HomeMy WebLinkAbout0850-72_Baseline Avenue/Almeria Avenue - Sewer Project_12.8CALIFOR! 'A PRELIMINARY 20-L,AY NOTICE E R C 0 P Y r L CERT MAIL #00515 #00516 CONSTRUCTION LENDER or Reputed Construction Lender, if any JOB #3-0448 FOLD HERE OWNER or PUBLIC AGENCY Or Reputed Owner (on public work) (on private work) CITY OF FONTANA 8353 SIERRA AVE. FONTANA, CA 92334-0518 FOLD HERE ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR or Reputed Contractor (PUBLIC AND PRIVATE WORK) IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 3097 AND 3098, CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT... IPS SERVICES, INC. (name and address of person or firm —sender) F.O. BOX 10458 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92423-0458 has furnished or will furnish labor, services, equipment or materials of the following general description: FONTANA (general description of the labor. services. equipment or materials furnished or to be furnished) STRIPING for the building, structure or other work of improvement located at: BASELINE & CHERRY AVENUE IN FONTANA (address or description of polo site sufficient tor identification) The name of the person or firm who contracted for the purchase of such labor, services, equipment or materials: ALBERT W. DAVIES INC. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER If bills are not paid in full for the labor, services, equipment, or materials furnished or to be furnished, a mechanic's Ilen leading to the loss, through court foreclosure proceedings, of all or part of your prop- erly being so Improved may be placed against the property even though you have paid your contractor In full. You may wish to protect yourself against this consequence by (1) requiring your contractor to furnish a signed release by the person or firm giving you this notice before making payment to your contractor or (2) any other method or device which Is appropriate under the circumstances. The person or firm giving this notice is required, pursuant to a collec- tive bargaining agreement, to pay supplemental fringe benefits into an express trust fund (described in Civil Code §3111), said fund is iden- tified as follows: (strike if inapplicable) Mai this date: ((tiCR • (title) ((signature)pule) An estimate of the total price of the labor, services, equipment or materials furnished or to be furnished is: (name) (addreee( / Aante) (address( (ean-) (address) DECLARATION OF SERVICE OF CALIFORNIA PRELIMINARY 20-DAY NOTICE In Accordance With §3097.1(c) and 3098, California Civil Code I, DAWN R. RUSSELL 0n the 17rh day of AUCIIST 19 91# at 8:30 _a._m Declarant served the CALIFORNIA PRELIMINARY 20-DAY NOTICE on the interested parties as follows. (Check applicable box.) 11 By placing a true copy thereof enclosed in a sealed envelope with first-class registered or certified postage prepaid in the United States mail at REDLANDS, CA addressed as follows: ❑ By delivering a true copy thereof to the parties listed below: declare: E By leaving a true copy thereof at the address or place of business with some person in charge, of the parties whose names and addresses delivered are listed below: (not to be used on public works) at I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on REDLANDS CA WOLCOTTS FORM 15100 (Quadruplicate), Rev. 7-81b (price class 130) ©1981 WOLCOTTS, INC. A MIST 17 19.9 Dec aran (PLEASE NOTE REVERSE SIDE) For your assistance the following complete text of Section 3097, Section 3097.1 and Section 3098 of the California Civil Code are hereafter quoted. Should ,, •. c, y _. meow you are urge , o Gansu your k f U,- f �, 4 lh § 3097. Preliminary 20-day notice (private work) Preliminary20 dayIII Where such notice is required to contain the information set forth in notice (private work) ' means a written notice from a claimani that is given` paragraph (6) of subdivision (c), a failure to give such notice, including:such prior to the recording of a mechanic's lien and'prior to'the filing'of a stop , notice, and..is required to; be -given under the following circumstances: (a) •Written preliminary notice; •partirie Except -one under direct contract with the owner or one performing actual labor for wages, or an express trust fund described in Section 3111, eve y person -who furnishes labor, service, equipment, or materialiorwhich alien otherwise can be claimed under this title, or for which a notice to withhold can otherwise belgiven under this title, must, as a necessary prerequisite to the validity of any -claim of lien, and of a notice to withhold, cause to be.;given to•the.owner•orreputed owner, to the original contractor, or reputed'contractor,'.and"to the. construction lender, if any,or to.the;:reputedconstruction lender, if any; a writtenpreliinarynptice-. as prescribed by this section.. .. • ; • < (b) Construction lender. Except the contractor, or one performing actual k labor for wages, or an express trust fund described: in Section 3111 all per-,• sons who•have•a direct contract with;the owner and- who;turnish'labor • vice egwp'ment or material for which`a hen otherwise can' be claimed and this title,or for which a notice to withhold can otherwise be given under this title, must; as a necessary prerequisite to the validity of,any claim of lien and' of a'nof-ice to withhold; cause to'be given to the'constructiion ten r d any,o, to the reputed ,construction, lender, fi any, a written preliminal nnotice as prescribed by:.this section; _ (c)°Tim'e; content; architect engineer er'surveyor. The preliminary notice referred_to in subdivisions (a) and (b)_shall, he.given_not later than 20 days after the claimant has first furnished labor, service, equipment, or materials to the jobsite, and shall contain the following information: (1); A ge"nera(,description o(the labor., service; equipment, or materials fur- nished;'or'to be I'urnished,`and'if'there isa construction lender, he shall be fur- nished with an estimate'of the tdtafprice thereof•in'addition to the foregoing. (2) The name and address of such person furnishing such labor, service, equipment, or materials. . • .