HomeMy WebLinkAboutTract No. 15793 Hydrology Study0* HYDROLOGY & HYDRAULICS STUDY for TRACT 15793 CITY OF FONTANA FESS/ No.43886 4- Exp. 4 9a `-f 1 'jE OF C A��F' C r Prepared by: John Dierksen 109 East Huntington Drive Monrovia, CA 91016 (818) 301-4410 John Dierksen RCE 43886 3-4 -9 7 Hydrology Study Tract 15793 TABLE OF CONTENTS HYDROLOGY MAP 100 YEAR HYDROLOGY 10 YEAR HYDROLOGY STUDY STREET HYDRAULICS CATCH BASIN HYDRAULICS HYDROLOGY STUDY TRACT 15793 SITE LOCATION AND PROPOSED USE: Tract 15793 is located at the southeast corner of Catawba Place and Jurupa Avenue in Southridge Village in the City of Fontana. The site was previously mass graded to a uniform slope of about 1% and will retain the same basic drainage pattern after construction. SOILS AND RAINFALL CHARACTERISTICS; The current San Bernardino County Hydrology Manual was used to determine soil types and anticipated 10 year and 100 year rainfall for this area. Copies of exhibits from that manual and a rational method hydrology study are included in this report. STREET AND STORM DRAIN HYDRAULICSZ After analysis of 100 year event storms, this study finds that there is adequate street capacity with 6" curb and gutter and storm drain as located on the attached Hydrology Study. Storm drain construction will consist of tying into the existing double 4' x 8' R.B.C. in Catawba Place. 0l 1 GRAPHIC SCAR t 1.N.) HYDROLOGY MAP 7N?ATJI AYE TACT No0 15793 LOT 2 OF TRACT 13611 MB 220 PG 1-4 10.93 NET (15.47 GROSS) ACRES JURUPA AVENUE - PhB & ASSOCIATES INC. (a tm w»m.oron MnC, .amok Char .. G103! np 0o1-w1V ,.a Isw) wi-«3a • • • •• TRACT 15793 100 YEAR STORM HYDROLOGY STUDY i it to RB !Mg •�' R 6W I I R W ; }• It . �-1 . In ' -.1,‘ 1 - ' IC\I i �. I I ill TIN -.IT i= 1--.�, y ~-if- ''e 1 . , _:44101,,M, 1-063111 Mc AMR— TIS44 �iar/.I�• ® �. �,',�� i:i)ITIDN ��Wii _�_� �w�l��` ....Arat �lileG '� Sri` Al Kral U akil NEPA RE I 0 0 621 MEM el IEF is - _knvenitil isokrr 1 lAlifiallanallq1PNAVAI a .i. : IA RSID, ..art; ....... 1 . . Weld _ _ LifilU.R.4w 1 Wilk r _fir' ..7 TDS c. SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY HYDROLOGY MANUAL 1.0 ISOLIMCS PRECIPITATION tINCNES) B-12 • FIGURE B-4; .04 SM. CO01,110.0•AY SOK. WM!, DC 3.1.1011 00....CAN1 Of Ike. /MO SOLOCC SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY HYDROLOGY MANUAL 1.0i X l049 c.. ":-.10.4eristf. 'sis imATti . er • , ; tp. • • q• - km1230.000 4.10•• MI mite 1......rus• 6....1613 nuarlmt...108 11.“ Yap oepOosoCCO fn. 4111.1..52* 00 TO•04110M4 SCALE REDUCED BY 1/2 c-24 : - HYDROLOGIC SOILS GROUP MAP FOR SOUTHCENTRAL AREA FIGURE C-II • % 46 3.5 0.5 5 10 25 RETURN PERIOD IN YEARS 3.5 2.5 1.5 • 0.5 0 100 NOTEt 1. FOR 9RERIIEDIATE RETURN.PER100s PLOT 10-YEAR ANO 100-YEAR ONE NOM VALUES FROM MAPS, THEN CONNECT POINTS AN0 READ VALUE FOR 0ES1RE0 RETURN PERI00. FOR EXAMPLE GIVEN 10-YEAR ONE HOUR a 0.98' ANO I00-YEAR ONE HOUR ■ I.ie',1t5-YEAR ONE HOUR a 1.1116. • REFERENCZ.NOAA ATLAS Z, VOLUME MC-CAL.,19T3 RAINFALL DEPTH VERSUS SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY RETURN PERIOD FOR t_VPI I A/_.. &1 a a... a. 29 18 17 16 15 14 13 12I / Zl I 10 LIMITATIONS= I. Maximum length = 1000 Feet 2. Maximum areas 10 Acres N •C K Undeveloped Good Cover Undeveloped Fair Cover Undeveloped Poor Cover Single Family (5-7 ou/AC) Commercial (Paved), PI pevelooment, 9 80- Apartment 75- Mobile Home 8 65- Condominium 60- Single Family-5,000 ft2 Lot 7 40- Single Family- I /4 Acre Lot 20 - Single Fomily -1 Acre Lot. 6 10 - Single Family- 21/2 Acre Lot EXAMPLE* t I) L= 550; H= 5.0', K= Single Family (5-7 ou/Ac) Development, Tc=I2.6 min. (2) Ls 550', Hs 5.0', Ks Commercial Development, Tc=9.7 min. H 90 • • c 13 4,014 IS 16 17 18 19 KEY 20 L-H-Tc-K-Tc' SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY HYDROLOGY MANUAL TIME OF CONCENTRATION - NOMOGRAPH FOR INITIAL SUBAREA AINFALL INTENSITY (INCHES/HOUR 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 6.0 4.0 .0 2.0 1.0 0,9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.2 z.: ,a�!!_ ills- .I�^-•1�_-_ i �3. i■c■� cassssam:��ei■■� iTi -!!=isi��f': -`11111111111111.1 a =S•••Ma M.�•MMI•M••.Y•.-•waM�N.f..M�•f•.•••M�f•M■M.-.Y..•.•M•iM••••••Qw•�.:•M•.••.••..n wY• flN•IM►..�.0•••.••O.• IN I•••MMwMYM INNO.••••t••M.MwWWI =MI•ww•••MOW .MNI Mi•NNMrM t/•••I•w M•.•YfwMwnw.� l•••N•••.•111.n ••.MMM•11111MMMw�ww6ORMUMWPM MwWN ...•..M•.ti.•..MItOMIIMI111•1.•p MIMORIMM/M.wMMMK•wYrr.. M..OMPIM•wl•M.•SI MINI•.• NOMN/M..•M BMW MN NMI WawwU•••■n.••maw Hon elm swum ...M....•Nni M••M..m•• sZ•■ NMI INIMINIMIIINIMMn■..tIONNlUNI WM=1n\n.•t••MUMSYMYM•MMn•■ NIS•nn.I•NI IIIwuMifW •\N■■11W 1IO IIfNIIII■M lf.•••M•i•RM QAIwram` iammara 11a:■■nni'■tmuri ■.■■■■■,11�'ln!!s ■w`■81Lmm1 rr" ,_ _sue IMIMIIIIIIIIII 17., --=_ - W- - NONNI EMI '��S3�i . -•:itM-• •r•M•r• '4:•�`'�' '�.= :... r110.111•r•• __�wfrM•�•••••i�•••••••��..••iws 111415.0111 0.1' 2 = - I I Monona 11114.. ammo. • MINIIINIMOMMIONS I.MEN 1111111111j 'Fall ais ..=11111.1111111114111111 .two � w� w Mwawssw•MI•.r Iel.�.s!!11'!ll�r. MIME ■ �.. m..m= 1RIEtMIIMMIS Il1�■■A■tl■■.!•M� _YMn.!!!_�Z.Z.1 M!H{f.ARI■ ■■.an.■n.tl{Ogtmlew•.■..n...MNIRtI■Mnlf■A■■.■winfni� mmamw..�. ..'gfl■•■fn■■Nm■IMm' ■ i utnnu un ■ .n m rri Ifmu.■n■.uu■MI .