 4.0900e- 003 0.8648 0.2283 3.7600e- 003 0.2320 697.5779 697.5779 0.0171 0.0177 703.2770 Total 0.2701 0.1695 2.2281 6.7600e- 003 0.8607 4.0900e- 003 0.8648 0.2283 3.7600e- 003 0.2320 697.5779 697.5779 0.0171 0.0177 703.2770 Unmitigated Construction Off-Site CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:12 PMPage 19 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Winter EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 3.4 Architectural Coating - 2024 ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Archit. Coating 61.3063 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Off-Road 0.1808 1.2188 1.8101 2.9700e- 003 0.0609 0.0609 0.0609 0.0609 0.0000 281.4481 281.4481 0.0159 281.8443 Total 61.4871 1.2188 1.8101 2.9700e- 003 0.0609 0.0609 0.0609 0.0609 0.0000 281.4481 281.4481 0.0159 281.8443 Mitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Worker 0.2701 0.1695 2.2281 6.7600e- 003 0.8607 4.0900e- 003 0.8648 0.2283 3.7600e- 003 0.2320 697.5779 697.5779 0.0171 0.0177 703.2770 Total 0.2701 0.1695 2.2281 6.7600e- 003 0.8607 4.0900e- 003 0.8648 0.2283 3.7600e- 003 0.2320 697.5779 697.5779 0.0171 0.0177 703.2770 Mitigated Construction Off-Site CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:12 PMPage 20 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Winter EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 3.5 Paving - 2024 ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Off-Road 0.9882 9.5246 14.6258 0.0228 0.4685 0.4685 0.4310 0.4310 2,207.547 2 2,207.547 2 0.7140 2,225.396 3 Paving 0.3573 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Total 1.3454 9.5246 14.6258 0.0228 0.4685 0.4685 0.4310 0.4310 2,207.547 2 2,207.547 2 0.7140 2,225.396 3 Unmitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Worker 0.0526 0.0330 0.4340 1.3200e- 003 0.1677 8.0000e- 004 0.1685 0.0445 7.3000e- 004 0.0452 135.8918 135.8918 3.3200e- 003 3.4500e- 003 137.0020 Total 0.0526 0.0330 0.4340 1.3200e- 003 0.1677 8.0000e- 004 0.1685 0.0445 7.3000e- 004 0.0452 135.8918 135.8918 3.3200e- 003 3.4500e- 003 137.0020 Unmitigated Construction Off-Site CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:12 PMPage 21 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Winter EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 3.5 Paving - 2024 ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Off-Road 0.9882 9.5246 14.6258 0.0228 0.4685 0.4685 0.4310 0.4310 0.0000 2,207.547 2 2,207.547 2 0.7140 2,225.396 3 Paving 0.3573 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Total 1.3454 9.5246 14.6258 0.0228 0.4685 0.4685 0.4310 0.4310 0.0000 2,207.547 2 2,207.547 2 0.7140 2,225.396 3 Mitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Worker 0.0526 0.0330 0.4340 1.3200e- 003 0.1677 8.0000e- 004 0.1685 0.0445 7.3000e- 004 0.0452 135.8918 135.8918 3.3200e- 003 3.4500e- 003 137.0020 Total 0.0526 0.0330 0.4340 1.3200e- 003 0.1677 8.0000e- 004 0.1685 0.0445 7.3000e- 004 0.0452 135.8918 135.8918 3.3200e- 003 3.4500e- 003 137.0020 Mitigated Construction Off-Site CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:12 PMPage 22 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Winter EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 4.0 Operational Detail - Mobile ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Mitigated 4.4734 6.8532 44.4158 0.1037 11.5977 0.0842 11.6819 3.0931 0.0788 3.1719 10,836.99 76 10,836.99 76 0.6015 0.5333 11,010.94 72 Unmitigated 4.4734 6.8532 44.4158 0.1037 11.5977 0.0842 11.6819 3.0931 0.0788 3.1719 10,836.99 76 10,836.99 76 0.6015 0.5333 11,010.94 72 4.1 Mitigation Measures Mobile 4.2 Trip Summary Information 4.3 Trip Type Information Average Daily Trip Rate Unmitigated Mitigated Land Use Weekday Saturday Sunday Annual VMT Annual VMT Apartments Mid Rise 1,561.76 1,561.76 1561.76 5,336,771 5,336,771 City Park 0.00 0.00 0.00 Parking Lot 0.00 0.00 0.00 Strip Mall 82.01 82.01 82.01 156,022 156,022 Total 1,643.77 1,643.77 1,643.77 5,492,794 5,492,794 Miles Trip %Trip Purpose % Land Use H-W or C-W H-S or C-C H-O or C-NW H-W or C-W H-S or C-C H-O or C-NW Primary Diverted Pass-by Apartments Mid Rise 14.70 5.90 8.70 40.20 19.20 40.60 86 11 3 City Park 16.60 8.40 6.90 33.00 48.00 19.00 66 28 6 Parking Lot 16.60 8.40 6.