HomeMy WebLinkAboutTract No. 16563 Hydrology StudyHYDROLOGY STUDY FOR TRACT 16563 Southwest Corner of Walnut Street & Cypress Avenue City of Fontana County of San Bernardino PREPARED BY C. q: qc., Inc. Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors 8880 Benson, Ave., Suite 100 Montclair, California 91763 (909) 941-1791 MARCH, 2004 1.0 Introduction The purpose of this report is to present the hydrology study for Tract 16563. This is a 57-lot tract, 14.0 acres in size, located on the southwest corner of Walnut Street and Cypress Avenue in the City of Fontana, San Bernardino County. In its existing condition, the site is relatively undeveloped with a single family residence. The existing terrain is a turf (irrigated and mowed grass) with poor cover. The pre -development Qpeak is 30 cfs. The post -developed Qpeak is 33 cfs. 2.0 Design Criteria The computations have been prepared based on the San Bernardino County Hydrology Manual dated August 1986. The hydrology is based on the following criteria: • Storm Frequency: 100-year storm • Soil Group A 3.0 Pre -Development 1. The tributary area is the entire site. 2. Length=980', H=1461'-1439'=22'. From the "Time of Concentration Nomograph" (Figure D-1), the Time of Concentration is 16.5 minutes. 3. From the "Intensity -Duration Curve Calculation Sheet" (Figure D-3) using a Design Storm Frequency of 100 years, a One Hour Point Rainfall of 1.30 inches, and a Log - Log Slope of 0.60, the Rainfall Intensity, I, at 16.5 minutes is 2.80 inches/hour. 4 From Figure C-3, Curve Numbers for Pervious Areas, using an Urban Cover of Turf in poor condition, CN=58. Pervious Area, ap = 100%, assumed. From Figure C-6, Infiltration Rate for Pervious Areas Versus SCS Curve Numbers, using CN=58 and the AMCIII Curve, Infiltration Rate, Fp = 0.40 inches per hour. Fm = ap x Fp = 0.40 inches per hour 5. Area = 14.0 acres 6. Q = 0.9 (I- Fm) A = 30 cfs 4.0 Post -Development 1. The tributary area is the entire site. 2. Length=1,400', H=1461'-1439'=22'. From the "Time of Concentration Nomograph" (Figure D-1), the Time of Concentration is 15.5 minutes. 3. From the "Intensity -Duration Curve Calculation Sheet (Figure D-3) using a Design Storm Frequency of 100 years, a One Hour Point Rainfall of 1.30 inches, and a Log - Log Slope of 0.60, the Rainfall Intensity, I, at 15.5 minutes is 2.95 inches/hour. 4. From Figure C-3, Curve Numbers for Pervious Areas, the CN for Urban Cover — Residential Landscaping in Soil Group A is 32. From Figure C-6, Infiltration Rate for Pervious Areas Versus SCS Curve Numbers, using CN=32 and the AMCIII Curve, Infiltration Rate, Fp = 0.74 inches per hour. Pervious Area, ap = 50% Fm = ap x Fp = 0.37 inches per hour 5. Area = 14.0 acres 6. Q=0.9 (I- Fm) A = 33 cfs 5.0 Detention Basin The detention basin is designed to contain the entire runoff from a 100-year 24-hour storm. The method of calculating the volume is the Runoff Volume Estimation method from section E.8.1 of the Hydrology Manual. CN = 32, for Residential Urban Cover S = (1000/CN) —10 = 21.25, total soil capacity la = 0.2S = 4.25, initial abstraction P24 = 9.2", 24-hour storm rainfall from Figure B-6 of Manual. Y = (P24-la)2 / (P24-Ia+S) P24 = 0.104 Volume =(0.104)(9.2")(14acres)(1ft/12")(43,560sf/acre) = 49,000 CF Given this volume of runoff must be released from the basin within a 24-hour period, this would result in a discharge flow rate of 0.57 CFS Basin Data Total Volume: 49,500 CF Access Road Width = 15 FT Basin Design Depth = 6 FT max Side Slopes = 3:1 slope Basin Ramp Width = 10 FT Basin Ramp Max Slope = 15% 6.0 Catch Basin Design The tract runoff will be collected by two catch basins across from the detention basin. The north and south catch basins handle 19.3 cfs (8.2 acres) and 13.7 cfs (5.8 acres), respectively. The following calculation uses a 2-ft diameter connector pipe (see Section 7.0). The minimum "V' depth using a 10-inch curb face opening is calculated as follows: V=1.33+1.2(v2/2g)+d where v = average velocity of flow (6.14 ft/s) d = diameter of connector pipe (2 ft) V=4.03 ft Try width of 7 ft. With a B dimension of 4ft, Area=W x B=28sf Height=Q/Area=19.3/28=0.7 ft, which is much less than V, ok. Use Catch Basin per APWA 300-2, V=6', W=7' and B=4'. 7.0 Catch Basin Connector Pipes and Storm Drain (Reinforced Concrete) The connector pipes are sized using the larger flow of the north catch basin, 19.3 cfs. The storm drain is sized using the combined 100-year flow of 33 cfs. Attached are the hydraulic printout reports for both calculations. The following is a summary: Size Min. Slope —design Qprovided Connector Pipe 24" 1.0% 19.3cfs 24.3cfs Storm Drain 36" 0.5% 33.0cfs 47.2cfs 8.0 Detention Basin - Emergency Spillway (Reinforced Concrete) The emergency overflow design flow is based on 135% of the 100-year design flow: Q= 1.35xQioo= 1.35 x 33 cfs = 45 cfs Using a spillway depth of 12 inches, the required bottom width is 6 feet. Attached is the hydraulic printout for the trapezoidal spillway calculation. 9.0 Detention Basin — Discharge Pipe The discharge pipe is designed to restrict the outflow to a level that will not create a significant impact on the existing roadway (Cypress Av) during a 100-year storm event. Furthermore, the discharge must also provide the detention basin to completely drain within 24 hours after reaching its peak volume. The energy equation was applied from the top of the basin water surface elevation to the end of the discharge pipe: P1fy+Zi+V12/2g=P2/y+Z2+V22I2g+hL The following terms are determined to be zero: P1/y , V-12/2g , P2/ y , Z2 Since several variables depend on the flow, Q, and the pipe diameter, D, an iterative process is necessary. The following is the resulting data: Z� = 1,447' - 1,440' = 7 ft f = 0.035 = friction factor based on Reynolds Number (Re) Re = VD/v = 3.8 x 105 = Reynolds Number = 1.217 x 10"5 ft2/s = kinematic viscosity of water at 60°F. L = Length of pipe = 50 ft V=Q/A [A=n(D/4)2]=11.2fps Q = 3.9 cfs = discharge flow D = 8 inches = discharge pipe diameter h� = fLV2/D2g = friction head loss = 5.1 ft V22/2g = velocity head loss = 1.9 ft The energy equation reduces to: Pity +Z1+V-12/2g=P2/y+Z2+V2/2g+hL 0+7'+ 0 = 0 +0+ 1.9' +5.1' The 8-inch discharge pipe slopes at a minimum of 0.5% and is designed to daylight adjacent to the basin on Cypress Avenue at an approximate elevation of 1,440. At this point, the pipe will transition to a 2-foot wide parkway culvert. The resulting