HomeMy WebLinkAboutTract No. 17095 Hydrology StudyHYDROLOGY AND HYDRAULICS TRACT NO. 17095 PREPARED FOR SPECTRA HOMES, LLC LOREN PHILLIPS & ASSOCIATES, INC. 22632 GOLDEN SPRINGS, #350 DIAMOND BAR, Ca 91765 Phone 909-396-9636 Fax 909-396-1656 John H. Collister RCE 12764 EXPIRES 3-31-09 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 DISCUSSION 1 CONCLUSION 2 VICINITY MAP APPENDIX 1: POST AND PRE DEVELOPED CALCULATIONS APPENDIX 2: STREET AND INLET CAPACITIES APPENDIX 3: INFILTRATION BASIN APPENDIX 4: SOILS GROUP AND ISOHYETAL MAPS APPENDIX 5: HYDROLOGY MAPS 1 1 1 I 1 li Il 11 11 1'. 1 1 li 11 11 1 INTRODUCTION This property is located in the City of Fontana on Alder Ave., north of Miller Ave. and South of Base line road. The area of the property is approximately 3.43 Acres and it has been subdivided into 15 lots. Hydrology calculations were done based on the San Bernardino County Hydrology Manual for pre developed and post developed conditions. Calculations for the flows of the 2, 10, 25 and 100 year storm events were used. Two infiltration basins are located on the east side of the property to mitigate the increase of onsite water after development. There is a small tributary of offsite water flowing onto the property from the west side. This water is almost negligible but has been included in the overall area. All of the offsite water flows from the north are conveyed by existing conditions from the west to east out to Alder Ave. All hydrology calculations and hydrographs are attached to this report for city review. DISCUSSION The site drains to Alder Avenue which has capacity for the increase in run-off (see attached calculations). However, two infiltration basins were designed to ensure water quality conditions are met. Each infiltration/water quality basin is designed for a depth of 1.6 feet and has a volume of approximately 2440 ft3 each. The basins will be interconnected by a 12 inch pipe between the catch basins to allow the upstream basin an opportunity to drain and maximize the holding capabilities. Based on the hydrology calculation amount of 100 year storm flowing to each basin is 4.82 CFS. The maximum water surface elevation will be 69.6' which means that some of the water in higher level storm events will bypass the basin. This amount of flow and the flow out of the basin are collected by. Alder Avenue which has sufficient capacity for the flows. Also, the basin will infiltrate the water held in the basin to a depth of 2 feet in about 7 hours which exceeds the 24 hour policy. The calculation is attached and with the rates of infiltration in Fontana at about 10 to 20 inches per hour,we used the rate of 10 inches per hour to be conservative and stay at the low end of the scale. Higher flows will outlet through the parkway drain. The flow for a 100 year storm event is 9.64 cfs and the amount for a 25 year event is 7.80 cfs. CONCLUSION The site drains to Alder Avenue which has sufficient capacity for the increase in runoff. The site has two infiltration basins that will be used for water quality purposes. Both basins are interconnected and will be able to percolate within the 24 hour period if maintained properly and are kept in working order. The basins have a parkway drain to handle emergency and excessive flows. Parkway drains will provide the outlet and emergency outflow for both basins. Based on this study, the impact of the new development has been addressed by the installation of the infiltration/water quality basins and by the existing streets capacity for the increase in runoff. MTN . Oil vim am NW am tin iii ail Data Zoom 14-5 1"=733.3ft APPENDIX Um um um mu INE um ro lib ail UM Ili NM A � PTIN Ath, Pzipi z )314 PsTo Flifflo A°11 ';;;) Es* Co) Pmumi , *1] OtaiU 11 1' 11 r COVER TYPE TABLE C.2. Fm (in/hr) VALUES FOR TYPICAL COVER TYPES SOIL GROUP A(1) A B C D NATURAL: Barren 1.0 0.41 0.27 0.18 0.14 Row Crops (good) 1.0 0.59 0.41 0.29 0.22 Grass (fair) 1.0 0.82 0.56. 