HomeMy WebLinkAboutParcel Map No. 19382 Drainage StudyPrepared By: WestechCollege Drainage Study Hydrology and Hydraulics Parcel Map No. 19382 Nam,—=,. ■,-EX it, N�eivNG Ai D caNsw. r.�' 5 Preparation Date: July 26, 2012 Projection Engineering, Inc. 1230 Cedar Street Ramona, CA 92065 Phone: 760-443-6504 Paul Fisher Projection Engineering, Inc. Preparation Date: 7/26/2012 Job Number: 120202 Prepared For: Dix Development, Inc. 30100 Town Center Drive, Suite 0-449 Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 (949) 499-6096 APPMWED „,,,,a RCE 71549 1 of 28 Westech College TABLE OF CONTENTS Water Quality Management Plan Main Report Section 1 — Project Overview and Methodology Section 2 — Hydrology Data Section 3 — TR-55 Modeling (Existing Condition) Section 4 — TR-55 Modeling (Proposed Condition) Section 5 — Water Quality Page 3-5 Page 6 Page 7-11 Page 12-17 Page 18 Attachments ATTACHMENT 'A' — EXHIBITS • EXHIBIT 'A' — VICINITY MAP • EXHIBIT 'B' — LEGAL DESCRIPTION • EXHIBIT 'C' — ASSESSOR'S PARCEL MAP • EXHIBIT 'D' — HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP ATTACHMENT • ATTACHMENT ATTACHMENT ATTACHMENT References 'B' — TABLES EXHIBIT `E' — NOAA TABLE EXHIBIT 'F' — CURVE NUMBERS `C' — FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP — EXISTING CONDITION DRAINAGE EXHIBIT `E' — PROPOSED CONDITION DRAINAGE EXHIBIT FEMA http://www.fema.gov/ NOAA http://www.noaa.gov/ San Bernardino County http://www.sbcountv.gov/dpw/floodcontrol/water resources.asp WinTR-55 Modeling http://www.nres.usda.gov/wps/portal/nres/detailfull/national/technical/alphabetical/water/hvdroloq v/?&cid=stelprdb1042901 Projection Engineering, Inc. 2 of 28 Westech College Preparation Date: 7/26/2012 Job Number: 120202 Section 1 — Project Overview and Methodology Project Information Name of Project: Westech College Project Location: Latitude: 34° 4'54.11 "N, Longitude: 117°26'12.36"W Owner Name: Brent Dix, Dix Development, Inc. Owner Address: 30100 Town Center Drive, Suite 0-449, Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 Owner Phone: (949) 499-6096 Project Address: 9460 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, CA 92335 Assessor Parcel Numbers: 0193-234-11, 0193-234-12 Project Overview (Subdivision Gross Acreage = 4.53 Acres) Westech College is an educational development on Parcel 1 (2.01 Ac.) of PM No. 19282 and Parcel 2 PMB 95/80-81 (0.38 Ac.) This study includes a portion of Parcel 2 of PM No. 19282 (2.01 Ac.) remaining undeveloped. The project site is located West of Sierra Ave, East of Olive St, North of Holly Dr, and South of Fontlee Lane in the City of Fontana, this area drains naturally to the Southwest. Storm Water Compliance (Parcel Map No. 19382) This drainage study has been prepared to analyze and address the storm water requirements of the City of Fontana, County of San Bernardino. Drainage Concept The drainage concept for the subject project is to maintain local drainage patterns, decrease flows from pre to post construction, minimize impacts to downstream waterways, and avoid cross -lot drainage. An approved WQMP has been established for the project which introduces BMP water quality measures to promote infiltration and reduce pollutants. Some minor adjacent flows affect the site from the north under the existing condition; they have been added to this study in the proposed condition. The northwesterly 1 acre of parcel 2 will not be redeveloped with this project; existing flows will drain to Olive St. Future Parcel 2 development will require a standalone WQMP and drainage study. 0.27 acres of frontage flows for the project will sheet flow to Sierra Ave. In order to determine the relative increase of flows from the existing to developed conditions, it is necessary to have similar drainage boundaries and areas. Therefore, when calculating the existing flow rates and volumes, the drainage boundary is assumed to the same as the developed. This insures that any change in the calculated flow rate and volume leaving the property is only a result of the proposed development or change in land use. It should be noted that is the more conservative method because if the minor offsite tributaries were included when calculating the existing flow rates and volume they would be larger and the relative increase would appear to be smaller. See hydrology exhibits for existing and proposed condition drainage water conveyance. • Projection Engineering, Inc. Preparation Date: 7/26/2012 3 of 28 Westech College Job Number: 120202 Methodology This report is prepared using Win TR-55 Small Watershed Hydrology software. WinTR-55 is a single event rainfall -runoff small watershed model. The model applies to both urban and agricultural areas generating hydrographs from land areas and at selected points along the stream system. Multiple sub- areas can be modeled within a watershed. Design flows from the proposed building roof will be piped to infiltration pits where it is assumed all drainage will infiltrate, roof sub -areas have not been added to the model. TR-55 User Guide: ftp://ftp.wcc.nres.usda.qov/wntsc/H&H/WinTR55/WinTR55UserGuide.pdf Design Results Summary As shown in the following