•• ' (3) The.nartie of the,per,5on who.contracted for purchase of such labor, ser- vice, equipment, or "materials. ' `' . • (4).A.deseriptionoi,the .jobsite• sufficient;for-ideetifItalian . r :(5)-T,heaollowing.statement.in�bofdtacetype:... :;.. v.; . ,tiAe,-^ NOTICE TO P90PEHTY 0,WNER:A.:::;a you have any doµ5bl as to the usefulness of t' 'arm for your pur o 4 d t H If bills are not papf iy lull for the labor ,services t gt)jgment, or materials L turnlshed-or to be turn(shed a mechaglc s lien leadl,pto the loss, through court foreclosure proceedings of al or part of your;pro arty being so improved " may be placed against thelpropertyev`en=thbugfiyouhavelpaidyourcontrac- tor in full. You?may wish to protect yourself againsrthis'c`onsequence by (1) requiring your; contractor. to furnish ea- signed. release. by the person or firm .giving you: this notice before making,payment. to.your-contractof` r (2) any •' • other method. or device which is appropriate'under the circumstances. (6)• 11 such notice is given by a' subcontractor who isrequired pursuant to a collective-bargaining'agreement to pay suppl'ementaf fringe benefits into an express trust fund described in Section 3111, such notice shall also contain the. identity and.address of such trust fund or funds. If an invoice for such •materials contains the information required by this section, a.copy of such invoice, transmitted in the manner prescribed by this section •shall be. sufficientnotice. A certificated architect, registered engineer, or licensed land surveyor who has furnished services'for,the design of the 'work of improvement and who gives a preliminary notice as.provided in this section not later than 20 days after the work of improvement has commenced shall be -deemed to have com- plied with subdivisions (a)'and (b) with respect to architectural, engineering, or surveying services furnished,. or. to.be furnished. (d) Election not to give�preliminary notice; subsequent rights. If labor, ser- vice, equipment, or materials have been furnished to a jobsite by a person who elected -not to give;a,prelimfnary notice as provided In subdivision (a) or (b), such person shall not be precluded from giving a preliminary notice not later than 20 days after furnishing. other, Jabot, service, equipment, or materials to•the same jobsite Sech"person shall, however, be entitled to claim a lien and a notice.to.withhold only for such labor, service, equipment, - or: material furnished-witdin•20 days'priorto ihe'service of such notice, and at . any time thereafter. •• .(e) Waiver. Any agreement made ors entered into by an owner, whereby the owner agrees to waive the: rights or privileges -conferred -upon him by this section shall be void and of no effect do'(f)xService, Theenotibe equhreriebildi hiss coon may be served es . follows. (1) If the person to be notified resides in this state, by deliveringthenotice personally, or by leaving it at his address of residence or place o1 business, with some person in charge, or by first-class registered or certified' mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the person to whom notice Is to begiven at his residence or place of business address or at the address shown by the building permit on file with; the authority cssuidgi.a buildmg:permit for the., work, or at an address recorded pursuant to subdivision (j) of. this Section. (2) If the person to be notified does' not reside In ihlsstate, by any method enumerated in paragraph (1) of this subdivision. If such person cannot be served by any of such methods, then notice may be givenby first-class cer- tified or registered mail, addressed to the construction lender or to the original contractor. (3) When service Is made by first-class certified or registered mail, service is complete at the time. of.the.deposit of such registered. or certified mail: (g) Single notice; addllonal material, servlce,-labo'r or equipment. A per- son required by this section to give notice to the owner and to an original con- tractor, and to a person to whom a notice to withhold maybe given; need give only one such notice to owner, and to the original contractor and to the per- son to whom a notice to withhold may be given with respect to all materials, service, labor, or equipment he furnishes for a work of improvement, which means the entire structure or scheme of improvements as a whole, unless the same is furnished under contracts with more than one subcontractor, in which event, the notice requirements must be met with respect to materials,- services, labor, or equipment furnished to each such contractor. If a notice contains a general description required by subdivision (a) or .(b) of the materials, services, labor, or equipment furnished to the date of notice, it is not defective because, after such date, the person giving notice fur— nishes materials, services, labor, or equipment not within the scope of such general description. (h) Disciplinary action against contractors and subcontractors. Where the contract price to be paid to any subcontractor on a particular work of improvement exceeds fourhundred dollarss(($400), the failure•et thatcontrac- tor,•licensed under Chapter 9 (commencing,withSection 7000) of Division 3 . ;f of the Buslness.andProfessions Code, to•give the notice provided for in this • section, constitutes grounds for disciplinary action by the Registrar of Contractors, t in ormatian, that results in the filing` of a lien or the deliveryroI afstop'notice by the express trust fund to which' such obligation .is owing constitutes grounds for the disciplinary action by the Registrar of Contractors.against the subcontractor if.the amount.dpe such trustdund is not paid.;"•'• • (1) Construction lender designationor` permit applicaboo. Every city, county, ;city and:icounty, or other goveiemehtal°authority issuing building permits shall, in its application form fora building permit, provide space and a designation for the applicant to enter the name, branch, designation, if any, and address of the construction lender and "shall keep the information on file open for public inspection during the regular business hours of the authority. 11sthere is no known construction lender,athet fact,shail be noted in e'such ,designated space;Any failureid mdicatethe name and;address of the con- struction lender on`csuch application 'however shall not4reliene any�person from fneiobhgation to give totthe ' construction lender e.-n thotice required by this section • • (j),,deitgnatlen: of mortgage;vdeed of trust el other instrument securing Loan. Atmortgage4deed of trust; or other'Instrumenl. secnringa dan,,-anyoi the,proceeds ol.'which may be used fo,the purpose,ot constructing improve- mehts; onvreal property shall'„ bear the n tiG designatioonstruction..ruust Deed" prominently on its Tice and 'shall state all 01 the following: (1?the name and address of the lender, and the name and address of the owner of the real property described in the instrument, and (2) a legal description of the real property which secures the loan and, if known, the street address of the property. The failureto be so designated or to state any of the information required by this subdivision shall not affect the validity of any such mortgage, deed of trust, or other instrument. Failure to provide such information on such an instrument when recorded shall not relieve persons required to give preliminary notice under this section from such duty. The county recorder of the county in which such instrument is recorded shall indicate in the general index of the official records of the county that such instrument secures a construction loan. (k) Trust fund and tender; supplementary fringe benefits. Every contractor and subcontractor who is required pursuant to a collective -bargaining agree- ment to pay supplementary fringe benefits into an express trust fund described `•;irrSection 311;t, and who has failed to do so shall dd115dto.be given to such fund and to the construction lender Carly. of to i. reputed construction `lendeer,-if any, -not later than the date such`payme`nttlueto such fund became delinquent, a written notice containing (1) The name of the