0.40 0.31 Orchards (fair) 1.0 0.88 0.62 0.43 0.34 Woodland (fair) 1.0 0.95 0.69 0.50 0.40 URBAN: Residential (1 DU/AC) 0.80 0.78 0.60 0.45 0.37 Residential (2 DU/AC) 0.70 0.68 0.53 0.39 0.32 Residential (4 DU/AC) 0.60 .58 0.45 0.34 0.28 Residential (10 DU/AC) 0.40 0.39 0.30 0.22 0.18 Condominium 0.35 0.34 0.26 0.20 0.16 Mobile Home Park 0.25 0.24 0.19 0.14 0.12 Apartments 0.20 0.19 0.15 0.11 0.09 Commercial/Industrial 0.10 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.05 NOTES: (1) Recommended ap values from Figure C-4 (2) AMC II assumed for all Fm values (3) CN values obtained from Figure C-3 (4) DU/AC=dwelling unit per acre c C-16 3.5 3 2.5 w 0 Z Z_ = 2 1-- 0 w 0 J J 1.5 0.5 0 2 .00 3.5 3 2.5 2 tiLt 1.5 0.5 0 5 10 25 50 100 RETURN PERIOD IN YEARS NOTE* I. FOR INTERMEDIATE RETURN PERIODS PLOT 10-YEAR AND 100 -YEAR ONE HOUR VALUES FROM MAPS, THEN CONNECT POINTS AND READ VALUE FOR DESIRED RETURN PERIOD. FOR EXAMPLE GIVEN 10-YEAR ONE HOUR a 0.95 AHn 100-YEAR rn;E HOUR a I.S0", 28.-YEAR ONE HOUR : LIS". REFERENCE :NO AA ATLAS 2, VOLUME 2I-CAL.FI973 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY HYDROLOGY MANUAL RAINFALL DEPTH VERSUS RETURN PERIOD FOR PARTIAL DURATION SERIES D-7 FIGURE D-2 -uy, v L c m m C Cl) a v 4- C w 0 J_ Cs U) J 1000 900 800 700 c 00 . 500 v 35 c. b 400 30 LIMITATIONS! 100 I. Maximum length = 1000 Feet 90 2. Maximum area = 10 Acres 80 70 60 50 N 350 25 c 300 250 c 0 v 200 A% 150 dr 100 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 (I) elopment or Zoning(K) m K Undeveloped Good Cover Undeveloped Ealr. er Undeveloped Poor Cover a U in Q rid 113 mQ2 Eoc o"o c m C 10 a. PL ja 0 m 2 m H i 0 c 10 0 40 400 300 200 100 80 60 40 30 20 6 4 3 .8 .6 .4 .3 .2 Single Family $ (5-7 DU/AC) a>� Commercial �� 5. (Paved) 90 c 0 .,-. Pi Development 9 80- Apartment 75- Mobile Home 8 65- Condominium 60- Single Family-5,000 ft2 Lot 7 40- Single Family-i/4 Acre Lot 20- Single Family-1 Acre Lot 6 10 - Single Family-21/2 Acre Lot EXAMPLE: (I) L: 550', H=5.0', K=Single Family (5-7 DU/AC) Development, Tc=12.6 min. (2) L= 550', H= 5.0', K= Commercial Development, Tc=9.7 min. (0 Tc 5 (min) 9 10 II 13 #‘6,14 `21 15 16 17 18 19 KEY 20 L-H-Tc-K-To' c m C N SAN BERNARD NO COUNTY HYDROLOGY MANUAL 25 30 35 40 0 w E C Time of concentration TIME OF CONCENTRATION NOMOGRAPH FOR INITIAL SUBAREA D-4 Figure D-I `eq-dole Tc' L 100 —1000 90 — 900 80 m m 800 — 700 4- C m 70 60 600 c 50 m v 500 a, 35 400 L. 30 350 25 300 20 19 -u 18 250 17 16 15 `c, . o '7 C 1/► 20011 m a, 12 u iI o. •10 LIMITATIONS: I. Maximum length = 1000 Feet Tc 2. Maximum area = 10 Acres 5 (min) a` hs 8 H U 500 NC1.-. g 400 `� ►- p 300c 200 LEoc too o og w 60 0 E$40 o a� 30 o `c m c -20 m M c 10 0 K Undeveloped Good Cover Undeveloped • Fair Cover Undeveloped Poor Cover Single Famtly (5-7 D AC) ommercial (Paved) 6 2 10 II 0 _0 CO C N 1.G_ 13 L. .6 14 "- 33 ,f-�'" `Zl 15 0 .2 16 17 ' E 18 9019m KEY 20_J~ m L-H-Tc-K-Tc' a.. d 0 Pi Development 150 d 9 80- Apartment 75- Mobile Home 8 65- Condominium 60- Single Family - 5,000 ft2 Lot 7 40 - Single Family-1/4 Acre Lot 20- Single Family -I Acre Lot 6 10 - Single Family-21/2 Acre Lat EXAMPLE: (I) L= 5501, H= 5.0', K= Single Family (5-7 DU/AC) Development, Tc=12.6 min. (2) L= 550', H= 5.0% K= Commercial Development, Tc=9.7 mire. SAN BERNARD NO COUNTY HYDROLOGY MANUAL 25 30 35 40 Time of concentration TIME OF CONCENTRATION NOMOGRAPH FOR INITIAL SUBAREA Figure D-I D-4 111.1111.010 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 _ __�r--_- __-_ . - .......r.=tee - ---mow. - �r-a.w...-.mar-a-.a�.r.. -�i .a. -rotes n waY *r.rwia•,. �- •- w -•'--• '� -- r-rr..-U. . ..�..o r•...YY..-.a........Mrr-s.p.-_r YYrrrrrawww. YI..Y- ..s Y�I W ......w.r.YI.a YYYYIaa......�i MIIIII l MAN ..... pY .r..aY. moseanam IpY1...YrYYWW YYYYt ►�YN NAY r.1 .� �.lY 3,0 MISI nnNo!—� a...�YMt r�w�w .YN YIIY monamos= N.NN��udani----=— s ===-TN �wNtN�.. � :: ..mown4_..—��_.�= �� �-._._-�:_ - D _ - w:i� siiii�iwefiminn n�ausMp amiv mel �esiwNis 2 2.0 .. _ _i rr-0 s: ==== = :�^._.....: :g= Win=. . i:c. �rw. =....... w-..�.--i..:..rpi' w..Ar a=:=Z:.::.rira.ri...--'-'...::c�...:....:.. .:. 'i...'...:.. 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ItItI ..ti.....t.t nertnamenneO..W..N Mnept net. �AV1.