calculations, post construction runoff rates will be reduced in comparison to pre -construction runoff rates. Also to meet the suggested storm water quality treatment the required BMP flow is 0.60 cfs. This study indicates that the existing condition storm water runoff rate is 15.61 cfs and the proposed condition storm water runoff rate is 12.64 cfs. The grading plans prepared for this project have used the design findings herein and the proposed onsite improvements meet the specifications of this report. The following is a manning's formula and channel geometry for the cobble lined/vegetated conveyance channel which conveys the projects storm water to Olive Street: (Manning's Equation) 1.486 Q= AR2/3V J Provide Trapezoidal Chan. Variables Flow Depth - d(in) Manning's N n(unitless) Longitudinal Slope - S(ft/ft) Side Slope - Z(ft/ft) Bottom Width - W(ft) 14 0.025 0.007 _. Eng. Units I Units I Values Velocity ftis 3.637 Wetted Perimeter ft 6.217 Wetted Area sq.ft 3.889 Hydraulic Radius ft 0.6255 Calculated Flow cfs 14.14 *Channel depth increased by 2" to account for flow within the cobble section. 100-Year: QExISTING = 15.61 cfs < QPR0POSED = 12.64 cfs < QSWALE CAPACITY = 14.14 cfs NORTH 10' EASEMENT SOUTH EX/SONG AC PAVING TO REMAIN PROPOSES WOVEN GE07EX17LE FILTER FABRIC, MUST BE POROUS TO PROMOTE /NFIL IRA770N N01f. SEE PLAN NEW FOR SPECIFIC SLOPE AND GRADE INFORMATION Projection Engineering, Inc. 50' //\\ 20' 7/ /.0' '7 \'� cX/SDNC GROUND /\ MINIMALLY COMPACTED SUBGRADE UNDER SWALE 7S DETAIL 2 : TYPICAL SECTION — COBBLE,—LINED/VEGETATED SIWALE HORIZONTAL SCALE' 1' = 1' VERTICAL SCALE. 4 of 28 Westech College Preparation Date: 7/26/2012 Job Number: 120202 The following is a manning's formula and channel geometry for the SPPWC Parkway Drain, Standard Plan No. 151-1. See grading plans for specific size and geometry for the construction of the drainage structure. This drainage conveyance channel will convey the projects storm water to the existing Olive Street gutter: (Manning's Equation) 1.486 Q= AR2/3-67 ?2 Provide Rectangular Channel Variables Flow Depth -d(in) 4 Mannings - n(unitless) 0.013 Longitudinal Slope - S(ft/ft) .02 Chann Bottom Width -W(ft) ' 3.5 Eng. Units Units Values Velocity ft/s 6.939 Wetted Perimeter I ft 4.167 Wetted Area sq.ft 1.167 Hydraulic Radius Calculated Flow ft 0.2801 cfs 8.098 25-Year: —PROPOSED = 7.51 cfs < QCURDOUTLET CAPACITY = 8.098 cfs Projection Engineering, Inc. Preparation Date: 7/26/2012 Job Number: 120202 5 of 28 Westech College Section 2 — Hydrology Data Design Storm Event Per the NOAA precipitation chart (Exhibit 'E') For the purpose of this study the 100-year 24-hour storm event is used to determine storm runoff rates and volumes. Existing Conditions and Proposed Conditions P = 6.41 Inches Tributary Area Onsite areas only at 2.67 Acres Hydrologic Soil Group and Antecedent Moisture Condition (AMC) Per the San Bernardino County Hydrology Manual figure C-13 on page C-26 (Exhibit `D' in this study) The entire site is classified as soil group 'A' for having soils with high infiltration rates and low runoff potential. A percolation test report was compiled by Earth -Strata, Inc. on February 29, 2012 which indicated that highly permeable ground material consisting of sand and gravel were present throughout the site using 3 to 5 feet boring depths. The percolation test ranged from 2 to 7 minutes per second (mpi).infiltration rate range was measured at 2-7 mpi with a recommended design rate of 7.0 mpi (8.6 in/hr). Although field data is preferable, soil group 'A' is also indicated on the county soil maps. NRCS Runoff Curve Number (CN) added to TR-55 model Per the San Bernardino County Hydrology Manual "Actual impervious cover for developed areas" Figure C-4 page C-8. (Exhibit 'F' - Page 23 of 28 in this study) Existing and Proposed Conditions CN = 90, Commercial developed with approximately 85 percent impervious surface. Projection Engineering, Inc. 6 of 28 Westech College Preparation Date: 7/26/2012 Job Number: 120202 Section 3 — TR-55 Modeling (Existing Condition) WinTR-55 Current Data Description --- Identification Data --- User: Projection Date: 6/27/2012 Project: Westech College Units: English SubTitle: Existing Condition Areal Units: Acres State: California County: San Bernardino Filename: K:\Personal\Projection Engineering, Inc\Projects\120202 - Westech College\Engineering\H&H\Hydrology\TR-55\Westech Existing.w55 --- Sub -Area Data -- Name Description Reach Area(ac) RCN Tc 1A Initial Area Reach 1 0.75 90 0.1 1 B 2nd Area Reach 2 0.45 90 0.1 1 C 3rd Area Outlet 0.34 90 0.1 2A Initial Area Reach 3 0.7 90 0.1 2B Second Area Reach 4 1.32 90 0.1 2C Third Area Outlet 0.26 90 0.1 Total area: 3.82 (ac) --- Storm Data -- Rainfall Depth by Rainfall Return Period 2-Yr 5-Yr 10-Yr 25-Yr 50-Yr 100-Yr 1-Yr (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) 2.78 3.62 4.28 5.14 5.78 6.41 2.12 Storm Data Source: User -provided custom storm data Rainfall Distribution Type: Type I Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph: <standard> (See Exhibit `E' for Storm Data) Projection Engineering, Inc. 7 of 28 Westech College Preparation Date: 7/26/2012 Job Number: 