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:12 PMPage 23 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Winter EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied Miles Trip %Trip Purpose % Land Use H-W or C-W H-S or C-C H-O or C-NW H-W or C-W H-S or C-C H-O or C-NW Primary Diverted Pass-by Strip Mall 16.60 8.40 6.90 16.60 64.40 19.00 45 40 15 4.4 Fleet Mix Land Use LDA LDT1 LDT2 MDV LHD1 LHD2 MHD HHD OBUS UBUS MCY SBUS MH Apartments Mid Rise 0.543085 0.056300 0.173085 0.134258 0.025645 0.007009 0.011926 0.017481 0.000552 0.000248 0.024848 0.000956 0.004606 City Park 0.543085 0.056300 0.173085 0.134258 0.025645 0.007009 0.011926 0.017481 0.000552 0.000248 0.024848 0.000956 0.004606 Parking Lot 0.543085 0.056300 0.173085 0.134258 0.025645 0.007009 0.011926 0.017481 0.000552 0.000248 0.024848 0.000956 0.004606 Strip Mall 0.543085 0.056300 0.173085 0.134258 0.025645 0.007009 0.011926 0.017481 0.000552 0.000248 0.024848 0.000956 0.004606 5.0 Energy Detail ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day NaturalGas Mitigated 0.1463 1.2501 0.5323 7.9800e- 003 0.1011 0.1011 0.1011 0.1011 1,595.734 6 1,595.734 6 0.0306 0.0293 1,605.217 2 NaturalGas Unmitigated 0.1463 1.2501 0.5323 7.9800e- 003 0.1011 0.1011 0.1011 0.1011 1,595.734 6 1,595.734 6 0.0306 0.0293 1,605.217 2 5.1 Mitigation Measures Energy Historical Energy Use: N CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:12 PMPage 24 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Winter EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 5.2 Energy by Land Use - NaturalGas NaturalGa s Use ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Land Use kBTU/yr lb/day lb/day Apartments Mid Rise 13554.7 0.1462 1.2492 0.5316 7.9700e- 003 0.1010 0.1010 0.1010 0.1010 1,594.670 9 1,594.670 9 0.0306 0.0292 1,604.147 2 City Park 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Parking Lot 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Strip Mall 9.0411 1.0000e- 004 8.9000e- 004 7.4000e- 004 1.0000e- 005 7.0000e- 005 7.0000e- 005 7.0000e- 005 7.0000e- 005 1.0637 1.0637 2.0000e- 005 2.0000e- 005 1.0700 Total 0.1463 1.2501 0.5323 7.9800e- 003 0.1011 0.1011 0.1011 0.1011 1,595.734 6 1,595.734 6 0.0306 0.0293 1,605.217 2 Unmitigated CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:12 PMPage 25 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Winter EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied Use Low VOC Paint - Residential Interior Use Low VOC Paint - Residential Exterior Use Low VOC Paint - Non-Residential Interior Use Low VOC Paint - Non-Residential Exterior Use only Natural Gas Hearths 6.1 Mitigation Measures Area 6.0 Area Detail 5.2 Energy by Land Use - NaturalGas NaturalGa s Use ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Land Use kBTU/yr lb/day lb/day Apartments Mid Rise 13.5547 0.1462 1.2492 0.5316 7.9700e- 003 0.1010 0.1010 0.1010 0.1010 1,594.670 9 1,594.670 9 0.0306 0.0292 1,604.147 2 City Park 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Parking Lot 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Strip Mall 0.0090411 1.0000e- 004 8.9000e- 004 7.4000e- 004 1.0000e- 005 7.0000e- 005 7.0000e- 005 7.0000e- 005 7.0000e- 005 1.0637 1.0637 2.0000e- 005 2.0000e- 005 1.0700 Total 0.1463 1.2501 0.5323 7.9800e- 003 0.1011 0.1011 0.1011 0.1011 1,595.734 6 1,595.734 6 0.0306 0.0293 1,605.217 2 Mitigated CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:12 PMPage 26 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Winter EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Mitigated 11.2848 5.4628 30.5933 0.0343 0.5728 0.5728 0.5728 0.5728 0.0000 6,607.454 2 6,607.454 2 0.1749 0.1202 6,647.645 6 Unmitigated 100.8242 7.4645 203.3498 0.4478 26.4351 26.4351 26.4351 26.4351 3,222.219 9 6,243.218 9 9,465.438 8 9.6585 0.2187 9,772.074 9 6.2 Area by SubCategory ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e SubCategory lb/day lb/day Architectural Coating 0.7390 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Consumer Products 9.0885 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Hearth 90.1404 7.1374 174.9418 0.4463 26.2776 26.2776 26.2776 26.2776 3,222.219 9 6,192.000 0 9,414.219 9 9.6093 0.2187 9,719.625 0 Landscaping 0.8563 0.3271 28.4079 1.5000e- 003 0.1575 0.1575 0.1575 0.1575 51.2189 51.2189 0.0492 52.4499 Total 100.8242 7.4645 203.3498 0.4478 26.4351 26.4351 26.4351 26.4351 3,222.219 9 6,243.218 9 9,465.438 8 9.6585 0.2187 9,772.074 9 Unmitigated CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:12 PMPage 27 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Winter EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied Install Low Flow Bathroom Faucet Install Low Flow Kitchen Faucet Install Low Flow Toilet Install Low Flow Shower Use Water Efficient Irrigation System Use Water Efficient Landscaping 7.1 Mitigation Measures Water 7.0 Water Detail 6.2 Area by SubCategory ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e SubCategory lb/day lb/day Architectural Coating 0.7390 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Consumer Products 9.0885 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Hearth 0.6010 5.1357 2.1854 0.0328 0.4152 0.4152 0.4152 0.4152 0.0000 6,556.235 3 6,556.235 3 0.1257 0.1202 6,595.195 7 Landscaping 0.8563 0.3271 28.4079 1.5000e- 003 0.1575 0.1575 0.1575 0.1575 51.2189 51.2189 0.0492 52.4499 Total 11.2848 5.4628 30.5933 0.0343 0.5728 0.5728 0.5728 0.5728 0.0000 6,607.454 2 6,607.454 2 0.1749 0.1202 6,647.645 6 Mitigated CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:12 PMPage 28 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Winter EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 11.0 Vegetation 8.1 Mitigation Measures Waste Institute Recycling and Composting Services 8.0 Waste Detail 9.0 Operational Offroad Equipment Type Number Hours/Day Days/Year Horse Power Load Factor Fuel Type 10.0 Stationary Equipment Fire Pumps and Emergency Generators Equipment Type Number Hours/Day Hours/Year Horse Power Load Factor Fuel Type Boilers Equipment Type Number Heat Input/Day Heat Input/Year Boiler Rating Fuel Type User Defined Equipment Equipment Type Number CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:12 PMPage 29 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Winter EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied Alta Fontana Mixed Use San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer Project Characteristics - Land Use - Total Lot Acreage is 8.8 Acre. Construction Phase - Per Construction Questionnaire Trips and VMT - Per Construction Questionnaire Grading - Architectural Coating - Per SCAQMD Rule 1113 Vehicle Trips - Per Traffic Study Road Dust - Area Coating - Per SCAQMD Rule 1113 1.1 Land Usage Land Uses Size Metric Lot Acreage Floor Surface Area Population Parking Lot 530.00 Space 3.00 212,000.00 0 City Park 2.52 Acre 1.77 109,771.20 0 Apartments Mid Rise 344.00 Dwelling Unit 4.00 344,000.00 984 Strip Mall 1.50 1000sqft 0.03 1,500.00 0 1.2 Other Project Characteristics Urbanization Climate Zone Urban 10 Wind Speed (m/s)Precipitation Freq (Days)2.2 32 1.3 User Entered Comments & Non-Default Data 1.0 Project Characteristics Utility Company Southern California Edison 2025Operational Year CO2 Intensity (lb/MWhr) 390.98 0.033CH4 Intensity (lb/MWhr) 0.004N2O Intensity (lb/MWhr) CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:10 PMPage 1 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied Land Use Change - Construction Off-road Equipment Mitigation - Per SCAQMD Rule 403 Area Mitigation - SCAQMD Rule 445 prohibits the installation of any open or enclosed permanent wood-burning furnaces in new constructions. Thus, only natural gas hearth would occur. Energy Mitigation - Water Mitigation - Waste Mitigation - Per AB 341 Operational Off-Road Equipment - Stationary Sources - Emergency Generators and Fire Pumps - Table Name Column Name Default Value New Value tblArchitecturalCoating EF_Nonresidential_Exterior 100.00 50.00 tblArchitecturalCoating EF_Nonresidential_Interior 100.00 50.00 tblArchitecturalCoating EF_Parking 100.00 50.00 tblAreaCoating Area_EF_Nonresidential_Exterior 100 50 tblAreaCoating Area_EF_Nonresidential_Interior 100 50 tblAreaCoating Area_EF_Parking 100 50 tblAreaMitigation UseLowVOCPaintParkingCheck False True tblConstDustMitigation WaterUnpavedRoadVehicleSpeed 0 15 tblConstructionPhase NumDays 20.00 44.00 tblConstructionPhase NumDays 230.00 528.00 tblConstructionPhase NumDays 20.00 33.00 tblConstructionPhase NumDays 20.00 22.00 tblGrading MaterialExported 0.00 2,600.00 tblGrading MaterialImported 0.00 22,870.00 tblLandUse LotAcreage 4.77 3.00 tblLandUse LotAcreage 2.52 1.77 tblLandUse LotAcreage 9.05 4.00 tblTripsAndVMT HaulingTripLength 20.00 10.00 CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:10 PMPage 2 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 2.0 Emissions Summary tblTripsAndVMT HaulingTripLength 20.00 10.00 tblTripsAndVMT HaulingTripLength 20.00 10.00 tblTripsAndVMT HaulingTripLength 20.00 10.00 tblVehicleTrips ST_TR 4.91 4.54 tblVehicleTrips ST_TR 1.96 0.00 tblVehicleTrips ST_TR 42.04 54.67 tblVehicleTrips SU_TR 4.09 4.54 tblVehicleTrips SU_TR 2.19 0.00 tblVehicleTrips SU_TR 20.43 54.67 tblVehicleTrips WD_TR 5.44 4.54 tblVehicleTrips WD_TR 0.78 0.00 tblVehicleTrips WD_TR 44.32 54.67 CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:10 PMPage 3 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 2.1 Overall Construction (Maximum Daily Emission) ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Year lb/day lb/day 2022 5.7458 49.0891 52.0565 0.1444 13.0411 1.8899 14.9309 5.0159 1.7598 6.7757 0.0000 14,664.88 95 14,664.88 95 1.8346 0.8870 14,975.07 60 2023 5.1276 42.7132 49.8576 0.1411 13.0410 1.5767 14.6177 5.0158 1.4682 6.4840 0.0000 14,338.26 19 14,338.26 19 1.8094 0.8446 14,635.18 62 2024 64.7325 26.9869 46.0721 0.1042 5.7183 1.1263 6.4403 1.5296 1.0497 2.3956 0.0000 10,445.71 94 10,445.71 94 1.4500 0.3540 10,583.33 60 Maximum 64.7325 49.0891 52.0565 0.1444 13.0411 1.8899 14.9309 5.0159 1.7598 6.7757 0.0000 14,664.88 95 14,664.88 95 1.8346 0.8870 14,975.07 60 Unmitigated Construction ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Year lb/day lb/day 2022 5.7458 49.0891 52.0565 0.1444 8.5276 1.8899 10.4175 2.8517 1.7598 4.6115 0.0000 14,664.88 95 14,664.88 95 1.8346 0.8870 14,975.07 60 2023 5.1276 42.7132 49.8576 0.1411 8.5276 1.5767 10.1043 2.8517 1.4682 4.3199 0.0000 14,338.26 19 14,338.26 19 1.8094 0.8446 14,635.18 62 2024 64.7325 26.9869 46.0721 0.1042 5.7183 1.1263 6.4403 1.5296 1.0497 2.3956 0.0000 10,445.71 94 10,445.71 94 1.4500 0.3540 10,583.33 60 Maximum 64.7325 49.0891 52.0565 0.1444 8.5276 1.8899 10.4175 2.8517 1.7598 4.6115 0.0000 14,664.88 95 14,664.88 95 1.8346 0.8870 14,975.07 60 Mitigated Construction CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:10 PMPage 4 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e Percent Reduction 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 28.39 0.00 25.08 37.44 0.00 27.