-a ennttst. imi•■■ n NV tttnlfld eiq ■.r inn ttMAMNItltM..........IM HHH111tttttttttMI w M ■� tttlttlOt�l11tl1111■■■11■ittl inn ■.MY■9tYOYtlltltltl.It.tltlnt�■■�tlNit/tl1�IMq�V��O►�'Atl t. : ■■■■VAtttltittn Iu/fEWHIMIWYIUMtltltlRMIME IBI'�I®�NIIIBIRIWI'nmuw ■nu,m,n n n . �n■ WIIWNNWHIWWWW OW Ell ■n■.��olw.luumn■nn■■■m■nnw,� i ..'■Wi Uunnen Ixamf n■u■a■■Innlml UM ■■■nnx■mnma����t�t■■■■■n � • • nn INM::: Io■n■nme'•.\n11111 ■■e■■ ■■11■tl uiinemxm �, ,1 i. ���hI II �' I III �{�. 11� I. ■■mH 1111 .wlQ I I. H 0.1 2 t I 3 4 5 6 7.8 910 20 30 STORM DURATION (MINUTES) DESIGN STORM FREQUENCY =) YEARS ONE HOUR POINT RAINFALL = ('25 INCHES LOG -LOG SLOPE _ (0 PROJECT LOCATION= _ 4 0\1 eL \-ck SAN BERNARD NO COUNTY HYDROLOGY MANUAL 50 60 70 80 90 INTENSITY - DURATION CURVES CALCULATION SHEET D- 8 FIGURE D-3 RATIONAL METHOD STUDY FORM SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY STUDY NAME: HYDROLOGY MANUAL -5 -YEAR STORM I -HOUR RAINFALL (INCH): 1 `,1 i SLOPE = Or 6 Q Concentration Point Area (Acres) Subarea Total Soil Type Dev. Tt Type min. I In/hr r•m avg. 0 Total Calculated by Date Checked by Date Page of Slope ft./ ft. V f t./sec. Hydraulics and Notes MG -be -Vet g•Pe Coo Qom. peg/lL 5.0 8.0 :MY 7.0 ram`--}C ��s�c��..�.� -- - -•_ .--- .. w—www.w ......w..NN..1 _ rM..._.wr..ww.w. SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY HYDROLOGY MANUAL INTENSITY — DURATION CURVES CALCULATION SHEET D- 8 FIGURE D-3 .3'h RATIONAL METHOD STUDY FORM SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY HYDROLOGY MANUAL STUDY NAME: ‘C) -YEAR STORM I -HOUR RAINFALL (iNcti). k L‘s-"; SLOPE: (GO Concentration Point Area (Acres) Subarea Total c.4 5 3,14 •3.c( •-3.( ge, Calculated Cheeks& bv-----.,13ale Pow' ' al Foe Irim iriihr in/ht avg. Total Z.o Se) Flow Path Sloe Length ft./fL. es,IDD 0,_CA.c3 tp.. 00ra:slice and frtisea2:•L. Mates. • 11111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111 (00 z i 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 0 2.0 V) is cv w Z U Z 4 } H V1 Z w 1` Z J J Q z 0.5 a Cr 0.4 .0� 0.9 0.8 07 0.6 3Is am—•ww� .«-. 71* N.N.N./YNw��..N.1AIN: NON••=:= . 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N u: •IG :II.i uI n�I 'R lion in ■IIIIIII 111 7IRM III IIIII III 1R IIIIBBBBBBIIItfUlll■■UM-41, ODIN m l� ' �Isi1?11 1.so..11/.n1%�r "1`'ww1`•o'!rSY= 0.3 1R�lilll = 7w--asi�► 0.2 Tt aw.M ! ��= ► e 0.I 2 L 1/: M..1/.• - RwIR11R1/BO 1111 u `�-■ Il.r::-i A 11 VIliww•�- 1quIIMUNI..II 1uIH11UIfAN118111nlnn1iIIa1II U 1IIRunlull n I IunulIMun • •IIlU IIUh IS II I, � . �,. i �, i, � � ., , 11, 11.1 • :H 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 60 TO 80 90 3 4 STORM DURATION (MINUTES) DESIGN STORM FREQUENCY YEARS ONE HOUR POINT RAINFALL12 INCHES LOG -LOG SLOPE _ PROJECT LOCATION= `t`a SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY HYDROLOGY MANUAL INTENSITY - DURATION CURVES CALCULATION SHEET D-8 FIGURE D-3 INN L111111_, i 11111 ,1111111 11111 L1111111ram., — ; 11111 '1E111 INN RATIONAL METHOD STUDY FORM , SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY HYDROLOGY MANUAL Concentration Point STUDY NAME: .- -YEAR STORM !-HOUR RAINFALL (* C831)d(0 ; SLOPE e GO Area (Acres) Subarea Total Dec Tt Tc. Type enln. min. 5 Calculated by-_ ____ ..,„..Cot* Checked, b - Dote Festv 0 Flow Path sty- ,. IttdreeMi'se and Lg Total It. ft./fl ` fL/ss - Notes on as NE an ill am um CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software, (c) 2004 Version 7.0 Program License Serial Number 4064 *** Street Flow +Inlet Analysis *** Upstream (headworks) Elevation = 100.000(Ft.) Downstream (outlet) Elevation = 99.990(Ft.) Runoff/Flow Distance = 100.000(Ft.) Maximum flow rate in channel(s) = 9.600(CFS) Top of street segment elevation = 100.000(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 99.990(Ft.) Length of street segment = 100.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 18.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 16.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.083 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 12.