owner and the contractor. (2) A description of the jobslte sufficient for identification. (3) The identity and address of the express trust fund. (4) Thefotal number of straight time and overtime hours on each such job, payment for which the contractor or is delinquent to tlig express trust. (5) The amount then past due and lowinV. Failure to give such notice shall constitute grounds for disciplinary action by the Registrar of Contractors. - (1) Contract; name`and'eddreti ofOWner; informatlon'to.person4eeking to serve notice. Every written contract entered Into between a property owner and an original contractor shall provide space for the owner to enter his name and address of residence; and place of business If any. The original conirac3 tor shall make availablethe name and address of residence of the owner'to any person seeking to serve notice required by this section. §3097.1 Proof slurries of preliminary 20-day notice, proof e1 service affi- davit; receipt. Proof that the preliminary 20-day notice required by Section 3097 was served In accordance with subdivision (i) of Section 3097 shall be made as follows: (a) If served by mail, by the proof of service affidavit described in subdivi- sion (c) of this section accompanied either by the return receipt of certified or registered mail, or by a photocopy of the record of delivery and receipt main- tained by the. postoffice,=shpwingg ihe:dateinf delivery and to whom delivered, or, in the event of nondeliv_ery,,bythe, returned envelope Itself. (b) If served bypersonally delivering the notice to the person to be notified, or by leaving it. at his address or place 01 business with some person in charge, by the proof of service affidavit described in subdivision (c). •,(c):A prootofserwcer.:aif(davit, is an;afhdavit of the person makingithe service; showing ¢he time place and manner of service and tactsishowing that. such service was made irfaccordancetwitb Section"s3097 x.Such aifidatift shaltshow the name miff addressee the person upon whom a ctipyofthe pre- liminary 20-day notice was served and d apprepriete the title ercapacity .fn which he was served • 3098. Pnfminay, 20,dayinotite{public work) stop notice eervtce disc; ctptinary action; exemption for' express -trust fund. "Preliminary •20:ttay notice (public work), stop notice" means a written notice from •a claimant that,was,ggiyen ,prior•,to;the5fi jng ofra stop notice on public work, and is re uired to be a ven under following circumstances: (a) to any casein whlch,thelaw of this state affords a right to a person fur- nishing labor or materials for a public work who has not been paid therefor to file a stop notice with the public:agency concemed,,and thereby cause the withholding of payment trom`tn'e; contractor for the public -work, any such person having.00. dirt:ct,contractual relationship with. the contractor, other than a person who>performed actuaflabortor wages'or an express trust fund described in Section 3111, mayfilesuch,a notice, but no •payment shall be withheld from any such contractor, pursuant to any such notice, unless such person has, caused written noticeto, be: given: to. such contractor, and the public agency concerned, not later th'an 20 days after the claimant has first furnished labor, services, e'qulpment(;or)materials to'the jobsite, stating with substantial accuracy a general description of labor, service, equipment, or materials furnished or to be furnished, and the name of the party to whom the same was furnished. Such notice shall be served by mailing the same by first-class mail, registered mail, or certified mail, postage. prepaid, in an envelope addressed 10 the contractor at any place he maintains an office or conducts his business, or his residence, or by personal service. In. case of any public works constructed by the Department of Public Works or the Department of General Services of the state, such notice shall be served by mailing in the same manner as above, addressed to the office of the disburs- ng officer-ol the department constructing the work, or by personal service upon suchoificer. When service is. bp registered or certified' mail, service is complete at -the time of the deposit of the registered or certified mail. (b) Where the contract price to be paid to any subcontractor on a particular work of improvement exceeds four hundred dollars ($400), the failure of that licensed under Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) o1 Division 3 el the Business and Protessions•Code, to give the nofice provided or in this section, constitutes grounds for discipllnary action by the Registrar of Contractors. (c) The.notice requirements of this section shall not apply to an express rust fund described in Section 3111: CALIFORrA PRELIMINARY 20-C 'aY NOTICE 0 W N E R C 0 P Y r L CERT MAIL #P 102 746 709 #P 102 746 710 CONSTRUCTION LENDER or Reputed Construction Lender, if IN ACCORDANCE WITH JOB #380373 FOLD HERE (Pt + t PRIVATE WORK) CTIO 61993 1 P YO IP IL CODE ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT.. . SERVICES, INC. (name and address of person or firm —sender) . BOX 10458 ENGINEERI S OWNER ar PUBLIC AGENCY or Reputed Owner (on public work) (on private work) CITY OF FONTANA 8353 SIERRA AVE. FONTANA, CA 92335 I On the 221nd day of Ji#LF 93 81i30 19_, at served the CALIFORNIA PRELIMINARY 20-DAY NOTICE on the interested parties as follows: (Check applicable box.) LBy placing a true copy thereof enclosed in a sealed envelope with first-class registered or certified postage prepaid in the United States mail at MENTOUH, CA addressed as follows: FOLD HERE ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR or Reputed Contractor BERNARDINO, CA 92423-0458 ed or will furnish labor, services, equipment or materials of the following general description: A.F.W. DAVIES, INC. (general description of the labor, services, equipment or materials furnished or ld be tarnished) STRIPING for the building, structure or other work of improvement located at: BASELINE AVE & ALMERIA AVE (address or description of lob site sufficient for identification) IN FONTANA, CA The name of the person or firm who contracted for the purchase of such labor, services, equipment or materials: A.W. DAVIES, INC. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER If bills are not paid in lull for the labor, services, equipment, or materials furnished or to be furnished, a mechanic's lien leading to the loss, through court foreclosure proceedings, of all or part of your prop- erty being so improved may be placed against the property even though you have paid your contractor in full. You may wish to protect yourself against this consequence by (1) requiring your contractor to furnish a signed release by the person or firm giving you this notice before making payment to your contractor or (2) any other method or device which Is appropriate ,under the circumstances. The person or firm giving this notice is required, pursuant to a collec- tive bargaining agreement, to pay supplemental fringe benefits into an express trust fund (described in Civil Code §3111), said fund is iden- tified as follows: (strike if inapplicable) (name) (address) (name) (address) learnt) COORD. (signature) (tine) An estimate of the total price of. the labor, services,. equipment or materials furnished or to be furnished is: DECLARATION OF SERVICE OF CALIFORNIA PRELIMINARY 20-DAY NOTICE In Accordance With §3097.1(c) and 3098, California Civil Code BAD L RUSSELT. ❑ By delivering a true copy thereof to the parties listed below declare: am Declarant ❑ By leaving a true copy thereof at the address or place of business with some person In charge, of the parties whose names and addresses delivered are listed below: (not to be used on public works) I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on at N ENTONB WOLCOTTS FORM 1510010uadrup1Wtq, Rev. 7•e1b (price class 13D)> CA ©lent WOLCOTTS, INC. Declarant (PLEASE NOTE REVERSE SIDE) For your assistance.the following complete text of Section 3097,. Section 3097.1 and Section 3098 of the California Civil Code are hereafter quoted; Shou„ you have any dogpt as tmtheusetulness ob"41,lorm}i0rIyo r s s,yyou are urged pheensull*Our ow —10 ne .41 § 3097. Preliminary, 20-day notice (privets aork). Prehm�naryt,20:daytsr, Where, such notice is squired to contain _the information set forth in notice (private work)" means a written notice i stglye . (6),of.subdivision-(c),;a failure to give such notice inefu`drng such prior to the recording of a mechanic's lien an prior to 1 i mformat n, Ihat`results in the -filing of a lien or the d livery of a sto, :notice .-notice, and, is required to be-gjwen,nderJhe f Rowing cicrylmstan . : the press trust fund to which such obhgationg`is owing. constitutes (e) Written preliminary notice;-partili face 't'•one emder•tfliect conrrec( g :unds or the disciplinary action by the Registrar otContractors against the coht ctor it.the;amount,due.suchitrustjund'is not paid. ) ;Co struction (ender, -disi9natlon er permit application. Every city, my a. ify and Bounty -or .other!governmental.'authority issuing building mits all, in its application form for a building permit, provide space and s.1 n• ion for the applicant to enter the name, branch, designation, trany, s of the constructiorvlender•and.shajl keep the information on file blic inspection during the regular business hours of the authority. is no -known construchon3lendeyN,lftallfacrahell be notediin'uch designatedvspace14y. lailureikihrlicatetilieEname and<addres,- `of'theicon, wages, or an express trust s ho furnishes.lab_ r,.-� ervlce,� ■ can tie claimedunderthisRP • c se. be liven under this title, p laim of lien, and of with the owner or one performing actualaabor f fund described. in Section .3111., every person.0 equipment; or material'or whiche lien otherwi, title, or for which a notice to withhold ca'n otherv' must, as a necessary prerequisite to-thevalidity f-any .;noticeto withhold, cause to ;be, given to -the owger.;or .original contractor, or. reputed contractor, and to the any„ or�tothereputedconsiructiontender i6any. as prescribed by this section „ -„,a,„ - i r a. (b) Construction lender. Except the contractor, or one performing "actual labor for wages, or -an 'expresstrust'tuiid described"in Section 3111 allFp sons who have a direct contract with the owner,and who furnish labor vice' equipment or material for whicha hen otherwise can be claimed uoc this title or tor which a notice to withhold can otherwise be given unde9thR_- title must, as a necessary,prerequisjte to the va)idity,of,any claimmi lien and'- ' of a notice to withhold, cause to be given to the construction lender ii any, or to the.reputed<constructton lender„ it any, a.,written preliminar notice as prescribed by this. section. . "(i)-Time; contebt; architect englneerorr syrveyor. The preliminary notice tryctionlenderon suchzappkcation however shall not relieve anynperson r m.tlie obligation;torgwe'to thec 'anatruction lender the noticetrequiredrby s sechon , r . , r . 0esignationvofrmortgd of truataor Lothar idstrument it gimp A�morigageedeed of tr,yst'or'yothgr1nstyumentzsecurm *loan; an of the pr'i ceedsrof which may beused)fo fthetpurpose dbt constructing iinpro e- ments-Aon real; property shall".bear thd}d'esignatitte 'Construction T.fust Deed' prominently Onits 'face and shall state air of the following: (1y*ilie name and address of the lender, and the name and address of the owner of the real property described in the instrument, and (2) a legal description of . referred to in subdivisions-la)and tbt shall.be given not later than 20 days the real property which secures the loan and, it known, the street address of after the claimant has first furnished labor, service, equipment, or materials -- theproperty:The.tailure:to•beso.designated or -to state -any -of the information' to the jobsite, and shall contain the following information: required by this subdivision shall not affect the validity of any such mortgage, (1) A;general description of -the labor:, service, ei{uipine[it or materials fur- deed of trust, or other instrument. nished, or io fie furnished, and if there'is'a construction lender, he shall be fur- Failure to provide such information on such an instrument when recorded nished with an estimateof-the total price theredi•ih'addltibn to the foregoing. shall not relieve persons required to give preliminary notice under this'section (2) The name and,address of such person furnishing such labor, service, from such duty. The county recorder of the county in which such instrument is recorded. shall indicate in the general index of the official records of the county that such Instrument secures a construction loan. (k) Trust fund and lender; supplementary fringe benefits. Every contractor and subcontractor who is required pursuant to a collective -bargaining agree- ment to pay supplementary fringe benefits into an express trust fund described 'JnjSection,911�1'; and who has failed to do so shall d'aGseito;be given to such R2i.! , er u e , .i>- , s t<3 a4 fund and to the construction lender ad arpy,: qi; to the reputed construction. Uf bllis are not paict.in tull.tor the a.bor setjyices egpjprnent, or materials fender; dany;inot later than the date such paymentdueio such fund became turmshed or tope furnished a mechanic s lien leading, o:the loss, through delinquent, a written notice containingy, ..:w - . ' 'court forecl`osure proceedirigs 4of all or"part of you�pho city"being so improved (1) The name of the owner and the contractor. ••' maybe pla`cetivigamshthe'prroperty even^thoug'ti+gou eve paid your contrac- (2) A description of the jobsite sufficient for identification. for in full. You}fna)h*ish to protectyoursennagaihAFthisl"consequence by (1) (3) The identity and address of the express trust fund. requiring your,contractor;;)o furnish assigned releaserby„the person or firm (4) The total number of straight time and overtime hours on each suctijob, giving ypu this notice before making payment to yotir contractor's' (2) any payment for which the contractor or subcontractor is delinquent to the - other method:or e wtR devicch is4appropriate under the circumstances.. express trust. (6) 1f such notice is given by a subcontractor who