•ne■wunMlt_ll 7 .8 9 10 20 30 STORM DURATION (MINUTES) DESIGN STORM FREQUENCY= l o° YEARS 4 1 °° ONE HOUR POINT RAINFALL= INCHES LOG -LOG SLOPE = O. '7 PROJECT LOCATION= �^I'r'/A^J 14 SAN. BERNARDINO COUNTY HYDROLOGY MANUAL 40 50 60 70 80 90 INTENSITY - DURATION CURVES CALCULATION SHEET ah Bernardino County Rational Hvdroloov Program <Hvdroloov Manual Date - August 1986 SIVILCADD/CIVILDEGIGM Enoineerinc Sc+Lwar=. «c) 1990 ..Clan 1.7. Rational Hvdroloov Study Date; 3/ 3/9` TR 15797 CITY OF FONTANA 100 '/EAR.HYDROEOGY STUD» Z/4/97 FJLE: JOHN/1E793, $*$%$$*** Hvdrolco&'Study Control Information &******%$: Rational. h vdrelocv stu=v siorm.even3 veer. is 100.c Gcmou%d.r\infall intensity: -. . . S£crm.vear = 400.00 . 1hodr ralo7ai1 o Sloce used .for rainfa11 ntensity curve b =. 0.7000 • Soil antecedent moisture condition (AMC) a 2. < •--h-1--1- 1-+-1 1---F+-1•+-I-•i-+++-F-1-+++++++++++++i-+-f-++•{--I--1--h-1 4-+++++•{ +++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1.000 to Point/Station 2.Uci(1 .**** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION * ** c RESIDENTIAL(5 - 7 dwl'/acre) Decimal fraction soil orouo A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil Group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil Group C = 0. Goo .Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 • SCS curve number for soil (AMC 2) _= 56.00 F'er-vi bus ratio (AD) = 0.5000 Max 1 osc r-ate (Fm) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance = 320.000(Ft. ) Top (of initial area) elevation = 11.200(Ft. ) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 2.440(Ft. ) Difference in elevation = 2.760(Ft. ) S1oae = 0.00726 s(%.)= 0.73 TC = k (CI.389) *C (lenoth^3) / (elevation chanoe) ]"u.2. Initial area time of concentration = 11.211 min. Rainfall intensity 4.368(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used'for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.824 Subarea runoff = 5. 294 (CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.470(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.500 Initial area Fm value = 0.367(In/Hr). 0.367(In/Hr) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-1 Process from Point/Station 2.000 to Point/Station : *:k* STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME -c- SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * * * 6. 000 Too of street segment elevation = 8.440(Ft,) End of street segment elevation = 6.470(Ft.) Lenoth of street seoment = 490.000(Ft.) Heioht .of curb above butter f l owl i ne = 6. 0 (In. ) Width of half,• street (curb to crown) = 14.000(Ft. ) Distance from crown to crossfa11 grade break = 12 .000 (Ft. ) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0. 020 Slope from orade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on C1J:side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 7. 000 (Ft. ) Slope from curb to,property line (v/hz) = 0.c:20 Gutter width = 2. 000 (Ft. ) Gutter hike from flowline = 2.000(In.) Manning's N in putter = 0.0150 Mannino's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Mannino's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 10. 677 (CFS) Depth of flow = 0.557(Ft.) Average velocity = 2.497(Ft/s) Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Note: depth of flow exceeds top of street crown. Distance that curb overflow reaches into property = 2.96(Ft.) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 14..000(Ft.) Flow velocity = 2.50(Ft/s) Travel time = 3.27 min. TC = 14.48 min. Adding area flow to street RESIDENTIAL (5 - 7 dw►l /acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil croup C = 0.000 Decimal -fraction soil group D = CO. 00Ct SCS curve number for soi 1 (AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious ratio(Ao) .= 0.5000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.367(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity 3.652(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area. (total area with modified rational method) (0 KCIA) is C = 0.810. Subarea runoff 7.891(CFS) for 2.990(Ac.) Total runoff = 13.185(CFS) Total area. = 4.46(Ac. ) Area averaged Fm value = 0. 367 (I n /Hr ) Street flow at end of street = 13.185(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 13.185(CFS) Depth of flow = 0. 597 (Ft . ) Average velocity = 2.642(Ft/s) Warning: depth of flow exceeds too of curb Note: depth of flow exceeds top. of street crown. Distance that curb overflow reaches into property = 4. 86 (Ft. ) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 14.000(Ft.) +++++++++++++++++-I-++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-t +++•t+++++++++ Process from Point/Station 6.000 to Point/Station e.000 * * * hk STREET FLOW TRAVEL .TIME - SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * * * * Ton of street seament elevation = 6„ 470 (Ft. ) End of street seoment elevation = 4.580(Ft.) Lenoth of street segment = 500.000(Ft„) Height of curb above cutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to drown) 14.0000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfal l orade break. = 12. 000 (Ft. ) Slope from gutter to orade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/h:) = 0.02O Street flow is on C 1 ] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line .= 7. 000 (Ft. ) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2. 