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:10 PMPage 5 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 2.2 Overall Operational ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Area 100.8242 7.4645 203.3498 0.4478 26.4351 26.4351 26.4351 26.4351 3,222.219 9 6,243.218 9 9,465.438 8 9.6585 0.2187 9,772.074 9 Energy 0.1463 1.2501 0.5323 7.9800e- 003 0.1011 0.1011 0.1011 0.1011 1,595.734 6 1,595.734 6 0.0306 0.0293 1,605.217 2 Mobile 5.1423 6.4493 49.5976 0.1118 11.5977 0.0842 11.6818 3.0931 0.0788 3.1718 11,677.51 74 11,677.51 74 0.5874 0.5205 11,847.31 05 Total 106.1127 15.1639 253.4796 0.5676 11.5977 26.6203 38.2180 3.0931 26.6149 29.7080 3,222.219 9 19,516.47 08 22,738.69 07 10.2765 0.7685 23,224.60 26 Unmitigated Operational ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Area 11.2848 5.4628 30.5933 0.0343 0.5728 0.5728 0.5728 0.5728 0.0000 6,607.454 2 6,607.454 2 0.1749 0.1202 6,647.645 6 Energy 0.1463 1.2501 0.5323 7.9800e- 003 0.1011 0.1011 0.1011 0.1011 1,595.734 6 1,595.734 6 0.0306 0.0293 1,605.217 2 Mobile 5.1423 6.4493 49.5976 0.1118 11.5977 0.0842 11.6818 3.0931 0.0788 3.1718 11,677.51 74 11,677.51 74 0.5874 0.5205 11,847.31 05 Total 16.5733 13.1622 80.7232 0.1541 11.5977 0.7580 12.3556 3.0931 0.7526 3.8456 0.0000 19,880.70 61 19,880.70 61 0.7929 0.6700 20,100.17 33 Mitigated Operational CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:10 PMPage 6 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 3.0 Construction Detail Construction Phase Phase Number Phase Name Phase Type Start Date End Date Num Days Week Num Days Phase Description 1 Grading Grading 12/1/2022 1/16/2023 5 33 2 Building Construction Building Construction 12/1/2022 12/9/2024 5 528 3 Architectural Coating Architectural Coating 7/1/2024 8/29/2024 5 44 4 Paving Paving 9/1/2024 10/1/2024 5 22 OffRoad Equipment Phase Name Offroad Equipment Type Amount Usage Hours Horse Power Load Factor Grading Excavators 1 8.00 158 0.38 Grading Graders 1 8.00 187 0.41 Grading Rubber Tired Dozers 1 8.00 247 0.40 Grading Tractors/Loaders/Backhoes 3 8.00 97 0.37 Building Construction Cranes 1 7.00 231 0.29 Building Construction Forklifts 3 8.00 89 0.20 Building Construction Generator Sets 1 8.00 84 0.74 ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio-CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N20 CO2e Percent Reduction 84.38 13.20 68.15 72.86 0.00 97.15 67.67 0.00 97.17 87.06 100.00 -1.87 12.57 92.28 12.82 13.45 Residential Indoor: 696,600; Residential Outdoor: 232,200; Non-Residential Indoor: 166,830; Non-Residential Outdoor: 55,610; Striped Parking Area: 12,720 (Architectural Coating – sqft) Acres of Grading (Site Preparation Phase): 0 Acres of Grading (Grading Phase): 33 Acres of Paving: 3 CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:10 PMPage 7 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 3.1 Mitigation Measures Construction Replace Ground Cover Water Exposed Area Reduce Vehicle Speed on Unpaved Roads Building Construction Tractors/Loaders/Backhoes 3 7.00 97 0.37 Building Construction Welders 1 8.00 46 0.45 Architectural Coating Air Compressors 1 6.00 78 0.48 Paving Pavers 2 8.00 130 0.42 Paving Paving Equipment 2 8.00 132 0.36 Paving Rollers 2 8.00 80 0.38 Trips and VMT Phase Name Offroad Equipment Count Worker Trip Number Vendor Trip Number Hauling Trip Number Worker Trip Length Vendor Trip Length Hauling Trip Length Worker Vehicle Class Vendor Vehicle Class Hauling Vehicle Class Grading 6 15.00 0.00 3,184.00 14.70 6.90 10.00 LD_Mix HDT_Mix HHDT Building Construction 9 383.00 90.00 0.00 14.70 6.90 10.00 LD_Mix HDT_Mix HHDT Architectural Coating 1 77.00 0.00 0.00 14.70 6.90 10.00 LD_Mix HDT_Mix HHDT Paving 6 15.00 0.00 0.00 14.70 6.90 10.00 LD_Mix HDT_Mix HHDT CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:10 PMPage 8 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 3.2 Grading - 2022 ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Fugitive Dust 7.1699 0.0000 7.1699 3.4380 0.0000 3.4380 0.0000 0.0000 Off-Road 1.9486 20.8551 15.2727 0.0297 0.9409 0.9409 0.8656 0.8656 2,872.046 4 2,872.046 4 0.9289 2,895.268 4 Total 1.9486 20.8551 15.2727 0.0297 7.1699 0.9409 8.1107 3.4380 0.8656 4.3035 2,872.046 4 2,872.046 4 0.9289 2,895.268 4 Unmitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Hauling 0.2485 7.6096 2.5780 0.0300 0.8459 0.0698 0.9156 0.2320 0.0668 0.2988 3,260.609 7 3,260.609 7 0.1365 0.5166 3,417.960 0 Vendor 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Worker 