120202 Watershed Peak Table Sub -Area Peak Flow by Rainfall Return Period or Reach 5-Yr 10-Yr 25-Yr 50-Yr 100-Yr 1-Yr Identifier (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) SUBAREAS 1 A 1.05 1.51 1.88 2.36 2.72 3.07 0.69 1 B 0.63 0.91 1.13 1.41 1.63 1.84 0.41 1 C 0.47 0.69 0.85 1.07 1.23 1.39 0.31 2A 0.98 1.41 1.75 2.20 2.53 2.86 0.64 2B 1.85 2.67 3.32 4.16 4.79 5.40 1.22 2C 0.37 0.53 0.66 0.83 0.95 1.08 0.24 REACHES Reach 1 1.05 1.51 1.88 2.36 2.72 3.07 0.69 Down 1.05 1.51 1.88 2.36 2.72 3.07 0.69 Reach 2 1.68 2.42 3.01 3.78 4.34 4.90 1.10 Down 1.67 2.42 3.01 3.77 4.34 4.90 1.10 Reach 3 0.98 1.41 1.75 2.20 2.53 2.86 0.64 Down 0.98 1.41 1.75 2.20 2.53 2.86 0.64 Reach 4 2.82 4.07 5.07 6.36 7.32 8.25 1.86 Down 2.82 4.07 5.06 6.35 7.31 8.25 1.86 OUTLET 5.33 7.70 9.58 12.02 13.83 15.61 3.51 Hydrograph Peak/Peak Time Table Sub -Area Peak Flow and Peak Time (hr) by Rainfall Return Period or Reach ANALYSIS: 5-Yr 10-Yr 25-Yr 50-Yr 100-Yr 1-Yr Identifier (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (hr) (hr) (hr) (hr) (hr) (hr) (hr) SUBAREAS 1 A 1.05 1.51 1.88 2.36 2.72 3.07 0.69 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 1 B 0.63 0.91 1.13 1.41 1.63 1.84 0.41 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 1 C 0.47 0.69 0.85 1.07 1.23 1.39 0.31 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 2A 0.98 1.41 1.75 2.20 2.53 2.86 0.64 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 2B 1.85 2.67 3.32 4.16 4.79 5.40 1.22 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 2C 0.37 0.53 0.66 0.83 0.95 1.08 0.24 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 REACHES Reach 1 1.05 1.51 1.88 2.36 2.72 3.07 0.69 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 Down 1.05 1.51 1.88 2.36 2.72 3.07 0.69 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 Reach 2 1.68 2.42 3.01 3.78 4.34 4.90 1.10 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 Down 1.67 2.42 3.01 3.77 4.34 4.90 1.10 9.94 9.94 9.94 9.94 9.94 9.94 9.94 Reach 3 0.98 1.41 1.75 2.20 2.53 2.86 0.64 Projection Engineering, Inc. 8 of 28 Westech College Preparation Date: 7/26/2012 Job Number: 120202 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 Down 0.98 1.41 1.75 2.20 2.53 2.86 0.64 9.93 9.94 9.94 9.94 9.94 9.93 9.94 Reach 4 2.82 4.07 5.07 6.36 7.32 8.25 1.86 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 Down 2.82 4.07 5.06 6.35 7.31 8.25 1.86 9.94 9.94 9.94 9.94 9.94 9.93 9.94 OUTLET 5.33 7.70 9.58 12.02 13.83 15.61 3.51 Sub -Area Summary Table Sub -Area Drainage Time of Curve Receiving Sub -Area Identifier Area Concentration Number Reach Description (ac) (hr) 1A 1B 1C 2A 2B 2C .75 0.100 .45 0.100 .34 0.100 .70 0.100 1.32 0.100 .26 0.100 Total Area: 3.82 (ac) 90 Reach 1 Initial Area 90 Reach 2 2nd Area 90 Outlet 3rd Area 90 Reach 3 Initial Area 90 Reach 4 Second Area 90 Outlet Third Area Reach Summary Table Receiving Reach Routing Reach Reach Length Method Identifier Identifier (ft) Reach 1 Reach 2 Reach 3 Reach 4 Reach 2 129 CHANNEL Outlet 257 CHANNEL Reach 4 219 CHANNEL Outlet 239 CHANNEL Sub -Area Time of Concentration Details Sub -Area Flow Mannings's End Wetted Travel Identifier/ Length Slope n Area Perimeter Velocity Time (ft) (ft/ft) (sq ft) (ft) (ft/sec) (hr) 1A SHEET 100 0.0069 0.011 SHALLOW 145 0.0069 0.025 Time of Concentration 1B SHEET 100 0.0093 0.011 SHALLOW 129 0.0093 0.050 Time of Concentration 1C SHEET 100 0.0116 0.011 SHALLOW 257 0.0116 0.025 Time of Concentration 0.033 0.024 0.1 0.029 0.023 0.1 0.027 0.033 0.1 2A SHEET 100 0.0065 0.011 0.034 Projection Engineering, Inc. 9 of 28 Westech College Preparation Date: 7/26/2012 Job Number: 120202 SHALLOW 2B SHEET SHALLOW 2C SHEET SHALLOW 153 0.0065 0.025 Time of Concentration 100 0.0091 0.011 219 0.0091 0.025 Time of Concentration 100 0.0125 0.011 239 0.0125 0.025 Time of Concentration 0.026 0.1 0.030 0.031 0.1 0.026 0.029 0.1 Sub -Area Land Use and Curve Number Details Sub -Area Hydrologic Sub -Area Curve Identifier Land Use Soil Area Number Group (ac) 1A CN directly entered by user Total Area / Weighted Curve Number 1B CN directly entered by user .75 90 .75 90 .45 90 Total Area / Weighted Curve Number .45 90 1 C CN directly entered by user Total Area / Weighted Curve Number 2A CN directly entered by user .7 90 Total Area / Weighted Curve Number .7 90 2B CN directly entered by user .34 90 .34 90 1.32 90 Total Area / Weighted Curve Number 1.32 90 2C CN directly entered by user .26 90 Total Area / Weighted Curve Number .26 90 Reach Channel Rating Details Reach Reach Reach Friction Bottom Side Identifier Length Manning's Slope Width Slope (ft) n (ft/ft) (ft) Reach 1 Reach 2 Reach 3 Reach 4 129 257 219 239 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.0093 0.0116 0.0091 0.0125 30 30 30 30 20 :1 20 :1 20 :1 20 :1 Reach End Top Friction Identifier Stage Flow Area Width Slope (ft) (cfs) (sq ft) (ft) (ft/ft) Reach 1 0.0 0.000 0 30 0.0093 0.5 119.649 20 50 1.0 440.212 50 70 Projection Engineering, Inc. 10 of 28 Westech College Preparation Date: 7/26/2012 Job Number: 120202 2.0 1811.363 140 110 5.0 14312.197 650 230 10.0 77484.487 2300 430 20.0 450208.702 8600 830 Reach 2 0.0 0.000 0 30 0.0116 0.5 133.628 20 