000 (Ft. ) Gutter hike from flowline = 2„000(In.) Mannino's N in cutter = 0.0150 Mannina's N.from autter to trade break = 0.O150 Mannino's N from orade break to crown = 0.O150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 17.427(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.657(Ft.) Average velocity = 2.811(Ft/s) Warni na : depth of flow exceeds top of curb Note: depth of flow exceeds top of street crown. Distance that curb overflow reaches into property = 7.85(Ft.) Streetf l ow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Hal fstr-eet flow width = 14.000(Ft.) Flow velocity = 2.81(Ft/s) Travel time = 2.97 min. TC = 17.45 min. Adding area flow to street RESIDENTIAL(5 - 7 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soi 1 ciroup A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil aroup C = 0.000 Decimal, fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil (AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.5000 Max loss r.ate(Fm)= 0.367(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 3„ 20 5 (In/Hr) 'for a . ].00R. 0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area. (total area with modified rational method). (O=4:::CIA) is C = 0.797 Subarea runoff = 5.539(CFS) for '. 870 (Ac. ) Total runoff = 18.724(CFS) Total area = 7.33 (Ac. ) Area averaged FM value = 0.367(In/Hr) Street flow at end of street = 18.724(CFS) • Half street flow at end of street = 18.724(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.671(Ft.) Average velocity = 2.885(Ft/s) Warning: depth of flow exceeds too of curb Note: depth of flow exceeds top of street crown. Distance that, curb overflow reaches into property = 8„54(Ft.) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 14.000(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++1-+-1-+-4-+++++++++-t +-1-4-4-+++++-t +++++++++-4-1--r+++++ 1--t-+++ Process from Point/Station 6.000 to Point/Station 8.000 ,k:K** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS ,3c:K** The foI1c ino data inside Main Stream is listed In Main Stream number.: 1 Stream flow area 7.330 (Ac. ) Runoff from this stream = 18.724(CFS) Time of concentration = 17.45 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.205(In/Hr) Area averaoed loss rate -(Fm) = 0.3670(In/Hr) Area averaoed Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.5000 Prooram is now startino with Main Stream No. 2 +-1-++-h-h++-1--I--I--h++++i••-h+++++++++-F•+++++-hi-++++i••++-h-i-i-i-++++++-h++++-I--h-i--h+-h+i-+-h i-++ Process from Point/Station 3.000 to Point/Station **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** 4.000 RESIDENTIAL(5 - 7 dwl/acr6) Decimal fraction soil croup A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction sail Group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.5000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.367(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance = 280.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 11.000(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 8.440(Ft. ) Difference in elevation _ 2.560(Ft.) Slope = 0.00914 s (/) _ 0.91 TC = k(0.389)*E(lenoth'3)/(elevation chanoe)]"0.2 Initial area.time of concentration = 9.475 min. :Rainfall intensity = 4.914(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (O KCIA) is C = 0.833 Subarea runoff= 2. 292 (CFS) Total initial stream area • = 0.560 (Ac. ) Pervious area fraction = 0.500 Initial area Fm value = 0.367(In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 4.000 to Point/Station 5.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 8.440(Ft�) End of street segmentelevation = 6.470(Ft.) Length of street segment = 490.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 14^000(Ft.)_` Distance from crown to crossfall grade break .= '12.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter Q grade -break (v/hz) = 0.020 ' Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) `=�. 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to.property line = 7.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) Gutter width = 2.000(Ft�) Gutter hike from flowline = 2.000(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 ' Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = Depth of flow = 0.440(Ft~) Average velocity = 2'071(Ft/s) ' Note: depth of flow exceeds top of street crown. Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 14.0000t.> Flow velocity = 2.07(Ft/s) Travel time = 3.94 min. Adding area flow to street RESIDENTIAL(5 - 7 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fractionsoil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D SCS curve number for soil(AMC = 0.020 TC = 13~42 min. . = 0.000 = 1.000 = 0.000 = 0.000 2) = 56.00 Max loss rate(Fm>= 1.470(Ac.) Total runoff = 6.366(CFS) Total area = Area v aver o d Fm value 0 367(I /H ) a_e _ = . n' r Street flow at end of street = 6.366(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 6.366(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.463(Ft.) Average velocity = 2.211(Ft/s) ` Note: depth of flow exceeds top of street crown. Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 14.000(Ft.) 5.299(CFS) 0.367 (In/Hr) Rainfall'intensity = 3.851(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.814 Subarea runoff = 4.075(CFS) for 2.O3(Ac.) ^' +++++-i--1-+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-h+++1-1-++++-1-+-h+++++++++++-h++++++-I• Process from Poi nt/Station .5000 to Poi nt/Station 7.000 ** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street seoment elevation = 6.470(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 4. 580 (Ft . ) Length of street segment. = 500 000(Ft.) Height of curb 'above nutter flowline = 6.0(In. ) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 14.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall arade break = 12.000(Ft. ) Slope from nutter to grade break (v/h:) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hc) = 0.020 Street flow is on Ci] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 7. 000 (Ft. ) Slope from curb to property 1 i ne (v/h:) = 0.020 Gutter width 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 2.000(In.) Mannino's N in cutter = 0.0150 Mannina's N from nutter to orade break = 0.0150 Mannino's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 8.875(CFS) Depth 'of flow = 0, 527 (Ft. ) Averaae velocity = 2.345(Ft/s) Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Note: depth of flow exceeds top of street crown. Distance that curb overflow. reaches into property = .1.33(Ft.) Streetf 1 ow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Hal f street flow' width = 14.000(Ft.) Flow velocity = 2.34(Ft/s) Travel time = 3.55 min. TC = 16.97 min. :Adding area flow to street RESIDENTIAL(5 7 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil croup B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil croup D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil (AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.5000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.367(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 3.267(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient Used for a-irea. (total area with modified rational method) (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.799 Subarea runoff = 3. 110 (CFS) for 1. 6c)c) (Ac. ) Total runoff = 9.476(CFS) Total area = 63(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0. 367 (In/ Hr ) Street flow at end of street = 9.476(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 9.476(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.540(Ft.) Averaae velocity = 2.372(Ft/s) Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Nate: depth of flow exceeds top of street crown. Distance that curb overflow reaches into property = 2.00(Ft.) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 14.000(Ft.) h-h-1--S- 1--1-++++++++-1--1-++++++++++++++ ++-h-h-I--F-1--h-t++++++++++-t-+++++++-h-t--1-+-1--f-+++i--1 + Process from Point/Station 5.000 to Foint/Station 7.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS ***: The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 3.630(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 9.476(CFS) Time of concentration• = 16.97 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.267(In/Hr) Area,averaoed loss rate (Fm) = 0.3670(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.5000 Summary of stream data:' Stream Flow rate TC. No. (CFS) (min) 1 18.724 17.45 9.476 16.97 Qmax (1) = Oma>: -(2) = 1.000 * 0.979 * 1.022 1.000 Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 3.205 3.267 1.000 * 18.724) + 1.000 * 9.476) + = 0.973 * 1.000 18.724) + 9.476) -t- Total of . 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 18.724 9.476 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 27.996 28.092 Area of streams before confluence: 7.330 3.630 Effective area values after confluence. 10.960 10.761 27.996 28.092 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 28. 092 (CFS) Time of concentration = 16.973 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 1(_).761 (Ac. ) Study area average Pervious fraction(Ao) = 0.500 Study area average soil loss rate(Fm) = u.367(In/Hr) Study area total _ 10.96(Ac.) End of computations, total study area = 10.96 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hvdroaraph study of the same area. Note: These figures do not consider reduced effective area effects caused by confluences in the rational equation. Area averaged pervious area fraction (Ap) = 0.500 Area averaged SCS curve number = 56.0 • • • * TRACT 15793 10 YEAR STORM HYDROLOGY STUDY San Bernardino County Rational Hydrology Proora,: (Hydrology Manual Date Auoust 1986) CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software. (c) 1990 Version 2.3 Rational Hydrology Study Date: 3/ 3/97 TR 15793 CITY OF FONTANA 10 YEAR HYDROLOGY. STUDY 3/4/97 FILE: JOHN/1579.7 ********* Hvdrolopy Study Control information *********c Rational hydrology study storm event year is 10.0 Computed rainfall intensity: Storm year = 10.00 1 hour rainfall p = 0.900(In.) Slope used for rainfall intensity curve b = 0.7000 Soil antecedent moisture condition (AMC) = ;-+++++++++++++++++±+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1.000 to Point/Station 2.000 It*** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(5 - 7 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil croup A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil croup B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil croup C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil croup .D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil (AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0. 