0.0635 0.0402 0.6179 1.5500e- 003 0.1677 8.8000e- 004 0.1685 0.0445 8.1000e- 004 0.0453 157.4352 157.4352 4.0900e- 003 3.9200e- 003 158.7050 Total 0.3120 7.6498 3.1959 0.0315 1.0135 0.0706 1.0842 0.2765 0.0676 0.3441 3,418.044 9 3,418.044 9 0.1405 0.5205 3,576.665 0 Unmitigated Construction Off-Site CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:10 PMPage 9 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 3.2 Grading - 2022 ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Fugitive Dust 2.6564 0.0000 2.6564 1.2738 0.0000 1.2738 0.0000 0.0000 Off-Road 1.9486 20.8551 15.2727 0.0297 0.9409 0.9409 0.8656 0.8656 0.0000 2,872.046 4 2,872.046 4 0.9289 2,895.268 4 Total 1.9486 20.8551 15.2727 0.0297 2.6564 0.9409 3.5973 1.2738 0.8656 2.1393 0.0000 2,872.046 4 2,872.046 4 0.9289 2,895.268 4 Mitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Hauling 0.2485 7.6096 2.5780 0.0300 0.8459 0.0698 0.9156 0.2320 0.0668 0.2988 3,260.609 7 3,260.609 7 0.1365 0.5166 3,417.960 0 Vendor 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Worker 0.0635 0.0402 0.6179 1.5500e- 003 0.1677 8.8000e- 004 0.1685 0.0445 8.1000e- 004 0.0453 157.4352 157.4352 4.0900e- 003 3.9200e- 003 158.7050 Total 0.3120 7.6498 3.1959 0.0315 1.0135 0.0706 1.0842 0.2765 0.0676 0.3441 3,418.044 9 3,418.044 9 0.1405 0.5205 3,576.665 0 Mitigated Construction Off-Site CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:10 PMPage 10 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 3.2 Grading - 2023 ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Fugitive Dust 7.1699 0.0000 7.1699 3.4380 0.0000 3.4380 0.0000 0.0000 Off-Road 1.7109 17.9359 14.7507 0.0297 0.7749 0.7749 0.7129 0.7129 2,872.691 0 2,872.691 0 0.9291 2,895.918 2 Total 1.7109 17.9359 14.7507 0.0297 7.1699 0.7749 7.9448 3.4380 0.7129 4.1509 2,872.691 0 2,872.691 0 0.9291 2,895.918 2 Unmitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Hauling 0.1824 6.2966 2.5293 0.0286 0.8459 0.0564 0.9022 0.2320 0.0539 0.2860 3,116.856 6 3,116.856 6 0.1301 0.4939 3,267.296 2 Vendor 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Worker 0.0587 0.0354 0.5657 1.5000e- 003 0.1677 8.3000e- 004 0.1685 0.0445 7.6000e- 004 0.0452 153.2503 153.2503 3.6600e- 003 3.6000e- 003 154.4157 Total 0.2410 6.3320 3.0950 0.0301 1.0135 0.0572 1.0707 0.2765 0.0547 0.3312 3,270.106 9 3,270.106 9 0.1338 0.4975 3,421.711 9 Unmitigated Construction Off-Site CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:10 PMPage 11 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 3.2 Grading - 2023 ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Fugitive Dust 2.6564 0.0000 2.6564 1.2738 0.0000 1.2738 0.0000 0.0000 Off-Road 1.7109 17.9359 14.7507 0.0297 0.7749 0.7749 0.7129 0.7129 0.0000 2,872.691 0 2,872.691 0 0.9291 2,895.918 2 Total 1.7109 17.9359 14.7507 0.0297 2.6564 0.7749 3.4314 1.2738 0.7129 1.9867 0.0000 2,872.691 0 2,872.691 0 0.9291 2,895.918 2 Mitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Hauling 0.1824 6.2966 2.5293 0.0286 0.8459 0.0564 0.9022 0.2320 0.0539 0.2860 3,116.856 6 3,116.856 6 0.1301 0.4939 3,267.296 2 Vendor 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Worker 0.0587 0.0354 0.5657 1.5000e- 003 0.1677 8.3000e- 004 0.1685 0.0445 7.6000e- 004 0.0452 153.2503 153.2503 3.6600e- 003 3.6000e- 003 154.4157 Total 0.2410 6.3320 3.0950 0.0301 1.0135 0.0572 1.0707 0.2765 0.0547 0.3312 3,270.106 9 3,270.106 9 0.1338 0.4975 3,421.711 9 Mitigated Construction Off-Site CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:10 PMPage 12 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 3.3 Building Construction - 2022 ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Off-Road 1.7062 15.6156 16.3634 0.0269 0.8090 0.8090 0.7612 0.7612 2,554.333 6 2,554.333 6 0.6120 2,569.632 2 Total 1.7062 15.6156 16.3634 0.0269 0.8090 0.8090 0.7612 0.7612 2,554.333 6 2,554.333 6 0.6120 2,569.632 2 Unmitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 0.1568 3.9411 1.4464 0.0168 0.5766 0.0469 0.6235 0.1660 0.0449 0.2109 1,800.619 5 1,800.619 5 0.0487 0.2665 1,881.241 7 Worker 1.6221 1.0274 15.7781 0.0395 4.2810 0.0225 4.3035 1.1354 0.0207 1.1560 4,019.845 2 4,019.845 2 0.1045 0.1000 4,052.268 8 Total 1.7789 4.9685 17.2244 0.0563 4.8577 0.0694 4.9270 1.3014 0.0656 1.3669 5,820.464 7 5,820.464 7 0.1532 0.3665 5,933.510 5 Unmitigated Construction Off-Site CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:10 PMPage 13 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 3.3 Building Construction - 2022 ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Off-Road 1.7062 15.6156 16.3634 0.0269 0.8090 0.8090 0.7612 0.7612 0.0000 2,554.333 6 2,554.333 6 0.6120 2,569.632 2 Total 1.7062 15.6156 16.3634 0.0269 0.8090 0.8090 0.7612 0.7612 0.0000 2,554.333 6 2,554.333 6 0.6120 2,569.632 2 Mitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 0.1568 3.9411 1.4464 0.0168 0.5766 0.0469 0.6235 0.1660 0.0449 0.2109 1,800.619 