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 2.000(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Half street cross section data points: X-coordinate (Ft.) Y-coordinate (Ft.) 0.0000 0.7400 right of way 12.0000 0.5000 top of curb 12.0000 0.0000 flow line 14.0000 0.1667 gutter end 14.0000 0.1667 grade break 30.0000 0.4867 crown CURB INLET TYPE STREET DRAIN, Opening Height = 6.000(In.) Street Inlet Calculations: Street flow in street inlet depression = 9.600(CFS) Gutter depression depth = 4.000(In.) Gutter depression width = 2.000(Ft.) Depth of flow = 1.089(Ft.) Average velocity = 0.472(Ft/s). Total flow rate in 1/2 street = 4.800(CFS) U.S. DOT Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 12 inlet calculations: Street flow half width at start of inlet = 18.000(Ft.) Flow rate in gutter section of street = Qw = 1.137(CFS) Given inlet length L = 7.000(Ft.) Ratio of frontal flow to total flow = EO = 0.2368 Street slope is less than 0.5% , Depth of flow indicates an orifice flow condition exists for an opening height of 6.00(In.) Using equation Qi = .67hL(2gd0)^.5 Maximum inlet flow capacity = 34.472(CFS) Half street cross section data points through curb inlet: X-coordinate (Ft.) Y-coordinate (Ft.) 0.0000 1.0733 right of way 12.0000 0.8333 top of curb 12.0000 0.0000 flow line 14.0000 0.5000 gutter/depression end 14.0000 0.5000 grade break 30.0000 0.8200 crown Note: Street inlet capacity is greater than existing flow in street. Remaining flow in street below inlets = 0.000(CFS) Zero flow remaining in street Total flow rate in street = 0.000(CFS) CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software, (c) 2004 Version 7.0 Program License Serial Number 4064 *** Street Flow +Inlet Analysis *** Upstream (headworks) Elevation = 100.000(Ft.) Downstream (outlet) Elevation = 99.000(Ft.) Runoff/Flow Distance = 200.000(Ft.) Maximum flow rate in channel(s) = 9.630(CFS) Top of street segment elevation = 100.000(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 99.000(Ft.) Length of street segment = 200.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 8.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 18.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 16.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.083 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 12.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 2.000(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Half street cross section data points: X-coordinate (Ft.) Y-coordinate (Ft.) 0.0000 0.9067 right of way 12.0000 0.6667 top of curb 12.0000 0.0000 flow line 13.5000 0.1667 gutter end 13.5000 0.1667 grade break 30.0000 0.4967 crown CURB INLET TYPE STREET DRAIN, Opening Height = 8.000(In.) Street Inlet Calculations: Street flow in street inlet depression = 9.630(CFS) Gutter depression depth = 8.000(In.) Gutter depression width = 1.500(Ft.) Depth of flow = 1.065(Ft.) Average velocity = 2.075(Ft/s) Total flow rate in 1/2 street = 4.815(CFS) U.S. DOT Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 12 inlet calculations: Street flow half width at start of inlet = 13.106(Ft.) Flow rate in gutter section of street = Qw = 2.895(CFS) Given inlet length L = 7.000(Ft.) Ratio of frontal flow to total flow = EO = 0.6013 Half street cross section data points through curb inlet: X-coordinate (Ft.) Y-coordinate (Ft.) 0.0000 1.5733 right of way 12.0000 1.3333 top of curb 12.0000 0.0000 flow line 13.5000 0.8333 gutter/depression end 13.5000 0.8333 grade break 30.0000 1.1633 crown Length required for total flow interception = Lt Lt = .6 * Q^0.42 * Slope^.3 * (1/(n*Se)^.6 = 5.524(Ft.) where Manning's n = 0.0150 and Slope = street slope = 0.0050 Se = Equivalent Street x-slope including depression = 0.3502 Efficiency = 1 - (1-L/Lt)^1.8 = 1.0000 Remaining flow in street below inlets = Zero flow remaining in street Total flow rate in street = 0.000(CFS) 0.000(CFS) I 1! 11 1 1 11 7.0 (In/r- (JQO CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software, (c) 2004 Version Program License Serial Number 4064 *** Street Flow Analysis *** Upstream (headworks) Elevation = 100.000(Ft.) Downstream (outlet) Elevation = 99.000(Ft.) Runoff/Flow Distance = 100.000(Ft.) Maximum depth(HGL) of flow at headworks = 0.870(Ft.) Top of street segment elevation = 100.000(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 99.000(Ft.) Length of street segment = 100.