50oo Max loss rate.(Fm) = 0.367 (In/Hr- ) Initial subarea data Initial area flow distance = 3so,000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 11.200(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 8.440(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 2.760(Ft. ) Slope = • 0.00726 s(7.)= 0.73 TC = k (0.. 389) * [ (l encth`''3 )/ (elevation chance) 7'0. 2 Initial area time of concentration = 11.211 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.912(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (O=KCIA) is C = 0.787 Subarea runoff = 3.367(CFS) Total initial stream area = • 1.470(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.500 Initial area Fm value = 0.367(In/Hr) ++++++-{++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-t-t+ F+i Process from Point/Station 2.000 to Point/Station 6.000 00 #*** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **» Too of street segment elevation = 8.440`(Ft. ) End of street segment elevation = 6.470(Ft. ) Length of street segment = 490.000 (Ft.) Heiaht of curb .above putter f l owl i ne = 6. 0 (In. ) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 14. 000 (Ft. ) Distance from .crown to crossfal 1 oracle break = 12. 000 (Ft. ) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/h:) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on El] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 7.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = G: 020 Gutter width = 2. 000 (Ft. ) Gutter hik::e from flowli.ne = 2.000(In.) Manni no' s N in nutter = 0.0150 Manni na' s N from cutter to arade break = 0.0150 Mannino's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 6.792(CFS) Depth of flow = 0. 472 (Ft . ) Averaae velocity = 2.263(Ft/s) Note: depth of flow exceeds top of street crown. Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Hal f street flow width = 14. 000 (Ft . ) Flow velocity = 26(Ft/s) Travel time = 3.61 min. TC = 14.82 min. Addina area flow to street RESIDENTIAL(5 - 7 dill/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group Ei = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soi 1 (AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.5000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.367(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 2.395(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area. (.total area with modified rational method) (Q=K:C.IA) is C = 0.762 Subarea runoff = 4.775(CFS) for 2.990(Ac. ) Total runoff = 8. 142 (CFS) Total area = 4.46 (Ar_. ) Area averaaed Fm value = 0.367(In/Hr) Street flow at end of street = 8. 142 (CFS ) Half street flow at end of street = 5.142(CFS) Depth of -flow = 0. 498 (Ft. ) Averaoe velocity = 2.420(Ft/s) Note: depth of flow exceeds too of street crown. Flow width (-from curb towards crown)= 14.000(Ft.) +++++++++++++++-1--f--I--F-F--F-F-1--1-i--F-h-i--F-1-i--h-h++++++++++++++++++f-I--F-h-h-l--t-+++-I ++t-F++++ Process from Point/Station 6.000 to Point/Station • ' 8.000 ***$< STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME - SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION ***,'k Top of street seoment elevation = 6.470 (Ft . ) End of street seoment elevation 4.580(Ft. ) Length of street seoment = 500.000(Ft.) Heioht of curb above nutter f l owl i ne = 6. 0 (In, ) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 14.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall orade break - 12.000(Ft.) Slope from autter'to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [ 1 ] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 7. 000 (Ft. ) Slope from curb to property line (v/h ) = 0.020 Gutter width = 000 (Ft. ) Gutter hike from flowline = 2.000(In. ) Mannino's N in outter = 0.C)150 tlannino's N from cutter to orade break = 0.0i.50 Mannino's N from orade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 1O.762(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.565(Ft.) Averaoe velocity = 2.446(Ft/s) Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Note: depth of flow exceeds top of street crown. Distance that curb overflow reaches into property = 3.23(Ft.) Streetf l ow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 14.000(Ft.) Flow velocity = 2.45(Ft/s) Travel time = 3.41 min. TC = 18.23 min. Addino area flow to street RESIDENTIAL(5 - 7 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil croup A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil croup D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soi 1 (AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.5000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.367(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 2. 072 (In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area, (total area with modified rational method) (0=F CT.A) is C = 0.741 Subarea runoff = . 3. 108 (CFS) for 2. 870 (Ac. ) Total runoff = 11.250(CFS) Total area = 7. 33 (Ac. ) Area averaged Fm value = 0.367(In/Hr) Street flow at end of street = 11.250(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 11.250(CFS) Depth of flow = 0. 