50 1.0 491.642 50 70 2.0 2022.987 140 110 5.0 15984.307 650 230 10.0 86537.089 2300 430 20.0 502807.104 8600 830 Reach 3 0.0 0.000 0 30 0.0091 0.5 118.355 20 50 1.0 435.453 50 70 2.0 1791.781 140 110 5.0 14157.466 650 230 10.0 76646.793 2300 430 20.0 445341.438 8600 830 Reach 4 0.0 0.000 0 30 0.0125 0.5 138.715 20 50 1.0 510.358 50 70 2.0 2099.999 140 110 5.0 16592.806 650 230 10.0 89831.427 2300 430 20.0 521948.216 8600 830 Projection Engineering, Inc. 11 of 28 Westech College Preparation Date: 7/26/2012 Job Number: 120202 Section 4 — TR-55 Modeling (Proposed Condition) WinTR-55 Current Data Description --- Identification Data --- User: Projection Date: 6/27/2012 Project: Westech College Units: English SubTitle: Proposed Condition REV 1 Areal Units: Acres State: California County: San Bernardino Filename: K:\Personal\Projection Engineering, Inc\Projects\120202 - Westech College\Engineering\H&H\Hydrology\TR-55\Westech Proposed.w55 --- Sub -Area Data --- Name Description Reach Area(ac) RCN Tc 1A Initial Area Reach 1 0.24 90 0.149 1 B Second Area Reach 5 0.32 90 0.100 2A Initial Area Reach 2 0.15 90 0.100 2B Second Area Reach 3 0.2 90 0.1 2C Third Reach 5 0.74 90 .101 3A Initial Area Reach 4 0.07 90 0.100 3B Second Area Reach 3 0.22 90 0.100 4A Initial Area Outlet 0.09 76 .259 5A Initial Area Reach 6 0.71 71 .21 5B Second Area Outlet 0.86 90 0.100 Total area: 3.60 (ac) --- Storm Data Rainfall Depth by Rainfall Return Period 2-Yr 5-Yr 10-Yr 25-Yr 50-Yr 100-Yr 1-Yr (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) 2.78 3.62 4.28 5.14 5.78 6.41 2.12 Storm Data Source: User -provided custom storm data (See Exhibit `E' for Storm Data) Rainfall Distribution Type: Type I Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph: <standard> Projection Engineering, Inc. 12 of 28 Westech College Preparation Date: 7/26/2012 Job Number: 120202 Watershed Peak Table Sub -Area Peak Flow by Rainfall Return Period or Reach 5-Yr 10-Yr 25-Yr 50-Yr 100-Yr 1-Yr Identifier (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) SUBAREAS 1 A 0.31 0.45 0.56 0.71 0.82 0.92 0.21 1 B 0.45 0.65 0.80 1.01 1.16 1.31 0.30 2A 0.21 0.30 0.37 0.46 0.53 0.60 0.14 2B 0.28 0.40 0.50 0.63 0.72 0.81 0.18 2C 1.04 1.50 1.86 2.34 2.69 3.04 0.68 3A 0.10 0.14 0.18 0.22 0.26 0.29 0.06 3B 0.30 0.44 0.55 0.69 0.79 0.89 0.20 4A .00 0.07 0.10 0.14 0.18 0.21 .00 5A 0.20 0.44 0.66 0.98 1.22 1.48 0.06 5B 1.20 1.73 2.16 2.71 3.11 3.52 0.79 REACHES Reach 1 0.31 0.45 0.56 0.71 0.82 0.92 0.21 Down 0.31 0.45 0.56 0.71 0.82 0.92 0.21 Reach 2 0.21 0.30 0.37 0.46 0.53 0.60 0.14 Down 0.21 0.30 0.37 0.46 0.53 0.60 0.14 Reach 3 0.89 1.28 1.59 2.00 2.30 2.59 0.58 Down 0.89 1.28 1.59 2.00 2.30 2.59 0.58 Reach 4 0.10 0.14 0.18 0.22 0.26 0.29 0.06 Down 0.10 0.14 0.18 0.22 0.26 0.29 0.06 Reach 5 2.67 3.85 4.79 6.01 6.92 7.81 1.76 Down 2.66 3.85 4.78 6.00 6.91 7.79 1.75 Reach 6 0.20 0.44 0.66 0.98 1.22 1.48 0.06 Down 0.20 0.44 0.66 0.98 1.22 1.48 0.06 25-YR 100-YR OUTLET 3.98 5.94 7.51 9.56 11.11 12.64 2.53 Hydrograph Peak/Peak Time Table Sub -Area Peak Flow and Peak Time (hr) by Rainfall Return Period or Reach ANALYSIS: 5-Yr 10-Yr 25-Yr 50-Yr 100-Yr 1-Yr Identifier (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (hr) (hr) (hr) (hr) (hr) (hr) (hr) SUBAREAS 1 A 0.31 0.45 0.56 0.71 0.82 0.92 0.21 9.96 9.96 9.96 9.96 9.96 9.96 9.97 1 B 0.45 0.65 0.80 1.01 1.16 1.31 0.30 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 2A 0.21 0.30 0.37 0.46 0.53 0.60 0.14 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 2B 0.28 0.40 0.50 0.63 0.72 0.81 0.18 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 2C 1.04 1.50 1.86 2.34 2.69 3.04 0.68 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 3A 0.10 0.14 0.18 0.22 0.26 0.29 0.06 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 3B 0.30 0.44 0.55 0.69 0.79 0.89 0.20 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 4A .00 0.07 0.10 0.14 0.18 0.21 .00 Projection Engineering, Inc. 13 of 28 Westech College Preparation Date: 7/26/2012 Job Number: 120202 n/a 10.05 10.05 10.06 10.06 10.05 n/a 5A 0.20 0.44 0.66 0.98 1.22 1.48 0.06 10.06 10.04 10.03 10.02 10.02 10.02 10.09 5B 1.20 1.73 2.16 2.71 3.11 3.52 0.79 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 REACHES Reach 1 0.31 0.45 0.56 0.71 0.82 0.92 0.21 9.96 9.96 9.96 9.96 9.96 9.96 9.97 Down 0.31 0.45 0.56 0.71 0.82 0.92 0.21 9.96 9.96 9.96 9.96 9.97 9.96 9.97 Reach 2 0.21 0.30 0.37 0.46 0.53 0.60 0.14 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 Down 0.21 0.30 0.37 0.46 0.53 0.60 0.14 9.93 9.94 9.93 9.94 9.94 9.93 9.93 Reach 3 0.89 1.28 1.59 2.00 2.30 2.59 0.58 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 Down 0.89 1.28 1.59 2.00 2.30 2.59 0.58 9.94 9.94 9.94 9.94 9.94 9.93 9.94 Reach 4 0.10 0.14 0.18 0.22 0.26 0.29 0.06 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 9.93 Down 0.10 0.14 0.18 0.22 0.26 0.29 0.06. 