ici IS *wired pursuant to a (5) The amount then past due and awing. . collective -bargaining -Agreement to pay supplemental fringe benefits into an Failure to give such notice shall constitute grounds for disciplinary action express trust fund described in Section 3111, such notice shall also contain by the Registrar of Contractors. ..the identity and address of such trust .fund oc funds. (I) Contract; name and address of:eller; Information to. person inking to It an invoice for such materials contains the information required by this serve notice. Every written contract -entered into: betweenl-property owner section, -a copy_of such invoice, transmitted in the manner prescribed by this and an original contractor shall provide space for the owner to enter his name section shall be sufficient,notice.L., and address of residence; and place of business if any. The original contrad' A certificated architect, registered engineer, or licensed land surveyor who for shall make avaitablethe name-and_add_ressoi-residence of the owner fo has -furnished services_:;for the design of -the work of improvement and who any person seeking to servevnotice required by this section. givesa preliminary notice as, provided in this section not later than 20 days atter the work of improvernent•hascommenced shall be deemed to have com- §3097.1 Roof of service of preliminary 20-day notice, proof of service en - plied with subdivisions ta) and (b) with respell to architectural, engineering, davit; receipt. Proof that the preliminary 20-day notice required by Section or. surveying, services_furnished, or. to.be.furnished. •..... 3097 was served In accordance with subdivision (f) of Section 3097 shall be (d) Election not to glvrpreliminary notice; subsequent rights. If labor, ser- - made as follows: • vice, equipment, or materials have been furnished to ajobsite by a person (a) If served by mail, by the proof of service affidavit described in subdivi- who elected hoar', give'aa>preliminary notice as provided in subdivision (a) or slon (c) of this section accompanied either by the return receipt of certified or (b), such person shall not be precluded from giving a preliminary notice not registered mail, or by a photocopy of the record of delivery and receipt main - later than 20 days, atter turnishingr.otherr„labor,• service, equipment, or tainedbythepost:oiiice, shovjrigiheidate;ol1deliveryandtowhomdelivered, , materials to the same jobsite. Such person shall, however, be entitled to or, in the event o1 nondplivery„bythe„returned envelope itself. claim a lien and anotice to withhold only for suchlabor; service, equipment, (b) It served by'personally delivering he notice to the person to be notified, or material furnished within 20 days prior to the Servlce'of such notice, and at . • or by leaving it at his address or place of business with some person in any time thereafter. . ' . charge, by the proof of service affidavit described in subdivision (c). . (e)•Waiver. Any agreement made or entered into by an owner,whereby the'' (c) AF proof otrserrv)ce, affidavit is an.atttdavit of the'pefsontmaking tf(e owner agrees to waive the: rights or privileges conferred.upon °him by this':, service; showing tnebme placecand manniir�of service,andilacts;showing section�shali bays d and of� no effect ,. ; ,. thansuch service wasrimade In,accor03nce Willi Secbom:3D97 Such affidavt fi (1, Sir rce4TTLe netiee Scequui derails ion may be served gas: • shall show the name'and address. of the person upon,wlom a copy of •fife pre- "' Iiminary;2O-day notice was served and it appropnate`ctlie Mle`orfcapaciyin (1) It the person to be notified resides in this state, by delivering the notice which he was served -_,; ; �r r;} Via• personally, or by leaving it at his address of residence or place of business: " " t ` with some person In charge, or by first-class registered or certified mail, •30t18 Reliminery' 2D dsyipotlee (publk work) stop:notiee service; dis postage prepaid, addressed to the person to whom notice is to be)piven at his sip inary action; exemption for express :trust kind. 'Preliminary aliday - residence or place of business address or at the address shown by the notice (public work), stop notice" means a written notice from a claimant building permit on file with,thetauthority issuingja,buildidg Ipermittfoy{the._s' that wasAtive gl (iosAto theAifoliowa stop notice on public work, and is work, or at an address recorded pursuant to subdivision (j) of this section. required to be'given ion lithe hfollowing circumstances: • (2) II the person to be notified does -not residefn thfs'state, tiy'any method (e) (many casein which',the.law of this state affords a right to a person fur- . enumerated in paragraph (1) of this subdivision. If such person cannot be coshing labor or materials'tor a publiework wces not been paid therefor to served by any of such methods, then notice may be given by first-class cer- file a stop notice with theputilie agency. oricernhe and thereby cause the tified or registered mail, addressed to the construction lender or to the withholding of payment from the, contractor tor:the public work, any such original contractor. person having nedirect contractual relationshivwith the contractor, other . than a person who performed actual'labor for -wages or an express trust fund (• described,in'Sectle 3111.m'ay;;I11e'.such•anotice-butnopaymentshallbe (3) When service is made by first-class certified on registered mail service withheld from any such contractor, pursuant to any such notice,unless such is complete at the.time of the deposit of: such.regisfered.or certified mail. • .. person.has:caused;:wnften notice••to,,ge given to such;contractor, and the (g) Single notice; additional material, service," labor or equipment. A per- public agency,concerned; notaater.than:,20 days atter the claimant has first son required;bythis section to give notice to the owner and to an original con- furnished labor, services, egiriprfient; or`materials to the jobsite, stating with tractor, and to a person to whom a notice to withhold may be given, need give substantial accuracy a general description of labor, service, equipment, or only one such notice to owner, and to the original contractor and to the per- materials furnished or to be furnished, and the name of the party to whom the son to whom a notice 10 withhold may be given with respect to all materials, same was furnished. Such notice shall be served by mailing the same by service, labor, or equipment he furnishes for a work of Improvement, which . first-class. mail; registered..mail, or certified mail; -postage prepaid, in an means the entire structure or scheme of improvements as a whole, unless the ' envelope addressed to the contractor at any place he maintains an office or same is furnished under contracts with more than one subcontractor, in conducts his business, or his residence, or by personal service. In case of which event, the notice requirements must be met with respect to materials, any public works constructed by the Department of Public Works or the services, labor, or equipment furnished to each