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 8.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 18.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 16.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.083 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 12.000(Ft Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 2.000(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0190 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0190 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0190 Half street cross section data points: X-coordinate (Ft.) Y-coordinate 0.0000 0. 12.0000 0. 12.0000 0. 13.5000 0. 13.5000 0. 30.0000 0. Depth of flow = 0.870(Ft.) Average velocity = 4.137(Ft/s) Total flow rate in 1/2 street = 45.900(CFS) Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Note: depth of flow exceeds top of street crown. Distance that curb overflow reaches into property = 10.17(Ft.) Streetflow hydraulics: Halfstreet flow width (curb to crown) = 18.000(Ft.) Average flow velocity = 4.14(Ft/s) ) (Ft.) 9067 right of way 6667 top of curb 0000 flow line 1667 gutter end 1667 grade break 4967 crown Channel including Gutter and area towards property line: Flow Width = 11.667(Ft.) Flow Area = 2.214(Sq.Ft) Velocity = 2.218(Ft/s) Flow Rate = 4.910(CFS) Froude No. = 0.8973 Channel from outside Flow Width = Velocity = Froude No. = 0. edge of gutter towards grade break: 0.000(Ft.) Flow Area = 0.000(Sq.Ft) 0.000(Ft/s) Flow Rate = 0.000(CFS) 0000 Channel from grade break to crown: Flow Width = 16.500(Ft.) Flow Area Velocity = 4.615(Ft/s) Flow Rate = 40.991(CFS) Froude No. = 1.1084 Total flow rate in street = 91.800(CFS) • 8.882(Sq.Ft) 06 Cz' aZ AAA V E Q %c. - j\LV ce, cpta • Dttv) Gr - `-IL ,` , �= Ac) q I eF5 > 7 g Cis INN Mil Mt II= IIIIIII NM RIM IIIIIIIII MI IS INN MEI MIN Mil CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software, (c) 2004 Version 7.0 Tract No. 17095 Street Capapcity Analysis March 30, 2006 JN 1793-10 Program License Serial Number 4064 *** Street Flow +Inlet Analysis *** Upstream (headworks) Elevation = 100.000(Ft.) Downstream (outlet) Elevation = 99.500(Ft.) Runoff/Flow Distance = 100.000(Ft.) Maximum depth(HGL) of flow at headworks = 0.740(Ft.) Top of street segment elevation = 100.000(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 99.500(Ft.) Length of street segment = 100.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 18.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 16.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.083 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 12.000(Ft ) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 2.000(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 I, - -MINI MINI MIMI MIMI =I M an am Half street cross section data points: X-coordinate (Ft.) Y-coordinate (Ft.) 0.0000 0.7400 right of way 12.0000 0.5000 top of curb 12.0000 0.0000 flow line 14.0000 0.1667 gutter end 14.0000 0.1667 grade break 30.0000 0.4867 crown Depth of flow = 0.740(Ft.) Average velocity = 3.188(Ft/s) Total flow rate in 1/2 street = 29.859(CFS) Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Note: depth of flow exceeds top of street crown. Distance that curb overflow reaches into property = 12.00(Ft.) Street flow hydraulics: Halfstreet flow width (curb to crown) = 18.000(Ft.) Average flow velocity = 3.19(Ft/s) Channel including Gutter and area towards property line: Flow Width = 14.000(Ft.) Flow Area = 2.753(Sq.Ft) Velocity = 2.154(Ft/s) Flow Rate = 5.930(CFS) Froude No. = 0.8558 Channel from outside edge of gutter towards grade break: Flow Width = 0.000(Ft.) Flow Area = 0.000(Sq.Ft) Velocity = 0.000(Ft/s) Flow Rate = 0.000(CFS) Froude No. = 0.0000 Channel from grade break to crown: Flow Width = 16.000(Ft.) Flow Area = 6.613(Sq.Ft) Velocity = 3.618(Ft/s) Flow Rate = 23.929(CFS) Froude No. = 0.9918 Total flow rate in street before inlet = 59.718(CFS) CURB