9.93 9.94 9.93 9.94 9.93 9.93 9.88 Reach 5 2.67, 3.85 4.79 6.01 6.92 7.81 1.76 9.93 9.94 9.93 9.94 9.94 9.93 9.93 Down 2.66 3.85 4.78 6.00 6.91 7.79 1.75 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 Reach 6 0.20 0.44 0.66 0.98 1.22 1.48 0.06 10.06 10.04 10.03 10.02 10.02 10.02 10.09 Down 0.20 0.44 0.66 0.98 1.22 1.48 0.06 10.06 10.04 10.03 10.02 10.02 10.02 10.09 OUTLET 3.98 5.94 7.51 9.56 11.11 12.64 2.53 Sub -Area Summary Table Sub -Area Drainage Time of Curve Receiving Sub -Area Identifier Area Concentration Number Reach Description (ac) (hr) 1A .24 0.149 90 Reach 1 Initial Area 1 B .32 0.100 90 Reach 5 Second Area 2A .15 0.100 90 Reach 2 Initial Area 2B .20 0.100 90 Reach 3 Second Area 2C .74 0.101 90 Reach 5 Third 3A .07 0.100 90 Reach 4 Initial Area 3B .22 0.100 90 Reach 3 Second Area 4A .09 0.259 76 Outlet Initial Area 5A .71 0.210 71 Reach 6 Initial Area 5B .86 0.100 90 Outlet Second Area Total Area: 3.60 (ac) Projection Engineering, Inc. 14 of 28 Westech College Preparation Date: 7/26/2012 Job Number: 120202 Reach Summary Table Receiving Reach Routing Reach Reach Length Method Identifier Identifier (ft) Reach 1 Reach 2 Reach 3 Reach 4 Reach 5 Reach 6 Reach 5 106 CHANNEL Reach 3 125 CHANNEL Reach 5 101 CHANNEL Reach 3 80 CHANNEL Outlet 210 CHANNEL Outlet 136 CHANNEL Sub -Area Time of Concentration Details Sub -Area Flow Mannings's End Wetted Travel Identifier/ Length Slope n Area Perimeter Velocity Time (ft) (ft/ft) (sq ft) (ft) (ft/sec) (hr) 1A SHEET 50 0.0100 0.150 0.133 SHALLOW 130 0.0121 0.025 0.016 Time of Concentration 0.149 1B SHEET 100 0.0118 0.011 0.027 CHANNEL 125 0.0064 0.013 0.10 1.60 1.447 0.024 Time of Concentration 0.100 2A SHEET CHANNEL 2B SHEET CHANNEL 2C SHEET CHANNEL 3A SHEET CHANNEL 3B SHEET CHANNEL 4A SHEET CHANNEL 100 0.0086 0.011 0.030 73 0.0051 0.013 0.10 1.60 1.267 Time of Concentration 0.100 0.016 100 0.0050 0.011 0.038 101 0.0050 0.013 0.10 1.60 1.275 0.022 Time of Concentration 0.1 100 0.0050 0.011 0.038 290 0.0050 0.013 0.20 3.20 1.279 0.063 Time of Concentration .101 50 0.0050 0.011 0.022 86 0.0050 0.013 0.10 1.60 1.257 0.019 Time of Concentration 0.100 100 0.0050 0.011 0.038 135 0.0050 0.013 0.20 3.20 1.293 0.029 Time of Concentration 0.100 1 0.0100 0.011 0.001 316 0.0070 0.250 3.15 5.60 0.340 0.258 Projection Engineering, Inc. 15 of 28 Westech College Preparation Date: 7/26/2012 Job Number: 120202 Time of Concentration .259 5A SHEET 100 0.0181 0.150 0.182 SHALLOW 275 0.0181 0.025 0.028 Time of Concentration .21 5B SHEET 100 0.0100 0.011 0.029 SHALLOW 393 0.0158 0.025 0.043 Time of Concentration 0.100 Sub -Area Land Use and Curve Number Details Sub -Area Hydrologic Sub -Area Curve Identifier Land Use Soil Area Number Group (ac) 1A CN directly entered by user .24 90 Total Area / Weighted Curve Number .24 90 1 B CN directly entered by user .32 90 Total Area / Weighted Curve Number .32 90 2A CN directly entered by user .15 90 Total Area / Weighted Curve Number .15 90 2B CN directly entered by user .2 90 Total Area / Weighted Curve Number .2 90 2C CN directly entered by user .74 90 Total Area / Weighted Curve Number .74 90 3A CN directly entered by user .07 90 Total Area / Weighted Curve Number .07 90 3B CN directly entered by user .22 90 Total Area / Weighted Curve Number .22 90 4A CN directly entered by user .09 76 Total Area / Weighted Curve Number .09 76 5A Open space; grass cover < 50% (poor) A .61 68 Commercial & business A .1 89 Total Area / Weighted Curve Number .71 71 5B CN directly entered by user .86 90 Total Area / Weighted Curve Number .86 90 Reach Channel Rating Details Reach Reach Reach Friction Bottom Side Identifier Length Manning's Slope Width Slope (ft) n (ft/ft) (ft) Projection Engineering, Inc. 16 of 28 Westech College Preparation Date: 7/26/2012 Job Number: 120202 Reach 1 106 0.013 0.0118 20 50 :1 Reach 2 125 0.013 0.0086 0.1 12 :1 Reach 3 101 0.013 0.005 0.1 12 :1 Reach 4 80 0.013 0.005 0.1 12 :1 Reach 5 210 0.013 0.005 0.1 12 :1 Reach 6 136 0.013 0.018 20 50 :1 Reach End Top Friction Identifier Stage Flow Area Width Slope (ft) (cfs) (sq ft) (ft) (ft/ft) Reach 1 0.0 0.000 0 20 0.0118 0.5 131.083 22.5 70 1.0 606.751 70 120 2.0 3157.675 240 220 5.0 31660.287 1350 520 10.0 191234.022 5200 1020 20.0 1183337.16 20400 2020 Reach 2 0.0 0.000 0 0.1 0.0086 0.5 12.872 3.1 12.1 1.0 80.840 12.1 24.1 2.0 510.474 48.2 48.1 5.0 5857.367 300.5 120.1 10.0 37150.686 1201 240.1 20.0 235761.115 4802 480.1 Reach 3 0.0 0.000 0 0.1 0.005 0.5 9.815 3.1 12.1 1.0 61.640 12.1 24.1 2.0 389.232 48.2 48.1 5.0 4466.201 300.5 120.1 10.0 28327.132 1201 240.1 20.0 179766.165 4802 480.1 Reach 4 0.0 0.000 0 0.1 0.005 0.5 9.815 3.1 12.1 1.0 61.640 12.1 24.1 2.0 389.232 48.2 48.1 5.0 4466.201 300.5 120.1 10.0 28327.132 1201 240.1 20.0 179766.165 4802 480.1 Reach 5 0.0 0.000 0 0.1 0.005 0.5 9.815 3.1 12.1 1.0 61.640 12.1 24.1 2.0 389.232 48.2 48.1 5.0 4466.201 300.5 120.1 10.0 28327.132 1201 240.1 20.0 179766.165 4802 480.1 Reach 6 0.0 0.000 0 20 0.018 0.5 161.898 22.5 70 1.0 749.387 70 120 2.0 3899.983 240 220 5.0 39103.001 1350 520 10.0 236189.403 5200 1020 20.0 1461516.60 20400 2020 Projection Engineering, Inc. 17 of 28 Westech College Preparation Date: 7/26/2012 Job Number: 120202 1 Section 5 — Water Quality t Flow Based Calculations (Cobble LinedNegetated Swale) BMP Drainage Area = 2.39 Acres Area -averaged 2-year 1-hour rainfall value= 0.563" (See Attachment 'C' for NOAA Chart) Pervious Areas Impervious Areas CBMP = (0.42 Acres X 0.10) + (1.97 Acres X 0.80) = 