such contractor. Department of General Services of the state, such notice shall be served by If a notice contains a general description required by subdivision (a) or (b) mailing In the same manner as above, addressed to the office of the disburs- al the materials, services, labor, or equipment furnished to the date of notice, trig officer of the department constructing the work, or by personal service it is not detective because, atter such date, the person giving notice -fur-- . . upon such ofiicer..When service is by:registered or certified:mail, service is nishes materials, services, labor, or equipment -not within the scope of such complete;at the lime of the deposit off the. registered or certitied.maii. general description. (b) Where the cohttact price to be paid to any subcontractor on a particular (h) Disciplinary action against contractors and subcontractors. Where the work of improvement exceeds four hundred dollars ($400), the failure of that contract price to be' paid•to any subcontractor on a particular work of contractor, licensed under Chapter 9.(commencing with Section 7000) of improvement exceeds four hundred dollars ($400), the failure'ef that contrac- Division'3ot the Business and Protessions'Co'de, to give the notice provided tor, licensed under Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 for in this section, constitutes grounds for disciplinary:action•bythe Registrar of the Business and Professions Code, to give the notice provided forin this of Contractors. section, constitutes grounds tor disciplinary action by the .Registrar of Contractors.(c) The notice requirements of -this section shall not apply to an express • trust -fund -described in -Section 3111. ••- (3) Thp.,r ame of,the erson,whp,contracted for purchase of such labor, ser- vice, equipment,' or materials. (4,):A.description°ofsthegob'sitersuificientsfor 'identification. (5),:T;helolloeing:statement inr,boldfaceype:. u's:<nssr. .... -•;. . :f'P F; �n3i ,atar.r.wa' ^;fly iftf �r ig NQ ICE,TO P.ROPERTY:OWNER::cc, title; 0 W N E R C 0 P Y CALIF1RNIA PRELIMINARY ''OTICE 2960464 IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 3097 AND 3098, CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE THIS IS NOT A LIEN, THIS IS NOT A REFLECTION ON THE INTEGRITY OF ANY CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT... JUNal4 CONSTRUCTION LENDER or Reputed Construction Lender, if any OWNER or or Reputed Owner (on private work) FOLD HERE CITY OF FONTANA P.O. BOX 518 FONTANA, CA 92334 PUBLIC AGENCY (on public work) Construction loan no (if known) FOLD HERE ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR or Reputed Contractor, if any SOUTHWEST CONCRETE PRODUCTS (name of person or firm furnishing labor, services, equip- ment or material) 519 SOUTH BENSON AVENUE (address of person or firm furnishing labor, services, ONTARIO, CA 9176t equipment or material has furnished or will fumish labor, services, equipment or materials of the following general description: MANHOLES, RINGS, £ "S" COVERS (general description of the labor, services, equipment or material fumished or to be furnished) for the building, structure or other work of improvement located at "TRUNK SEWER SYSTEM AT BASELINE (address or description of lob site t ALMERIA, FONTANA, CALIFORNIA sufficient for identification) The name of the person or firm who contracted for the purchase of such labor, services, equipment or material is: P.M.I. (name and address of person or firm) 5421 STONE AVENUE RIVERSIDE, CA 92509 An estimate of the total price of the labor, services, equipment or materials fumished or to be fumished is: r:'`a .. > (Dollar amount must be furnished to construction lender — optional as to owner or contractor) Trust Funds to which Supplemental Fringe Benefits are Payable. (Material men not required to furnish) (name) (address) (name) (address) (name) (address) (name) (address) NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER If bills are not paid in full for the labor, services, equip- ment, or materials furnished or to be furnished, a mechanic's lien leading to the loss, through court foreclosure proceedings, of all or part of your property being so improved may be placed against the property even though you have paid your contractor in full. You may wish to protect yourself against this consequence by (1) requiring your contractor to furnish a signed release by the person or firm giving you this notice before making payment to your contractor or (2) any other method or device which is appropriate under the circumstances. Dated• MAY 28, 1993 808 Sig NAJ — PUNDENT Telephone Number( 409 ) 9$3 '9119 T L.;.. {. ..... lkl.. [na O....:......1 i lon\ 0 _LIFORNIA PRELIMINARY NOT, L IN ACCORDANCE WITH. SECTIONS 3097, 3098 AND 3111 OF THE CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE THIS IS NOT A LIEN, THIS IS NOT A REFLECTION ON THE INTEGRITY OF ANY CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT... Various Date: - MAY 5 , 1993 CONSTRUCTION LENDER or Reputed Construction Lender, if any. C.>nstruciio - Loan no. (if known) NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER IF BILLS ARE NOT PAID IN FULL FOR THE LABOR, SERVICES, EQUIPMENT, OR MATERIALS FURNISHED OR TO BE FURNISHED, A MECHANIC'S LIEN LEADING TO THE LOSS, THROUGH COURT FORECLOSURE PROCEEDINGS OF ALL OR PART OF YOUR PROPERTY BEING SO IMPROVED MAY BE PLACED AGAINST THE PROPERTY EVEN THOUGH YOU HAVE PAID YOUR CONTRACTOR IN FULL. YOU MAY WISH TO PROTECT YOURSELF AGAINST THIS CONSEQUENCE BY 1) REQUIRING YOUR CONTRACTOR TO FURNISH A SIGNED RELEASE BY THE PERSON OR FIRM GIVING YOU THIS NOTICE BEFORE MAKING PAYMENT TO YOUR CONTRACTOR OR 2) ANY OTHER METHOD OR DEVICE WHICH IS APPROPRIATE UNDER THE CIRCUMSTANCES. OWNER or PUBLIC AGENCY or Reputed Owner (on private work) "(on public work) ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR or Reputed Contractor, if any H 000268 has furnished or will furnish labor, services, equipment or material of the following general description: CLAY SEWER PIPE AND FITTINGS. for building; structure or other work of improvement located at: 93-0021 FONTANA FONTANA TRUNK SEWER SYSTEM BUILDING PERMIT NO. The name of the person or firm who contracted for the purchase of such labor, services, equipment orr material is: An estimate of the total price of the labor, services, equipment or materials furnished or to be furnished is: $ 170,000.00 (dollar amount must be furnished to construction lender - option as to owner or contractor) PACIFIC COAST BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. DBA GLADDING McBEAN Dated. MAY 4 ,_19 9 3 0?? (signature) Telephone Number - Corporate Credit Manager (title) (213) 564-6701 LENDER COPY D E R 7 C 0 P Y CALIr )RNIA PRELIMINARY IOTICE 2757397 IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 3097 AND 3098, CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE a.v.