INLET TYPE STREET DRAIN, Opening Height = 4.000(In.) Street Inlet Calculations: up NE um. 1E11; MINI, 11111. NIB � , Street flow in street inlet depression = 59.718(CFS) Gutter depression depth = 3.000(In.) Gutter depression width = 2.000(Ft.) Depth of flow = 0.981(Ft.) Average velocity = 3.195(Ft/s) Total flow rate in 1/2 street = 29.859(CFS) !!Warning: Water is above left or right bank elevations U.S. DOT Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 12 inlet calculations: Street flow half width at start of inlet = 18.000(Ft.) Flow rate in gutter section of street = Qw = 6.514(CFS) Given inlet length L = 7.000(Ft.) Ratio of frontal flow to total flow = EO = 0.2182 Half street cross section data points through curb inlet: X-coordinate (Ft.) Y-coordinate (Ft.) 0.0000 0.9900 right of way 12.0000 0.7500 top of curb 12.0000 0.0000 flow line 14.0000- 0.4167 gutter/depression end 14.0000 0.4167 grade break 30.0000 0.7367 crown Length required for total flow interception = Lt Lt = .6 * Q^0.42 * Slope^.3 * (1/(n*Se)^.6 = 23.743(Ft.) where Manning's n = 0.0150 and Slope = street slope = 0.0050 Se = Equivalent Street x-slope including depression = 0.1106 Efficiency = 1 - (1-L/Lt)^1.8 = 0.4667 Remaining flow in street below inlets = 31.845(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.607(Ft.) Average velocity = 2.735(Ft/s) Total flow rate in 1/2 street = 15.922(CFS) Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Note: depth of flow exceeds top of street crown. Distance that curb overflow reaches into property = Streetflow hydraulics: Halfstreet flow width (curb to crown) = 18.000(Ft.) Average flow velocity = 2.73(Ft/s) 5.36(Ft.) Channel including Gutter and area towards property line: Flow Width = 7.357(Ft.) Flow Area = 1.335(Sq.Ft) MN NIM NMI IIIIII. NMI. 1 Velocity = 2.093(Ft/s) Flow Rate = Froude No. = 0.8660 2.794(CFS) Channel from outside edge of gutter towards grade break: Flow Width = 0.000(Ft.) Flow Area = 0.000(Sq.Ft) Velocity = 0.000(Ft/s) Flow Rate = 0.000(CFS) Froude No. = 0.0000 Channel from grade break to crown: Flow Width = 16.000(Ft.) Flow Area = 4.488(Sq.Ft) Velocity = 2.926(Ft/s) Flow Rate = 13.129(CFS) Froude No. = 0.9735 Total flow rate in street = 31.845(CFS) APPENDIX 3 Cie di tit am U. me it sat WI maU. Olt CLIENT: J N. /T. R #° LOCATION: PAGE• OF SUBJECT: DATE: ENG • • c c a v p, 1). f� C • V� OErn Q cn CL i N L. 0 <lc CHECKED. CLIENT: LOCATION: SUBJECT: DATE: ENG: CHECKED. J N /T R #• PAGE• OF .....t.__I._�--'_i 1 I 1. 1_i—_ : .—_L--E•_. i 1 -'-;"_., -i_ _ i . _ -I _ .. 1 . , I I . _i.- I I I .... { _ , 1, .. s 1 .._. ..._.. I 1. k .. f I d i .. 1 ' ... _ i + I rI I , 1 k 1. I • I 1 I II .. _ I f �� _ - _� i 1 1 _ 4 1 t• 8_l —, I I t- i_. I 1- l' I .�i£- _..-- f i I N.�� _. �. .I 1� t r r-. . a_ 1 i a . r 1 i .. L ... L , I ... \ 1 i '{ i i1 _.-_i ._._. . _...i. _. 11 . _ .., i i , t . 1 __ , i_ 1___ 1 ' I l Q 1. _ _ _1 --.1_..4-1 I I _:- ._+ I , I.-.- 1 1 ' 1 I .; , . , `= . 1t_ I . _ I_.._ _1 1 _I —. �j•—tjc� ,. i 1 , 1 t II 1 r 11 �1 i } 1 1 �.! ' f_ k t. t- I _L_ 1'/' I 16 /(� irr i 1 _•"'I'---- ' g °---1 ..t - 1 I j 1,--}_..I.. 1-I �/ I ... I . l q 1 � i I ; k l 11 . 1 1 1 I I k I I 1.. 1 I 1 7{ 1 "1, I i _1 1 .., 1' I //1 [ - IIi. 1.. 1,1' i��a 1jl� ; i r_ .1 _L I t II ll 1 1 GL I 1 1 �-'i�, e. A i I r i , l 1 ;._ 4.1 t , •I ! ;.._ i ;-,-+-r I , I -.,.1 Ste-{- _ 1 I .. , . 1 1 I CLIENT: LOCATION: DATE: J.N./T.R.#: SUBJECT: ENG: PAGE• OF CHECKED. Given tmp#140 1- TA 7--T Storage Indication Method Input Data: File c:\Land Projects 2004\_SCRATCH\hd\db10.sdc.sim Description .