5 1,800.619 5 0.0487 0.2665 1,881.241 7 Worker 1.6221 1.0274 15.7781 0.0395 4.2810 0.0225 4.3035 1.1354 0.0207 1.1560 4,019.845 2 4,019.845 2 0.1045 0.1000 4,052.268 8 Total 1.7789 4.9685 17.2244 0.0563 4.8577 0.0694 4.9270 1.3014 0.0656 1.3669 5,820.464 7 5,820.464 7 0.1532 0.3665 5,933.510 5 Mitigated Construction Off-Site CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:10 PMPage 14 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 3.3 Building Construction - 2023 ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Off-Road 1.5728 14.3849 16.2440 0.0269 0.6997 0.6997 0.6584 0.6584 2,555.209 9 2,555.209 9 0.6079 2,570.406 1 Total 1.5728 14.3849 16.2440 0.0269 0.6997 0.6997 0.6584 0.6584 2,555.209 9 2,555.209 9 0.6079 2,570.406 1 Unmitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 0.1054 3.1568 1.3246 0.0161 0.5766 0.0237 0.6003 0.1660 0.0227 0.1887 1,727.263 6 1,727.263 6 0.0451 0.2551 1,804.402 9 Worker 1.4976 0.9037 14.4433 0.0382 4.2810 0.0212 4.3022 1.1354 0.0195 1.1548 3,912.990 5 3,912.990 5 0.0935 0.0920 3,942.747 2 Total 1.6030 4.0605 15.7680 0.0543 4.8577 0.0449 4.9025 1.3014 0.0422 1.3436 5,640.254 1 5,640.254 1 0.1386 0.3471 5,747.150 1 Unmitigated Construction Off-Site CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:10 PMPage 15 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 3.3 Building Construction - 2023 ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Off-Road 1.5728 14.3849 16.2440 0.0269 0.6997 0.6997 0.6584 0.6584 0.0000 2,555.209 9 2,555.209 9 0.6079 2,570.406 1 Total 1.5728 14.3849 16.2440 0.0269 0.6997 0.6997 0.6584 0.6584 0.0000 2,555.209 9 2,555.209 9 0.6079 2,570.406 1 Mitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 0.1054 3.1568 1.3246 0.0161 0.5766 0.0237 0.6003 0.1660 0.0227 0.1887 1,727.263 6 1,727.263 6 0.0451 0.2551 1,804.402 9 Worker 1.4976 0.9037 14.4433 0.0382 4.2810 0.0212 4.3022 1.1354 0.0195 1.1548 3,912.990 5 3,912.990 5 0.0935 0.0920 3,942.747 2 Total 1.6030 4.0605 15.7680 0.0543 4.8577 0.0449 4.9025 1.3014 0.0422 1.3436 5,640.254 1 5,640.254 1 0.1386 0.3471 5,747.150 1 Mitigated Construction Off-Site CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:10 PMPage 16 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 3.3 Building Construction - 2024 ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Off-Road 1.4716 13.4438 16.1668 0.0270 0.6133 0.6133 0.5769 0.5769 2,555.698 9 2,555.698 9 0.6044 2,570.807 7 Total 1.4716 13.4438 16.1668 0.0270 0.6133 0.6133 0.5769 0.5769 2,555.698 9 2,555.698 9 0.6044 2,570.807 7 Unmitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 0.1029 3.1849 1.3026 0.0159 0.5766 0.0234 0.6000 0.1660 0.0223 0.1884 1,703.469 4 1,703.469 4 0.0438 0.2515 1,779.517 5 Worker 1.3912 0.8023 13.4502 0.0371 4.2810 0.0203 4.3014 1.1354 0.0187 1.1541 3,829.041 5 3,829.041 5 0.0846 0.0853 3,856.573 8 Total 1.4942 3.9872 14.7528 0.0530 4.8576 0.0437 4.9013 1.3014 0.0411 1.3424 5,532.510 8 5,532.510 8 0.1283 0.3368 5,636.091 3 Unmitigated Construction Off-Site CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:10 PMPage 17 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 3.3 Building Construction - 2024 ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Off-Road 1.4716 13.4438 16.1668 0.0270 0.6133 0.6133 0.5769 0.5769 0.0000 2,555.698 9 2,555.698 9 0.6044 2,570.807 7 Total 1.4716 13.4438 16.1668 0.0270 0.6133 0.6133 0.5769 0.5769 0.0000 2,555.698 9 2,555.698 9 0.6044 2,570.807 7 Mitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 0.1029 3.1849 1.3026 0.0159 0.5766 0.0234 0.6000 0.1660 0.0223 0.1884 1,703.469 4 1,703.469 4 0.0438 0.2515 1,779.517 5 Worker 1.3912 0.8023 13.4502 0.0371 4.2810 0.0203 4.3014 1.1354 0.0187 1.1541 3,829.041 5 3,829.041 5 0.0846 0.0853 3,856.573 8 Total 1.4942 3.9872 14.7528 0.0530 4.8576 0.0437 4.9013 1.3014 0.0411 1.3424 5,532.510 8 5,532.510 8 0.1283 0.3368 5,636.091 3 Mitigated Construction Off-Site CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:10 PMPage 18 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 3.4 Architectural Coating - 2024 ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Archit. Coating 61.3063 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Off-Road 0.1808 1.2188 1.8101 2.9700e- 003 0.0609 0.0609 0.0609 0.0609 281.4481 281.4481 0.0159 281.8443 Total 61.4871 1.2188 1.8101 2.9700e- 003 0.0609 0.0609 0.0609 0.0609 281.4481 281.4481 0.0159 281.8443 Unmitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Worker 0.2797 0.1613 2.7041 7.4600e- 003 0.8607 4.0900e- 003 0.8648 0.2283 3.7600e- 003 0.2320 769.8073 769.8073 0.0170 0.0172 775.3425 Total 0.2797 0.1613 2.7041 7.4600e- 003 0.8607 4.0900e- 003 0.8648 0.2283 3.7600e- 003 0.2320 769.8073 769.8073 0.0170 0.0172 775.3425 Unmitigated Construction Off-Site CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:10 PMPage 19 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 3.4 Architectural Coating - 2024 ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Archit. Coating 61.3063 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Off-Road 0.1808 1.2188 1.8101 2.9700e- 003 0.0609 0.0609 0.0609 0.0609 0.0000 281.4481 281.4481 0.0159 281.8443 Total 61.4871 1.2188 1.8101 2.9700e- 003 0.0609 0.0609 0.0609 0.0609 0.0000 281.4481 281.4481 0.0159 281.8443 Mitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Worker 0.2797 0.1613 2.7041 7.4600e- 003 0.8607 4.0900e- 003 0.8648 0.2283 3.7600e- 003 0.2320 769.8073 769.8073 0.0170 0.0172 775.3425 Total 0.2797 0.1613 2.7041 7.4600e- 003 0.8607 4.0900e- 003 0.8648 0.2283 3.7600e- 003 0.2320 769.8073 769.8073 0.0170 0.0172 775.3425 Mitigated Construction Off-Site CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:10 PMPage 20 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 3.5 Paving - 2024 ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Off-Road 0.9882 9.5246 14.6258 0.0228 0.4685 0.4685 0.4310 0.4310 2,207.547 2 2,207.547 2 0.7140 2,225.396 3 Paving 0.3573 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Total 1.3454 9.5246 14.6258 0.0228 0.4685 0.4685 0.4310 0.4310 2,207.547 2 2,207.547 2 0.7140 2,225.396 3 Unmitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Worker 0.0545 0.0314 0.5268 1.4500e- 003 0.1677 8.0000e- 004 0.1685 0.0445 7.3000e- 004 0.0452 149.9625 149.9625 3.3100e- 003 3.3400e- 003 151.0408 Total 0.0545 0.0314 0.5268 1.4500e- 003 0.1677 8.0000e- 004 0.1685 0.0445 7.3000e- 004 0.0452 149.9625 149.9625 3.3100e- 003 3.3400e- 003 151.0408 Unmitigated Construction Off-Site CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:10 PMPage 21 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 3.5 Paving - 2024 ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Off-Road 0.9882 9.5246 14.6258 0.0228 0.4685 0.4685 0.4310 0.4310 0.0000 2,207.547 2 2,207.547 2 0.7140 2,225.396 3 Paving 0.3573 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Total 1.3454 9.5246 14.6258 0.0228 0.4685 0.4685 0.4310 0.4310 0.0000 2,207.547 2 2,207.547 2 0.7140 2,225.396 3 Mitigated Construction On-Site ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Hauling 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Vendor 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Worker 0.0545 0.0314 0.5268 1.4500e- 003 0.1677 8.0000e- 004 0.1685 0.0445 7.3000e- 004 0.0452 149.9625 149.9625 3.3100e- 003 3.3400e- 003 151.0408 Total 0.0545 0.0314 0.5268 1.4500e- 003 0.1677 8.0000e- 004 0.1685 0.0445 7.3000e- 004 0.0452 149.9625 149.9625 3.3100e- 003 3.3400e- 003 151.0408 Mitigated Construction Off-Site CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:10 PMPage 22 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 4.0 Operational Detail - Mobile ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Mitigated 5.1423 6.4493 49.5976 0.1118 11.5977 0.0842 11.6818 3.0931 0.0788 3.1718 11,677.51 74 11,677.51 74 0.5874 0.5205 11,847.31 05 Unmitigated 5.1423 6.4493 49.5976 0.1118 11.5977 0.0842 11.6818 3.0931 0.0788 3.1718 11,677.51 74 11,677.51 74 0.5874 0.5205 11,847.31 05 4.1 Mitigation Measures Mobile 4.2 Trip Summary Information 4.3 Trip Type Information Average Daily Trip Rate Unmitigated Mitigated Land Use Weekday Saturday Sunday Annual VMT Annual VMT Apartments Mid Rise 1,561.76 1,561.76 1561.76 5,336,771 5,336,771 City Park 0.00 0.00 0.00 Parking Lot 0.00 0.00 0.00 Strip Mall 82.01 82.01 82.01 156,022 156,022 Total 1,643.77 1,643.77 1,643.77 5,492,794 5,492,794 Miles Trip %Trip Purpose % Land Use H-W or C-W H-S or C-C H-O or C-NW H-W or C-W H-S or C-C H-O or C-NW Primary Diverted Pass-by Apartments Mid Rise 14.70 5.90 8.70 40.20 19.20 40.60 86 11 3 City Park 16.60 8.40 6.90 33.00 48.00 19.00 66 28 6 Parking Lot 16.60 8.40 6.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:10 PMPage 23 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied Miles Trip %Trip Purpose % Land Use H-W or C-W H-S or C-C H-O or C-NW H-W or C-W H-S or C-C H-O or C-NW Primary Diverted Pass-by Strip Mall 16.60 8.40 6.90 16.60 64.40 19.00 45 40 15 4.4 Fleet Mix Land Use LDA LDT1 LDT2 MDV LHD1 LHD2 MHD HHD OBUS UBUS MCY SBUS MH Apartments Mid Rise 0.543085 0.056300 0.173085 0.134258 0.025645 0.007009 0.011926 0.017481 0.000552 0.000248 0.024848 0.000956 0.004606 City Park 0.543085 0.056300 0.173085 0.134258 0.025645 0.007009 0.011926 0.017481 0.000552 0.000248 0.024848 0.000956 0.004606 Parking Lot 0.543085 0.056300 0.173085 0.134258 0.025645 0.007009 0.011926 0.017481 0.000552 0.000248 0.024848 0.000956 0.004606 Strip Mall 0.543085 0.056300 0.173085 0.134258 0.025645 0.007009 0.011926 0.017481 0.000552 0.000248 0.024848 0.000956 0.004606 5.0 Energy Detail ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day NaturalGas Mitigated 0.1463 1.2501 0.5323 7.9800e- 003 0.1011 0.1011 0.1011 0.1011 1,595.734 6 1,595.734 6 0.0306 0.0293 1,605.217 2 NaturalGas Unmitigated 0.1463 1.2501 0.5323 7.9800e- 003 0.1011 0.1011 0.1011 0.1011 1,595.734 6 1,595.734 