discharge flow of 3.9 cfs translates to the basin draining in approximately 3.5 hours. Curve (I) Numbers of Hydrologic Soil -Cover Complexes For Pervious Areas -AMC it Quality of Soll Group . - . Cover Type (3) Cover (2) A - B C D� NATURAL COVERS - Barren 7$ 86 91 93 (Rockland, eroded and graded land) Chaparral, Broadleaf Poor 33 70 80 ES (Manzonita, oeanothus and scrub oak) Fair 40 63 75 81 Good 31 57 71 78 Chaparral, Narrowleaf Poor 71 $2 88 91 (Chamise and redshank) Fair 55 72 81 $6 Grass, Annual or Perennial Poor 67 78 86 89 Fair 50 69 79 84 Good 3E 61 74 $0 Meadows or Cienegas Poor 63 77 85 8* (Areas with seasonally high water table, principal vegetation is sod forming grass) Fair Good 51 30 70 58 80 71 84 78 Open Brush Poor 62 76 84 8* (Soft wood shrubs - buckwheat, sage, etc.) Fair 46 66 77 83 Good 41 63 75 81 • Woodland Poor 45 66 77 83 (Coniferous or broadleaf trees predominate. Fair 36 60 73 79 Canopy density is at least 30 percent.) - Good 25 55 70 77 Woodland, Grass Poor 37 73 82 86 (Coniferous or broadleaf trees with canopy Fair 44 65 77 82 density from 20 to 50 percent) - Good 33 58 72 79 URBAN COVERS - Residential or Commercial Landscaping Good 32 36 69 75 (Lawn, shrubs, etc.) Turf Poor 74 83 87 (irrigated and mowed grass) Fair 65 77 82 Good 33 58 72 79 AGRICULTURAL COVERS - Fallow 77 E6 91 94 (Land plowed but not tilled or seeded) SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY- CURVE NUMBERS FOR HYDROLOGY MANUAL PERVIOUS AREAS Figure C-3 (t of a)' Curve (1)Numbeta, of Hydrologic Soli -Cover Complexes ror Pervious Areas -AMC U Cover Type (3) Quality of Cover W A SoilGr7 AGRICULTURAL COVERS (Continued) Legumes, Close Seeded (Alfalfa, sweetdover, timothy, etc.) Orchards, Evergreen (Citrus, avocados, etc.) Pasture, Dryland (Annual grasses) Pasture, Irrigated (Legumes and perennial grass) Row Crops (Field crops - tomatoes, sugar beets, etc.) Small grain (Wheat, oats, barley, etc.) Poor Good Poor Fair Good Poor Fair Good Poor Fair Good Poor Good Poor Good 66 i 57 44 • 33 68 49 39 44 33 72 67 63 63 77 72 73 63 38 79 69 61 74 63 38 81 78 76 73 83 aI 77 72 79 74 33 77 72 a 83 83 S3 86 79 89 84 80 • 87 82 79 91 89 as Notes: 1. All curve numbers are for Antecedent Moisture Condition (AMC) II. 2. Quality of cover definitions: Poor -Heavily grazed, regularly burned areas, or areas of high burn potential. Less than 50 percent of the ground surface is protected by plant cover or brush and tree canopy. Fair -Moderate cover with 50 percent to 75 percent of the ground surface protected. Good -Heavy or dense cover with more than 75 percent of the ground surface protected. 3. See Figure C-2 for definition of cover types. BAN BERNARDINO COUNTY HYDROLOGY MANUAL CURVE NUMBERS . FOR PERVIOUS AREAS 6.-7 F‘,9VY� e.-3 Ca, 0( Z 1.1 z 1.0 Z Cxi .9 Q Carm r Z z .8 O m .7 C .- Z .6 O .5 rn O C N D m Y, rn N C Uf C N a ye 13 .4 -04 3.111e1 NOI1V811I4N oq/s9g3ui 020 bomb • W NOTE: LOSS RATES BASED ON SCS RELATIONSHIPS FOR 6" OF RAINFALL IN 6-HOURS Z i 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 1_1_1 l I L 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1111 1.L11LLLI L_ EXAMPLE: FOR CN=68 ;Fp:.28,.58 AND .83 in/hr FOR AMC CONDITIONS f,II AND I RESPECTIVELY 40 50 5% 60 AMC-U SCS CURVE NUMBER (CN) i.. r 70 T VI 90 100 1400 quo -L c 400 - F.