--THIS IS NOT -A_ LIEN,,THIS IS NOT A REFLECTION ON THE INTEGRITY OF ANY CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT... JUN • 4 1/13 P.M.I. (name of person or firm furnishing labor, services, equip- "` NSTRUCTION LENDER or ment or material) CtrY LING dEER°P . u .,ro.. ' ed Construction Lender, if any 5021 STONE AVENUE �R put • FOLD HERE OWNER or PUBLIC AGENCY or Reputed Owner (on private work) Construction loan no. (on public work) FOLD HERE ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR or Reputed Contractor, if any (if known) (address of person or firm furnishing labor, services, RIVERSIDE, CA 92509 equipment or material has furnished or will furnish labor, services, equipment or materials of the following general description: CONCRETE, PRECAST MANHOLES, (general description of the labor, services, equipment or FRAMES, COVERS, LABOR material furnished or to be furnished) for the building, structure or other work of improvement located at TRUNK SEWER SYSTEM AT (address or description of job site BASELINE & ALMERIA, FONTANA sufficient for identification) The name of the person or firm who contracted for the purchase of such labor, services, equipment or material is: A.W.DAVIES, INC. (name and address of person or firm) 8737 HELMS AVENUE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91730 An estimate of the total price of the labor, services, equipment or materials furnished or to be furnished is: $' %t OCR. OO APAaOX .. (Dollar amount must be furnished to construction lender — optional as to owner or contractor) Trust Funds to which Supplemental Fringe Benefits are Payable. (Material men not required to furnish) (name) (name) (address) (address) (name) (address) (name) (address) NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER If bills are not paid In full for the labor, services, equip- ment, or materials furnished or to be furnished, a mechanic's lien leading to the loss, through court foreclosure proceedings, of all or part of your property being so improved may be placed against the property even though you have paid your contractor in full. You may wish to protect yourself against this consequence by (1) requiring your contractor to furnish a'signed release by the person or firm giving you this notice before making payment to your contractor or (2) any other method or device which is appropriate under the circumstances. Dated. MAY 18 , 1993 Telephone Number ( 90 9) E R 1— O A O l OF:V1 C E M4,J 4G-Et2. (title) CALITNINIA P-REL[IIAIN' RY ,IOTICE 1424 E R C 0 P Y r IN A. JRDAN..f WITH SECTION 3097 AND 3098;-•c;ALIFOki JIA CIVIL CODE -t I 1 QTA LIEN, THIS IS NOT A REFLECTION ON THE INTEGRITY I— L CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR CEIVED YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT... 10) o NSTRUCTION LENDER or pufed•Construction:lender,:if a FOLD HERE OWNER or PUBLIC AGENCY or Reputed Owner (on public work) (on private work) City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Ave. Fontana, CA 92335 Construction loan no (if known) FOLD HERE ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR or Reputed Contractor, if any J aird Construction Co., Inc. e of person or firm furnishing labor, services, equipment aterial) 60.Lucas Ranch:Road ress of person or firm furnishing labor, services, Rancho'Cucamon-ga,, CA 91730 equipment or material) has furnished or 'Will furnish labor, services, equipment, or materials of the following general description: excavate, sawcut, remove and (general description of the labor, services, equipment or replace asphalt material furnished or to be furnished) for the building; structure or other work of improvement located at -City of Fontana Trunk Sewer (address or description -of job site Baseline Ave. & Cherry Ave., Fontana sufficient for identification) The name of the person or firm who contracted for the pur- chase of such labor, services, equipment or material is: A.W. Davies, Inc. (name and address of person or firm) 8737 Helms Ave. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 An estimate of the total price of the labor, services, equipment or materials furnished or to be furnished is: frrii (Dollar amount must be furnished to construction lender — optional as to owner or contractor) Trust Funds to which Supplemental Fringe Benefits are Payable. (Material men not required to furnish) Western Conf. Teamsters Pension Tr. Dept . Orallef Lub re l eb fda5)90096 Construction Laborers Trust Fund 440114,41,101Aiti Ld Ave . ,idite 91731 Operating Engineers Trust Fund P.OP nQ7O64, Pdtaddenttadrrs 91109 Construction Teamsters Trust Fund P.O. B(Rd4ne 0721, Teruriil0d, iex Los Angeles, CA 90030 NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER If bills are not paid in full for the labor, services, equipment, or materials furnished or to be furnished, a mechanic's lien leading to the loss, through court foreclosure proceedings, of all or part of your property being so improved may be placed against the property even though you have paid your contractor in full. You may wish to protect yourself against this conse- quence by (1) requiring your contractor to furnish a signed release by the person or firm giving you this notice before mak- ing payment to your contractor or (2) any other method or device which is appropriate under the circumstances. Dated- icretary sign.. - (title)) 90 . 989--5595 Telepho Number ( OWNER OR PUBLIC AGENCY'S COPY OWNER OR PUBLIC AGENCY'S COPY For Use By Sub -Contractors; Materialmett.Sti Engineers: and Other Non -Contractors , PUBLIC or PRIVATE Constructio e Prerequi ►nor Stop Notice--"2 Per Sections 3097 and 3098 of California, Effective January 1, 19" rchitects; On No i301 piling Claim Of Lien Assembly Bill 4092 and 1938,. Aber 16, 1988) TO: LENDER (Or Reputed Lender) OF CONSTRUCTION FUNDS (If Any) ram— • d o ,Q �o r ca I H -y w Name a w a,mv o 4 SO Street City L Note: if address of above party is not known, above. If name of lender is not known, you None TO: p OWNER (Or Reputed Owner) (On Private Work) I DDRESS may be substituted on second and third lines to the words • CONSTRUCTION LENDER" on first line. Excerpt From Sec. 3097, Calif. Civil Code (i) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any public work which is sub- ject to the notice provisions of Section 4210 of the Government Code. p4'4At* At- f*it¥F IF**+f¥¥¥ 4-44,-** 4-4itit*¥¥¥¥>f-4 4*4 f �. 1 Name it' Fontana : Street 8353 Sierra Ave. City Ir�, CAL 82335 L¥4.¥�f �t�.