0.81 2 Drainage Region = Valley: I = 0.2787"/hr (See Attachment B' for Regression Coefficients) IBMP = 0.563" X 0.2787"/hr X 2.0 factor of safety = 0.31 "/hr Q = (0.81) X (0.31"/hr) X (2.39 Ac.) = 0.60 CFS (Manning's Equation) 1.486 Q _ AR, PROVIDED n Provide Trapezoidal Chan. Variables Flow Depth - d(in) Manning's N - n(unitless) Longitudinal Slope - S(ft{ft) Side Slope - Z(ftift) Bottom thridth - W(ft) 12 .25 .01 k2 [1.2 QPROVIDED = 1.299 CFS > QREQUIRED = 0.60 CFS Eng. Units Units Values Velocity ft's 0.4059 Wetted Perimeter ft 5.672 Wetted Area sq.ft ` 3.200 Hydraulic Radius ft 0.5642 QPROVIDED cfs 1.299 Swale Length Required = (V) (tR) (60s/min) = (0.4059) (10 min) (60) = 243.54 ft. Swale Length Provided = 317 ft / / (AMC AC PANNE TO REMAIN IN' (ASCMENr POEMOSED PORN GESIN/ 'S PATEN EANNIE WSrOE Pa1OJS TO PROMOTE P 11IRARCW Projection El Preparation Date: 7/26/2012 SEC (AN NEW POP £'ESIIC SIINN AND CYAN YO(WNAnav f 10' /`� ` AOMMA(L i' CCWPALIED SODC7ACE 5llO(R SWA[E u DETAIL L:• TYPICAL SECTION - CODDLE-LI6ED/VECETATED STALE ICRnCA( SCA(LI•- I' Westech College Job Number: 120202 ATTACHMENT 'A' — EXHIBITS Projection Engineering, Inc. Preparation Date: 7/26/2012 EXHIBIT 'A' - VICINITY MAP RANDALL AVE PROJECT SITE 9460 SIERRA AVE FONTANA, CA 92335 SAN BERNARDINO AVE Li i Lu VICINITY MAP Westech College 19 of 28 Job Number: 120202 EXHIBIT 13' - LEGAL DESCRIPTION LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Parcel 1 of Parcel Map No. 9118, in the City of Fontana, County of San Bernardino, State of California, as per map recorded in book 95, pages 80 and 81, of parcel maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County. ius1 t-. i _;r +urt5t EXHIBIT 'C' - ASSESSOR'S PARCEL MAP Ptn, Semi -Tropic Land & Water. Co., Sub., S.B.L. M.B. 11/12 1410 w'adoGty JYationcl9 F4tic ivsvruncc 4 ompaRy 66) • ?) 8 • 1 C Ct ' .I • G7; 12 A ec ., I 2 (:) .1, ---'4 F+FNE-11---- ---- SE3tEF— et ▪ <s • 23 V' 22 4 2f 24 --- }7 .r 19 18 dfEN{ E— re48 ... LJ (7r 27 28 as 29 ea 34 31 32 yJ 33 34 "rrc dip 9:, I8, '.i )5139 8• Jcnucry 2004 ryn fi ?17 N ;0/ t .2, :a Pin. S.E.t/L, Sec. 18 T.1S., R.50/. City of Fontana Tax Rare Area 10182 Assessor's Map Book 0193 Poge 23 San Bernardino County Projection Engineering, Inc. Westech College Preparation Date: 7/26/2012 20 of 28 Job Number: 120202 0193-23 1111 um EXIT V' HLC JIMM " SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY HYDROLOGY MANUAL C-I G 2 SAN BERRARDND COUNTY • Co-N. —a— YAP WINO sat GROIN BOUNDARY A SOIL GROUP DESIGNATION BOUNDARY OF INDKATED SOURCE SCA E .AGpoo SCALE REDUCED BY 1/2 GROUP A: Low runoff potential. Soils having high infiltration rates even when thoroughly wetted and consisting cheifly of deep well -drained sands or gravels. These soils have a high rate of water transmission. HYDROLOGIC SOILS GROUP MAP FOR SOUTHWEST -A AREA Projection Engineering, Inc. Preparation Date: 7/26/2012 21 of 28 C-26 Westech College Job Number: 120202 FIGURE C-I3 1 ATTACHMENT 'B' - TABLES EXHIBIT `E' - NOAA TABLE NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 6, Version 2 Location name: Fontana. California, US' Coordinates: 34.0818,-117.4369 Elevatan:1179ft. sC see: Gaffe flops POINT PRECIPITATION FREQUENCY ESTIMATES Fiala Pena. 5are Cretz. Saab Ham. L'laa Hier, Kazr,ru Malaria. Deborah htartn. 5art3a PavIrmc. Isbati R c . C a1 Try9 a't$ . Goa Uhnn. Fe raj' 1 Ya1. M t-haat Yak/ a, Tat Zbac. Geot^ey 8at a. Dal elfirer+er. U-C!9enCbec1. Tye re z okJchnYar;ncen MOM,, Material V.gatner Servee. 5tver Sprit g. l t ara"ai d PF tabular I PF iraphr3I I Mars R aerial.; PF tabular PDS-based point precipitation frequency estimates with 90% confidence intervals (in inches)/ Average recurrence interval (years) Durati n 1 2 5 10 25 50 100 200 500 1000 5-min 0.113 p094-0ix: 0.147 (0123-0179) 0.195 ?0167-0237;,(0193-02v6' 0235 0292 (0232-0371) 0.337 (0262-0436) 0.386 {0292-0514) 0.438 (0322-0600; 0.512 (0261-0732j 0.572 (0390-06.=9; 10 min 0.161 (0134-01E5 0.211 (0179-0256; 0.279 (0232-0340: 0.337 (0277-0413: 0.418 (0332-0531) 0.484 (0376-0.626) 0.553 (0419-0733) 0.627 (0462.-08M, 0.733 (0518-105) 0.820 (0559-127) 15 min 0.195 (0162-0.236: 0.25S (0 213 -0 310; 0.338 (0 260-0 411', 0A07 (0 333-0 500: 0S06 (0 432-0643)) 0.585 (0455-0 760) 0.669 (0 507-0 691) 0.759 (0 559-1 04) 0.887 p 626-1 27) 0.992 (0 676-1 47) 30 ruin 0.292 (0243-0354; 0.382 (0318-046& 0.505 (0419-0615: 0.609 (0501-0748; 0.756 (0601-0961) 0.875 (0633-114) 1.00 (0758-133) 1.13 (0836-1.56) 1.33 (0936--190) 1A8 (101-2.20) 60 min 0.430 (0358-0522: 0.563 (0460-0684; 0.744 (0618-0906; 0898 (0731-1.10) 1.12 (063--1.42) 1.29 (100-1.68) 147 (112-19e) 1.67 (1.23-229) 1.96 (133-266 2.19 (144)-324) 2-hr 0.644 (537-0761z 0.834 (0694-101) 1.09 0901-1.32) 1.30 (107-1.51) 1.58 (126-201) 1.81 (1.41-235) 2.05 - (155-272) 229 (133-315) 2.64 (183-376) 2.91 (193-432) 3-hr 0.819 (0682-0993: 1.06 • (0676-1.28) 1.37 (1 13-1 67) 1.62 (1 34-1 (0) 1.97 (157-251) 2.24 (1.74--291) 2.52 (1.91-33) 2.81 (2 07-3 65) 321 (226-459) 3.52 (243-522) 6 hr 1.18 (0E60-143) 1.52 (126-164) 1.95 (1.62-2333) 2.31 (190-283) 2.78 021-353) 3.14 (244-408) 3S1 (266-467) 3.88 (293-532) 4.38 (300-627) 4.77 (333-707) 12 hr•1S7 (131-191) 2.04 (169-247) 2.63 (218-320) 3.10 (255-380) 3.71 C295-472) 4.18 (325-543) 4.64 (352-618) 5.10 (376-699)) 5.71 (403-81E) 6.18 (421-917) 24-ht 2.12 (188-2.44) 2.78 (243-321) 3.62 (319-419) 4.28 (375-4ea) 5.14 ¢. 