57,E (Ft. ) Average velocity = 2.474(Ft/s) Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Note: depth of flow exceeds top of street crown Distance that curb overflow reaches into property = 3 . 64 (Ft. ) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 14.000(Ft.) �i-+ i i-i--Fi--t-i- }-++i- I + 1 )- 1-i- F hi-i ++ �i--1-i Fi-i i-i-•i- 1--hi ±+-F +-i h I-+ 1-i i + l -F l-i i••+-F-1-i-i l-+++ I --l-+± Process from Faint/Station 6.000 to Point/Station 8.000 ;!<Y< I' k CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **lot The folloGj.tno data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 7. 330 (Ac. ) Runoff from this stream = 11.250(CFS) Time of concentration = 18.23 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.072(In/Hr) Area averaoed loss rate (Fm) _ 0.Z670(In/Hr) Area averaoed Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.5000 F'rooram is now startino with Main Stream No. +- -+++++++++++++++++++-I-+++++++++++++++++++++•++ r+++++++++++++++++++++-i--I-+ Process from Poi nt/Station 3,000 to Point/Station 4.000 * * * *t INITIAL AREA EVALUATION . * RESIDENTIAL(5 - 7 dw1/acre) Decimal fraction soil group 'A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B - 1.000 Decimal^fracti.onsoil group,C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group`.D '= 0.000 SCS curve number;;' for. soi 1(AMC 2) = 56.00 ratio(Ap) = 0.5000 Max loss rate(Fm)_ Pervious - Initiai'subarea;data: Initial area flow distance = 280. 000 (Ft. ) Top (of initial area) elevation 11.000(Ft. ) Bottom"(of initial area) elevation = 8.440(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 2.560(Ft.) Slope = 0.00914 s(%)= 0.91 TC = k(0.389)*E(lenoth"3)/(elevation chanoe)J"0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 9.475 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.276(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (O=KCIA) is C = 0.799 Subarea runoff = 1.466(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.560(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0. 500 Initial area Fm value = 0.367(In/Hr) +++-I±+++++-i-++++++++++++++-I-++++++++-I-+ }-+++++++-f-++++++++++++++-[--h++++++++-- Process from Point/Station 4.000 to Point/Station MO( STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** 5.000 Top of street segment elevation = S.440(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 6. 470 (Ft. ) Length of street segment = 490.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6. 0 (In. ) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 1.4. 000 (Ft. ) Distance from crown to crossfal l oracle break, = 12.000 (Ft. ) Slope from gutter to arade break (v/h:) _ 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on E13 side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 7.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 2. 000 (Ft. ) Gutter hike from flowline = 2.000(In.). Manning's N in autter = 0.0150 Mannina's N from autter to arade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to -crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = • 3.390 (CFS ) Depth of flow = 0. 3ti91 (Ft . ) Averaae velocity = 1.813(Ft/s) Streetflow.hvdraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 13.203(Ft. ) Flow velocity = 1.81(Ft/s) Travel time -= 4.50 mina TC = 13.98 min. Addino area flow to street RESIDENTIAL(5 — 7 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil aroup A = 0.000. Decimal fraction soil group B = 1. 00 Decimal fraction soil croup C = 0.000 Decimal -fraction soil croup D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil (AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.5000 Max loss r•ate(Fm)= 0.367(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 2.495(In/I-(r) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for 'area. (total area with modified rational method) (Q=K.CIA) is C = 0.768 Subarea runoff = 2. 422 (CFS) for 1.. 470.(Ac. ) Total runoff = 3.888(CFS) Total area = 2.03(Ac.) Area averaoed Fm value = 0.367(In/Hr) Street flow at end of street = 3.888(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 3.988(CFS) Depth of flow = 0. 407 (Ft . ) Average velocity = 1.863(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown) = 14. of:x_} (F•t. ) d 1--h-1- .1-4 1--1-.4.--3--h-h-h-h•f--h•i-i--•-f--h-l--F-R--!--!--l--F-l--t--r-Fi--F-h-h-h-t-•i--h-I--l--!--1--h-h-F i--F-!--h-•-h-M-h•i--hi-•{-i--h-t--F-f-•h-F•+++ Process from Point/Station 5.000 to F'oint/Station. 7.000 * * * * STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME ••t- SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION * X tic * Top of street segment elevation = 6.470(Ft. ) End of street seoment elevation = 4.580(Ft.) Length of street segment = 500.000(Ft. ) Hei oht of curb above outter f 1 owl i ne = 6. 0 (I n. ) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 14. 000 (Ft. ) Distance from crown to crossfal l arade break - 12. 000 (Ft . ) Slope from outter- to arade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from Grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow As on E 13 side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 7.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0. 