*�t�� * * **-V—* �t¥�f�f�t .4 * * * * ¥¥¥*1 Note: If address of above party is not known, JOB SITE ADDRESS may be substituted on second and third lines above. If name of owner is not known, you may substitute the word "OWNER" on first line on private work only. A TO: ORIGINAL ("General") CONTRACTOR (Or Reputed Contractor) (If Any) Name 43'bort; . Ttiintrta1a�a Tt . Street n7 Aga, a City L Mane 1 Note: If address of above party is not known, JOB SITE ADDRESS may be substituted on second and third lines above. If name of original contractor is not' known, you may substitute the words "GENERAL CONTRACTOR" on first line. (This Form Is NOT A Mechanic's Lien —Mere) a The name of the LEGAL ENTITY (i.e. person, ps Q PURCHASE of such labor, services, equipment- or mal OR: Above named parties are informed that claimant named below has iei1Yl material for buildings, structures or other works of improvement to tr ® ILL AC PAVIDONT i,d; la Legal' Requirement To Protect Lien Rights) corporation, sub -contractor) who CONTRACTED for the yO same as ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR named above; for will furnish) labor, services, equipment or named above of following general description: ®' FROM CLAIMANT: 824109 Name P t ia+ it Sys. Street P 0 City By Date • (Claimant Or Authorized Agent Sign Here) The animate of the total price of the labor, service, et et nt or materials furnished (or to_ be furnished) including cartage an a le taxes is (This information is required to be furs Zip! NDER. Of CONSTRUCTION FUNDS on private work.) RE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT: so General furs ' shaJb9 (NameOr Description Of Wit) Tact/SubdMelonBoundaries) city) OR I I I y1 CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE, AMENDED: laynotice (private work)" means a written That is given prior to the recording of a Ro the filing of a stop notice, and is re - following circumstances: irect contract with the owner or one per - wages, or an express trust fund described in n who furnishes labor, service, equipment, lien otherwise can be claimed under this title, withhold can otherwise be given under this. rnelpesary erequistte to the validity of any di* ti�hold, cause to be given to the inal contractor, or reputed contra, or, if' any, or to the reputed construction nary notice as prescribed. r, or one performing, actual labor for fund described in Section 3111, all Contract with the owner and who furnish rial for which a lien otherwise which a notice to withhold can itle, must, as a necessary pre- y claim of lien, and of a notice to ti to the construction lender, if any, or to tender,: if any, a written preliminary notice n notice referred to in subdivisions (a) and (b) er than 20 days after the claimant has first itt equipment, or materials to the jobsite, and lbwing: BEND TO NUMBERED BLANKS rtan of the labor, service, equipment, or materials mished, and if there is a construction lender, he en estimate of total price thereof in addition to of such person furnishing such labor, service, als. person who contracted for purchase of such labor, went, or materials. the jobsite sufficient for identification. ollowing statement in boldface type: PROPERTY OWNER 'din full for the labor,'servi ;materials furnished or to be furni len leading to the loss, through ings, of all or part of you led may be placed again owhaveptild our Con t hg� rotir'+�oriiract lie person or firm aking paytnaI r method or de circumstances. given by a subcontractor who, (t bargaining agreement to pay express trust fund described yo contain the identity and Wiwi! (List here:) A certificated architect, registered engineer, or licensed land surveyor who has furnished services for the design of the work of improvement and who gives a preliminary notice as provided inthis'' section -tot later than 20 days after the work of improvement has shall be deemed to have complied with subdivision respect a architectural, engineering, or surveying `ed, or to Ale furnished. ce, egflment, or materials have beenfumished elected not to give a prelims ttotjce 3O or (b), such,; person shalt. ere ry notice not later than equipment, or materials Wev,er, be entitled to claim sldabor, service, equiprn,.. prior to the service of ankh entered into by an owner, whereby s or privileges conferred upon d of no effect 1te paid to any subcontractOROMP provement exceeds four hundred xltfl 1ltco licensed under Chapter On 7000) of sion 3 of the Bustnet Codtiti'lo give the notice provided for in this section,const- totes grounds for disciplinary action by Registrar of Contractors, 4 S f' Z a: O rA to 4 VOur ATTENROeLS DIRECTED TO SECTIONS 3097.'3098 AND 311I, CAUFORNIACr E WHICH REQUIRES.US TO NOTIFY YOU THAT IF BILLS.ARE NOT PAID IN FULL FOR LABOR, SERVICES; EQUIPMENT 0R . „�CRIALS FURNISHED, OR TO BE FUR- NISHED,1HE IMPROVED PROPERTY (WHICH IS DESCRIBED HEREON) MAY 8E SUBJECTYO MECHANICS' LIENS.' (MIS STATE- MENT IS APPLICABLE TO PRIVATE WORK ONLY.) THIS.IS NOT A LIEN. THIS IS NOT A REFLECTION ON THE INTEGRITY OF ANY CONTRACTOR ORSUBCONTRACTOR. ;.:Instructions: . A....flll oul'form completely gnd.leglbly. Use typewriter If.posslble. ' p4 ,. B..'Assessor's parcel number may be obtained frorq.the County Assessor. C� Top. orlgirial sl0noture copy moy be filed with the,County,Recorder's'Office ,Callfornlla:Civil Code Section 3097(0). .•r; DAT YOU ARE 'HEREBY `NOTIFIED:. THAT THE -UNDERSIGNED HAS FURNISHED OR WILL FURNISH LABOR,.SERVICES;-EQUIPMENT OR4A0ERIAL OF. THE FOLLOWING DESCRIPTION 0680w FQI>OFFICIAL USE ONLY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. INDIVIDUAL OR FIRM SAMS I Ems, I3. (NAME) 1738 S. SANTA FE (ADDRESS) • sturrA ANA, CA 9'405 t, (CITY) BY: (SIGNnATTUURE) G✓s MAY (TITLE) (STATE) (ZIP) ATE. 6, 1993 (DATE). ) `.(CITY) THE NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE PERSON WHO CONTRACTED FOR THE PURCHASE OF SUCH LABOR, SERVICE, EQUIPMENT OR MATERIAL & LABOR (DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL) & •AD — R TANG Maki 165 ow Fr. JOB #132 (ADDRESS OF BUILDING, STRUCTURE, WORK OR IMPROVEMENT) M67Pdt1.tq DAMS IS P.O. ECK 215 RID= COCAYt i, CA 91729 if TO: OWNER, P.O. PM 518 REPUTED OWNER • OR PUBLIC AGENCY` PoimA, CA 92334 TO: ORIGINL CONTRACTOR P.O. Lix 215 OR REPUTED CONTRACTOR RADIGIICi7C& AB CA . 91'729 Aim w. l fi `1 r LENDER TO: CONSTRUCTION LENDEROR REPUTED CONSTRUCTION NOM (STATE) (ZIP) J NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER If bills are not paid In full for the labor, tanked, equipment, or materials furnished or to be furnished, a mechanic's lien leading to the Toss, through court foreclosure proceedings, of all or part of your proper- ty being so, improved may be placed against the property oven though you have paid your contractor M full. You may wish to protect yourself against this consequence by (1) requiring your contractor to furnish a signed release by the person or firm giving you this notice before making payment to your contractor or (2) any other method or device which is appropriate under the circumstances, TRUST FUNDS TO WHICH SUPPLEMENTAL FRINGE BENEFITS ARE PAYABLE NAME ADDRESS NAME ADDRESS NAME ADDRESS (MATERIAL MEN NOT REQUIRED TO FURNISH THE ABOVE) PROOF OF SERVICE AFFIDAVIT (SECTION 3097.1, CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE) Coco -Collette_ declare that I served copies of the above PRELIMINARY NOTICE (check appropriate box). (a) ❑ By personally delivering copies to at (name(s) and titles) of person served) on 19 at • m ime) (b)By .First Class Certified.or Registered Mall service, pose prepaid, addressed to each of the parties at the address shown above on MOST 6, 1993 ..19 r NOTICE TO. CONSTRUCTION LENDER ONLY ESTIMATED TOTAL PRICE OF THE LABOR, SERVICES, EQUIPMENT OR MATERIALS DESCRIBED HEREON. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Signed.,at Californiaon (ATTACH RECEIPTS OF CERTIFIED OR REGISTERED MAIL WHEN';RETURNED) REAPORNI` /4P j' iF�YPAK (50 SFr 1 (address) ;MOE 6, 1993 19 SIGN,IITURE OF E.RSON,MAKING SERME-_;