35-619) 5.78 (479-7.11) 6.41 F. 1. l_ + 7.03 (55:-91p 7.85 (594-10 6) 8A7 (619-11.8) 2-day 2S6t (227-2.95) 3A4 (333-397) 4.S6 (402-528) SAS (477-633) 6.63 (561-798) 7.50 (6 23-9 23) 8.38 (679-106) 926 (7,29-120) 10A (7,03-141) 11.3 (827-.158) 3-day 2.76 • (244-310) 3.77 (333.435) 5.07 (447-535) 6.11 (535-713) 7.52 (6.37-906) 8.58 (7,12-106) 9.65 (7.81-12.2) 10.7 • (643-139) 122 (9.22-16.4) 3 13 (974-18.6) 4-day 2.96 (2 62-3 41) 4.09 (362-4721 5.56 (490-6431 6.74 (5 90-7 87) 8.35 (707-101) 9.58 (795-116) 10.8 (878-136 12.1 (953-157) 132 (10 4-18 6) 15.1 (11.1-211) 7-day 3.36 (297-387) 4.72 (418-5.45) 6S1 (575-7.54) 7.98 (690-931) 9.97 (345-120) 11.5 (9.55-142) 13.1 (106-165) 14.7 (116-191) 16.9 (126-22. 6) 18.7 (137-2931) 10 day 3.63 (321-410 5.16 (453-5.96) 7.18 (633-831) 8.84 (7 74-10 3) 11.1 6)42-134) 12.9 (107-159) 14.7 (119-18e) 16.6 (131-2215) 192 (146-260) 21.3 (156-29.7) 4.35 625 881 11.0 14.0 16.3 18.8 21A 25.1 28.1 20• day (3 85-5 01) (553-7.21) (777-102) (959-128) (118-168) (135-201) (152-237) (169-277) (190-339) (205-391) 30day 5.12 (453-590) • 7.36 (850-849) 10.4 (917-120) 13.0 (114-151) 16.6 (141-200) 19.5 (16.2-240) 226 (183-235) 25.9 (204-336) 30.6 (232-41 3) 34A (352-431) 45 day 6.10 (5AO- 704) 8.65 (765-999) 122 (107-141) 15.2 (133-177) 19.5 (165-235) 23.0 (191-283) 26.8 (217-330 30.9 (243-400) 36.8 (776-496) 41,6 (334-531) 60 day 7.19 (637-629) 10.0 (867-116) 14.0 (12.3-162) 17.4 (152-20.3) 22.4 (190-270) 26.5 (220-326) 30.9 (250-38.9) 35.7 (281-462) 42.7 . (3.''3-56) ' 48.6 (355-676) Prociptoicn fregtancy (PF) c trrates in this table arc based on frec.crey araly-.isof pa-tial dtration series (POS) Numbers in parmthesr. are FF estiratos at laver and upper bound: of he 90%, confidence interval The protatility that prezipiwion froqumcy trr r_; (for a given d1ratim and arera3e recrrrerre interval) trill be greater than the upper bound (cr lesstfan ttr lower bould) is 5% E.sbrratrs at upper bound: are not checked agairet probable maxirrrrr, precipitaten (Ff4P) err and may bo higier than c.rrert)t valid Ph1P values Please refer to NOAA Atlas 14 1:13cummt for mac infarrrotion Projection Engineering, Inc. Preparation Date: 7/26/2012 Back ft) el) PF graphical 22 of 28 Westech College Job Number: 120202 1 e EXHIBIT 'F' - CURVE NUMBERS ACTUAL IMPERVIOUS COVER Land Use (1) Range -Percent Recommended Value For Average Conditions -Percent (2) Natural or Agriculture 0 - 0 0 Public Park 10 - 25 15 School 30 - 50 40 Single Family Residential: (3) 2.5 acre lots 5 - 15 10 1 acre lots 10 - 25 20 2 dwellings/acre 20 - 40 30 3-4 dwellings/acre 30 - 50 40 5-7 dwellings/acre 35 - 55 50 8-10 dwellings/acre 50 - 70 60 More than 10 dwellings/acre 65 - 90 80 Multiple Family Residential: Condominiums 45 - 70 65 Apartments 65 - 90 80 Mobile Home Park 60 - 85 75 Commercial, Downtown Business or Industrial 80 - 100 90 Notes: 1. Land use should be based on ultimate development of the watershed. Long range master plans for the County and incorporated cities should be reviewed to insure reasonable land use assumptions. 2. Recommended values are based on average conditions which may not apply to a particular study area. The percentage impervious may vary greatly even on comparable sized lots due to differences in dwelling size, improvements, etc. Landscape practices should also be considered as it is common in some areas to use ornamental gravels underlain by impervious plastic materials in place of lawns and shrubs. A field investigation of a study area shall always be made, and a review of aerial photos, where available, may assist in estimating the percentage of impervious cover in developed areas. 3. For typical equestrian subdivisions increase impervious area 5 percent over the values recommended in the table above. SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY ACTUAL IMPERVIOUS COVER FOR HYDROLOGY MANUAL DEVELOPED AREAS Projection Engineering, Inc. Preparation Date: 7/26/2012 C-8 23 of 28 Figure C-4 ')7,1 Westech College Job Number: 120202 ATTACHMENT'C' - FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP to Projection Engineering, Inc. Preparation Date: 7/26/2012 i-r,~r..cr, ..i�.�r.u..v IMP SCALE 1" • GOO' 0 !te lice rrrr VETEn FIRM INSLRAh10E RAC MAP S 41 DF_1L�ARIIt�() COU't . CA I.i11Mt81A .t %H til ttict4 iA 91111 %AIU PANEL 1Ft4 0= 5ii0 r"'rw Vfr 1.:¢1 r14.. nktr1 :t,:1;* =7..; r' v•r ri,; •sni l•...v . 4.4 s.•.s +n r6.. .r r.+..r. n..r.. • MAP tittirttlt 41OTI.H I MAP FEVER) AULLUT 7]. n01 ',Most I .ors se, tls....r•t tp.s.r O. ..>n*. ta. w.^,r of +• a-n,..rw.r....tN...t..,.r r .r.71+a a.* t 11 t 1;:5 Uw 11...rw.♦•Ys4 r21 rr.rr••.. .'••• rrl "r:• ls.n ems...#*., p. In.00. ,1r. 91.<`... Pa',r {r.i. 1•m •..+ rAr•sL.r tlu..r r,.p..a1 •..e w rem.,t .4 II, N>J iwe. l.R•f. V. tt_V4 ^'W.a•V.a "91k r &.I sm.w r•..