020 Gutter width = 2 .000 (Ft. ) Gutter hike from flowline = 2.000(In. ) Mannino's N in clutter = 0.0150 Mannino's N from outter to orade break = 0.0150 Mannino's N from grade break to crown =-0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 5. 421 (CFS ) Depth of flow = 0. 447 (Ft. ) Averaoe. velocity = 2. 046 (Ft/s) Note depth of flow exceeds top of street crown. Street -Flow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel Halfstreet flow width = 14.000(Ft. ) F].ov velocity = 2.05(Ft/s) Travel time = 4.07 min. TC = 18.05 min. Add i. no area flow to street RESIDENTIAL(5 - 7 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil croup A -- 0.000 0 Decimal fraction soil group 3 = 1.000 Decimal fraction toil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soi 1 (AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervtou= ratio(Ap) = 0-5000 Max loss r-ate(Fm)-:c O.7:67(In/H ). Rainfall intensity -• 2.0:36(In/Hr) for- a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used d for •=trees. (tc:ta F area with modified rati anal methoct) (Q =KCIA) is C •-- 0.742 Subarea runoff = 1. 7'9(>..:=S) f01" i.,ar,IC:'r(ArW.. ) Total runoff = 5. 617 (CFtS) Total area = _ . 6_3 (Ac. ) Area averaged Fm vale~ = 0. 367 ( in/ Hr ) Street flow at end of street = 5.617(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 5.617 (CFS) Depth of flow = 0. 451 (Ft . ) Average velocity = 2.072(Ft/s) Note: depth of Flow exceeds top of street crown. Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 14.000(Ft. ) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-r ++++++++-t +++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 5.000 to Point/Station 7.000 ****.CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS *:#* The fof1owino data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 3.630(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 5.617(CFS) Time of concentration = 18.05 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.086(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.3670(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.5000 Summary of stream data: Stream No. Flow rate (CFS) TC (min) 1 11.250 18.23 2 5.617 18.05 Qmax (1) = Qmax (2) = 1.000 U.992 * 1.008 1.000 1.000 1.000 * 0.990 1.000 Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 2.072 2.086 11.250) + 5.617) + 11.250) + 5.617) + _ Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 11.250 5.617 Maximum flow rates at confluence usi no above data: 16.822 16.851 Area of streams before confluence: 7.330 Effective area values after confluence: 10. 960• 10.890 16.822 16.951 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 16.851(CFS) Time of concentration =• 1.8.052 ruin. Effective stream area after confluence = 10.890(Ac. ) Study area averaoe Pervious fraction(Ap) = 0.500 Sti.tdv area average soil loss rate (Fm) = 0. _67 (In/Hr ) Study area total = 10. 96 (Ac. ) End of computations, total study area = 10.96 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hvdrograph study of the same area. Note: These figures do not consider reduced effective area effects caused by confluences in the rational equation. Area averaged pervious area fraction (Ap) = 0.500 Area averaged SCS curve number = 56.0 TRACT 15793 STREET HYDRAULICS **:{:*******'. ********. ** :: ***********;l:********;k*** *****:lc*****:**************: r ****** CHANNEL FLOW CALCULATIONS ****** ******************* *** ****** fat********************************:*:*** *: k CALCULATE DEPTH OF FLOW GIVEN: Channel Slope = .004000 (Ft./Ft.) = .4000 . Given Flow Rate = 16.60 Cubic Feet/Second *;* OPEN CHANNEL FLOW - STREET FLOW *** Street Slope (Ft. /Ft.) = .0040 Manninas "n" value for street - .015 Curb Heiaht (In.) = b. Street Halfwidth (Ft.) = 14.00 Distance From Crown to Crossfall Grade Break (Ft.) = 1 00 Slope from Gutter to Grade Break (Ft./Ft.) _ .020 Slope from Grade Break to Crown (Ft. /Ft.) = .020 Number of Hal f streets Carr yi no Runoff = 2 Distance from curb to property line (Ft.) = 7.00 Slope from curb to property line (Ft. /Ft.) = .02c_t Gutter width (Ft.) = 2.000 Gutter hike from flowline (In.) = 2.000 Manninas "n" Value for cutter and sidewalk = .013 Depth of flow = .494 (Ft.) Average Velocity = 2.51 (Ft./Sec.) NOTE: DEPTH OF FLOIA! IS HIGHER THE STREET CROWN Streetflow Hydraulics : Halfstreet Flow Width(Ft.) = 14.00 Flow Velocitv(Ft. /Sec.) = 2.20 Depth*Veloci.ty = 1.09 Calculated flow rate of total street channel = 1w.Gi_r (CFS) Flow rate in gutter = 2,8 (CFS) Velocity of flow in putter and sidewalk area = 3.442 (Ft . / Seec . ) Aver-aae velocity of total street channel = 2.505 (Ft./Sec.) . STREET FLOW CROSS SECTION NOTE: The fol.lowina critical depth calculations are for: Channel 1 - If STREET, property line to outside edge of cautter - If V-GUTTER, property line to start of V-Gutter_ Channel 2 - STREET, outside edge of clutter to crown V--Guttc=r, . in V-Gutter itself Channel 3 - V-Gutter. 2nd half of street CRITICAL. FLOW CALCULATIONS FOR CHANNEL NO. 1: Subchannel Critical 'Flow Top Wi dth.