^ 350 6 — 25 Ti E -.300 1 Undeveloped__ c _ 5 ` 20 Poor Cover .. .. -18 o- ^250}S J-16 t - -14 a- `v- J= 200 t ` 13 -12 �Zl u —11/ 047.10 PI Development LIMITATIONS= I. Maximum length 21000 Feet Tc 2. Maximum area s 10 Acres 5 - (min) a` H .. u -- Soo Y M 3400 C - rtoo 0 N ` Io0 Ob00go - 40 —30 g o 3 0 0 _ 150 E — 9 80- Apartment 8 75- Mobile Home - 65- Condominium 60- Single Family-5,000 ft2 Lot - 7 40- Single Family-I/4 Acre Lot 35 20- Single Family-1 Acre Lot .. - 6 10 - Single Family-21/2 Acre Lot -100 _ 40 EXAMPLE= (I) L= 55d, H=5.0', K•%191* Family (5-7 DU/AC) Development, Tc=12.6 min. (2) L= 550', H= 5 0, K= Commercial Development, Tc•9.7 min. • 30 g g- 10 a 1=e Undeveloped0 3 Good Cover = Undewl°ped —0 c = 1s Fair Cover ^ .e r. gM Family %0 — (5-7 DU/AC) o C o (Paved) 90 v • KEY L-H-Tc-K-Tc' 6- 7 8- 9- II- 12 - SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY HYDROLOGY MANUAL 14 1 16 18-.6 19 v 20 F- -`c 25-5 - u - o 30 -• 0 h C a 0 0 G ' L. 0 TIME OF CONCENTRATION NOMOGRAPH FOR INITIAL SUBAREA Figure D-I 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 2.95 3. •$D Cr 0 2.0 N W Z 1,3 - 1.0 2 0.9 0.8 0.7 -J 0.6 4 Z 0.5 Q 0: 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 • 30 40 STORM DURATION (MINUTES) DESIGN STORM FREQUENCY= fig. 0 YEARS ONE HOUR POINT RAINFALL= 430 INCHES LOG -LOG SLOPE = GCS PROJECT LOCATION='WALt'JU1 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY HYDROLOGY MANUAL ig-E====----g-wra=------,==:-4.m.-0.0.0.--Z-ENIE-EMMENF=L.4 ma==,,-„...,g-g-gmaggit-==:=m-EagmggmgrEggmgsgg ........==.-. = gig_ TEMMI O-NEVE EE-MOMEN MINEUROMMEEESIMMEMERE MENMPLPM@MENOIIIMEMMENZEIMMEINIENEEME Egiar---MMEWMPINEEMMINEMME";"=WIFERIMMEE >*":.TE,:m>ri t1=i-w L:QL .T.Z.:3a. 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HUllmaIMMMmuMMMMIIIIIIMIM U onalnllle:��•'1tS1MIflilnnIIe anni�'tU INntlnartanuatlnumaItM1sWMattinpI1111 munimumaziann1 III unmamulltltflute�lllllllInllinw ml 8II1�11/III111p1IIMIIIIIMM /IUM11 MA MINIM MPS Mtaln/M N MMI MTh lt/NI/UInWMMM■.Ml.w1MMI1nu M1n.111MUM' MS iIN.. - nwwl urn UMYYIII 50 60 70 80 90 INTENSITY - DURATION CURVES CALCULATION SHEET D-8 FIGURE D- 3 TR96563 Catch Basin Connector Pipe Worksheet for Circular Channel Project Description Worksheet CS Connector f Flow Element Circular Channc Method Manning's Fonr Solve For Full Flow Caper Input Data Mannings Coet a 0.013 Channel Slope .010000 ftif Diameter 24.0 in Results Depth 200 It Discharge 22.62 cis Flow Area 3.1 IF Wetted Perene 628 ft Top Width 0.00 ft Critical Depth 169 It Percent Full 100.0 % Critical Slope 009461 ft/ft Velocity 720 Vs Velocity Head 0.81 ft Specific Energ; 2.81 it Froude Numbe 0.00 Maximum Disc 24.33 cis Di ch. ye Full 22.62 cfs Slope Full 010000 'fait Flow Type WA Title: TR16563 Project Engineer. CTKInc. c:t...W16563-eb millerltr't8563 hydraufics.im2 Academic Edition FlowMaster v7.0 [7.00051 02/27/04 08:09:35 AM O Haestad Methods. Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 TR16563 - Storm Drain Worksheet for Circular Channel Project Description Worksheet Storm Drain Flow Element Circular ChannE Method Mannmg's Four Solve For Full Flow Capac Input Data Manninga Coeffcfi 0.013 Channel Slope 4005000 tt/ft Diameter 36.0 in Results Depth 3.00 tt Discharge 47.16 cfs Flow Area 7.1 it' Wetted Perim 9.42 it Top Width 0.00 ft Ceti Depth 2.24 it Percent Full 100.0 % Critical Slope 006097 11/ft Velocity 6.67 Ws Velocity Head 0.69 It Speciflfnerg• 3.69 ft Froude Numbe 0:00 Maximum Disc 5073 cis Discharge Full , 47.16 cfs Slope Full 005000 Rflt Flow Type -N/A Title: 1R16563 c:1...{tr16563-eb millerir16863 hydraufics:fm2 02/27/04 08:17:42 AM Haestad Methods, Inc. Project Engineer: CTK inc. FlowMaster v7.0 [7.00051 3713rookside Road " Waterbury. CT 06708USA +1-203-755-1666 Page4:of 1 Academic Edition TR16563 Detention Basin Emergency Spillway Worksheet for Trapezoidal Channel Project Description Wafcsheet .'Spillway Flow Bement Trapezoidal Cha Method Marching's Formi Solve For Discharge Input Daia -Mannings Coeffic 0:013 Channel Slope 005000 'ft/ f Depth 100 it Left Side 'Slope 1.00 H:V Right Side Slope 1.00 H V Bottom Width 6.00 'fk Discharge 48.47 ;.cis Flow Area . 70 ft2 Wetted Perimi 8.83 it Top iMdth :: 8.00 1t critical Depth 118 1t Critical Slope 0.002841 I i t Veloc Ity : 622 'ttls Velocity Head 0.75 It S.pecfic Enerc 1.75 It Froude Numb .. 120 Flow Type Supercritical The: R16563 c;L trl6563-eb raillerltrl 6563 hydraulics im2 03/07/04 05:38:25:PM 6r Haestad Methods, inc Project Engineer; CMG Inc. Academic Edition FlowNtaster v7.0.1700051 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 067081USA +1-203-755-1566 Page 1 of 1 STREET FLOW CARRYING CAPACITIES: 8" CURB - STREET "A" A = 5.65sf S = 0.005; S'�2 = 0.07 R = A = 5.65 = 0.26; R2/' = 0.41 WP 21.50 VA = 1.416 x 0.41 x 0.07 = 3.69 x 5.65 = 20.87 cfs .011 Total for Street @ 0.5% = 2 x 20.87 = 41.74 cfs 8" CURB - STREET "E": Slope varies from 0.86%, 2.10%, 4.67% A=5.65sf S = 0.0086; SY2 = 0.093 R = A = 5.65 = 0.26; R% = 0.41 WP 21.50 VA = 1.416 x 0.41 x 0.093 = 4.91 x 5.65 = 27.73 cfs .011 Total for Street @ 0.86% = 2 x 27.73 = 51.46 cfs A = 5.65 sf S = 0.21; SY2=0.31 R = A = 5.65 = 0.26; R31' = 0.41 WP 21.50 VA= 1.416x0.41 x0.31 = 16.36x5.65=92.44cfs .011 Total for Street @ 2.10% = 2 x 92.44 = 184.88 cfs A = 5.65 sf S = 0.467; Spa = 0.60 R = A = 5.65 = 0.26; R% = 0.41 WP 21.50 VA= 1.416x0:41 x 0.60 = 31.67 x 5.65 = 178.94 cfs .011 Total for Street @ 4.67% = 2 x 178.94 = 357.88 cfs 8" CURB - STREET "C" A = 5.65sf S = 0.006; SY2 = 0.08 R = A = 5.65 = 0.26; RR' = 0.41 WP 21.50 VA= 1.416x0.41 x0.08 = 4.22x5.65=23.85cfs .011 Total for Street @ 0.6% = 2 x 23.85 = 47.70 cfs 6" CURB - STREET "B" and "D" A = 3.78 sf S = 0.005; S'A = 0.07 R = A = 3.78 = 0.193; RR' = 0.33 WP 21.50 VA = 1.416 x 0.33 x 0.07 = 4.22 x 3.78 = 11.24 cfs .011 Total for Street @ 0.5% = 2 x,,11.24 = 22.48 cfs STREET CR❑SS SECTI❑NS T❑ COMPUTE AREA F❑R WATER CARRYING CAPACITY 20' 8" CURB AREA=5,65 s,f, 18' 6' CURB AREA=3,78 s,f, 1 l: CJ1 co C.:. NO. �W=7, ✓==4.,800,, ,T-t4 J LATERALA-1 L= _ 1 tt { room. \37.7Q OUT IN ✓ RCP 36' 37.10 OUT I ��o O LOT T' (LS) 44) N 10. CYPRESS AVE. 4 44'LF STA 2+91.05 C.B. NO. 2 W=14 V 1 37.50 IN 37.45 OU ' L=21 V UC7URE D1=24; D2= 36' ►Nv INV INTERSEC71ON 3+18.24 4304RIM (PMH#1) INTERSECTION 3+18.25 LATERAL A-3 RCP 36 - 37.40 IN INV L =70' 3Z10 OUT INV 4+9612 — 17+88.24 - CYPRESS AVE