6 0.0306 0.0293 1,605.217 2 5.1 Mitigation Measures Energy Historical Energy Use: N CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:10 PMPage 24 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 5.2 Energy by Land Use - NaturalGas NaturalGa s Use ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Land Use kBTU/yr lb/day lb/day Apartments Mid Rise 13554.7 0.1462 1.2492 0.5316 7.9700e- 003 0.1010 0.1010 0.1010 0.1010 1,594.670 9 1,594.670 9 0.0306 0.0292 1,604.147 2 City Park 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Parking Lot 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Strip Mall 9.0411 1.0000e- 004 8.9000e- 004 7.4000e- 004 1.0000e- 005 7.0000e- 005 7.0000e- 005 7.0000e- 005 7.0000e- 005 1.0637 1.0637 2.0000e- 005 2.0000e- 005 1.0700 Total 0.1463 1.2501 0.5323 7.9800e- 003 0.1011 0.1011 0.1011 0.1011 1,595.734 6 1,595.734 6 0.0306 0.0293 1,605.217 2 Unmitigated CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:10 PMPage 25 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied Use Low VOC Paint - Residential Interior Use Low VOC Paint - Residential Exterior Use Low VOC Paint - Non-Residential Interior Use Low VOC Paint - Non-Residential Exterior Use only Natural Gas Hearths 6.1 Mitigation Measures Area 6.0 Area Detail 5.2 Energy by Land Use - NaturalGas NaturalGa s Use ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Land Use kBTU/yr lb/day lb/day Apartments Mid Rise 13.5547 0.1462 1.2492 0.5316 7.9700e- 003 0.1010 0.1010 0.1010 0.1010 1,594.670 9 1,594.670 9 0.0306 0.0292 1,604.147 2 City Park 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Parking Lot 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Strip Mall 0.0090411 1.0000e- 004 8.9000e- 004 7.4000e- 004 1.0000e- 005 7.0000e- 005 7.0000e- 005 7.0000e- 005 7.0000e- 005 1.0637 1.0637 2.0000e- 005 2.0000e- 005 1.0700 Total 0.1463 1.2501 0.5323 7.9800e- 003 0.1011 0.1011 0.1011 0.1011 1,595.734 6 1,595.734 6 0.0306 0.0293 1,605.217 2 Mitigated CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:10 PMPage 26 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e Category lb/day lb/day Mitigated 11.2848 5.4628 30.5933 0.0343 0.5728 0.5728 0.5728 0.5728 0.0000 6,607.454 2 6,607.454 2 0.1749 0.1202 6,647.645 6 Unmitigated 100.8242 7.4645 203.3498 0.4478 26.4351 26.4351 26.4351 26.4351 3,222.219 9 6,243.218 9 9,465.438 8 9.6585 0.2187 9,772.074 9 6.2 Area by SubCategory ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e SubCategory lb/day lb/day Architectural Coating 0.7390 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Consumer Products 9.0885 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Hearth 90.1404 7.1374 174.9418 0.4463 26.2776 26.2776 26.2776 26.2776 3,222.219 9 6,192.000 0 9,414.219 9 9.6093 0.2187 9,719.625 0 Landscaping 0.8563 0.3271 28.4079 1.5000e- 003 0.1575 0.1575 0.1575 0.1575 51.2189 51.2189 0.0492 52.4499 Total 100.8242 7.4645 203.3498 0.4478 26.4351 26.4351 26.4351 26.4351 3,222.219 9 6,243.218 9 9,465.438 8 9.6585 0.2187 9,772.074 9 Unmitigated CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:10 PMPage 27 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied Install Low Flow Bathroom Faucet Install Low Flow Kitchen Faucet Install Low Flow Toilet Install Low Flow Shower Use Water Efficient Irrigation System Use Water Efficient Landscaping 7.1 Mitigation Measures Water 7.0 Water Detail 6.2 Area by SubCategory ROG NOx CO SO2 Fugitive PM10 Exhaust PM10 PM10 Total Fugitive PM2.5 Exhaust PM2.5 PM2.5 Total Bio- CO2 NBio- CO2 Total CO2 CH4 N2O CO2e SubCategory lb/day lb/day Architectural Coating 0.7390 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Consumer Products 9.0885 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Hearth 0.6010 5.1357 2.1854 0.0328 0.4152 0.4152 0.4152 0.4152 0.0000 6,556.235 3 6,556.235 3 0.1257 0.1202 6,595.195 7 Landscaping 0.8563 0.3271 28.4079 1.5000e- 003 0.1575 0.1575 0.1575 0.1575 51.2189 51.2189 0.0492 52.4499 Total 11.2848 5.4628 30.5933 0.0343 0.5728 0.5728 0.5728 0.5728 0.0000 6,607.454 2 6,607.454 2 0.1749 0.1202 6,647.645 6 Mitigated CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:10 PMPage 28 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied 11.0 Vegetation 8.1 Mitigation Measures Waste Institute Recycling and Composting Services 8.0 Waste Detail 9.0 Operational Offroad Equipment Type Number Hours/Day Days/Year Horse Power Load Factor Fuel Type 10.0 Stationary Equipment Fire Pumps and Emergency Generators Equipment Type Number Hours/Day Hours/Year Horse Power Load Factor Fuel Type Boilers Equipment Type Number Heat Input/Day Heat Input/Year Boiler Rating Fuel Type User Defined Equipment Equipment Type Number CalEEMod Version: CalEEMod.2020.4.0 Date: 1/14/2022 9:10 PMPage 29 of 29 Alta Fontana Mixed Use - San Bernardino-South Coast County, Summer EMFAC Off-Model Adjustment Factors for Gasoline Light Duty Vehicle to Account for the SAFE Vehicle Rule Applied