•• 6.0000 min Time increment Input Files: Pre-Dev Hydrograph curve .. Post-Dev Hydrograph curve . Stage -Storage curve Stage -Discharge curve Output Data: Routed Peak Flow Routed Peak Time Post -Developed Peak Flow Post -Developed Peak Time Support calculations: C:\Land C:\Land c:\Land Projects Projects Projects 2.5067 cfs 618.0000 min 4.6175 cfs 612.0000 min 2004\_SCRATCH\hd\dbl.hdc 2004\_SCRATCH\hd\db10.sdc Time min inflow (11+12)/2 H1 cfs ft3 ft 51-(01/2)T s2+(02/2)T H2 ft3 ft3 ft 540.0000 0.1748 546.0000 0.1935 552.0000 0.2122 558.0000 0.2309 564.0000 0.2621 5.70.0000 0.2933 576.0000 0.3245 582.0000 0.5379 588.0000 0.7512 594.0000 0.9646 600.0000 .1.9887 606.0000 4.0.340 612.0000 4.6175 618.0000 3.3431 624.0000 2.2149 630.0000 1.7690 636.0000 1.5165 642.0000 1.3194 648.0000 1.1635 654.0000 1.0968 660.0000 1.0300 666.0000 0.9839 672.0000 0.9378 678.0000 0.9131 684.0000 0.8885 690.0000 0.8710 696.0000 0.8536 702.0000 0.8433 708.0000 0.8330 714.0000 0.8155 720..0000 .0..7981 726.0000 0.7837 732.0000 0.7694 738.0000 0.7550 744.0000 0.7434 750.0000 0.7318 31.4552 0.0000 0.0000 66.2807 69.2412 31,4552 73.0211 69.3280 97.7359 79.7615 69.4237 170.7570 88.7487 69.5281 . 250.5184 99.9827 69.6444 339.2671 111.2167 69.7754 439.2498 155.2365 69.9210 550.4665 232.0421 70.0481 684.9131 308.8477 70.1552 849.9145 531.5838 70.2777 1038.7813 1084.0821 70.4863 1360.2696 1557.2729 70.9293 2042,9090 1432.9100 71.5150 2945.6865 1000.4484 71.9095, 3553.6782 717.1123 71.9985 3690.7784 591.3870 71.9244 3576.5589 510.4543 71.8028. 3389.1465 446.9224 71.6668 406.8505 71.5284 382.8288 71.3999 362.5120 71.2875 345.9000 71.1893 333.1601 71.'1042 324.2924 71.0313 316.7154 70.9699 310.4292 70.9180 305.4336 70.8744 301.7288 70.8377 296.7333 70.8072 290.4470 70.7809 284:7224 70:7571 279 5596 70.7357 3179.5519 2966.2225 2768.2999 2594.9472 2443.6788 2312.5536 2200.1857 2105.4929 2025.6137 1958.3129 1901.8449 1854.8460 1814.2350 1777.6053 1744.5238 274.3967 70.7163 1714.6526 269.7198 70.6985 1687.2887 265.5290 70.6823 1662.2628 Page 1 outflow cfs 31.4552 69.2412 97.7359 69.3280 170.7570 69.4237 250.5184 69.5281 339.2671 69.6444 439.2498 69.7754 550.4665 69.9210 705.7030 70.0481 916.9552 70.1552 1158,7622 70.2777 1570.3651 70.4863 2444.3516 70.9293 3600.1819 71.5150 4378.5965 71.9095 4554.1266 71.9985 4407.8908 71.9244 4167.9459 71.8028 3899.6009 71.6668 3626.4743 71.5284 3373.0730 71.3999 3151.1287 71.2875 2957.4591 71.1893 2789.5788 71.1042 2645.7137 71.0313 2524.4781 70.9699 2422.2084 70.9180 2336.0429 70.8744 2263.7466 70.8377 2203.5737 70.8072 2151.5793 70.7809 2104.6820 70.7571 2062.3277 .70.-7357 2024.0834 70.7163 1989.0493 70.6985 1957.0086 70.6823 1927.7918 70.6675 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0040 0.4368 1.9153 2.5067 2.4018 2.4892 ' 2.4907 2.2691 1.9497 1-. 6114 1.3031 1.0394 0.8248 0.6473 0.5187 0.4142 0.3293 0.2758 0.2314 0.1929 0.1582 0.1298 0.1143 0.1001 0.0871 0.0752 756.0000 762.0000 768.0000 774.0000 780.0000 786.0000 792.0000 798.0000 804.0000 810.0000 816.0000 822.0000 828.0000 834.0000 840.0000 846.0000 852.0000 858.0000. 864.0000 870.0000 876.0000 882.0000 888.0000 894.0000 900.0000 906.0000 912.0000 918.0000 924.0000 930.0000 936.0000 942.0000 948.0000 954.0000 960.0000 966.0000 972A000 978.0000 984.0000 990.0000 0.4772 996.0000 0.4758 171.5505. 70.4029 1231.7 -1002.0000 0.4744 171..0342 70,4017 1229.7779 1400.8122 70.4004 1008.0000 0.4729170.0017 70.3992 1225.9192 1395.9209 70.397 1014.00008378 1398.3558 70.3992 4004 9 0.4715 1020.0000 . 0.47012 169.4854 70.3979 1224.0174 168.7109 70.3967 .1222.1288 1390.80397 70.3953 28 70.3967 1026.0000 � 0.467 1032.0000 0.4643 167.6784 70.3953 1220.0487 1038.0000 0.4615 166.6458 70.3938 1217.6175 1044.0000 0.4586 165.6132 70.3920 1214.9121 1050.0000 0.4557 164.5806 70.3901 1211.9925 1056.0000 0.4529 163.5481 1062.0000 0.4500 162.5155 1068.0000 0.4471 161.4829 1074.0000 0.4443 160.4504 1080.0000 0.4414 159.4178 1086.0000. 0.4388 158.4414 1092.0000 0.4363 157.5211 1098.0000 0.4337 156..60.09 1104.0000 0.4312 155.6807 1110.0000 0.4286 154.7605 1116.0000 0.4261 153.8402 1122.0000 0.4235 152.9200 1128.0000 0.4209 151.9998 0.7201 0.7094 0.6986 0.6879 0.6771 0.6656 0.6541 0.6427 0.6312 0.6197 0.6083 0.5968 0.5853 0.5738 0.5624 0.5521 0.5419 0.5317 0.5215 0.5112 0.5100 0.5087 0.5075 0.5062 0.5050 0.5021 0.4993 0.4964 0.4935 0.4907 0.4894. 