♦ ff.. Westech College 24 of 28 Job Number: 120202 ATTACHMENT `D' — EXISTING CONDITION DRAINAGE EXHIBIT Projection Engineering, Inc. Westech College Preparation Date: 7/26/2012 25 of 28 Job Number: 120202 ATTACHMENT `E' — PROPOSED CONDITION DRAINAGE EXHIBIT Projection Engineering, Inc. Westech College Preparation Date: 7/26/2012 27 of 28 Job Number: 120202 c 0 E 0 rn M 0 w F- 0 J 3 O 0 r 0 2 to 2 c 6) c 0) c w 6) m 0) 0 0 Q ai O) co 0 N N O) 0 O 0) N m rn m E o) n c O U 0) Q m 0 (E E 2- d a To .c c .) a 3 a_ FL c.. c -c 'o W O _J N °w 5 ¢ ri5x w• o o o m.. x w L caw ¢ -x x 00 __ ¢ ¢ <4ct N Tim O -6 U c ion Engineering EXISTING RESIDENCE APN: 0193-232-12 EXISTING RESIDENCE APN: 0193-232-01 HAIYTHOR A VENUh EXISTING RESIDENCE APN 0193-233-01 APARTMENT BUILDING 60' 30' 3O•I Oys = 9..58 CES' ;Oa=1561CIS The Infos motion Ic repro„n,oe� _ varlets m Included Projec� representations Osprey stv mtanpleiar rights te the usea.etenmem,mnilm�smri. implied nmelrntenem a use paum>iend srvav Product nor re it Beta Cr intended e. a =msmunlon doom documentm theInformation Nelnlameaoed m Nis empMe repmxmlallm It at Re sole eek of Ne perN sing or EXISTING COMMERCIAL BUILDING APN: 0193-234-06 EX/STING FLOWS SHEET FLOW TO OLIVE STREET A = 10 AC 1 - 11.79 0 = 825 CFS SUB AREA = 2C 0'% • ► pv PCB 0 = 4.90 CAS .34 AC VACANT LOT APN: 0193-243-10 N EXISTING APARTMENT BUILDING APN: 0193-243-02 SUB AREA = 1C SUB AREA = 28 \. SUB AREA = 18 5 AC It OCg3 /R EAR t --1175 VACANT LOT APN: 0193-243-03 VACANT LOT APN: 0193-243-06 VACANT LOT APN: 0193-234-09 ti ti 286 Gas (LEV. 11782 0 = .107 CES -a� AC A ts3.$1 INITIAL SUB AREA = 2A INITIAL SUB AREA = 1A A=075 AC S=00069 { EXISTING COMMERCIAL BUILDING APN: 0193-243-07 tea° zx r1 c EXISTING NUISANCE r SHEET FLOW TO SIERRA AVE. =0.27AC EXISTING COMMERCIAL BUILDING APN: 0194-101-05 EXISTING COMMERCIAL BUILDING APN: 0194-101-04 50' 50' 1175- / SIERRA AVENUE FILE NAME: HYDROLOGY-01 VACANT LOT APN. 0194-101-03 EXISTING COMMERCIAL building APN: 0194-101-02 EXISTING COMMERCIAL building APN: 0194-101-01 EXISTING COMMERCIAL BUILDING APN: 0194-111-06 0 15 30 60 90 120 1 /N = 30 FEET PARCEL MAP No. 19382 WDID No. 8 36C363671 HYDROLOGY EXHIBIT (EXISTING CONDITION) 9460 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92353 SHEET 1 OF 2 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 10Jul 2012.9:25am' Owner 0 w F- 0 U- LAYOUT: Layoutl a) las as E 0 Tch 0 0 if; 0 Ct F .d CU 0_ 0 LT_ 0 CU 0 -a a) 0_ O 01- 2 • g trif Ito n_ o-)45 co ry f X aj a • 0 .-tee •"4 X 2 0. e60 OH co q— E Lit) e IL (0 0 I-L• X 0 0 uJ LJJ II C) < cC F- ctionEngineering, |no\Pnojects\ 20202'VVestechCokege\Eogineehng\H&H\Hydro|ogy\ 9 Cn EXISTING RESIDENCE APN: 0193-232-12 EXISTING RESIDENCE APN: 0193-232-01 335II.3 ..... HAYTHORAI ATENU EXISTING RESIDENCE APN: 0193-233-01 5 \ • \ ; e• %).(.") = Z51 CIS = 12.64 CFS " SEE REPORT FOR UNDER -SIDEWALK DRAIN CALCULATIONS N The infermaien earthy; co !his arophe reoresenraren he5 b.111 compiled from 13 vonely of sources and Is subjecr 10 change without nob. Prelacies, Engineering TBIte5 PO ;CW1,6E011311018 Or warrantee ervress a Implied os to accuracy completer.. IffinIdmess cc product nor Is inosignod or Inland. re El conerUCIIM deal°, docuMent The use Or Melee 04 Vol ',emotion hshtoltt 01500 IIIIS grOphIC reerosenleboo Is et es sole riSk Of CO party using Ot M191.15Ing infamallon I .401177 ‘3. N. VACANT LOT APN: 0193-243H0 N 5. .50 N, 7„., ... OFFSITE FLOWS SHEET FLOW TO OLIVE STREET A — 10 AC 5. N N N. Az N. 5. PARCEL NO. 2 AREA 4A REACH 5 EXISTING APARTMENT BUILDING APN: 0193-243-02 EXISTING COMMERCIAL BUILDING APN: 0193-234-06 N. N N N AREA 59 \ V 09 tt 14. N 5t A=009 AC L=.117* S=00100 VACANT LOT APN: 0193-243-03 N 0 VACANT LOT APN: 0193-243-06 AREA 5A AREA 2C 0 0 0 ACNI I VACANT LOT APN: 0193-234-09 A=1222 AC - L=135.5' 5=0.0180 REACH 4 A=007 AC -1=85.0' 5=00100 AREA JA AREA 28 0 = 060 CIS REACH 2 A=0.20 AC L=101.1' AREA 2A A= 5 AC PARCEL NO. 1 A=0.12 AC L=12500' S=0.X641 '3 L=7109 EXISTING COMMERCIAL BUILDING APN: 0193-243-01 Reach Flow project tWesCoth Coltsge) Flow oath °Ott& Reath 5 (1.4..rtgthr210 ft') • Rettettcht {Length= ECe6 ft) lA (Arta = Q.? fl• ar), CN 751, re). 3 3 1433 . • Re eh 3 fishgth4301ft Rtach 2 •iLeneath.6•125 :(3-26 {5hat = 015Cr;) qe(c) n 7 0 /C7C1. RE(oott 4 C1-00.780 e .3/1) (7tre.da 0.0/' 93, )7. e).314aG) 4.)s- tAgegoe: 0.2 oc, CItti 93, .. • ,I2)8 - Area.- 2 0 rEsce (-Jr. r; 9Q-cc. 4010,34 () CINe= ottach 6 0_6601=-136 ft Mirr6a= )3.7t 04'2 (53tto = 3'9 oo, CN 76.35z er .2593 e)4ct0 Ce CC 7 t Is° 7te)7Keet • 56torava 5,-(e‘c•Ore bett.tit fjetp Ck(see (el NUISANCE SHEET FLOW TO SIERRA AVE A = 027 AC NUISANCE SHEET DRAINAGE TO SIERRA AVE. a - 0 )73 _ ...... EXISTING COMMERCIAL BUILDING APN: 0194-101-05 EXISTING COMMERCIAL BUILDING APN: 0194-101-04 VACANT LOT APN: 0194-101-03 EXISTING COMMERCIAL BUILDING APN: 0194-101-02 cc EXISTING COMMERCIAL BUILDING APN: 0194-101-DI EXISTING COMMERCIAL BUILDING I APN: 0194-111-06 0 15 JO 60 90 120 1 IN a- JO FEET PARCEL MAP No. 19382 WDID No. 8 36C363671 E E teR6v„s Aka eowsto PROJECT NO. DRAWN: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: FILE NAME: HYDROLOGY-02 120202 06/27/12 JTC/PEF PEF WES TECH COLLEGE FACILITY HYDROLOGY EXHIBIT (PROPOSED CONDITION) 9460 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92353 SHEET 2 OF 2 RJAIINARY - NOT FOR