(Ft.) = 2.00 Subchannel Critical. Flow Velocitv(Ft./Sec.) = :.571. Subchannel Critical Flow Area(Sp. Ft.) = .79 Froude Number Calculated = 1.000 Subchannel Critical Depth above invert elevation = .479 CRITICAL FLOW CALCULATIONS FOR CHANNEL NO. 2: Subchannel Critical Flow Too Width(Ft.) = 12.00 Subchannel Critical Flow Velocitv(Ft./Sec.) = 2.448 Subchannel Critical Flow Area(Sc. Ft.) = 2.24 Froude Number Calculated = 1.000 Subchannel Critical Depth above invert elevation = .473 'r rr �•'t 1 I 'r-r-r• 4 1 r"1 '•r1' r-r rr r r r-r 1 1 r r"r T' r'I-T-l--r"rr r• r� -i -r•r r 1 -r-r 1 -r•r-1 r�-7 -r-r••r r-1-••r•Y--I--r•rr-1-•r-r•t'z--r-I--r'r r 1 • ** :k:k**:k:k***:k,k ******** CHANNEL CROSS-SECTION F'LOT :k* ********* *** c* *****.* Depth of +low = .49 Feet ,= IIW11 HALF -STREET FLOW CROSS SECTION Critical depth for Channel. No.1= .48 Feet . = Ilcll C!),c Critical depth for Channel No.2= .47 Feet . = "c" X (Feet) Y (Feet) Y-Axis-> .0 .2 ., .3 .4 . b .00 .70 1.40 2.10 2.80 3.50 4.20 4.90 5.60 6.30 7.00 7.70 8.40 9.10 9.80 10.50 11.20 11..90 12.60 17.30 14.00 14.70 15.40 16.10 16.80 17.50 18. 20 18.90 19.60 20.70 21.00 . 64 .b3 . 61 . 60 . 58 .57 i . 56 .54 i 5:: 1 1 . 51 $ 1 X .50 . 12 X cW . 17 X cW . 18 IX f cW . 20 X cW .^1 X cW ▪ tirt v I CW ..1n i V 1 cW . J 1 1 X 1 cW .28 X cW .29 i i X i cW . 31 X( cW . X cW .34 1 Iv cW .ti15 IX cW . 36 i I X cW .38 I X cW . 79 X cW . 41 I X cW 1 V n I V I A -r+++++++-+-++++++++++-+-+++++++++++++++++++±++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++± n L "01 r ****************************'*********************************************x; **.*** CHANNEL FLOW CALCULATIONS ****** ********************fit**** :****: * t*****************T***. ***********, *******;. CALCULATE DEPTH OF FLOW GIVEN: Channel "Slope = .004000 (Ft. /Ft.) = .4000 % Given Flow Rate = 28.00 Cubic Feet/Second *** OPEN CHANNEL FLOW - STREET FLOW **i Street Slope (Ft. /Ft.) _ .0040 Manninos "n" value for street = .015 Curb Heioht (In.) = 6. Street Halfwidth (Ft.) = 14.00 Distance From Crown to Crossfall Grade Break (Ft.) = 12.O0 Slope from Gutter to Grade Break (Ft. /Ft.) = .020 Slope from Grade Break to Crown (Ft./Ft.) = .020 Number of Halfstreets Carrying Runoff = 2 Distance from curb to property line (Ft.) = 7..c:ai.� Slope from curb to property line (Ft./Ft.) = 020 !Cutter width (Ft.) = 2.000 Gutter hike from flowline (In.) _ 2.000 Nlanninos "n" value for cutter and sidewalk = .013 Depth of flow = .604 (Ft.) Average Velocity = 2.74 (Ft./Sec.) WARNING: DEPTH OF FLOW EXCEEDS TOP OF CURE' Distance that curb overflow reaches into property is = 5.191 (Ft.) NOTE: DEPTH OF FL0W IS HIGHER THE STREET CROWN Streetflow Hydraulics . Hal f street Flow Width(Ft.) = 14.00 71ow Velocitv(Ft. /Sec.) = 2.91 Depth*Velocity = 1.76 Calculated flow rate of total street channel = 28.00 (CFS) Flow rate in nutter- = 2.91 (CFS) Velocity of flow in cutter and sidewalk area = 2.221 (Ft./Sec.) Average velocity of total street channel = 2.736 (Ft./Sec.) STREET FLOW CROSS SECTION NOTE: The following critical depth calculations are for: Channel 1 -.If STREET. property line to outside edie of gutter - If V-GUTTER, property line to start of V-Gutter Channe1.2 - STREET. outside edge of cutter to crown V-Gutter. An V-Gutter itself Channel 3 - V-Gutter-. 2nd half of street CRITICAL FLOW CALCULATIONS FOR CHANNEL NO. 1: Subchannel Critical Flow Top Width(Ft.) = 2.00 Subchannel Critical Flow Vel.ocitv(Ft./Sec.) _ 3.606 Subchannel Critical Flow Area(Sa. Ft.) = .81 Froude Number Calculated = 1.000 Subchannel Critical Depth above i nvert elevation = .487 CRITICAL FLOW CALCULATIONS FOR CHANNEL NO. 2: Subchannel Critical Flow Top Width(Ft.) = 12.00 • *****'** :; **** c*** ***** CHANNEL CROSS-SECTION PLOT **********; C**** * **g: Death of flow = .60 Feet ,= 'I14i1 HALF -STREET FLOI4 CROSS SECTION Critical depth for Channel No.1= .49 Feet Critical depth for Channel No.2= .58 Feet X (Feet) Y(Feet) Y-Axis-:• .0 .2 • CR ,co .4 .6 .00 .64 .70 .6.1 1.40 .61 2. 10 .60 2.90 .58 _.50 .57 4.20 .56 4.90 .54 5.60 .5=' 6.30 .51 7.00 .50 7.70 .06 8.40 .12 9.10 .17 9.90 .19 10.50 . 20 11.20 .21 11.90 .22 12.60 .24 1ti.30 ..�5 14.f 0 „27 14.70 .28 15.40 . 2'9 16.10 ,?1 16. 8 U 17.50 .34 18.20 .35 13.90 .36 19.60 . 38 21.00 .41 t 1 1 X t i V I t ,t 1 i X 1 i , i i i XW c i i X w i i i i X W , v W It X t i t 1 1 1 i X w 1 � 1 eV i , iv Li , 1 t h X i c W X i c ZtJ J X c W : I A CW t t i 1 X cW I I X c6+J I V c i1J i i X i cI,ti I 1 h 1 1 C-J t A 1 i {.- �J 1 X cW I I X I i c ((4..t4ii t X i 4V 1 1 ; 1 X r Y-J i i IM h 1 V :-J i IX i cW i X i L. Wi 1 1 X cW 1 X i r 1-J i -!--1-++++-4••i--t•-F+-I-+-h•-I--h-I--I-•i--}•-F•-h-I--F-++-1--k•-1••-h-l--t•+-h-l-•i-+-1--F•+•i•-t•+-I-••hi--t•+++•i-•t•+-F-h+•i-+-h-}•-f--ti._F-1- •i-•i••+-h•+-1••-l-+-F •i•• TRACT 15793 CATCH BASIN HYDRAULICS • • • -10 .8-�. -- 9 .7 .6 - - 7 F N. w 0 ti. z •5 - z w - — z - . w .4 - 2 a - w o -` O LL _ o _ a = ▪ r 4 • _ 0 = .3 - w .2 - 1 - .5 w ►-.4 <11 h J—.-- %cl`•3 O /r,o c 2 - .08 .06 — .05 - .04 — .03 I zs 6�s /" 7 ,1/' M.tQAI / al curb • L —'—^j 1 Surface of I h --r--------I•-- ▪ Local depression (a) ELEVATION pandit! .at.,‘I rs SECTION -10 - 8 - 6 o 0 . u. -4 UfLs- - o 3 -5 -4 -3 -2 ��- - 1.5 0 — Z ` . /.` • 00 ` w 1.0 • —o ,...0*Z - .8 w ►- 1.0 0. u. _ / 0 o - -.9 C_ - .6- -.8 - .7 -.6 •-5 — .4 - .3 -.2 NOMOGRAM -CAPACITY, CURB INLET AT SAG Plate 2.6-0651 .15 • • rA iFt! GRAPHIC SCALE ID ( 1st MIT ) 1i.t .r HYDROLOGY MAP TEN7APTIEVE TRACI No. 15793 LOT 2 OF TRACT 13611 MB 220 PG 1-4 10.93 NET (15.47 GROSS) ACRES JUIRUPA AVENUE z roi OS PH13 & ASSOCIATES, INC. 109 EAST HUNTINOTON DRIVE, - MONOFAG8J83019-144116a(91 a) 301-4410