0.4882 0.4869 0.4857 0.4844 0.4830 0.4815 0.4801 0.4787 tmp#140 261.3382 70.6675 1639.4427 1900.7809 70.6538 257.3067 70.6538 1618.3454 1875.6521 70.6411 253.4345 70.6411 1598.7182 1852.1527 70.6291 249.5624 70.6291 1580.3637 1829.9261 70.6179 245.6902 70.6179 1563.0033 1808.6935 70.6071 0 70.6071 1546.4193 1788.1083 70.5967 Z41. bi5y 237.5587 70.5967 1530.3409 1767.8996 233.4284 70.5864 1514.5566 1747.9851 229.2981 70.5763 1499.0021 1728.3002 225.1678 70.5664 1483.6270 1708.7948 221.0375 70.5565 1468.3920 1689.4295 216.9072 70.5467 1453.2665 1670.1737 212.7769 70.5369 1438.2265 1651.0034 208.6467 70.5272. 1423.2532 1631.8999 204.5164 70.5175 1408.3322 1612.8485 200.6108 70.5079 1393.4518 1594.0626 196.9298 70.4983 1378.7788 1575.7086 193.2489 70.4890 1364.4431 1557.6920. 189.5680 70.4799 1350.3711 1539.9390 185.8870 70.4709 1336.5048 1522.3919 183.8219 70.4620 1322.7994 1506.6212 183.3725 70.4540 1310.4815 1493.8540 6 1300.5095 1483.4326 182.9232 70.44i 182.4738 70.4423 1292.3697 1474.8435 70.4379 182.0244 70.4379 1285.6611 1467.6855 70.4343 181.2835 70.4343 1280.0702 1461.3537 70.4311 180.2509 70.4311 .1275.1246 .1455.3755 70.4281 179.2183 70.4281 1270.4553 1449.6736 70.4252 178.1858 70.4252 1266.0018 1444.1875 70.4224 177.1532 70.4224 1261.7168 1438.8700 70.4197 176.4122 70.4197 1257.5634 1433.9756 70.4172 175.9629 70.4172 1253.7406 1429.7035 70.4150 175.5135 70.4150 1250.4038 1425.9173 70.4131 175.0641 70.4131 1247.4465 1422.5107 70.4114 174.6148 70.4114 1244.7858 1419.4005. 70.4098 174.1319 70.4098. 1242.3565 1416.4885 70.4083 173.6157 70.,4083 1240.0821 1413.6977 70.4069 173.0994 70.4069 1237.9023 1411.0016 70.4056 172.5831 70.4056 1235.7965 1408.3796 70.4042 172.0668 70.4042 1233.7485 456 8153 70.4029 1403.2961 70.4017 70.3881 70.3860 70.3839 70.3817 70.3794 70.3771 70.3749 70.3726. 70.3704 70.3682 70.3660 70.3639 70.3617 1168.1845 page 2 1208.9056 1205.6881 1202.3684 1198.9691 1195.5075 1191.9972 1188.4929 1185.0370 1181.6189 1178.2305 1174.8651 1171.5178 70.5864 70.5763 70.5664 70.5565 70.5467 70.5369 70.5272 70.5175 70.5079 70.4983 70.4890 70.4799 70.4709 70.4620. 70.4540 70.4476 70.4423 1387.7271 1384.2633 1380.5254 1376.5732 1372.4537 1368.2036 1363.8514 1359.4194 1354.9253 1350.4386 1346.0140 1341.6379 1337.2996 1332.9909 1328.7053 1324.4377 1320.1843 70.3938 70.3920 70.3901 70.3881 70.3860 70.3839 70.3817 70.3794 70.3771 70.3749 70.3726 70.3704 70.3.682 70.3660 70.3639 70.3617 70.3595 0.0643 0.0541 0.0446 0.0356 0.0270 0.0208 0.0192 0.0177 0.0162 0.0147 0.0132 0.0117 0.0102 0.0087 0.0073 0.0058 0.0044 0.0030 0.0017 0.0003 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 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RIW • VALL.T A •aYM.RT • VALLEY R2E+ - I iIE 45. - — T4N ALDWIN L (DRY) I IN L I II; _ LANE 'VILLAS[ � f SULARLOA i I /jam ate` --- I• -»— -, 1 �N-4 1 11i-' � — . 1 _/ I I cc'I _ - 1•�.0\ fol., -..- .._\` '' — DM .i .'~— \ I I a•Ef, T I N, i 1\•h L 1 ,} -t34°I5T2 N °q'=" SAN B REDUCED DRAWING SCALE I"= 4 MILES RI.ARDIN : r -I II RIE• I I � + L.EGEn): / ,. fi ISOLINES PRECIPITATION (INCHES) SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT VALLEY AREA ISOHYETALS Yio - 10 YEAR 1 HOUR BASED ON U.SD.C., NF),I.A. ATLAS 2. 1973 APPROVED BY FL SCALE FILE NO. D11WP NO. I••2 W. WRD-1 3 of 12 DATE 1982 pi( IPF R-- ill Mil it'd Mil Nil MI SOIL GROUP BOUNDARY 11 HYDROLOGIC SOILS GROUP MAP SCALE REDUCED BY 1/2 CC 0 z 0 O 4 Zi in a Z 0 00 tO CO BERNARDINO COUNTY z 4 Mil IN ill WI NM Nil MI solo vim ow an ifs sio ALIFORNIA 'ATER RESOURCES 011111! !MI Mai ilk ( zr) Au175:fiz. c- cszDt C)561 NW 'ire7 PVe--aA ( 4(o ilk-c..) RE) t 0.8 MI. 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PHILLIPS DATE 9 1 0 N N N N AREA ( OF CfrsnE 0104 11 8 N 26 78.2 FG t A=7.33 ACRES • NO OFF7-61E FLOWS FROII VIE NORTH A=-3.43 A 1M OM P 44•• 1° F' 25 'SUNNYDALE FLOW 24 MILLER 5. .15 78 3 ) 2 -ft. -3- 8 PLACE 8 23 / Z 1---- ' x x V 1321.54' 22 N89591131 AVENUE INFILTRATION BASIN a". 14 <, 76' 2 r=1 15 Ia 8 INFILTRATION BASIN Ia 8 zI II; LU L.L.1 4 1 CATCH BASIN Gas =3.69as 01a4.82as I •i CATCH3ASIN =3 Cha4.82as =0.0cFs Quo =0.2as ))) BASIN OUTLET =3.95cFs MAX Chca =3.95as MAX HYDROLOGY MAP POST -DEVELOPED SCALE: 1”--=-80' PREPARED FOR PREPARED BY SPECTRA 521-1 /2 MYRTLE #10 MONROVIA, CA 91016 (626) 305-9444 LOREN PHILLIPS & ASSOCIATES 22632 GOLDEN SPRINGS DRIVE SUITE 350 DIAMOND BAR, CA. 91765 (909) 396-9636 LOREN C. PHILLIPS DATE